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Unit 423: Teaching In A Specialist Area Assignment
The health and social care sector are ought to be remodelled with proper education and knowledge that is to be professed among students. In this regard, it is necessary that the students are educated regarding the advancements that are to be taken up to promote development in the sector. The health and social care sector in today's time is getting remodelled by newer technologies to make medical facilities highly accurate and helpful to promote betterment in the sector. As a lecturer in the FE sector, it would be necessary to educate students regarding the advancements in the health and social care set-up such that it caters to the betterment and efficiency of the work process. Currently, the education sector has been evolving with the rapid advancement of technologies.
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Hence it has been increasingly necessary to adopt notable measures to improve the learning process. Over time the philosophies of the learning p model has been evolved with the inclusion of modern technologies in the learning process. There are however certain legal parameters that are required to be addressed while taking approaches to educate students regarding the healthcare sectors. In this study learning and associated practice has been assessed that required to be addressed such that it promotes betterment in the quality of the education process for the students.
Task 1: Aims and philosophy of education and training in Health and Social Care
Explanation of the key aims of education and training in Health and Social Care
Philosophy of education and training in Health and Social Care
The health and social care studies involved the expectation of using health and social care in the country where it is required. The standard of health and social care is constructed on five principles that include dignity, respect, compassion, responsive care and support. Health and social care are developed due to the application of two acts and which are "section 50 of the public service reform" and "section 10H of the national health services" (Asfeldt, 2022). . The act was developed due to the fact of making health and social studies important for everyone. Health and social care studies can help in the application of respect and dignity in treating a person in need. Health and social care are important to make sure that everyone in the country UK is getting immense positive effects from the study. The standard of the study that is needed for the maintenance of health and social care are as follows:
- The experience of high-quality care and support is needed for the treatment.
- The patient should be involved in all the decision that is made in respect of his support and care.
- The patient needs to have full confidence in the people who are involved in taking his care and support.
- The patient needs to have confidence in the organization that is involved in the care and support process
- The patient needs to experience a high-quality environment if the organizations allow it.
The philosophy of health education and social care is very important and is practised for the implication of knowledge about health and social care. The health and social care policy needs to be understandable by every individual for having effective measures for any kind of health issues. The care and treatment can be done for the patient if all the requirements are known and the health education is applied perfectly (Fawns, 2022). Health and care is the process of learning that can be done by having experiences in different scenarios. The scenarios that are there can be managed with the help of effective learning that is done based on the health care issues and the extensive care that is needed for a patient to have a prominent future.
Analysis of philosophical issues relating to education and training in health and social care studies
The task of health and social care education is difficult due to the lack of prevention procedures and the absence of creative measures that are needed for health management. Health educators deliver knowledge about the prevention or curing of diseases that is less than that of the education done based on contagious diseases (Zhang, 2022). The appropriate action needs to be taken for the prevention or control of chronic diseases. The process of prevention can be followed by the application of vaccines and immunization but that too for some specified time. Changing of patient's diet and the implications of the physical activity to the patient is important with respect to making him curable. The prevention of diseases and the care of patients need a process that completely changes the patient's daily living and the maintenance of the process that can have the specified solutions.
Community protection is not fully possible for chorionic diseases or accidents. The individual who has received care from the health care and the social care department needs to follow the policy of caring for and treating the patient for the initial time. Prevention must be done in the early stage as in that stage the result can be evaluated well with the findings and the analysis (Wipfli and Withers, 2022). Education on health and social care is very important or else it is very difficult to manage any other patients that are experiencing lots of difficulties in respect of health and social care. The issues that are there genuinely for the implementation of health and social care are: doctor population ratio is low, the quality of health education is low, there is a lack of social accountability, the issues of recognition of foreign degrees, the private colleges are unregulated, and the interstate inequality in the distribution of manpower in the health care society that creates the health care and social care issues in the country.
Task 2: Qualifications and programmes in Health and Social Care
Description of the aims and structure of key qualifications
The qualification that is needed is designed for the purpose of providing knowledge, understanding and practical skills to the personnel so that they can work in the health care sectors and can be held ready in any complex need. The qualification of health workers for introduction to the sector needs to have a BTEC level 3 National certificate in health and social care (Remmen, 2022). The qualification is only for the learning of health and care in the sector for the balanced study programme. The qualification can make the personnel allowed for access to the vast range of education that is based on health care and social care education. This kind of qualification covers the range of human lifespan development and meeting the care of individuals and for the support need.
