Women Knowledge And Contraceptive Pill Assignment Sample

Exploring Women's Knowledge and Usage of Contraceptive Pills: An In-Depth Assignment Analysis

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Introduction Of Women's Knowledge, Perception, and Opinion On Current Oral Contraceptive Pill

The oral contraceptive pill (OCP), is the medical pill that helps to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Study shows that misconceptions and inadequate knowledge about. OCP are common, which can lead to incorrect use, non-adherence, and ineffective contraception. Understanding women knowledge, perceptions, and opinions on current oral contraceptive pills is vital for improving reproductive healthcare outcomes. This research highlights the importance of addressing knowledge gaps, exploring perceptions and attitudes, identifying factors affecting oral contraceptive pill use, and enhancing communication between healthcare providers and patients.

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Background of the study

The oral contraceptive pills contain different types of hormonal medicines with this pills that are consumed by mouth. This is used to prevent pregnancy and currently, these pills are filled with “combined estrogen-progesterone" which is for using the pills for a long time (ncbi, 2022). Both hormones suppress ovulation, or the release of an egg during a woman's menstrual cycle. They accomplish this by altering the body's normal hormone production levels. Progestins also thicken and make sticky the mucus that surrounds a woman's cervix. As a result, sperm cannot enter the uterus. This required understanding the current view on the pills by the women is important which includes the attitude and behaviour towards this method of contraception. As per the opinion of Key et al. (2023), there have been certain challenges that have been observed in accessing contraception among different races of women. The lack of availability of the pills also plays an important part in understanding of the knowledge and perception of the contraceptive pills by the women. The first generation contraceptive includes progestins which result in breakthrough bleeding and has lower potentiality. Second generation progestins have longer half-life, while third generation progestins have higher potency, however effects like in endrogen is low.

Types of contraceptive pills that are available are: extended or continuous pills, progesterone-only and combined estrogen-progesterone. According to the information of statista.com (2023), there are different groups of women that can avail the pills through the "over the counter" which means there is exposure to contraception. This can be stated that there are visits to the medical facility that can be avoided through the consumption of these pills along with the knowledge of the contraceptive gaps.

The usefulness of the pills and the restriction can be seen in figure 1.1 as there are differences between the developed countries and developing countries. There are various rules and regulations that are established in different countries on the basis of age and cultural differences but there has been slowly decreasing in the gaps that have been observed in the maps throughout the world (sciencedirect, 2023).

Research rationale

Frequent use of the OCPs in women nowadays is a major problem. This occurs to a lack of knowledge in women. As per the view of Gurvich et al. (2020), oral contraceptive pills have been a significant development in women's reproductive healthcare, providing a reliable and reversible method of preventing unintended pregnancies at a given period of time use it. This research rationale aims to outline the importance of investigating women perspectives on Oral contraceptive pills, highlighting the potential implications for healthcare providers, policymakers, and women's reproductive health outcomes worldwide.

There is a lack of educational understanding regarding women's knowledge of Oral contraceptive pills (Anderl et al. 2020).

Figure 1.1: Information on the Oral contraceptive pills

Information on the Oral contraceptive pills

The above graph shows that misconceptions and inadequate knowledge about Oral contraceptive pills is common, which can lead to incorrect use, non-adherence, and ineffective contraception. Studying women's knowledge of Oral contraceptive pills living with families have major knowledge gaps with 52.1% while knowledge gap is less among physician with 13.2% (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, 2023). Specific areas of misinformation or knowledge gaps that require targeted education and awareness campaigns.

What is an issue of the current time

Women's perceptions and attitudes toward Oral contraceptive pills play a significant role in their acceptance, adherence, and continuation of usage of Oral contraceptive pills in the UK. As per the viewpoint of Hampson et al. (2022), research regarding factors such as effectiveness, side effects, convenience, and perceived risks, how those factors influence decision making of uses of the Oral contraceptive pills. Thus, the study indicated abdominal cramping, headaches and breakthrough are the side effects and concerned. Oral contraceptive pills have been a significant development in women's reproductive healthcare, providing a reliable and reversible method of preventing unintended pregnancies at a given period of time use it. Identifying common concerns, misconceptions, or negative perceptions can guide healthcare providers in the medical industry this may help to reduce the issue surrounding the use of these Oral contraceptive pills.

Reason of issue

Various socio-cultural, demographic, and personal factors may impact women's use of Oral contraceptive pills in the UK (Enea et al. 2021). Research suggests that factors such as age, education level, cultural beliefs, access to healthcare, and socioeconomic status can influence women's decision-making to use or discontinue Oral contraceptive pills. Important of understanding these factors will help identify barriers and facilitators to Oral contraceptive pills use, enhancing the education on women's health is very crucial in the medical field. Effective communication between healthcare providers and patients is important for informed decision-making and patient-centred care. As per the opinion of Cauci, et al. (2021), regarding women's opinions and preferences regarding Oral contraceptive pills, this research can inform healthcare providers about the specific needs and concerns of their patients. This knowledge can help facilitate open and supportive discussions, allowing healthcare providers to address the individual preferences of women, these needs to affect the decision-making process of women.

As per the statement of Prachi et al. (2019), women knowledge, perceptions, and opinions on Analysis of this study about the areas that require attention, such as improving access to comprehensive contraceptive education, increasing availability of affordable options, or addressing specific concerns related to side effects or safety of women using this kind of sensitive medicine (Enea et al. 2021). This study or research improves contraceptive services and enhances women's reproductive health outcomes (Assadpour et al. 2020). Research can contribute to the development of effective interventions that promote informed to take the decision to improve, and ultimately empower women in managing their reproductive health.

Significance of research

The research study is stated to be of significance that can help understand the efficiency and importance of contraceptive pills in today's generation (Anderl et al. 2020). The most important part of the research study is the implementation of contraceptive pills and how women perceive the use of the pills. The research indicates the attitude, knowledge, and past experience with the pills and the pattern of use among the different ages of women. The current study denotes the role of the "oral contraceptive pills" that can control fertility and other circumstances along with awareness (Jacob et al. 2022). The researcher has focused on the opinion and knowledge of the younger women along with different types of methods that are aligned with the implementation of the pills. There is the impact of these pills that have on the different choices that were previously used that are compared with this new method.

