Understand How to Safeguard the Wellbeing of Children & Young People (Unit 4 )Assignment Sample

Describing the actions to take if a child or young person alleges harm or abuse in line with policies & procedures of own setting

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Understand How to Safeguard the Wellbeing of Children and Young People Assignment

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1.0 Using the headings provided, describe the key points of each of the following guidelines and legislation and analyse how these guidelines affect the day-to-day work with young children

Help Children Achieve More

· Each guideline of the Child Matters become a need.

· The concepts of healthiness, safety, enjoyment and achievement, a beneficial contribution to achievement and economic welfare for all children are included.

Give examples how schools follow the legislation/ policy Help Children Achieve More

Due to the death of Victoria Climbie due to child maltreatment, every kid Matters guide was implemented. It has greatly affected schools and fostered greater cooperation between organisations including healthcare workers, schools and social welfare. All children must be recorded and if they were in touch with welfare workers in a national server (Cowie and Myers, 2021). An empowered child commissioner must be established in England to safeguard the rights of children.

Children Act 2004

It outlines the guardians and their employees' duties. It covers the protection of welfare and demands the need to examine.

Give examples how schools follow the legislation/ policy Children Act 2004

The local authorities set up Local Protection Boards. The school has a duty to establish child safety policies and wide-ranging child protection rules.

Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018

Clarify and simplify safeguarding duties and advice. 4 components include safeguarding children from abuse and preventing child health damage. Ensure that children are safe and efficiently taken care of, measures to allow all children to achieve the greatest results.

Give examples how schools follow the legislation/ policy Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018

Schools must utilise record keeping and evaluations in order to identify indications of child maltreatment in schools or at home. Staff need to pursue the kid protection policy and talk about a designated protection leadership. A reference to the social care of children and contact the police. When referral is not required, the school/college takes appropriate measures, including pastoral assistance and early assistance and local monitoring.

Counter Terrorism Act 2015

To avoid the radicalization of children and young people. To avoid child radicalization, schools should have measures in place. It is designed to prevent terror in the United Kingdom.

Give examples how schools follow the legislation/ policy Counter Terrorism Act 2015

Head of instructors and governors should evaluate the danger of terrorist attacks from pupils. Local environment must be built on observations. For terrorism and extremism material, online content must be controlled. The school must educate employees to detect youngsters at danger and regulate the facilities of prayer. The processes of local government should also be discussed.

Prevent Duty and Fundamental British Values 2015

This act is associated with the Act against Terrorism. It highlights the main tasks and areas of emphasis for school personnel.

Give examples how schools follow the legislation/ policy Prevent Duty and Fundamental British Values 2015

Schools are obliged to prevent radicalization for kids. The Internet may be monitored in the school and the risks of radicalization are raised. Students are more likely to learn about the radicalization forces. British democratic principles and debate on such issues also enhance resiliency. You can also detect changes of conduct and you need to know what actions you need to take if you are accused of them.

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2018

A document to be used by the employees. The "Prevent Duty and Fundamental British Values Act 2015" is concerned.

Give examples how schools follow the legislation/ policy Keeping Children Safe in Education 2018

Schools implement the rules by educating employees about protection. Personnel need, for instance, to know how to give children with a safe atmosphere to learn.

1.2 Explain child protection within the wider concept of safeguarding children and young people

The Safeguarding Children Together Act defines protection against child abuse as a protection against child abuse and preventing damage of the health of children. Ensuring that children are safe and efficiently taken care of, measures to allow all children to achieve the greatest results (Cowie and Myers, 2021). Children are not just protected from physical harm by safeguarding children. It's more about safe, safe and healthy children. Ensure the safety of your environment and the protection of your rights.

1.3 Explain circumstances as to when and why inquiries and serious case reviews are required and how the sharing of the findings informs practice

The LSCB Regulations 2006 necessitate severe cases of known or suspected abuse or neglection in which a child died. It may also be required if a kid has suffered severe injury. The SCR offers the agencies the chance to discuss the case together and to remark on the lessons gained from the professional approach to the problem (Cowie and Myers, 2021). A report will be published on suggestions. DCSF's "Working Together to Save Children 2010" booklet describes the procedures for carrying out SCRs. Following the death of the nine-year-old Victoria Climbie from abuse by her aunt, child protection practise has been implemented. If Climbie, there were 12 different opportunities to offer support and assistance.

