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Introduction Of People Management
Activity 1: The Influence of Organizational Structure, Culture, and Individual Differences on Workplace Behavior
An explanation of how organizational structure impacts people in organizations
When the business is set up to carry out its activities and achieve, its objectives is known as organizational structure. People who work for an organization can be significantly impacted by its structure, both positively and negatively. Communication, work satisfaction, and decision-making are all impacted by organizational structure and affected by it (Varma, 2023). The organizational structure influences how information is shared, and decisions are made, and the organization's operations. While a more flexible structure can foster positive outcomes like employee empowerment and innovation, a hierarchical structure can have harmful effects like poor collaboration and disengaged employees. Overall, the organizational structure significantly impacts how employees perceive their work and can affect how well an organization performs.
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An analysis of how organizational culture impacts people in organizations
"organizational culture” refers to the common values, attitudes, and actions that influence how individuals interact and make decisions inside an organization. An organization’s culture can greatly impact its employees' motivation, happiness, and well-being. A healthy workplace culture, for instance, can build a sense of belonging, boost productivity, and lower turnover rates. It should encourage teamwork, open communication, and employee growth. Therefore, businesses need to create a culture that supports their employees' development and well-being and is consistent with their values and goals.
An explanation of how personal differences impact individuals’ behaviors at work
Factors like age, gender, race, personality, and background are a few examples of personal distinctions that can greatly impact behavior at work. These variations can affect how individuals perceive situations, react to them, interact with others, and make decisions. For example, people with different personality types may approach difficulties and tasks differently, with some being more collaborative and others being more competitive. Furthermore, on the other hand, individuals from various cultural backgrounds could have various communication styles or expectations, which can cause miscommunication or conflicts at work.
Analysis of the management styles needed to deal with differences in behaviors
Being adaptable, flexible, and wide-ranging are key to effective management approaches for handling behavioral changes. Managers should respect individual changes and adjust their management style accordingly (Neve, 2022). For example, a manager may need to modify their communication approach in light of the person's personality, culture, upbringing, or working methods. A constructive and effective work environment that raises individual growth and development can be raised through a complete management approach that recognizes and promotes diversity. At last, managing behavioral differences successfully involves a blend of adaptability, excellent communication abilities, and a dedication to forming a culture.
Activity 2: The Impact of Workplace Practices on Employee Motivation and Performance
An analysis of the effect of leadership styles on individuals and teams
In the healthcare industry, leadership styles can significantly impact individuals and teams. In Autocratic leadership, team leaders may become less motivated and dissatisfied with their jobs because an autocratic boss makes decisions without consulting anybody else. However, on the other hand, in participative leadership, decisions are shared and collaborated with each team member, resulting in job satisfaction and better communication (Cardona, 2022). Transformational leadership inspires and motivates each team member to achieve the goal of improving performance and job satisfaction. Healthcare leaders must know how their leadership style affects their team and change it to one that fosters success for all team members and individuals.
An explanation of the benefits of flexible working practices to individuals and organizations
Flexible working arrangements in the healthcare industry can benefit individuals and enterprises in many ways. Flexible work arrangements like part-time work or job sharing can improve individuals' work-life balance, stress level, and job satisfaction. Offering flexible working arrangements can help the organization retain employees and lower absenteeism (Gudi et al., 2023).In the healthcare industry, flexible working arrangements can ensure that employees are always ready to work while allowing them to manipulate work and personal obligations. Lastly, working arrangements in the healthcare industry can benefit individuals and organizations.
An assessment of how the working environment impacts people's performance; motivational theories should be referenced
In the healthcare industry working environment has an important impact on people’s performance. Some of the motivational theories for understanding the working environment on people’s performance are Maslow’s hierarchy of needs which has five basic needs, including physiological needs, safety needs, belongingness and love needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs which are required to motivate to achieve a higher level of performance. Another one is Herzberg’s two-factor theory which has two factors that influence job satisfaction and motivation: hygiene factors and motivators. The healthcare industry can improve people’s performance by providing a positive environment that satisfies both hygiene factors and motivators.
An assessment of how an organization’s ethical practices impact motivational levels
In the healthcare industry, organizational ethical practices impact the motivational level of individuals working. When the organization prioritizes ethical practices like trust and respect, that results in job satisfaction and improved performance (Verma et al., 2022). If employees know the values of ethical practices, then they add meaning to their work. Moreover, if employees compromise it, it will lead to decreased job satisfaction and reduced performance. Lastly, ethical practices are important for nurturing positive work culture that promotes high performance and job satisfaction.