The interest in the matter can make the learner gain high levels of the qualifications and those contain levels like level 4, level 5 and level 6. The levels of the qualifications that are discussed in the matter are also useful in providing employability skills like problem-solving skills, interpersonal skills and intrapersonal skills (Rietmeijer, 2022). The skills are important in the sectors where the learners are intended to do some real and stimulated activities. The BTEC Nationals are the type of qualifications that provide transferable knowledge and skills for a high grade of education. The transferable skills that are included are the ability for independent learning, the ability for having research activity with complete methods and the process of giving presentations to the active group members.
Description of the aims and structure of learning programme
The programmes are developed with two years of the course in which there are four semesters. The semesters consist of different learning skills and interactive learning. The last semester is not for theoretical learning and it is completely based on the practical study that happens with internship programmes. The first two semesters are for grooming purposes and for the development of communication skills. The semester is also helpful in the construction of the disciplinary actions that need to be maintained in the hospitals (Buchanan, 2022). The programme modules that are there for the clear descriptions are Semester I: basics of accounting and marketing management, management and organizational behaviour, biostatics and public health, essentially in hospital management, human resources and etc. Semester II: health economics, business research method, operational research, materials and supply chain management, quality management in health care, hospital information system, quality management, personality development, database management, data analytics for the hospitals, summer project and etc. Semester III: healthcare system marketing, operational management for the hospitals, strategy management, financial management, financial management, health laws and ethics, health insurance, risk management and etc. Semester IV: sixteen weeks of internships and dissertation with placements.
Explanation of how the approach to planning and preparation for the delivery of a learning programme in Health and Social Care enables its aims to be met
The approach in planning and preparation for the delivery of learning program in the healthcare industry are followed by four models of studies. The approach is made full of dedication towards health and social care. The learning initiative starts with the science of developing ideas in terms of giving healthcare assistance.
The study of healthcare starts with the management institution of hospital management and it develops the idea of social care gradually. The education regarding health care can be of four parts and the total process of grooming lasts for two years (Kidd and Murray, 2020). The four semesters are referred to as four modules that are important steps in providing health care studies. The modules are divided in such a way that the first module trains the personnel with common languages and communication skills. It also trains to have adjustment behaviour that can cope with life-saving situations. The second and the third modules are there for having an advanced study on health and social care. The third module is there for the project works and the last module trains them practically in the field of health and social care which is called internships (Asfeldt, 2022). The healthcare study and its planning can save a person's life with intensive care and support. The healthcare industry in its effective way delivers knowledge and experiences to the people for making the world beautiful. The healthcare industry is a kind of industry that will always require effective ways to distribute education and knowledge to the people for the development of the healthcare ethics.
Task 3: Focusing on relating inclusiveness and the curriculum in Health and Social Care
Analysis of the inclusiveness of own approach to the planning and preparation of a learning programme
The health and social care setup is getting remodelled over time. The traditional approach of medical facilities being amended to people is getting remodelled with newer technologies. In current times, technologies are driving the success factor of operations in health and social care organisations. As a lecturer in the FE sector, I have analysed that I need to remodel the available study materials to educate the students. The students in current times are mostly engaged with technical equipment when it is to collecting information and knowledge (Sakkir et al. 2021). Therefore I also need to include my own approaches in the traditional format of the learning and education process such that it would utilise the available resources to educate students. In this case, the utilisation of digital media and associated technologies would be helpful in improving the learning curve of students. As opined by Dolzhenkova et al. (2021), in this scenario, Laswell's communication model will be highly effective for me to educate the students. This theoretical model of communication addresses the factors of to whom one is communicating and through which channel (Dolzhenkova et al. 2021). In current times, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic the education process has been readily transformed through virtual technologies. According to Syam et al. (2022), Zoom and Google meet has been readily helpful in this case to communicate with students and educate them on due process. I have taken note of these factors and prepared the education model to teach students about the advancements being taken up in the Health and social care setup.
Currently, technology has been driving the success factors of both the healthcare sector and the social care work process. Primarily health and social care services are being driven by the inclusion of IoT devices (Albesher, 2019). This technological advancement with sensor technologies is promoting ease of access and operational efficiency. Educating students regarding these technological advancements has been increasingly necessary in current times (Hanid et al. 2020). Henceforth I am trying to include technological advancement and digital media channels as much as possible to connect with the students and help them learn about the sector effectively. The support that I have been receiving from the management body has been helping me to carry out my learning program for the students.
Explanation of how the approach to the planning and preparation of learning programme Health and Social Care
The learning curve of the education process has evolved over time which has been readily addressed in my programme. However certain key issues arise from time to time that is required to be addressed. In the case of communication with students, it has been necessary to understand the approach that would be optimum in promoting a sense of comfortability and a better understanding of the concepts. The generation shift between the millennial and the Gen Z demographics is quite prominent. It has been increasingly necessary to adopt modern technologies in the learning process to educate them properly. The events of COVID-19 and the lockdown period have taught me the key reason that is to be addressed in the education process which is the inclusion of newer technologies in the learning programmes.