1.4 Explain how the process used by own work setting or service comply with legislation that covers data protection, information handling and sharing

Pick three principles of the data protection act and explain how your setting upholds these

Responsibility: compels information processors to demonstrate adequate data security. Schools must maintain comprehensive records of administrative operations and also yearly inform the ICO. Periods of data storage: The length of time a school retains data relies on whether it is required for such reasons as an examination student. Inappropriate data must promptly be deleted. Exactness: The data retained should be correct and updated if it is no longer applicable.

Who has access to a child’s personal information held in school?

A student or anyone acting on behalf of him has the right to access information regarding him or her at the school.

Give three examples of every day practices that comply with the Data Protection Act.

· Using children's photographs: schools must get permission to publish students' pictures.

· Secure and confident processing of data.

· Collect and maintain data just for its purpose.

Some of these outcomes are met in Unit 1 – 3.1

Outcomes 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 - By the end of these outcomes you will understand the importance of working in partnership with other organisations to safeguard children and young people.

2.1 Explain the importance of safeguarding children and young people

All adults and children's professionals have a responsibility to safeguard against harm. In school, the duty of the working adults lies with children's protection. There must be investigation of signs of maltreatment outside school. School rules and safeguarding procedures must be in place and all employees must be taught to comply with them. The measures towards protecting children ought to be made known by parents and governors. It is necessary to examine the following policies:

· “Children’s physical safety on the premises and on outside visits”

· “Children’s safety at home”

· “Children’s safety online”

· “Staff awareness and training”

· “Monitoring and record keeping”

· “Partnership and involvement with other agencies”

· “Children’s awareness of acceptable and unacceptable behaviour”

Children identified to be at danger should get additional assistance. Where appropriate, other agencies may be engaged.

2.2 Explain the importance of a child or young person-centred approach

Agencies have to look at the way they approach children, for instance, to hear their opinions and to engage them in conversations. The emotions and worries of the kid are the primary priorities, therefore all decisions must be approved. The best action for the well-being and future of the kid has to be done.

2.3 Explain what is meant by partnership working in the context of safeguarding

Because of the multitude of entities engaged in safeguarding, communicating and partnering to guarantee child safety is essential. An inquiry takes place in every area of competence. A team works to ensure the best interests of the kid are fulfilled. The early aid evaluation system has superseded the CAF, setting forth early identification criteria for young people's issues and needs (Janes, 2021). It describes how professional assistance is organised, who is accountable for what and how a team operates. "Community for information sharing" - states when, how and why information may be exchanged.

2.4 Describe the roles and responsibilities of the different organisations that may be involved when a child or young person has been abused or harmed


(“National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children”)

When a kid is injured, the NSPCC participates. They are the only charitable organisation with the legal authority to intervene when children are abused. They also offer support lines that advise children and families on what faces they are. They also increase public consciousness of the safeguarding and abuse of children.


They cooperate with other children's protection services. The "Child Abuse Investigation Unit" is used by all the police forces to examine children's carelessness and mistreatment (Janes, 2021). These units provide data regarding the likelihood of child molestation and whether an enquiry should be initiated or any other instantaneous action taken.


Teachers and other school workers, including nurses, may detect indications of abuse through suspicious wounds and absences. All schools shall have child safety policies and procedures. You will also be in touch avec les services Sochaux.


Healthcare professionals are responsible for determining whether or not the injuries are by accident. If you see something suspect to which you were educated, you will notify other authorities.

Local Safeguarding Childrens Board

The Board is created and performs a significant role in protecting children in the local region by the local authorities. Monitor what all members of the board do to guarantee children's well-being. The police, medical services and probation officers are other agencies represented. The LSCB establishes its own child safety management practises.

Outcomes 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 - By the end of these outcomes you will understand the importance of ensuring children and young people’s safety and protection in the work setting.

3.1 Explain why it is important to ensure children and young people are protected from harm within the work setting

When youngsters are at school, the adults in their immediate vicinity should perform in the role of "loco parentis." This implies that the elders have accepted the duty of acting as a caretaker character for the youngsters while they are away from their families. Children must be safeguarded from all types of damage, including harm to their health and safety, online usage, school field excursions, and basic protection in all situations. Providing appropriate protection for children while acting in their best interests is a legal and professional responsibility on the part of those who practise in this field (Janes, 2021). It is recognised that children are fragile, do not recognise hazards, and do not recognise risks. As a result of the "Children Act 2004" and the "Every Child Matter" (ECM) campaign, schools have altered the way they organise the care and welfare of their pupils. As children get older, they become more autonomous because they are able to understand more effectively. However, they still require direction, monitoring, and assistance. Due to the fact that adolescents are still developing their ability to cope with social and emotional discomfort,

3.2 Explain policies and procedures that are in place to protect children and young people and adults who work with them

Look at the list of working practices that can be taken to safeguard children and yourself, using your setting practices explain how they safeguard children, and yourself.

