27 Pages
6743 Words
Chapter 1: Introduction - The Role and Impact of Youth Participation in Politics
1.1 Background of the study
The youth participation is defined as involving the youth within the decision-making process for any particular type of event or any community. The youth participation includes providing the opportunity to youth for meeting the needs of the community by participating in group discussions and community meetings. The current study is based on Nigerian politics and the involvement of youth within it. Currently, the involvement of youth has increased to a great extent and as a result of this, the working of young people has increased (Youth participation and engagement explained, 2013). With the development of politics, the involvement of youth has increased to a great extent. Thus, it is very necessary for the political parties and regulatory bodies to ensure that they involve the youth at the time of discussion and decision-making process. This is pertaining to the fact that young people are more advanced and have new ideas and perspectives and this will help in improving the efficiency of the political working in a better manner. The current study will outline the discussion relating to the concept of youth participation and also its importance within the management of politics. Along with this, the evaluation of the different challenges will also be made so that the political involvement and discussion can be improved.
1.2 Research aim and objectives
The aim of the study is to evaluate the importance of the participation of youth in politics. A study on Nigeria.
Research objectives
- To develop an understanding relating to the concept of politics and youth participation.
- To examine the significance of youth participation within Nigerian politics.
- To analyse the different challenges which the youth of Nigeria will be facing while getting involved in politics.
- To recommend some of the suggestions to Nigerian youth to overcome the different challenges faced.
1.3 Research questions
- What is the concept of politics and youth participation?
- What is the significance of the participation of youth in Nigerian politics?
- What are the various challenges that Nigerian youth will be facing while participating within politics?
- What are some of the recommendations for improving youth participation in Nigerian politics?
1.4 Rationale of the study
The politics is defined as the activity which are performed by the people in order to attain and exercise power within the society or the country. It can also be referred to as the beliefs and values relating to the fact of how the company is working and operating. In the current competitive environment, it is very necessary for the country that they effectively manage its political activities. The reason for the selection of the current research topic is that youth involvement is more within the society and it is necessary for the political parties to include youth as well in the discussion (Weiss, 2020). The young population is large and it is very necessary for the country to undertake the views of them within the working. The young population is more advanced and acquainted with the latest changes and technology prevailing. Thus, this study will help the government in making proper decisions and the working of the country will be improved. In addition to this another reason for the selection of the current research topic is the personal and academic interest of the researcher.
1.5 Significance of the study
For the successful working of any of country, the most essential aspect is that the youth population is included within the working of the country. This is pertaining to the fact that when the views and working patterns of young people will be included within the practice then it will improve the working capability of the country. Also, young people have their own better and good way of working and as a result of this, the working efficiency is improved and new and innovative ways are identified for doing the work. Thus, the selection of youth for participating in Nigerian politics is of significance as it will help the government in developing a new and innovative style of working and will help in attaining the objectives of the government well.
Structure of A Dissertation
Chapter 1: Introduction
This is the introductory chapter of the dissertation which includes providing a brief overview of the research topic and aim and objectives of the study. This includes the rationale that is the reason for the selection of the research topic and its importance in the current competitive world.
Chapter 2: Literature Review
This is another chapter which includes the evaluation of the different scholarly articles and views of different authors relating to the research topic. It is very necessary for the researcher to have an in-depth discussion relating to the objectives of the study so that the aim can be attained well.
Chapter 3: Research Methodology
RM includes the evaluation of the different types of methods which are selected in order to attain the objectives of the study. There are different methods like qualitative or quantitative which can be used to complete the study. Thus, this chapter will discuss all the selected methods for the completion of the study.
Chapter 4: Data analysis & findings
This chapter includes the evaluation of the gathered data and findings from the secondary sources. This includes analysing the data gathered from secondary sources so that the objectives can be attained and the study can be accomplished.
Chapter 5: Evaluation
The evaluation chapter includes integrating the literature review with the findings. This is done in order to integrate the LR with the findings being gathered.