Comparative Analysis from Scholarly Articles

Clinicians require to evaluate necessarily the power systems intrinsic to their training while delivering woman-concentrating, "evidence-based contraceptive education". As mentioned by Geampana (2019), women's negative encounters with "oral contraceptive pills" highlight harmful side effects and comprehend the dangers of hormonal contraception along with advocating for transformations in healthiness risk contact and pharmaceutical drug regulation. Bleeding during contraceptive consumption, bloating, nausea and high blood pressure are some of the examples of harmful side effects. Based on the interviews conducted for this research the interviewees mentioned thatdid not sense they obtained adequate information previous to beginning their "new drug regimen" nor did they assume that pregnancy chances should be utilised as a "comparison point for placing hormonal contraceptive risk" into view (Alameer et al. 2022).

Figure 1.2: Reasons behind preferring oral contraceptive pills

Reasons behind preferring "oral contraceptive pills

The above figure indicates reasons for preferring oral contraceptive pills in which 83.7% believes the ease of use of such pills. However, availability and effectiveness for such pills stands at 84.4% and 72.6%, which indicates there is higher availability of pills, while effectiveness and suitability (42.7%) for each women is low. Further, safety gets 45.8%, ensuring that all contraceptives are not safe to use. The "oral contraceptive pill (OCP)" is considered to be the most influential technique of contraception, as contraception can be regarded as the most popular methodology to control family planning. Comparatively, based on the opinions of Alameer et al. (2022), women in Saudi Arabia projected adequate understanding and a favourable perspective towards OCP, agreeing on the same is the best method compared to other alternative contraceptive techniques.Based on the suggestions of Hallberg and Salimi (2020), this investigation demonstrates that perspective, knowledge, and primary understanding of OCP hold no substantial outcome on the use design of OCP among women with relatively "high socioeconomic status".

While investigating the state of young women's minds concerning contraception systems and contraceptive pills a decline in the utilisation of various contraception methods was identified showing a lack of significant knowledge, due to lack of usage of OCPs among women. As per the opinions of Alspaugh et al. (2020), along with this, an increase in negative aspects regarding oral contraception emerged when a survey conducted in Germany highlighted that universities and schools. However, by providing knowledge on the importance of OCPs and its right usage guided by gynaecologists can help to decrease the negative consequences. In this case, as identified by Vieth et al. (2022), a sense of uncertainty, rather than designated hypotheses assembled from uncultivated sources influences perception concerning oral contraceptives as well as confidence toward 80% of the gynaecologists adversely. Therefore it can be stated from the comparative analysis that educators and gynaecologists significantly require in leveraging the conditions of efforts thereby meeting all potential requirements to discuss various uncertainties. This will be successfully optimised for further prevention of losses in confidence for women regarding contraception and consumption of pills.

Research Aim and Objectives


The aim of this research study is to analyze women's knowledge, perception, experience, and current use of the oral contraceptive pill.


Objectives of this research are given below:

  • To identify different types of oral contraception consumed among women.
  • To understand the opinion of the women who use oral contraception.
  • To gain knowledge on the positive and negative side effects produced by oral contraceptive use.
  • To analyze the perception of women and understanding of the contraceptive pill and the availability of relatable information readily.

Research questions

  • Are you currently using any form of contraception? If yes, which of the below options are you currently using?
  • Would you recommend your current contraceptive method to another person?
  • Do you want to switch to another type of contraception? If yes, which type of method would you want to use and why?
  • Have you previously used other methods of contraception? If yes, which of the below option you have used (Tick all that apply)
  • If you are currently, or have ever used the female contraceptive pill, whichof the below methods did you use?
  • What is the of your current or previous oral contraceptive pill? (not
  • applicable for those who have not used it)
  • Have you ever received family planning information?
  • What was your age when you first heard about the oral contraceptive pill?
  • Has your experience using the oral contraceptive pill been?
  • Do you think the contraceptive pill is safe?
  • What are the criteria you would use when choosing a contraceptive method?
  • Do you think that information about the current oral contraceptive pill is readily available?
  • Do you think you need more guidance or information about the contraceptive pill? If yes, what specific information do you want?
  • Are there any comments/thoughts or opinions would you like to make based on the above questions and answers?

Chapter 2: Methods

Research Philosophy

This research focuses on women perspectives and conceptions regarding "oral contraceptive pills" and the philosophical perspective helped lead in making choices application on the objective, design and methods, resulting in viable data investigation and interpretations.

There are diverse varieties of research philosophies ly, positivist, Interpretivism, pragmatist and realistic philosophies. Of this, researchers had chosen the "positivist research philosophy" which claims the sociable world requires to be understood objectively. As noted by Alharahsheh and Pius (2020), the positivist philosophy assesses science based on objective analysis based on which the assumption is dissociated from personal perspectives thereby working individually. In this research, therefore the positivism philosophy had justifiably gained factual knowledge via observation which was later measured to formulate a synopsis of OCP conceptions in women currently.

Figure 3.1: Categories and types in Research methods

Categories and types in Research methods

Research design

The "descriptive research methods" primarily used survey analysis for observing the participants' behaviours, phenomena and patterns while analysing women's opinions regarding contraception pills and their impact on health conditions after consuming them orally (Mukherjee, 2019).

Data collection methodology

The research results are formulated based on the collection of relevant data sources that are reliable for the compositing of answers against research questions and fulfilling the research objectives. In research, data can get collected in 3 specific manners ly, "primary, secondary and mixed" manners. Here, the research utilised mixed methods for proceeding with research where the primary study involved seeking primary findings from survey answers where 50 women participants were selected after agreeing on their consent forms. Consent form has been taken from university website which has been distributed through email to the respondents. It contained the participation clauses and options provided to the participants on how they will be questions. Confirmation on anonymity and their voluntary participation was mentioned. If they wanted to withdraw their from participation, they would have to mail. They had to tick mark the options where they agreed and this ensured voluntary participation.

In this case, online questionnaires included a Google form containing a wider range of relatable questions for the development of research topic analysis (docs.google, 2023). The survey questions were included with both open-ended as well as close-ended questions asked by the researchers which helped in better understanding about the current circumstances and derive the actual notion of women regarding the consumption process of oral contraceptive pills. As per the suggestions of Mazhar et al. (2021), primary data can get collected directly from observations who in real circumstances experience the research problems and issue that is trying to be solved in a study. Therefore, more reliable and accurate data is derived from surveys on women regarding conceptions of oral contraception and its relatable perspectives and notions.

One type of secrecy is anonymity, which involves the concealment of participants' identity. However, maintaining participant confidentiality also entails keeping their comments discreet, which can only be done if researchers decide not to publish certain data. Data Protection Act, 2018 has been used to maintain personal information and confidentiality of participants. This act was used to protect information such as age. Participation information form included age of the participants and further research information has been provided in the information sheet. Participants were required to provide ID, first questions included their age then questionnaires were created based on objectives. Data has been analysed through excel and SPSS in which ANOVA and T-test were performed.