![Challenges in e-learning process Challenges in e-learning process]()
Figure 1: Challenges in e-learning process
(Source: Faize and Nawaz 2020)
Currently, students are more comfortable studying using laptops than books which often cause hindrances in the traditional learning method. In order to promote better education for students it has been necessary that the students connect with the subjects properly. In this regard, I feel that It is necessary to make the education process needs to be more immersive and interactive and I have been taking such approaches to make the learning program regarding health and social care more interesting to students and help them understand the critical topics effectively In order to make the program more interactive for them. I have started using AR and VR technologies to create personalised learning programs.
Virtual reality education modules are helpful in generating stimulating learning processes that can be helpful in making the students learn about the topics effectively. This factor addresses the kinaesthetic approach of the learning process that makes the education program more interactive for the learners (Nithiya et al. 2021). I have been using these technologies however certain issues from time to time. The key issues arise mostly due to the factor that these are relatively new technologies and therefore it becomes an issue to learn them properly. According to Faize and Nawaz (2020), certain issues also arise in the e-learning process; in 2020 a survey suggested that around 38% of students faced connectivity issues in e-learning process. I believe that these issues will be mitigated over time by the regular usage of these technologies and will further help the learning programs effectively.
Task 4: Demonstrating the understanding of how to use resources for inclusive teaching and learning in Health and Social Care
The health care system is the main pillar and it has to well develop all through. Everyday little change is to be met in order to achieve the change.
Reviewing legal requirements and responsibilities relating to the development and use of resources
Health education regulations and the different policies are enlarged by the Government and their Union their Unions. The major outline areas are to meet the goals and objectives standards for the parties which are essential for the development of the educational; system. These are implicated by the teachers, community leaders and other health workers (Powell, 2020). These are highly required for the maintenance of the quality of education. A law was introduced named "National Health Education Standards (NHES), It was designed in the year 1995 to promote the educational system in the health care system. Another sort of Union that forms the health education system is the "Society of Health and Physical Educators". This was the union of health educators and it was founded in the year 1885. This law does best for the development of the educational system and supports the health and physical education system (Nutbeam et al. 2021). It furnishes suggestions for the development of the improvement of the educational system in the health care system.
Since the health education system is very important it requires various legal procedures and governmental policies for the development of the educational policies of the health care system. Health resources include financial and human resources which are solely used for the academic growth of the healthcare system (Quezada et al. 2020). Financial resources include health services and other commodities utilization. Outdoor patient care, several aspects of hospital care, medicinal utilization and public health care services all are included in the utilization of the resources. Human resources of the health care system consisting of doctors and nurses who play an important role in the delivery of health services. Materials, personnel and funds are the resources to be utilized for the development of the health care system.
Analysis of the implications of intellectual property rights and copyright for the development and use of resources
The intellectual property of the health care system includes patents; trademarks trade confidential reports and test data protection of the system. WHO made a plan on the Global masterplan of Action for the benefit of public health (Birch et al. 2020). Intellectual property and various trade issues are there which are very relevant to the health and social care system. Intellectual property rights help in the construction of the wall, proper assessment of the vaccines, and treatment for the recovery from the Covid 19. IPR (Intellectual property rights) usually gets grappled with the efforts taken by the World Intellectual property Organization. WHO committee people effects on the Intellectual property of genomics as well as world health (Habib et al. 2019). Genetic engineering data and other healthcare technologies are the main cornerstones of the next decade of healthcare systems development. The four main properties of IP laws are trademarks, trade secrets copyrights and patents.
In health and social care, system trademarks are applied in the same way as the other sectors. Medicinal and other equipment brands are highly dependent on the high profile services and manage the customers to choose their brands (Hanley and Orr, 2019). The seller's brand fame is necessary when selling sanitation equipment, medicinal tool and the new drug. Companies approve the confidentiality agreement and make it obvious that the secret must keep very confidential. Patents are of utmost importance for the healthcare industry for the development of healthcare services. In absence of the patent system, innovation has to slow significantly (Winter et al. 2019). Patents cover up the final product and are very common which are utilised for processes and manufacturing of the equipment which produces the final commodities. Design patents are another important aspects which are utilised in health care services. They conserve the aesthetic and other inoperative aspects of the commodities. These are friendly commodities which contribute significantly in the system. It removes stress from the patients and families.