Chapter 6: Recommendations
This chapter includes providing recommendations for mitigating the challenges faced by the youth in political participation. Along with this, the recommendation for improving the research in future is also provided so that the next study can be improved well.
Chapter 7: Conclusion
This is the last chapter of the dissertation which includes the summarising of all the facts identified in the above chapters. This is very necessary for the successful completion of the study because in case a clear conclusion is not provided then it will affect the efficiency of the study to a great extent.
Chapter 2: Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
The literature review is defined as the piece of academic writing which includes discussing the knowledge relating to the research topic. For the study to be successful it is very necessary that all the objectives of the study are discussed so that deeper knowledge can be gathered with regards to the research topic. Thus, the current chapter will outline the discussion and views of different authors relating to the research topic.
2.2 Meaning of politics and youth participation
In the views of Thew, Middlemiss and Paavola, (2020) politics is referred to as the set of activities which are related to making different decisions in order to maintain the group working or the working of the country. Politics includes management of the working of the company and for this, some of the political parties are selected with the help of the election. These elected parties then manage the work of the whole country. Thus, for the effective working of the country, it is very necessary that youth participation is focused. This is pertaining to the fact that when young people are involved in political discussion it helps in making better and effective decisions. The reason underlying the fact is that young people are more talented and have knowledge relating to all the latest changes taking place in the external environment. Thus, it will help the government and the political parties to make effective decisions.
On the other side, Kitanova (2020) argued that civic engagement is very necessary for the development of social trust, values and democratic working. When young people are involved in political working and decision-making then this will result in much-improved work and as a result of this, the efficiency and working capability will be improved well. Thus, it is very necessary for the government of the country they effectively include the youth participation in the working. This is of utmost importance because of the reason that it will develop new and advanced ideas for working and will help the company to improve working efficiency. In addition to this, when the youth is involved in case of any crisis or emergency, quick decisions can be made and effective solutions can be provided for better working.
In support of this Barrett and Pachi, (2019) stated that when young people are included in the political issues and arrangements then it will provide better work. Hence, for this, it is necessary that these parties focus on youth engagement. Youth engagement is referred to as keeping young people engaged with the party and their work. The reason underlying the fact is that when the people will not be engaged then they will not be interested in the working of the party and the development of the country. Thus, for this, it is very necessary that political parties provide better opportunities to grow and develop. This is pertaining to the fact that when better opportunities are provided then this will keep the young people engaged and motivated to work better. Hence, as a result of this, the overall working will be improved and they will work in a better manner. Thus, when young people are included in political participation they provide for creative and innovative solutions to improve the performance and working patterns of political parties.
In against this, Literat and Kligler-Vilenchik, (2019) argues that undertaking the viewpoints of young people will help the political parties to improve working efficiency. The reason underlying the fact is that when the youth engagement is focused then as a result of this the overall performance and working pattern are improved. This in turn assists the political parties to improve their performance and try to manage the working of the country well. Also, youth participation is very important for making the decision-making process easier and this will in turn improve the working capability of the party and this ultimately improves the overall working of the whole country.
2.3 Importance of youth participation in politics
By evaluating the views of Ahmad and Sheikh, (2020) it is clear that youth participation is very important. This is pertaining to the fact that within the country, the young population is very high and when they are included in the decision-making, new and innovative ideas can be generated which will be helpful in making and managing the country well. When youth participation is promoted they have the opportunity to feel empowered and it implies that they play a crucial role in the development of themselves and the country as well. The reason underlying the fact is that when the young people are involved then it implies that new and advanced working patterns will be included. This is pertaining to the fact that when the young people are included then they have wider knowledge and this helps the other people as well to learn new and different things. Thus, when the new and advanced working is promoted then it improves the working efficiency of both the political party and the young people as well. Ultimately this results in improvement in the working capability and capacity of the whole country.