An evaluation of how organizations use their corporate social responsibility agenda to motivate employees
In the healthcare industry, organizations use their corporate social responsibility to motivate their employees. When an organization prioritizes CSR, it helps create a positive work culture that nurtures employee engagement, motivation, and commitment. For example, CSR initiatives like environmental sustainability and employee volunteerism will help the employees to stay connected and increase their motivation to perform at their best. At last, by integrating CSR efforts with their mission and values, proving their commitment to social responsibility, and fostering a positive workplace culture, healthcare organizations can utilize their CSR agenda to inspire staff.
Activity 3: The Role of Motivation, Coaching, and Training in Employee Development
An explanation of how motivational theories can be applied to developing people in organizations
In the healthcare industry, motivational theories can be applied to developing people to improve job satisfaction and performance. One of the theories is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs which mentions that every individual must meet their basic needs before being motivated to achieve higher levels. When these needs are satisfied, people might be inspired to work more and perform better, thanks to possibilities for advancement, reward, and autonomy. Lastly, by guaranteeing the basic needs and giving opportunities for growth, the healthcare industry can help their staff develop by using motivational theories like Maslow's hierarchy of needs and Herzberg's two-factor theory.
An explanation of the different uses of coaching and mentoring in organizations
Two different methods for growing people in healthcare organizations are coaching and mentoring. While monitoring is a long-term relationship focused on career development and personal growth, coaching typically takes a short-term, task-focused approach to improve performance (Bolden, 2022). Both mentoring and coaching can be utilized in healthcare organizations to boost productivity and develop potential. Coaching and mentoring can support the development of a culture of ongoing learning and development by giving employees the direction and support they need to achieve their objectives. Additionally, coaching and mentoring can increase job satisfaction and aid in retaining top talent, which will benefit the organization's bottom line and workforce.
An analysis of the benefits of training and development to individuals and organizations
Individuals and organizations in the healthcare sector can both gain a lot from training and development. Individuals' job performance, job satisfaction, and career chances can all be improved by training and development. Training and development for organizations can result in greater productivity, better care quality, and higher levels of patient satisfaction. On-the-job training, workshops, online courses, and mentorship are just a few ways to provide training and development. Healthcare organizations may enhance general performance, boost patient outcomes, and establish a productive workplace culture by equipping staff with the knowledge and abilities they need to be successful.
Figure 2: skills roles and Responsibilities of professional managers
Activity 4: Effective People Management Strategies for Organizational Success
A review of people management strategies used in an organization.
The success of the healthcare industry depends upon effective management strategies. One important method is prioritizing employee motivation and engagement by fostering an environment that values cooperation, respect, and appreciation. This can be accomplished by offering opportunities for growth and development with continuous feedback and coaching. Effective people management techniques in healthcare generally prioritize employee support, growth, and engagement while developing diversity and presence (Armstrong, 2023). Healthcare organizations may enhance performance, improve patient outcomes, and gain a competitive advantage in the labor market by establishing a healthy workplace culture that encourages commitment and motivation.
An assessment of the impact on people of organizational management strategies.
People in the healthcare industry can be meaningfully affected by effective management practices. Employees are more likely to perform at their best when they feel encouraged, valued, and engaged, improving outcomes for patients and the organization (Mahapatro, 2022). Increased job satisfaction and motivation can result from management practices that place a high priority on employee growth, as well as lower turnover rates. Poor management practices can cause burnout, low morale, and poor performance. At last, people are significantly impacted by management methods in healthcare organizations, both favorably and unfavorably. Healthcare organizations may develop an excellent culture that improves outcomes for patients and the organization by prioritizing staff engagement, support, and growth.
Recommendations for strategies to promote high levels of performance
Several strategies can be implemented to promote a high level of performance in the healthcare industry, such as follows:
- Firstly, employee engagement and motivation should be prioritized by creating a positive work culture that values communication and feedback.
- Secondly, prioritize patient outcomes by setting specific goals and objectives and consistently keeping track of performance.
- Thirdly, by adopting electronic health records, innovations and technology should be prioritized by investing in new tools to improve the quality of care and patient outcomes.
- Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., (2023).Armstrong's Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice: A Guide to the Theory and Practice of People Management. Kogan Page Publishers.
- Bolden, R., (2022). Leadership, Management, and Organizational Development.
- Cardona, P. and Rey, C., 2022.Management by Missions: Connecting People to Strategy through Purpose(p. 156). Springer Nature.
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