Copyright consists of the invention which is part of the "device, brand, label ticket and so on. Medicinal and equipment, logos are protected by the trademark patents protect new discovery, and "scientific formation of any commodities" (Rasheed-Karim, 2020).Copyright protects the original works of the original work. Several books related to health care and equipment are protected by IPR. Confidential reports also remain protected by the copyright. Copyrights were established in order to inspire authors, artists and others creators to create various types of equipment (Wakefield et al. 2021). These books are highly useful for the students to gain knowledge in regard to health and social care services. More and tough laws are generated in order to protect the invention. Librarian books serve the purpose of copyrights spending on books.
![Personal development Personal development]()
Figure 2: Personal development
(Source: Hamouche et al. 2021)
Planning opportunities to improve skills in the development and use of resources in Health and Social Care
Regulation of the distribution and selling of the drugs
The drugs are irregularly distributed and it has to be regulated. The antibiotics are within the reach of the common people for ensuring the curing of the disease (Hamouche et al. 2021). When there would be the proper distribution of the drugs there is no chaotic movement.
Professionals are to be motivated
Lucrative incentives are to be given to the hospitals and "imaging and diagnostic" centres. There must be proper and transparent clarity for a better understanding of the patients.
A modern infrastructure facility
A well defines of modern types of equipment in the health care system are must-need in the health and social care system. Most healthcare system doesn't have basic facilities like water, and electricity and sometimes they don't have painkillers (Moudatsou et al. 2020). Thus the infrastructure must contain all the necessary items. At least 5 emergency units are needed for handling the emergency case patients. A well-knowledgeable doctor has to be appointed in the health care system, some hospitals also lack this.
"Improvement of the front-line professionals"
The healthcare system daily faces some kinds of challenges A little bit of mistake can be highly fatal for the system. Proper training has to be provided to increase efficiency (O'Cathain et al. 2019). From the nurse to doctors all of them have proper training. To reduce the challenges. Daily little improvement leads to the development of the health center is high time to introduce the development of the system. A good healthcare system is an element of the bright future.
Task 5: Working with others within the institution and developing self-practice in teaching Health and Social Care
Evaluation of the effectiveness of the design and use of resources to engage and meet the individual needs of learners in Health and Social Care
Self-practices are very important for developing personal skills and knowledge. As a lecturer at an institution, many types of personal skills have been adopted to improve the teaching of Health and social care. It is a vast subject that helps to provide awareness of health. Various types of skills and knowledge help to improve students' careers in the specialized subject of health and social care (Ovcharuk et al. 2020). As a lecturer, many types of resources have been used for developing institutional growth and student growth in the special subject of health and social care. Research skills and communication skills are very important for improving personal growth. Different types of resources have needed for understanding a special study. Many types of methods and skills have improved for adopting the knowledge and skills in the special subject. In the current situation, it is impossible to separate technology from the education sector. Therefore, as the lecturer, I am providing many types of pieces of knowledge and skills about health and social care with the help of many online websites and journals.
![The effectiveness of the design The effectiveness of the design]()
Figure 3:The effectiveness of the design
(Source: Inspired by Mazzottiet al. 2021)
In the education sector, it is mandatory to save students' and stakeholders' health. Therefore, many types of health and safety rules have been followed in this sector. As a lecturer of health and social care, I have adopted much awareness for providing advice about health and social care (Mazzotti et al. 2021). Students of health and care have adopted health awareness from their teachers and others resources. Basically, as a student of health and care, they should be provided more awareness of others. As a lecturer, I have changed my teaching process and tried to provide different styles and designs for good teaching. Many formal and informal resources have been used by the lecturer for improving personal skills. The lecturer has taken challenging risks and challenging activities for students' growth and provides motivation. As Students get more knowledge and their efforts have doubled for challenging activities. Many modern technologies have been used by lecturers for improving their personal growth.
Identification of strengths and areas for improvement in relation to the development and use of resources in Health and Social Care
Every organisation has needed many strengths for the development of this sector. Here, as the lecturer of health and social care, many different types of areas have improved by the lecturer. The institution has to provide many types of rules and regulations for proper management and proper cooperation. As a result, the lecturer gets many opportunities when provides different types of methods and qualities (Pei and Wu, 2019). Many areas have been improved by the lecturer for providing the best knowledge about health and social care. Therefore, 3 areas have been followed to improve teaching quality.
- Follow time management: Various stages have been adopted by the lecturer for providing authentic information. Time management is one of the important strategies of the lecturer (Albukhitan, 2020). As a result, various challenges have been overcome with the help of personal skills and knowledge. Students have adopted time management skills from their teacher of health and social care.