The questions asked in the survey focus on:

  • Is the process of oral contraception common among women?
  • What are the different types of contraception techniques applied?
  • Is the procedure for oral contraception recommendable to others?
  • Do women prefer switching to other preventive measures apart from oral contraception?
  • If women prefer using other formats besides oral contraception, what is the reason behind this?
  • Before undertaking the research survey whether the respondents used contraceptive methods?
  • If yes, what are the undertaken contraception methodologies?
  • If the respondents use the women contraceptive pill, what kind of methods did they use?
  • Are the women aware of "family planning information"?
  • What was the time when the respondents first heard about contraception?
  • How have experiences regarding using contraceptive methods been?
  • What is the women opinion regarding the safety of using oral contraceptive pills?
  • What are the criteria while choosing the methods when using contraception?
  • Is information regarding current oral contraception pills readily available to consumers?
  • Do consumers need more guidance regarding consuming oral contraception and what are they?
  • What are the thoughts regarding the survey questions asked of the respondents?

Data analysis methodology

Here, in this research, the primary data sources were analysed using qualitative methods. The quantitative approach was assessed for the conduction of the research investigation. Quantitative research can be considered to be a scientific practice that implicates collecting and investigating visual along with measurable data for the investigation of distinguishing questions connected to an individual "group of people" (Ali et al. 2021). The quantitative data was interpreted utilising statistical testing techniques to choose any significant discrepancies between replies with a likert scale. Tests such as ANOVA, t-test have been provided for analysing the results collected and evaluating the variables. These tests were calculated and presented in Software such as Microsoft excel and SPSS. Therefore, derivation of various relevant quantifiable information was derived based on which mathematical calculations along with statistical analysis were conducted on the creation of real-life decisions.

Consent process

As the research findings were based on the conduction of a primary study it was required to access a distinctive consent process from the participation on online surveys. Here, in this study, researchers used an "informed consent process". The "informed consent process" is the authorised authorisation that is demanded to be marked by the observance that is vigorously exploited by the investigator to carry permission before applying the participants within the survey or any analysis that is being researched (Hariri et al. 2022). In this research, the participants were supplied with an "informed consent form" where the topic of this study was critically mentioned consequently, the informed consent was surrendered to the "University for Keeping Records" because the survey contained seeking personal information such as , gender, and age.

Ethical considerations

The primary study contained data collected from reliable data sources from conducting online surveys where considerations under the "Data Protection Act" was subjected. This research was critically subjected to institutional permission along with concern by the "local research ethics committee" following the realisation of standards online. The "participant information sheet, participant consent form, questionnaire and participant withdrawal form" was created in Microsoft word. In these forms, the participants are unrestricted to participate, report along with remain secure while filling out questionnaires, all the information sheets and writing consent forms. Along with this, receiving consent before participating was also mentioned in the beginning of the survey within Google forms. The primary ethical considerations within this research mention "anonymity, confidentiality and sensitivity of the information". Anonymity, as well as confidentiality, was therefore mentioned to be protected by participants by making an uncommon identifier to finish the questionnaire. All the responses collected were secured using strong passwords and kept within the University database which was only accessed by the researchers and invigilators.



The questionnaires were open to the respondents until the 1st week of August from 2nd last week of July.


Quantitative Data Analysis

Survey from Google form

The quantitative analysis of the research findings has been focusing on the research aim of analysing "women's knowledge, perception, experience, and current use of the oral contraceptive pill" by enquiring the respondents an array of relevant questions.

  • Question 1 : Analysing the primary question from the survey focused on the usage of current use of contraception forms by the respondents who answered that 72.5% and 27.5% responses (n=51) were drawn "yes" and "no" respectively
  • Question 2: Respondents answering "yes" were further enquired regarding the diversified options used currently by the respondents where the majority of answers, 39.6% were projected for using the male condom followed by 33.3% responding using the "women contraceptive pill". 14.6% of responses were generated for using "intra uterine/IUD/Coil", 10.4% used women condoms and the remaining responses were projected for withdrawal methods (n=48) .
  • Question 3: Respondents were enquired whether they would recommend using the "current contraceptive method" to others highlighting that 66% responded "yes" and 34% responded "no" (n=50).
  • Question 4: When the survey asked respondents if they wished to switch to any other methods of contraception, based on which the respondents answered "no" (74%) and "yes" (26%) (n=50).
  • Question 5: For the respondents who answered "yes" in the previous question 4, the alternative types of methods used highlighted 28.6% responded for women contraception thereby gaining the maximum popularity (n=14).
  • Question 6: The survey asked the question to the respondents whether or not they had used any sort of contraception methods before participating in the survey where 76.5% answered "yes" and the rest 23.5% answered "no" (n=51).
  • Question 7: Depending on the answer to question 6, as mentioned above when the survey asked respondents regarding the type of contraception they used before it was identified that almost 61.4% or 27 out of 44 responses mentioned using male condoms. Following this 7 out of 44 (15.9%) answered using "women contraceptive pills" and using women condoms was also popular generating 13.6% responses. Other notable responses derived highlighted contraceptive injection, women implant (2.3%), withdrawal method (4.5%), "morning after pill" (2.3%), "fertility awareness method" (6.8%) and 0% (n=44).
  • Question 8: In gaining better insights into women usage of contraceptive methods the respondents were asked regarding current methods used which outlined 22.4% using the "combined oral contraceptive pill" having progesterone and oestrogen. 12.2% of respondents used the "progesterone pill" and others responded to using both methods. However, surprisingly the majority of responses (61.2%) did not utilise any contraceptive pill method (n=49).
  • Question 9: The respondents who answered "yes" to the current usage of the "oral contraceptive pills" were almost equal methods such as CILEST, combined pills, I-pill and a few more were used. From this 10% of responses were generated for answers "no" and "Yasmin" (n=20).
  • Question 10: The respondents were asked moreover regarding their notions about obtaining family planning and the survey responses highlighted that 54.9% responded were granted "yes" and the remaining 45.1% responded "no" (n=51).
  • Question 11: The experiences regarding the utilisation of "oral contraceptive pills" the respondents mentioned that 49% responded to encountering positive experiences, 22.4% responded to encountering neutral experiences0and the remaining 28.6% expressed not using any "oral contraceptive pill". However, it is notable that no respondents answered to encounter any negative experiences (n=49).
  • Question 12: The researchers seek to derive results to highlight whether contraceptive pills are safe to consume or not, in this case, 76% of respondents answered "yes" and the remaining 24% answered "no" (n=50).
  • Question 13: When choosing any sort of contraception method the criteria that were specifically mentioned hereby noted that the maximum response was generated for ist Safety attribute (73.5%). 16.3% of respondents answered that choosing the contraceptive methods was advised by any health personality, the remaining answers derived were for the contraception method being convenient, "no criteria" and others (n=49).
  • Question 14: At the time when the respondents were asked in the survey whether they thought that information regarding the "current contraceptive pill" to be available readily where 55.1% responded "yes" and the remaining 44.9% responded "no". Nevertheless, this response difference was marginal (n=49).
  • Question 15: The survey asked the respondents regarding the fact that whether the individuals required additional guidance concerning the conception of using contraception methods and consuming pills. In this case, 51% of respondents agreed with this fact on the contrary, 49% responded "no", where the marginal differences between the responses were marginal. Therefore, the requirement for supplemental information to use the contraception methodologies is essential for a few individuals however for the rest their cognitive knowledge and conceptions of contraception conceptualities were enough (n=49).