On the other side Shringarpure, (2022) argued that major importance of involving youth within the politics is that new ideas will be generated. This is pertaining to the fact that youth of the country is very active and this help the political parties to get latest ideas. In addition to this the young people are more energetic and passionate. Hence, in any of the crisis or in any emergency situation they can act effectively. Thus, young people will be more active while working as compared to the elder people. Hence, it is very necessary for the political parties to include the young participation so that new ideas can be generated for dealing with the problem. In addition to this thinking pattern and perspective of young people is different and modern. Hence when the young people will be included within the political participation then it will help the political parties to uplift the society and help the country to grow and develop. Also, this will uplift the society and its people along with the standard of living.
In support of this Kahne and Bowyer, (2019) states that the importance of including youth participation within the national development is that they will help in bringing positive changes and contribution to the society. This is particularly because of the reason that the youth is the one which things about themselves and the societal development. In addition to this, the young people are more opportunistic and identify the areas of development easily. Hence, this will help the political parties in order to uplift the society by implementing the ideas and suggestions being provided by the young people. Along with this, when the positive changes will be brought then it will ultimately result in development of the country. The citizens of the country will also be happy with the political decisions being taken and will support the political parties supporting youth participation. Moreover, the inclusion of youth participation within the political activity will definitely uplift the society and development. This is particularly because of the reason that young people thinking is modern and as a result of this all the decisions taken will be effective and implemented and proper and effective manner.
On the contradictory note SHUKHRAT argued that inclusion of young people within the political activities and elections is very necessary. This is particularly because of the reason that during the elections as well the youth participation can help the political party to win the elections. This is particularly because of the reason that the young people can influence the election results as well. For instance, majority of young population is supporting a particular political party. Then automatically the other people will also get attracted towards that party because there are large number of supporters who is supporting that particular political party. Thus, as a result of this it can result in the political party winning the elections. With this particular example it is clear that the young people can influence the views of other people easily and effectively. Hence, in case after the elections as well youth participation will help the political parties to solve the problem of other people and keep them happy and safe within the country. Along with this, in case the political party has to introduce any new aspect or policy within the working of the country then the youth participation will help them effectively implement that. This is particularly because of the reason that when the young population will communicate any new change then automatically it will be accepted by majority of the people and it will be successfully implemented.
In support of this Yingi, (2023) stated that the focus of youth participation will help the political parties to break the stereotype of dictatorship or any other kind of political region. This is particularly because of the reason that in the earlier times there was dictatorship of particular parties only. These particular parties only evaluated and ruled the country. Hence, after the youth participation, involvement the dictatorship will end and it will help the country to grow and develop. The youth participation will generate new ideas and new leadership will be developed with help of the younger generation. Thus, as a result of this the earlier forceful dictatorial leaders will be removed and helpful young people will be participating within the political working of the country. Hence, as a result of this the overall development of the country will take place as there will not be any dictatorship and also the people will be supportive towards the young leader. Thus, as a result of this, the working of the country will be on track and will be on direction of development.
Bañales and et.al., (2021) argued that fostering over future cross party corporation and collaboration will be enjoyed when the youth participation will be focused by the political parties. This is particularly because of the reason that the young people are much cooperative and collaborative. Hence when the young people will be included within the political working then it will result in better working and collaboration with other parties. When the young people will be involved within the political working then it will result in improve the team working and as a result of this the objectives will be attained well. This is particularly because of the reason that when work will be accomplished within team then it will help the political parties to attain the objectives well. Thus, as a result of this overall working efficiency will be improved and the objectives will be attained easily.
In addition to this Ida, Saud and Mashud (2020) criticised the fact that when youth participation will be included then as a result of this, the working efficiency of the existing workforce will improve. This is particularly because of the reason that when the new and active people will be included within the workforce then it will motivate the existing employees to work effectively. Similarly within the political party as well the existing people will be working efficiently in order to complete with the new people. Hence, as a result of this the efficiency of the overall political party will be improved. This ultimately will result in overall development of the country as the political party works in direction of improving the state of the country. Thus, inclusion of youth participation within the political parties will be beneficial and the significant and order to improve the overall development of the country.