E-Safety policies

It is the responsibility of E-Safety professionals to monitor the usage of internet material, such as improper pictures and other information. It also serves to safeguard youngsters against the possibility of being groomed online, of disclosing private information, or of obtaining information from illicit sources (Janes, 2021).

Procedure on physical contact

When it comes to physical contact with children, adults should avoid inappropriate behaviours such as kissing them inappropriately or touching them without a good reason.

Procedure on the supervision of Children

Staff members must keep track of how many youngsters are in session. While in school, children are always expected to be supervised by an adult at all times. This is done in order to prevent youngsters from being injured or suffering other damage.

Informing collegues of whereabouts

If a worker is not going to be at work or at school when they should be, they must notify their supervisors or co-workers of their location. They must also include information about off-site trips and conferences, including the dates and hours of these events (Janes, 2021). In order to avoid being penalised, workers must notify the school if they are going to be late until a specific time, like 8:50 a.m.

Procedure for internet use

Sites where minors may be preyed upon or exposed to improper material should be blocked. This includes websites such as Facebook and other social media platforms. When using the internet in class, it should be utilised efficiently and not for non-educational reasons.

Intimate care procedure

The intimate care of children must be carried out with decency and respect. It is essential to take into account the kid's age, gender, handicap, and special requirements, as well as to prevent any humiliation for the youngster.

Procedures for outings

All visits are subject to permission by the Director of the Centre. It is recommended that verbal permission be sought well in advance of the trip. School field trips must always be accessible, with accommodations made for students with disabilities. On the trip, it is recommended that a documented risk assessment be completed in advance, and that a first aider be present. Children can't leave cars unsupervised.

3.3 Evaluate ways in which concerns about poor practice can be reported whilst ensuring that whistle-blowers and those whose practice or behaviour is being questioned are protected

Identify a range of ways in which concerns about poor practice can be reported

Whistleblowing is one way of exposing. When a worker thinks someone else doesn't do the same or damage a kid, they may do it as a whistleblower. Notifying more people, like the management director and senior management and ultimately the head teacher of the issue. Identification of whistleblowers must be safeguarded. Workers must know about their school's whistleblower policy (Golding, McKemmish and Reed, 2021). Employees must also operate in an open manner that makes their behaviour with youngsters readily seen. For instance, the door must be unlocked when leaving alone with students. Every employee should be trained in childcare to know exactly what measures are needed and to comprehend the seriousness of the issue. Children's/staff testimonies and video/photo proof may be gathered. Finally, the social services are referred to.

Now evaluate these different procedures and how they affect different individuals. Make sure you include information about whistle-blowing and those who’s practice or behaviours is questioned.

Whistleblowing is a positive thing since it animates the informant, a worry many workers dread to be engaged. Nevertheless, it requires time to show the assertions since they are credible accusations, which is a disadvantage of the method.

3.4 Explain how practitioners can take steps to protect themselves within their everyday practice in the work setting and on off site visits

Staff need to be informed of and know their tasks and duties in school safeguards. Practitioners may take various measures to guarantee safe practise, such as not alone in compromising situations with a kid (Golding, McKemmish and Reed, 2021). Physical touch must be limited. You must bring other employees up to date and explain and clarify your behaviour and judgements. Written parental agreements are also required for school excursions. Ensure that in all situations you follow the right processes.

Outcomes 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 - By the end of these outcomes you will understand how to respond to evidence or concerns that a child or young person has been abused or harmed.

4.1 Describe the possible signs, symptoms, indicators and behaviours that may cause concern in the context of safeguarding

Type of Abuse

Definition of Abuse

Signs of Abuse


Any maltreatment that causes the child's body to be physically injured. This is often done by beatings, kicks, and causes a kid injury and suffering deliberately.

Burning, bruising, bone breakage. Burning. There may be indications of abuse on a portion of the body hidden by clothing. If a kid spends time hiding or is afraid of touch with physicality, this is a signal of caution.


Failure to touch the kid physically. Touch the body of a kid forcefully and force the child sexually (Golding, McKemmish and Reed, 2021).

Adult regression and loss of confidence. Genital irritation for their age, maybe, too sexually conscious. Since the indications are difficult to detect, every sign must be treated carefully regardless of how tiny.