Survey result valuation using statistical test

ANOVA Test and use of P value

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
If yes, which of the below options are you currently using? Between Groups 178.410 1 178.410 184.916 .000
Within Groups 47.276 49 .965
Total 225.686 50
Would you recommend your current contraceptive method to anotherperson? Between Groups 7.597 1 7.597 86.086 .000
Within Groups 4.324 49 .088
Total 11.922 50
Do you want to switch to another type of contraception? Between Groups 10.157 1 10.157 . .
Within Groups .000 49 .000
Total 10.157 50
If yes, which type of method would you want to use and why? Between Groups 60.095 1 60.095 108.735 .000
Within Groups 27.081 49 .553
Total 87.176 50
Have you previously used other methods of contraception? Between Groups 7.462 1 7.462 213.294 .000
Within Groups 1.714 49 .035
Total 9.176 50
If yes, which of the below option you have used Between Groups 321.204 1 321.204 421.007 .000
Within Groups 37.384 49 .763
Total 358.588 50
If you are currently, or have ever used the women contraceptive pill, whichof the below methods did you use? Between Groups 32.880 1 32.880 30.923 .000
Within Groups 52.100 49 1.063
Total 84.980 50
What is the of your current or previous oral contraceptive pill? Between Groups 6.934 1 6.934 1.125 .294
Within Groups 302.046 49 6.164
Total 308.980 50
Have you ever received family planning information? Between Groups 5.817 1 5.817 41.847 .000
Within Groups 6.811 49 .139
Total 12.627 50
What was your age when you first heard about the oral contraceptive pill? Between Groups 24.226 1 24.226 141.292 .000
Within Groups 8.402 49 .171
Total 32.627 50
Has your experience using the oral contraceptive pill? Between Groups 72.715 1 72.715 439.444 .000
Within Groups 8.108 49 .165
Total 80.824 50
Do you think the contraceptive pill is safe? Between Groups 6.270 1 6.270 130.346 .000
Within Groups 2.357 49 .048
Total 8.627 50
What are the criteria you would use when choosing a contraceptivemethod? Between Groups 91.412 1 91.412 223.959 .000
Within Groups 20.000 49 .408
Total 111.412 50
Do you think that information about the current oral contraceptive pill is readily available? Between Groups 5.817 1 5.817 41.847 .000
Within Groups 6.811 49 .139
Total 12.627 50
Do you think you need more guidance or information about the contraceptive pill Between Groups 5.015 1 5.015 31.793 .000
Within Groups 7.730 49 .158”
Total 12.745 50

Figure 3.16: ANOVA Test and significance level to reflect P-value

The valuation of the significance level is significant for each question except the 8th number question where the of current and previous contraceptive pills has been asked. The P-value for the stated question is analyzed as .294 which is also greater than 0.05. The analyzed P-value in the Anova test has effectively helped to reflect the proper significance level in a defined and appropriate way. On the other hand, the valuation of the F-ratio in the ANOVA test is the other significant range which makes an implication on the improvement in the prediction of the variables. It is required that the value for F-ratio is needed to be more than 1 to justify the "F-ratio yield efficient model". The analyzed value for the F-ratio in each range has more than 1 which creates an effective reflection on stating the good position.

The statistical test has been conducted on the basis of the survey which can help prove the hypothesis that has been created on the basis of the research study. There are a number of tests conducted which can be given a numerical assessment like "The Anova Test", "P-value" and "T-test" as well as assumptions can also be considered for the test (Delacre et al.2019). This can be aligned with the research aims and research objectives in the research topic. The total value in the "Anova test" is 12.745 which is more than the value of 0.05 that rejects the null hypothesis where all the data are sampled within the population with the mean value being the same. This can be aligned with that there is an increased knowledge and opinion regarding the use of oral consumption of women contraceptive pills from the perception of women. However, this can state the significance of the mean which is denoted differently in the questions in the survey. The value from the statistical test conducted can prove the opinion of the use of this method of contraception along with the positive and negative impact of the utilization of the contraception.

The value of the "F ratio" in the Anova test is denoted as the square values of the two means and there are higher values for each of the questions in the survey. This indicates that there is a lot of disparity among the groups which is higher than expected which can be interpreted as a statically significant difference in the research conducted. This can denote the opposite where there is adequate knowledge regarding the "oral contraceptive pills" among the women but there is a lot of variation that can be detected (Anderl et al. 2020). Similarly, there is the value of the "Significance value" in the test which is 0 except for the of the current pills that are used is .294 which is more than the ideal value of 0.05. This can be stated that there is an observation that proves the hypothesis indicating the knowledge of the s and the different s of the contraceptive pills that are available in the market. Furthermore, there is a justification for the efficiency of the "F-ratio" value on the requirement to be more than the value of 1 which can be aligned with the research objectives.

Assumption for conducting the test


The use of a T-test is basically implicated over the prepared Hypothesis that can help in adequately analyzing the result and its implication over analyzing the result to justify the prepared "Null hypothesis and Alternative hypothesis". It has adequately stated the required hypothesis that is shown in the below range:

  • H0: (Null Hypothesis): People are currently not using the form of contraception.
  • H1: (Alternative Hypothesis): People are currently using the form of contraception.

Both the dependent and independent group variables are not compared here and single variable has been a straightforward comparison.