In support of this Bañales and et.al., (2021) states that when the youth participation is included then it results in quality formal and informal education being promoted within the political parties. This is particularly because of the reason that the young population is highly educated and well trained. Thus, as a result of this they are in position to train others as well. Along with this, when the young people are hired within the political party then it includes implementation of new and advance ways of working. Hence, as a result of this the overall working capability of the political party is improved. In addition to this, the new and young people try to find better solutions for the solving of the problem. Along with this, when any of the crisis is faced by the country or the political party then instant solutions can be provided by the younger generation. On the other hand the older people are not that active and as a result of this they are not in position to identify solution to the problems.
2.4 Challenges faced while participating in politics by young people
In the views of Anyiwo and et.al., (2020) it is clear that the youth participation is high within the country but it also creates some of the challenges as well. This is particularly because of the reason that when the youth are involved it includes many different types of issues and these create challenges in working in the country. The major challenge faced by the youth participation is that because of this the employment is affected to a great extent. This is particularly because of the reason that when the youth are involved in politics then this will reduce the employment within the external environment. This is pertaining to the fact that when the young people will be working more in politics as a result of this the employment within the country will be reduced. The reason underlying this fact is that when people indulge in political activities it will result in reducing interest in their job. Thus, as a result of this, the level of employment within the country will be reduced and it will be affecting the efficiency of the economy.
On the other hand, Fakih, Haimoun and Kassem, (2020) argued that another challenge being faced by increased youth participation in politics includes conflict of interest. This is a major challenge for the reason that when young and old people work together there is a lot of conflict. This is pertaining to the fact that when different people work together their thinking and perspective do not match. Thus, as a result of this, the clashes take place among the people and it affects the working efficiency of the whole team. The reason underlying the fact is that the mentality this result in differences within the thinking capability of the person. For instance, a young person of the political party presented a valid point for the development of the country. But this was not liked by the other people present in the discussion. The idea was good but the elder person was not able to accept the fact that a young person can provide a valid and good suggestion. Thus, in order to defame the younger person, the elder person objects and disagrees with the fact. Hence, as a result of this, clashes within the working and making of the strategy occur and this affects the overall development of the country and the working of the political party.
In support of this, Mohamed, (2020) emphasised the fact that the major challenge in improving youth participation is the attitude and perception of the people. The attitude of the current generation that is youth is much different from the elder people. Hence, as a result of this, the working of the political party might be affected to a great extent. This is pertaining to the fact that all young people think rationally and take immediate action without thinking much. But in against this, the older generation takes time and evaluate the decision and then only finalise the decision. They first critically evaluate the strategy that is the benefits and drawbacks of the strategy will be discussed and then will decide whether the new decision needs to be taken or not. On the other hand, younger people believe that an instant decision needs to be taken so that time will be saved and this can be used in meeting other requirements of the working of political parties.
By the evaluation of the work of Bowman, (2019) another major challenge which can impact youth participation is the unanticipated changes. The environment is very dynamic and this keeps on changing very frequently. Hence, it can affect the working of the youth participation to a great extent. This is particularly for the reason that when some unwanted changes take place within the external environment then it affects the working of the country and political party to a great extent. This also affects the working of the people as they will have to find ways of dealing with the situation and how the impact of these changes will be affected. Furthermore, there might be a situation wherein there will be a high turnover rate among young people. This is pertaining to the fact that these frequent changes within the external environment might affect the working of such people. The reason underlying the fact is that many times young people are not adaptive to changes and as a result of this they leave the party. Hence, this is a major challenge for the reason that it will affect the working of the political party to a great extent.