It is putting a kid down and not providing them sufficient affection. You may be ridiculed and tormented orally and feel that you're not strong sufficient. It covers intimidation, racism and prejudice. Cyber bullying may also take place.

A dissatisfied and distracted kid is either overly attached to people or is withdrawn. You may have poor self-appreciation and anxiety.


The kid is not cared for and treated appropriately (Golding, McKemmish and Reed, 2021). Hospital, food, love and health care are all the essentials.

They seem uncontrolled and are weightless. You may always be hungry and search for what you miss at home at school. You are sad, miserable and you are at home.

Female Genital Mutilation

Some or all external female genitals had to be chopped ritually. In 27 African nations, this practise is widespread and detrimental and is meant to prevent women from having sexual fun. It may also be found in Iraq, Indonesia and Yemen (Golding, McKemmish and Reed, 2021).

If a kid has a certain background, it is at danger. For longer than usual, they may have been away from school. They may be affected by the operation in pain and mood. In the first place, it is essential to avoid this problem.

Forced Marriages

Instead of a previous romantical relationship, brides are chosen especially for marriage purposes. The family and the community may occasionally compel it.

The kid may not be in school or will meet with the bride in another nation. You may have informed your pals. You may be retired from your studies.

Munchausenby proxy Syndrome

Also described as a factious condition by others, it occurs when a parent/caregiver causes other people's health issues, usually their children.

A parent who is too worried about their kid. The kid may have been hospitalised numerous times for odd causes. At school, the symptoms are not apparent.


An adult is trying to build a close connection with a kid to reduce the inhibitions in the child, with the ultimate aim being sexual abuse. Children are treated older than they are and have presents and praises to make them feel special.

The groomer tries to shut the kid off from friends and relatives so that they are retired.

4.2 Describe the actions to take if a child or young person alleges harm or abuse in line with policies and procedures of own setting

· Be empathetic and supportive; do not state that you will keep the information a secret.

· Take notes while attentively listening, but do not question.

· Explain to the kid that you will need to inform someone once they have finished speaking.

· Express gratitude to the kid for communicating with you and refrain from displaying emotions such as anxiety, surprise, or revulsion.

· Communicate your concerns to the child protection officer as soon as feasible (same day)

4.3 Explain the rights that children, young people and their carers have in situations where harm or abuse is suspected or alleged

The "United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child" is an international treaty that establishes children's rights. The agreement says that organisations must act in the child's best interests and respect the child's viewpoints (according to their maturity level). Children, too, have the right to freedom of speech. Children have the right to remain with their parents unless it is in their greatest advantage (Baran et al. 2019). Additionally, the agreement seeks to safeguard children from all kinds of violence and sexual exploitation. Governments must assist families who are unable to provide a safe and loving environment for their children.

A kid does have the right not to be repeatedly examined and questioned by medical personnel.

If you think a kid is being mistreated, you should intervene quickly to safeguard the child, especially if the child is in imminent danger of serious injury. Wherever feasible, the kid will be allowed to take place in their family home but will be taken if they are a victim of physical or sexual assault (Demuyakor, 2020). The school should make every effort to safeguard the kid by collaborating with his or her parents or career. If the kid is in imminent danger of serious injury, the parent has no immediate rights.

When a kid or adolescent report being mistreated, you should trust them and provide them with assistance in a calm and loving atmosphere. It is critical that they understand they can rely on you to assist them. If they need medical help, it should be made available to them.

Outcomes 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 - By the end of these outcomes you will understand how to respond to evidence or concerns that a child or young person has been bullied.

5.1 Explain different types of bullying and the potential effects on children and young people

Types of Bullying


Potential effects


Pushing, hitting, kicking, and other forms of physical violence.

Injuries and discomfort. Inadequate academic performance, sadness, difficulty to sleep, lack of food, reluctance to attend school, and, in rare instances, suicide


Name-calling, sarcasm, insults, spreading rumours, persistent teasing.

Verbal bullying is a frequent method through which some youngsters attack others. It leads in humiliation and alienation from peers. It is critical to grasp the distinction between bullying and abuse.


A more sophisticated kind of bullying that influences the child's mental health. It includes withdrawing love and affection, shaming them, threatening them, and decreasing their self-esteem.

Anxiety, self-criticism, or behaviour motivated by a need for attention. Any personality changes should be recorded. Inadequate academic performance, despair, sleep deprivation, lack of appetite, inability to attend school, and in rare instances, suicide.