“One-Sample Test
Test Value = 0
T df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
Lower Upper
Are you currently using any form of contraception? 20.195 50 .000 1.275 1.15 1.40
If yes, which of the below options are you currently using? 9.227 50 .000 2.745 2.15 3.34
Would you recommend your current contraceptive method to anotherperson? 20.074 50 .000 1.373 1.24 1.51
Do you want to switch to another type of contraception? 20.195 50 .000 1.275 1.15 1.40
If yes, which type of method would you want to use and why? 12.089 50 .000 2.235 1.86 2.61
Have you previously used other methods of contraception? 20.592 50 .000 1.235 1.11 1.36
If yes, which of the below option you have used 7.216 50 .000 2.706 1.95 3.46
If you are currently, or have ever used the women contraceptive pill, which of the below methods did you use? 16.541 50 .000 3.020 2.65 3.39
What is the of your current or previous oral contraceptive pill? 16.336 50 .000 5.686 4.99 6.39
Have you ever received family planning information? 20.619 50 .000 1.451 1.31 1.59
What was your age when you first heard about the oral contraceptive pill? 12.827 50 .000 1.451 1.22 1.68
Has your experience using the oral contraceptive pill? 11.564 50 .000 2.059 1.70 2.42
Do you think the contraceptive pill is safe? 20.900 50 .000 1.216 1.10 1.33
What are the criteria you would use when choosing a contraceptivemethod? 8.724 50 .000 1.824 1.40 2.24
Do you think that information about the current oral contraceptive pill isreadily available? 20.619 50 .000 1.451 1.31 1.59
Do you think you need more guidance or information about the contraceptive pill 21.079 50 .000 1.490 1.35 1.63”

Figure 3.17: T-Test

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The analyzed result has adequately implicated to show that the Sig value for each variable has been analyzed as 0.000. The analyzed value has made a reflection on stating the result as 0.000 which is less than 0.05. The accumulated value has implied that the prepared null hypothesis has been rejected as the use of the contraceptive form has correspondingly increased.

The "T-Test" that has been conducted can help indicate the overall knowledge and perception of "Women contraceptive pills" which are observed from the values. The test has been conducted on the basis of a questionnaire that is relevant to the research study. This can help to prove the hypothesis that indicates the women using any kind of contraception and not using any kind of contraception. The T-value of "currently using any form of contraception" is 20.195 and the recommendation of the type of contraception is 20.074 which proves the hypothesis developed for the research topic. The higher value of the T-test value indicates the huge difference between the two sample sets whereas the low value indicates the similarity between the two sample sets (Yu et al. 2022). The value calculated for switching the current type of contraception is 20.195 and the previously used contraception is 20.592 which indicate a larger difference.

The question states that if the participants are on any type of contraception where 72.5% answered yes. This can be stated that the question is inclusive of controlling the cycle, abstinence withdrawal method or another disruption in the hormones that are contraception for the 27.5% answered "NO". Moreover, this can support the past experience of using the pills or the reason for not using the pills currently. This can help with the analysis of the outcome of the next question which is the selection of the different methods that are used to avoid any unwanted pregnancies. The use of the statistical test is another defined range where the value of "Anova test, T-Test and significance level to reflect P-value" has effectively helped in analyzing the required position. The valuation of the required P-value has effectively stated the significance level where the use of the contraceptive method has correspondingly increased as the analyzed value for the use of the different method is .294.

Qualitative Data Analysis

Question 1: Why are contraceptive pills safe? Why is it safe or not safe?

The survey questions contained various open-ended questions for the respondents where they were asked about the safety measures for using contraceptive pills along with analysing to identify any adversities to using contraceptive pills. From the survey answers, based on the qualitative analysis, it was evaluated that the “safety benefits highlighted the contraceptive pills to be safe, prevent pregnancy, skin-friendly, control hormones without dissembling the body, help regulate period, secure and comfortable to administer, convenient to use and projecting effective impacts”. Moreover, it can assist control menstrual cycles, relieve menstrual pain along with cramps, relieve signs of "premenstrual syndrome (PMS)", and reduce the chance of specific gynaecological disorders, such as "ovarian and endometrial cancers, ovarian cysts, and benign breast disease".

From adverse viewpoints, it was analysed that for a few respondents emergence of side effects was probable. Based on academic journals it can be assessed that "birth control pills" are secure for majority of the women whereas pills containing a combination of estrogen involve risks of developing rare complications like blood clotting. Additionally, this is also paired with breakthrough bleeding along with other effects like nausea, breast tenderness, headaches, abdominal cramps, decreased libido and high vaginal discharge (Nagai et al. 2019). On the contrary, as noted by Bornstein et al. (2019), "birth control or contraceptive pills" are safe for a majority of women to operate long-term and indefinitely. Regardless, users can enhance the long-term threat of specific health issues if not taken correctively under prescribed medical guidance.

Question 2: What specific guidance or information about contraceptive pills are wanted?

The respondents were asked in the survey whether or not they demanded additional guidance regarding the consumption of "oral contraceptive pills". The open-ended question seemed answered by the respondents highlighting that they require additional suggestions for the use process, its side effects and how it works within the body. Moreover, few respondents wished to “gain a better notion regarding the process of contraception and pills followed by different methods, doctor's advice, safety mechanisms, basic knowledge, benefits, health issues and other tips”.

In the current circumstances, the "World Health Organisation" WHO is performing for promoting contraception methods as they produce evidence-based procedures based on service and safety delivery regarding the aforementioned methodologies (WHO.int, 2023). WHO critically ensures human rights regarding contraceptive programmes by developing various quality standards to provide pre-qualifications to the contraceptive communities The "National Health Mission" further generated a few guidelines regarding the "regular contraceptive methods" which provide the basic knowledge regarding its use, advantages, disadvantages and advice to the readers.

Question 3: Are there any comments or thoughts that are required to be answered based on the questions and answers above?

Effective deriving various thoughts generated by the survey responses by the respondents regarding specific guidance along with additional information concerning the utilisation of various contraceptive methods, specifically focusing on the "oral contraceptive pills". Based on the survey respondents it was highlighted that the general public requires “significant education and knowledge providence so that they can accurately use the contraceptive measures and learn about its benefits and drawbacks”. In particular, the respondents outlined that “healthcare practitioners must compulsorily spread awareness about contraception”.

Various respondents also outlined that all women are required to derive knowledge regarding various contraception methods and "oral contraceptive pills". Moreover, this would help in the construction of OPC conception within women. Pharmacists also required to provide significant advice and guidance regarding the introductory concept, its operation, the timing of consumption, benefits, side effects, dose and other general facts. Knowledge concerning contraception is significantly consequential because numerous reversible processes of contraception demand notable skill for correct use. In addition to this, it can be assessed that the providence of contraceptive counselling is compulsory to guarantee that the understanding generated by women is the comparative usefulness of the projected methods.