On a contradictory note, Gonzalez and et.al., (2020) argued that another challenge which is faced due to youth participation is that sometimes cultural issues can affect the working of the country and the decisions of political parties. This is pertaining to the fact that when people work together it involves different types of cultural values and types. Thus, during the work, all this needs to be undertaken because in case cultural values are not considered then it will affect the working of the political party to a great extent. The political parties include people coming from diverse cultures and backgrounds and this affects the working of the country to a great extent. The reason underlying the fact is that these differences in cultural values include many changes and as a result of this the working is being affected to a great extent. Furthermore, these cultural differences create a negative impact on the working of the youth within the political party. The reason underlying the fact is that the difference within culture creates a negative impact on the working of the country and as a result of this, the performance is affected negatively.
In support of this Celermajer and et.al., (2022) stated that many times, the geographical barriers also affect the working of the youth participation within the politics. This is pertaining to the fact that all the different types of areas where the political parties have to perform their task. Thus, as a result of this, it can create a challenge for the young people to determine how effectively they can handle the situations which can help the other people to manage the issues well. Along with this, the people have to travel to many different places within the city in order to ensure that all the problems are solved well. Hence young people need to travel and it poses a challenge to the person because it results in the involvement of more time and also the cost will be increased. This is pertaining to the fact that when the focus is led on different types of the geographical areas then it will be affecting the efficiency of the business and the political parties to a great extent.
In against this, Baber (2020) argued that the financial resources and security is another challenge which will be affecting the efficiency of the young people is usage of financial resource and the security. The financial resources are very less and scarce and it is the responsibility of the youth that they must effectively utilise the financial resources. But as there are two generation working together so it includes clashes among both generations and this results in delayed working and decision making. Along with this when there will be clashes among the people working in political parties then it will be affecting the efficiency and decision making will be low. Hence, as a result of this, the efficiency of the youth will be affected and there might be fighting over the fact that the limited resources need to be used in such a manner the optimum work can be done. Also, there are conflicts among the young and older generations that how the funds will be raised. This is pertaining to the fact that young people have many different modern options of financing like angel financing, venture capital and many others. However, the older people within the political party does not trust the other sources and they only prefer bank or any other financial institution only.
Along with this Kitanova, (2020) another challenge relating to the youth participation includes diversity and changes. Within the external environment it is very diverse and there are frequent changes taking place. Hence it is very necessary for the youth and the other political parties to adapt to all these changes effectively. In case the political party includes only the elder people then it will be difficult to adapt to all the changes effectively. Thus, it will be affecting the working of the political parties and as a result of this the objectives will not be met. Hence, it is very necessary for the youth to participate within the political events. This is particularly because of the reason that when any change will be there then it will be adapted easily as the younger people know well that how they have to deal with such situations. Thus, it is very necessary for the political parties to include the youth within the working and involvement. In against of this, the elder people are not much effective in adapting to the new changes well.
The above analysis concluded the fact that youth participation is very necessary for the effective working of the company. The reason underlying the fact is that youth participation includes different ideas and development of the new working patterns. Further, it also inferred that youth participation is very important and significant in managing political activities. The importance outlined included having a new way of working, they are more adaptable to changes and other benefits. Along with these benefits, there are some of the challenges as well which are faced by the youth participation in politics. These challenges included differences in culture, attitude, working patterns and many other different changes.
Chapter 3: Research Methodology
3.1 Introduction
Research methods are defined as the different types of ways through which data can be collected and evaluated in order to attain the aim and objectives of the study. It is very necessary for the researcher that they must try to select the appropriate research methods so that the objectives of the study can be attained well. The current chapter will outline all the different methods selected for the completion of the study along with the justification for their selection.
3.2 Research Type
The type of research is defined as the way through which the whole study will be designed in order to attain the objectives of the study. In general, there are two different ways through which research can be accomplished that is qualitative and quantitative research type. The former type of research is the one which includes the work expressed within words. On the other side, the latter includes the evaluation of the research which can be expressed in the numeric format. The use of qualitative research is undertaken in order to understand some of the concepts or the experience in order to attain the objectives of the study (Lê and Schmid, 2022). Against this, the quantitative study is undertaken in order to use some quantitative tests for confirming the theories present and to attain the objective of the study. In order to evaluate the importance of youth participation in Nigerian politics, the use of qualitative study is undertaken. The reason for the selection of qualitative study is that it helps the scholar in outlining the in-depth analysis of the research topic so that objectives can be attained well. In addition to this, the use of the qualitative method will also help the researcher in identifying the importance and also understand all the concepts relating to the research topic.