Cyberbullying is a kind of bullying that occurs online. The perpetrator of the bullying may stay anonymous or may be a known individual to the victim. Social media is often used to convey derogatory comments to victims or to post defamatory information about them.

Cyberbullying sometimes follows the kid home, causing them anxiety. They may acquire an aversion to their classmates and become socially isolated (Chase, 2020). They might experience anxiety symptoms. Poor academic performance, sadness, difficulty to sleep, lack of appetite, refusal to attend school, and, in rare instances, suicide.


When a kid is bullied for a specific cause, such as race, sexual orientation, or being autistic.

Shame, rage, and isolation. Poor academic performance, sadness, difficulty to sleep, lack of appetite, unwillingness to attend school, and, in rare instances, suicide.

5.2 Outline the policies and procedures that should be followed in response to concerns or evidence of bullying and explain the reasons why they are in place

Anti-bullying processes and rules should really be implemented in schools. Children should really be constantly reminded of the policies and the repercussions of bullying at your school (Chase, 2020). While the teaching assistant can deal with isolated instances of bullying, if the issue persists, they must notify the teacher and seek assistance from the senior management team. It is important to address the bullying issue as soon as possible.

5.3 Explain how to support a child or young person and/or their family when bullying is suspected or alleged

It is essential to respond to the kid describing the bullying because they need comfort from of the people in their immediate environment. Additionally, one should respect the parents' perspective, since they may have addressed the problem as a worry. Parents are capable of recognizing alterations in their child's behaviour, and their findings are accurate. Consider both part of the situation. The bullying kid or children may also be struggling with psychological issues that contribute to their behaviour. Once bullying has been proven, appropriate measures shall be taken against by the bullies. This entails assuring bullies that they will apologise and refrain from repeating their conduct (Chase, 2020). Another of the parents' grievances is that they believe nothing was done to assist their kid. This is why effective communication is the key. Teachers may use supportive methods in the classroom to assist students in managing with bullying, including a buddy system and a safe zone.

Outcomes 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 - By the end of these outcomes you will understand how to work with children and young people to support their safety and wellbeing.

6.1 Provide 3 examples of how to support children and young people’s self-confidence and self-esteem

1. Praise

It boosts the child's confidence since they feel as if they are succeeding. The kid evaluates their performance based on the teacher's comments, and good feedback reassures them that they are doing something correctly.

2. Allow for autonomy

Children should be able to do activities independently in order to feel genuinely secure in their skills.

3. Celebrate

If performing chores results in rewards, it instils a competitive attitude in the kid. It motivates them to continue and makes them feel pleased. Children's distinctions and commonalities should also be highlighted to ensure their acceptance.

6.2 Analyse the importance of supporting resilience in children and young people

What is resilience?

The ability to recover fully swiftly from adversity.

Why is it important to support resilience in children?

And then they can conquer inevitable future hurdles, whether emotional, physical, cognitive, or academic in nature. Individuals who experience resilience become more proficient at solving problems and overcoming obstacles.

How might a child with poor resilience react to failure?

They may adopt an attitude in which they think that 'giving up' is preferable or essential. It will lead in their exerting less effort on their duties since they think the job is unachievable. They are averse to trying new things.

6.3 Explain why it is important to work with the child or young person to ensure they have strategies to protect themselves and make decisions about safety

Concerns have been voiced about the risks that youngsters encounter online. Children should become victims of grooming and provide personal information online without any of the awareness of their parents.

Indeed, a recent research found that 49% of youngsters had disclosed personal info, including their name, birthdate, and phone number. Meanwhile, just 5% of parents seemed aware that their children were engaging in this behaviour. It is critical to educate youngsters about limits as well as what constitutes appropriate behaviour online, so they are not easily manipulated by strangers (Demuyakor, 2020). Additionally, it is critical to foster parent-child dialogue on the child's activities.

6.4 Explain ways of empowering children and young people to make positive and informed choices that support their well-being and safety

Demonstrating to the kid the difference between 'poor touch' and 'good touch'. Inform kids because they own their bodies and should not be touched areas or in methods that make them feel uncomfortable (McLouglin, Spears and Taddeo, 2018). With good communication skills, the kid is more willing to share information with you that they would not otherwise.

Stranger Danger - Children should also be aware of the risks that strangers offer and therefore should maintain a safe distance from them or notify an adult if a stranger attempt to speak with them.