The assessment of completing this chapter critically highlighted that the results generated from the conduction of the research regarding the women's perspectives on "oral contraception pills" was completed by conducting the survey. Both qualitative as well as quantitative analyses of the survey answers had been critically encountered. Results outlined that the majority of respondents availed the contraception methods where they proclaimed that process to be safe and effective. Contrarily, risks and concerns from respondents had been identified as well. The qualitative synopsis concerns the derivation of knowledge synthesis from various accurate academic journals, websites and articles that help articulate the finding of this research.


The aim of this research study is to analyze women's knowledge, perception, experience, and current use of the oral contraceptive pill.

Discussion on results

There are has been results that are based on the quantitative method and the qualitative method that is conducted on the questionnaire. This can help in evaluating the outcome and the significance of the research topic that is relevant to the current findings as it is mostly regarding the knowledge and opinion of contraceptive pills.

Discussion on quantitative method

The first question was regarding the age that can help understand the overall age demographics in the women population that has knowledge of contraceptive pills (Brown et al. 2021). This can be stated that the highest age demographic is between 26-35 have an understanding of the information regarding contraceptive pills. This can be stated that age is vital for the success of the research study as knowledge and experience can be determined by age. The opinion of the different age groups also helps in the implementation of the pills in the current scenario as it is important to have information at any considerable time.

The next question is regarding the use of the current form of contraception that is used by the participants that are inclusive of the different methods.

The use of the T-test has effectively helped in preparing the hypothesis. The analyzed result from the t-test has stated that the alternative hypothesis has been justified and it has rejected the null hypothesis. The alternative hypothesis has effectively stated that "People are currently using the form of contraception". The analyzed value for the significant level has helped in understanding that people are currently shifting to the "form of contraception".The tests are effective for giving a numerical value which is more thorough for denoting women conception regarding contraception pills. This can be stated that there has been proving and aligning of the research aim and the research objectives that can be reflected in the value of the different statistical tests conducted.This is an effective way for the analyzing the values denoted through the test which is quantitative method.

The mean square value can also be considered in the process of analysis as this is used for the determination of the different variables which are important. The variance of the variables is conducted on the basis of the relevant questions asked in the research study and is consisted of unbiased estimation. This can be stated that there has been no bias that has been considered which can reflect on the perception of women and understanding of the pills along with the information which is available. Based on the viewpoint of Prachi et al. (2019), this can be aligned with the importance of the implications for the development of policy and the execution where the opinion and understanding from the perception of the women. There is an evaluation of the places that require the enhancement of the medium of education regarding women contraceptive pills for the research study. As per the view of O'Brien et al.(2020), experience is also considered to be important and has been used for framing the questions in the survey which is also used in the statistical tests conducted. Furthermore, there has been observation which was made for the efficiency of the tests that can help in indicating the beneficial position in the research topic.

The assumptions are the basis on which the tests have been conducted which is conducted for the statistical test which is the important aspect of the analysis. There is the "T-test" reflects that are on the basis of the development of the "hypothesis" for the justification for the research study. The test has rejected the "null hypothesis" which was developed in the research stating that the women are actually using a method of contraception (Gervasio et al. 2021). This can be aligned with the research objectives where the knowledge and opinion of the younger women and older women. Furthermore, the test and the rejection of the "null hypothesis" can shed light on the current options of the form of contraception which can reflect on the "family planning information". Based on the opinion of Jacob et al. (2022), awareness regarding the monitoring of fertility and the several kinds of methods used in the application of contraception pills. The use of the pills can control any kind of unwanted pregnancies and systematic family planning. According to the viewpoint of Lateef et al. (2022), the analysis of the different forms of contraception methods for family planning is an effective way for married women. The t-test value was able to prove that the women use the contraception method which is on the basis of the questions that have been developed on the basis of the research study. This can be stated that there are different choices that were considered in the family planning process where the impact of the use of the contraception pills used by the women.Therefore, the use of statistical tests is used for proving the different aspects of the research studies which has been conducted in the research study.

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The type of contraception that has been used mostly is the "male condom" which is the highest among the different uses of contraception. The second highest is the "women contraceptive pills" which can be stated that there is an overall understanding and preference for the use of these pills. The other method of contraception is not consumed orally but there are certain percentages that are used by the participants in the questionnaire (Mack et al. 2019). This can support that there is in-depth knowledge regarding the availability of oral contraceptive pills as it is one of the used methods of contraception used by the participants in the questionnaire. Moreover, the next question is regarding the recommendation that is provided to another individual by the current method of contraception that is used by the participants. There are 66% said that stated that they would recommend where the "women contraceptive pills" are highest which supports the "effective and useful knowledge" to women to use oral contraception". This can ensure that the women have a considerable experience that has urged towards the recommendation that is given to another person (Klipping et al. 2021).

There are questions about switching the current method of contraception that can indicate the limited knowledge of the "oral contraceptive pills”. There were 72% of the participants that have responded "NO" implying that they would stick with the current method of contraception where the two highest are the "male condoms" and the orally consumed pills. The remaining methods are not orally consumed by the women but are more complicated although has fewer amount side effects than the oral contraceptive pills. The 26% answered "YES" to switching to other forms of contraception due to the considerable knowledge and perception of the women that are used in required scenarios. This has been further answered in the next question where there has been the type of contraception that is most likely to be switched by the participants that want to change the current method of contraception that is used.

"Women contraceptive pills" that are orally consumed are the highest responses that have been obtained which are 28.6% of the 14 participants that want to switch. This can be analysed that most of them who wanted to be changed have been either using "male condoms" or other means. This can state the efficiency and convenience along with the risks that have an impact on the decision (Hampson et al. 2022). There are other methods like "Copper T" that are denoted to be switched by the participants where the number of switches is only conducted by participants who use "male condoms" as contraception.

The other methods of contraception that are used were recorded in the questionnaire it can be stated that 76.5% have used "male condoms" and "oral contraceptive pills". This can be stated that the participants have used the other methods of contraception before and then have changed after the experience has not been satisfied. The opinion and perception of women on these pills have also emphasized that the switch has been made on the basis of particular requirements (Cauci et al. 2021). The previously used contraception was made due to the health-related concern where the participants that used "contraceptive pills" have found side effects that have affected the decision-making process that is taken to avoid pregnancies. The 23.5%that stated no can fall under the participants that have not used or that have stuck with only kind of contraception. This is related to the next question where the "male condoms" is the highest contraceptive method that has been used by the participants. The second highest is the "women contraceptive pills" and "women condoms" which state the importance of the development of reproductive healthcare that has been investigated by the data from the questionnaire supports (Mu and Kulkarni, 2022).