3.3 Research Approach
The approach of the research is referred to as the procedure which is used by the researcher for the collection and analysis of the data. It is very necessary for the researcher that they effectively comply with the appropriate research approach so that the work can be managed well. Inductive and deductive are the two approaches from which the researcher can select to attain the objectives of the business. The inductive approach includes setting up of aim and objective for the study relating to the topic of research. On the other hand, the deductive approach is the one which includes setting up of hypothesis relating to the research topic (Luo and et.al., 2022). For the successful evaluation of the importance of youth participation in Nigerian politics, the use of an inductive approach is selected. The reason underlying the fact is that it helps in setting up the aim and objectives relating to the study and this guides the researcher to attain the objectives well. Along with this another reason for the selection of the inductive approach is that it helps in identifying the different patterns and relations among the variables of the study.
3.4 Research Philosophy
The philosophy of the research is referred to as the beliefs and values on the basis of which any of the methods relating to research are selected. For the study to be successful it is very necessary that appropriate methods are selected so that research can be undertaken successfully. Interpretivism and positivism are the two different philosophies from which the researcher can select in order to accomplish the objectives of the study. Interpretivism is a type of philosophy in which the study is directed on the basis of social beliefs, norms and the values of the culture (McGill and et.al., 2021). On the other side, positivism is the philosophy which is based on some of the scientific study and basis. For the study to be successful it is very necessary for the researcher that they effectively select the philosophy so that the objectives of the study can be attained well. Interpretivism philosophy is selected in order to evaluate the importance of youth participation within the political environment of Nigeria. This particular philosophy is selected for the attainment of the objective of current research because interpretivism is more suitable in the case of qualitative study.
3.5 Data Collection
Data Collection is defined as the gathering of data relating to the research topic for the study to be successful it is very necessary that effective and relevant data is being get out relating to the study. This is particularly necessary because the whole research is based over the data only. In case the data or gather does not appropriate then the objectives will not be attend. The data can be gathered from two different sources that is primary and secondary. The primary source is the one from where the first hand information is gathered relating to the research topic (Bougie and Sekaran 2019). Only secondary source of data includes see analysis of books journals articles and other quality articles. In order to evaluate the importance of youth participation within Nigerian politics be use of secondary source has been used in order to gather the data. The use of secondary source has been undertaken in order to evaluate the different importance and challenges of youth participation within the politics in Nigeria.
3.6 Data Analysis
Data analysis is referred to ask the evaluation of the collected data in order to attend the objectives of the study. Only collection of the data is not enough rather it needs to be analysed effectively so that the objective of the study can be met. The evaluation of the data can be taken place with help of two different methods that is using thematic analysis and other is making use of SPSS. The thematic analysis is a type of evaluation technique in which the researcher frame different themes relating to the objectives of the study and then evaluates it with help of the data gathered. On the other hand, the SPSS is a tool which helps the researcher in applying different test and numerically proving the hypothesis correct. Thus, in the present case of evaluating the importance of youth participation within the Nigerian politics the use of thematic analysis is undertaken (Liamputtong, 2020). The use of a thematic analysis is made by the researcher as it will help them in developing knowledge relating to the objectives of the study. In addition to this all the secondary data gathered will be evaluated with regards to the Nigerian politics and the objective will be met easily. Another reason for the selection of the thematic analysis tool is that with regards to the secondary study, the use of making themes and then evaluating the data will be helpful. The reason behind this fact is that the use of themes will help the researcher in segregating the different objectives and evaluating the same in order to attain them effectively.
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Youth participation and engagement explained. 2013. [Online]. Available through: < 3eb46242aad791aefa762d89a01f631aa5c09f1c73c3bae55df33bcaaa769c33caeea5adbc48>