- Motivated students: In the FE sector, all students have been motivated with the help of specialized knowledge (Hanley and Thompson, 2021). Therefore, it is a strength of the lecturer and it is very helpful for developing a student's career. As a lecturer of an institution, it should be the responsibility to improve students' careers in their life.
- Problem-solver: The lecturer has adopted many personal skills for providing the best knowledge and efforts. Therefore, many challenges have been overcome with the help of adopted skills. Students have adopted many skills from their lecturer and they have provided effective results.
Task 6: Demonstrating own ability to evaluate, improve and update the knowledge and skills in Health and Social Care
Reviewing the effectiveness of knowledge and skills
Skills and Knowledge are very important parts of people's life. Every individual wants to grow their personal skills for improving personal growth and professional career. In the workplace, most people have used their personal skills for improving their position. As a lecturer in the FE sector, I have adopted many skills and pieces of knowledge for improving my professional career and also provide many pieces of knowledge for the develop students' careers. Personal development skills are so much important for utilizing students' careers and all people's careers (GarzonArtacho et al. 2020). In this study, as a lecturer of health and social care, I have joined a new college and wanted to develop students' careers and improve their knowledge in their specialized subjects of health and social care. Therefore, the lecturer will provide many types of pieces of knowledge and skills for utilizing students' personalities. The FE sector is huge in size and many different classes of students have engaged in this sector together.
In every situation of life, knowledge and skills help people to reduce challenges in life and these are helping to improve the personal growth of this sector. As a lecturer of health and social care, I have taken many development courses for improving my pieces of knowledge (Hobson and Maxwell, 2020). In spite of these, I have provided many extra classes and pieces of training for improving student's career and their knowledge. In spite of these, in the current time, online platforms have provided a huge knowledge about many subjects and online education is effective for improving students' careers (Zhao et al. 2021). Modern technologies have provided various knowledge and skills that help to build the future career of a person or students. Therefore, it is said that various skills and pieces of knowledge have needed for a person's life and these are helping to utilize people's personal and professional life.
Identification of own strengths and areas for improvement in relation to practice
Various types of strengths help to improve the personal and professional career of a person. In the FE sector, as a lecturer of health and social care, I have adopted many skills for teaching health and social care. I am adopting much information about this subject from many related books, journals, websites, and other sources. This adopted knowledge helps me to provide much information to students. Knowledge-based skill is one of the essential skills that help to provide proper education in the specialized subject (Onishchuk et al. 2020). Communication skills are the more powerful skills that help to improve any sector or any subject. Here, the lecturer has adopted many strengths for helping all students. The lecturer of the FE sector, communication skills and decision-making skills have developed for utilizing students' interest in their specialized subject, health and social care (Longhurst et al. 2020). Various types of knowledge and experiences have been shared by the lecturer for improving personal growth.
Enthusiasm is an important skill that helps to build personal and professional life. As a lecturer, I have provided more enthusiasm for motivating students about health and social care. Students want to improve their knowledge about their special subject and therefore, the new lecturer helps to improve their knowledge and skills. Patience is another type of strength that helps the lecturer to overcome all challenges in every situation (Albukhitan, 2020). As a result, students have adopted any knowledge that provides me for improving their careers. Dedication is another part of the lecturer's strengths that helps me improve my career and skills. In every sector, dedication is important for getting effective results. Therefore, it is said that strengths help to improve personal careers.
Identification of opportunities to improve and update knowledge and skills
Various types of opportunities gets if adopting personal knowledge and skills. These all skills are essential for student’s growth in their specialized subject. These all are mentioned below:
- Improve time management:The lecturer has adopted their personal skills which is important for improving professional growth (Römgens et al. 2020). Time management is an essential part that helps to understand the significant of time.
- Develop emotional intelligence: Emotion is a challenge to the personal and professional life of a person. As a lecturer, I have improved many pieces of knowledge for utilizing my career. Asa result, emotional intelligence have developed my career.
It is concluded that after discussing this study, I have got various types of pieces of knowledge and experiences. After discussing these six tasks, a clear image has got me that is essential for improving the personal and professional careers of people. Here, as a lecturer in the FE sector, I have developed my personal skills for providing my best pieces of knowledge and skills. A lecturer of health and social care, I have joined a new college and adopted many personal skills for teaching the specialized subject of health and social care. In tasks 1 and 2, I have applied training and education philosophy and health programmes for understanding proper knowledge about health and social care. After that, in tasks 3 and 4, I focused on relating inclusiveness and approaches that developed students' careers and also discuss what types of resources have been taken for improving students. In spite of these, in tasks 5 and 6, I have applied the strengths and valuable points of the lecturer that helps to develop my personal career.
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