The analysis that is conducted on this next question is crucial for the research study as it directly asks about the use of this pill as well as the different methods that are used. A high percentage of not use any of the different methods that are used which can state the limited knowledge of the different types of contraception pills among the women. This can be stated that there are two types that are "combination of oral contraceptive pills (Oestrogen and Progesterone)" and "progesterone only pill" (Regidor et al. 2023). Both of these pills are consumed differently where which indicates the perception and opinion of the women. The second highest is the combined pills that are taken once a month and the other is taken continuously which is a significant development of dependable and preventive methods used for preventing pregnancies (Gurvich et al. 2020). This can support the aims of the research study and the research objectives of the investigation of the opinion of the women on the knowledge of the pills.

The knowledge and opinion of the different s of the "oral contraceptive pill" on the questionnaire focuses on the different s of companies that have pills. There are overall 20 responses that have been recorded among the 51 participants that indicate 20 individuals have only used the pills. This question is concentrated only on the participants that have used or are currently using this method of contraception which highlights the in-depth knowledge of the different types of pills. This can be deemed from the response collected from the question that 10% have no knowledge and 10% have knowledge about "Yasmin tablets" that have a high chance of preventing pregnancy. There are remaining different types of pills that are evenly used among the 20 participants but the most commonly used tablet consumed is Yasmin". This states that only limited individuals have the knowledge regarding other types of pills that are used throughout the method of avoiding pregnancy as "Yasmin" is an example of "great contraceptive pills" that are used all over the world (Kareem et al. 2023). This outcome can justify the "availability of the information and pills and effective use of this method of contraception.

The discussion on the next question in the questionnaire is regarding the age at which the participants have heard about the "oral contraceptive pill". There have been 47 responses that stated at the age of 18 was the highest response on having information regarding the information. This can be analyzed that most women have knowledge at the age of 18 which is the legal of becoming an adult and they can use it in unwanted scenarios. This data and discussion can support the perception and knowledge regarding the use of the pills that are attained at a specific age along with the opinion of the younger woman. This has an in-depth impact on the use of the pills where the younger woman's first time hearing where the younger the women is, there will be more insights that can be conducted on the opinion on the "oral contraceptive pills". Furthermore, an early age can help to avoid the risks and the negligible comparison that are taken during the time of any unrequited pregnancies. This can be stated that there has been an opinion regarding the use of the pills that can however indicate it is not only used by married women (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, 2023). There is an understanding of the different side effects that can be caused by the consumption and this can be consumed with caution.

The experience of the “oral contraceptive pills” responses is devoted to be used for the justification of the research aim and objectives. There has been an increase in the positive reaction during the use of the pills which denotes the safety measures and preventions that are provided by the pills along with beneficial factors that are considered. This can be stated that there has been no negative experience with the use of the pills as there are neutral responses along with the participants that have never used any kind of pills based on the scenario. There has been an overall analysis that can state that the positive side is there it has not caused damage or any kind of harmful side effects that are often considered.

The second chapter of this study makes reference to several techniques for obtaining information on the subject of "Women's knowledge, perception, and opinion on the current oral contraceptive pill." The researchers chose particular procedures from among the range of research methods that may be used in the study and used them there to derive meaningful results. The use of carefully chosen methods assisted in understanding how the women perceived the "oral contraceptive pill" and can be used to identify challenges to altering and communicating the expansion of interventions as well as strategies to overcome these anticipated difficulties.

This outcome can indicate the overall access to safe and effective ways of using this contraceptive method where there is no requirement for any kind of other painful methods to be used. There has been a modification that is on "hormonal contraception" where there has been "oxidative stress" that is higher along with a positive impact on liver cancer (Ponnatapura et al. 2019). The responses that have been identified in this question can help with deriving the information that can demonstrate the overall outcome of the research study. There has been an analysis that can be conducted on the safe use of contraceptive pills as 76% selected "yes" which supports the research objectives in the research study.

There have been responses on the requirement of more responses from the contraceptive pills that are denoted to be more effective and can provide knowledge regarding the different ways to use or be preventive. This can be used as knowledge by the younger woman that can be used during the time of unwanted pregnancies and scenarios.

Discussion on a qualitative method

The discussion has been on the basis of the "qualitative method" as the survey contains "open-ended questions" that are conducted on the various opinion regarding the "oral contraceptive pills". According to Ponnatapura et al. (2019) it can be stated that there has been a discussion on highlighting the safety uses of "oral contraceptive pills. There have been many reasons that have been mentioned by the participants that can give an overall idea of the opinion of the women. As per the findings, there are "minor side effects", "skin friendly", "controlling of hormone that has no effect on the body" as well as “regulation of period", "safe and easy to implement in the body". There is a list of other side effects that have been mentioned that can be aligned with the projected effects of positive and negative on the oral contraception pills that are consumed for avoiding unwanted pregnancies. The safety of the pills can be used for the determination of the use of the pills that there the majority of women use a combination of different estrogen in the pills.

There are particular guidance and information that are required on the use of contraceptive pills that are used by women (Petersen et al. 2021). The outcome is the different answers that are given by the participants which support the research study that is concerned with the different types of planning along with the perception and understanding of the pills. Furthermore, there are comments and thoughts that are given on the basis of the questions that have been answered by the respondents. This can denote the overall knowledge that is derived from the 51 participants in the survey that has an overall opinion of the benefits, side effects and several general facts. This can denote the method of using the pills along with the different opinions that have been conducted through the opinion of the women.

Given that the survey's questions are open-ended, there has been discussion based on both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. The responses are examined in light of the research objectives and goals of the completed research project. This chapter has carefully assessed the findings of the research issue that can reveal the general perception and familiarity of women with the present use of oral contraceptives.

The researcher has focused on the women's knowledge and perception of contraceptive pills in the quantitative analysis, which is illustrated by the graphical depiction of the data acquired through the questionnaire. Additionally, 51 respondents were interviewed for an in-depth response as part of the qualitative analysis based on the questionnaire replies. By analyzing the majority of the questions separately and adding cloud pictures for others, the researcher was able to build "quantitative and qualitative analysis" and gather pertinent information about the research issue.