The NSPCC has a programme called PANTS that supports parents in discussing safety with their children without using the term ‘sexual abuse.'

Outcomes 7.1, 7.2 - By the end of these outcomes you will understand the importance of e-safety for children and young people.

7.1 Explain the risks and possible consequences for children and young people of being online and of using a mobile phone


Children face many hazards in the online world. Children have also been online predators, victims of cyber bullying, and have encountered privacy issues.

Children may make this mistake of disclosing personal information or falling victim to concealed cost traps. If children's online behaviour is not supervised correctly, the repercussions may be severe, even fatal.

Mobile Phone

Addiction is among the primary dangers linked with mobile phones. Addiction may grow severe when children's obsession with their phone diverts their attention away from daily activities (McLouglin, Spears and Taddeo, 2018). Additionally, children may fall for the trap of calling/texting adults. Moreover, children may use their phone for bad and dangerous purposes, such as filming or transmitting improper films. Finally, several researches have established a connection between mobile phones and health problems such as insomnia and cancer.

7.2 Describe ways of reducing risk to children and young people from social networking, internet use, buying online, using mobile phone

Social Networking

Parents must be aware if their children are using social networking sites. Educate youngsters on how to use social media securely and to avoid communicating with adult acquaintances or posting something they may regret later. It is feasible to ban social networking sites in schools.

Internet Use

Using software to prevent potentially dangerous websites and pop-up windows. The majority of internet settings may well be altered to block dangerous material as well. Reduce the amount of money youngsters spend online.

Buying Online

Numerous applications are free or have hidden fees, and youngsters may be enticed by online goods. It is preferable if parents do not save bank account information on technological gadgets (McLouglin, Spears and Taddeo, 2018).

Mobile Phone Use

Leverage security features on phones, including such disabling location, and instruct youngsters not to divulge their phone number with anybody. Children may cyber bully using their mobile phones. Because mobile phones may distract children's focus away from many other activities, it is critical to restrict their use.

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Harvard Referencing Grid

Author Name

Year of Publication

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Date Accessed

Baran, Canbazoglu Bilici, Albayrak Sari and Tondeur


Investigating the impact of teacher education strategies on preservice teachers' TPACK.


British Journal of Educational Technology

19TH August 2021



Coronavirus (COVID-19) and online learning in higher institutions of education


Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies


August 2021



Transitions, capabilities and wellbeing: How Afghan unaccompanied young people experience becoming ‘adult’ in the UK and beyond.


Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies


August 2021

McLouglin, Spears and Taddeo


The importance of social connection for cybercities: how connectedness and technology could promote mental health and wellbeing in young people.


International Journal of Emotional Education


August 2021

Cowie and Myers


The impact of the COVID?19 pandemic on the mental health and well?being of children and young people.


Children & Society

19th August, 2021

Golding, McKemmish and Reed


Towards Transformative Practice in Out of Home Care: Chartering Rights in Recordkeeping


Archives and Manuscripts

19th August, 2021



Children and Young People in Custody in England and Wales: Rights and Wrongs


The Palgrave International Handbook of Youth Imprisonment

19th August, 2021

Baran, E., Canbazoglu Bilici, S., Albayrak Sari, A. and Tondeur, J., 2019. Investigating the impact of teacher education strategies on preservice teachers' TPACK. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(1), pp.357-370.

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References - Referencing for a Book, Video, Newspaper and Articles or website

Chase, E., 2020. Transitions, capabilities and wellbeing: How Afghan unaccompanied young people experience becoming ‘adult’in the UK and beyond. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46(2), pp.439-456.

Cowie, H. and Myers, C.A., 2021. The impact of the COVID?19 pandemic on the mental health and well?being of children and young people. Children & Society, 35(1), pp.62-74.

Demuyakor, J., 2020. Coronavirus (COVID-19) and online learning in higher institutions of education: A survey of the perceptions of Ghanaian international students in China. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 10(3), p. e202018.

Golding, F., McKemmish, S. and Reed, B., 2021. Towards Transformative Practice in Out of Home Care: Chartering Rights in Recordkeeping. Archives and Manuscripts, pp.1-17.

Janes, L., 2021. Children and Young People in Custody in England and Wales: Rights and Wrongs. In The Palgrave International Handbook of Youth Imprisonment (pp. 23-50). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

McLouglin, L., Spears, B. and Taddeo, C., 2018. The importance of social connection for cybervictims: how connectedness and technology could promote mental health and wellbeing in young people. International Journal of Emotional Education, 10(1), pp.5-24.

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