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It can be concluded that the valuation of the required analysis regarding knowledge and perception of the women over oral contraceptive pills has been adequately analyzed. The use of the effective objective and conducted survey has helped in understanding that the women have increased their knowledge related to the use of the oral contraceptive pill. The analysis of the overall understanding related use of the "oral contraceptive pill" has implied and created a reflection on the overall work understanding in an effective manner. The entire study has focused on the perspective and opinion of women over the use of the “current oral contraceptive pill” and creates implications on its positive and negative effects in the required manner. The analysis of the advantages of using contraceptive pills and their respective experiences by the women has critically derived for effective understanding in the defined manner.

In order to gather the efficacy of the result that is evaluated from the conducted survey to the 51 respondents, it has employed numerous statistical tests in terms of the Anova test and T-test. It has made sufficient assumptions based on the offered option, which can aid in carrying out the test successfully. The appendix's assumption table is sufficiently illustrated there, and it may be used to comprehend the necessary aspect, which is also indicated by a specific number.

In order to analyze differences between the necessary group mean values and assess its statistical significance within the specified range, the ANOVA test was effectively used. The required alterations in the group mean value and "P-value/Sig value" have been implicated by the analysis of the evaluated Anova test. The analysis of the results from running the Anova test on the prepared survey questions within the specified range is shown in the figure below. The 95% confidence interval has largely been used as the basis for the assessment of the studied result. If the p-value is less than 0.05, it is possible to examine the significant level. Each of the questions has a.000 p-value, which suggests the analysis's finding is significant.

Linking with Findings

Linking with qualitative research

The valuation of the qualitative research has overall implications and conducts valuation in the appropriate manner. The use of the questions from the articles has helped in evaluating the major analysis in an effective way. The valuation of the reason behind using "contraceptive pills" and its safety precautions has evaluated in this research (Enea et al. 2021). The valuation of overall analysis has helped in analyzing its effective benefits in terms of "safe, prevent pregnancy, skin-friendly, control hormones". The accumulation of these ranges has helped in effective determining that the safety range while using contraceptive pills has a high range. It has adequately defined the effective range that can make implications for controlling the menstrual cycle with the effective relive from pain and cramp as well. On the other hand, the accumulation of safety guidance before using the "contraceptive pills" has also implied as they ahs specifically follow the major guidance from the respective advice in an effective manner.

It has adequately stated that they have mainly followed or used the "contraceptive pills" by the proper use of doctor's advice, safety mechanisms, basic knowledge, benefits, health issues and other tips in an effective manner. The individual's perspective regarding the use of "contraceptive pills" has adequately implied and created proper reflection over the stated information in an effective manner (Geampana, 2019). The analyzed information and perspective from the responses have a major implication for understanding their perspective in an effective manner. The analysis of the overall guidance has implicated that the safety measure is effectively derived from the stated introductory concept, its work operation, the required timing to consume, its effective benefits, side effects, dose and other general facts in the defined manner.

Linking with quantitative research

The use of the quantitative research method has helped in conducting the survey on the 51 people and made implications on the way to collect real-time data and information. The valuation of research has implicated that the experience to use the oral contraceptive pill by the people has major implications where more people has provided positive reviews over using the contraceptive pill. On the other hand, it has adequately evaluated the opinion of the women to use oral contraception that has implied over the health assessment and make reflection on the way to conduct work in a defined manner. Safety while using the oral contraceptive pill by women is the major question has been implicated at the time of conducting work and creates proper implications on the analyzed perspective of the respondents in an adequate manner (Gurvich et al. 2020).

It has provided a positive view by the respondent to the use of contraceptive pills by women. On the other hand, it has been defined that the use of the "oral contraceptive pill (OCP)" has been considered a major technique implied to control family planning to the people and make a reflection on the overall situation in a defined manner. The proper understanding regarding the "favorable perspective towards OCP" has been implicated as it is the more effective and adequate method as compared to other stated methods for contraceptive techniques. The accumulation of the safety has effectively determined the favourable perspective to use this range has implicated to understand and conduct a reflection on its effectiveness in an appropriate manner (Delacre et al. 2019). The valuation of the required criteria to choose "oral contraceptive pill (OCP)" instead of other techniques has also been implicated. The valuation of overall responses has implicated that safety is the primary reason for selecting this way instead of the other technique. It has implied that more than half of responses has implicated the safety factor instead of other provided options in term of "partner preference, convenience and advice by health personal".


It has been recommended that the use of the "oral contraceptive pill (OCP)" has the effective implication and also it has few side effects. It has recommended that valuation of the adequate side effect and required suggestions from the professional or doctor is important before taking this "oral contraceptive pill (OCP)" in daily life (Hariri et al. 2022). On the other hand, the accumulation of adequate knowledge and information related to the use of "oral contraceptive pill (OCP)" is the primary range that needs to be had in the defined way before using (Hallberg and Salimi, 2020). The accumulation of the required allergies and another issue in terms of the menstrual cycle has required evaluation and underrated there any type of side effect while taking "oral contraceptive pill (OCP)" in daily time. The valuation of this recommended activity can be the major effective aspect that can help an individual deal with their associated issue and make a reflection on the way to conduct work in daily life (Hampson et al. 2022). The use of the required significance with safety, prevention of pregnancy, skin-friendly, control of the hormones without dissembling in the body, helps in adequately regulating period, security and comfort to administer, convenience to use and projecting effective impacts

Limitations of Study

Time is also not appropriate to complete this research as the information and relevant data have been collected by conducting surveys and other ways. The preparation for the survey and other ways has required more time but lack of time has made all work in an inappropriate way and this is a major limitation while conducting this work in the defined manner. However, some of the strengths of the research are using google forms, which helped to keep confidentiality and anonymity of participants. Further, interview questions helped to gain closer insights of the thinking of the participants, while online method enabled maintaining an anonymity of the participants.

Future Scope of Study

The overall result and analyzed outcome from the study have implicated that this research can be more comprehensive and explored in the defined way by using the other relative data information. The exploration of the collected data and information by the "qualitative and quantitative analysis" can be more explored if there is more relative data and information related to "Women knowledge, perception, and opinion on the current oral contraceptive pills". Therefore, it has enough scope and even possibility to explore this research with further research study. The depth of research with a valuation of more relative data and information related to the research has implicated that more future scope is available and provides more effective conclusions at the end of the research study. Through this research findings, women can be aware of the importance of contraceptive pills and understand the criteria before choosing a contraceptive pill. If thus research was to be repeated, side effects of each particular contraceptives consumption would also be focused in the future. The main key finding states that using contraceptive pills must be done as it help in reducing the prevalence of unwanted pregnancies.


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