Unit - 1 Human Resource Management Assignment Sample

Exploring Human Resource Management: Trends, Skills, and Career Development

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Introduction Of Human Resource Management

One of the main notions behind conducting this study is to show the familiarity, aptitudes, and knowledge needed by a graduate student to enter an industry. My main aim for conducting this research is to show my skills being an HR and how it will help me get entry into any sector. The main objective I set for this study is to show my specialization in which I graduated and to find out the upcoming trends for that particular selected area. The selected of my study was Human resources, and I will provide both primary and secondary facts to show the study's validity. In addition to this, one more objective of this study is to show the aptitudes and the understanding required to flourish in the selected field of profession. But before going into deep details, let me provide a brief about what is HRM.

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Human Resource Management is that field of study which deals with the tactical move towards the productive administration of individuals within a company. The main use of Human resources in a company is that it helps gain a cutthroat advantage for that particular business. A company particularly designs a human resource to expand the work and labour performed in a worker's tactical goal. In other words, human resources can also be described as the process which helps in managing people and employees in an organization using a strategic management plan (Reza, 2015).

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Analysis and Application

General trends which will impact your profession

The past few years have generated an inundation of modification in the field of HR. The increase in the use of Artificial Intelligence has made the profession of HR more complex and tough to deal with. As we enter 2020 and a fresh era, it is pertinent to seek forward for a sight of which HR styles will be ongoing to take and accept the modification and which fresh trends will rise to mould the future of employment. Computerized advancement and interruption are the same old thing. Be that as it may, maybe what is going on is organizations' accentuation on computerized changing human resources. The latest study done by SelectHub showed that almost 2/3rd of the company pioneers believes that if the organization did not go with the digital transformation by the year 2020, it would no longer be cutthroat. The use of HR is always an important part, but with that, the introduction of digitalized HR will more help the employers work easily. The study has also listed the methods through which artificial intelligence might help the recruitment strategy and highlighted where it would be less effective than humans (Totah, Zachary, 2020).

So, based on the above chart, we can identify that the future trends of HR and the introduction of AI is more likely to impact the sourcing of employees and checking the employees for recruitment. The least impacted area will be taking interviews of the employees.

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The skills/knowledge, and experience required to be an effective HR

To flourish in the HR field, a person requires important skills and experience. Below mentioned are the most important skills which an HR person is required.



Interaction Skills

The most important aptitudes to being a good HR has excellent communications skills. This is because an HR of any company is the main spokesperson, so that person needs to be smart enough to communicate with people.


As the HR manager of a company is identified as the main spoke person. As a result, he needs to be very proactive in his profession. Proactive HR assists with arranging and adjusting the key HR works that provide the most incentive to the company.


The next HR ability is instructing various partners. HR people must provide proper instructions to representatives, line supervisors, and ranking directors on individual problems.


Managing people is one of the most important skills required in HR. As the name suggests, HRM means managing people properly.


Educating abilities are useful regarding one-on-one or gathering meetings to propagate data or guide individuals (Maria, 2017).

The knowledge required to flourish in the HR field are listed below:



University degree

To gain proper knowledge and experience in HR, first and foremost, it is important to have a university degree in HR after that can transform only knowledge into skills.

Working in a functioning role

Secondly, to have expertise in the HR field, a person needs to work in an operational role rigorously. After that, only it can convert into a good HR (Dr Kumar, 2016).


In this segment, a brief about the selected post of HR recruiter will be discussed, along with why I am interested in this post I will be sharing. Along with this, how it connects with my prospective selected profession and why I prefer this work occasion to others will also be discussed.

why this job role is of interest to me

The position for which I am applying is HR recruitment for a leading company in England. Being an HR specialized student and gaining initial knowledge and experience, I think this is the best post for any budding HR. This job will help me understand my skills better, and I will be able to work with the employees of the company proactively. This profile will also help me understand the basics of recruitment, and in the future, it can also help to be the HR head of any big MNC.

How does it relate to your potential choice of profession?

As I have already at the beginning of the study that my specialization is into HR, and this is the reason I think the vacant post will be best suited for me. For the initial job experience, it is important to apply for those job roles related to the prospective profession and course. As I am a budding HR, I think to gain proper knowledge and develop the skills better manner; this recruitment profession is best suited to my profile. (Maria, 2017)

Why do you prefer this job opportunity to others you considered?

Though I am not saying that this job role will be best suited for everyone, yes, of course, anybody studying HR and those who already graduated in HR like me for them this will be the best-suited job occasion. This is because the freshers will be able to get a chance to learn basic about the recruitment, they will also learn how to screen candidates and how to take them to the final rounds. One of the most important parts of this job opportunity is that these are usually target based jobs which will help us learn how to handle and work under pressure which every employee confronts these days. In addition to this, this job opportunity will also allow us to communicate with others, which will also help develop the communication skills of an individual.

Is this a new/emerging job role within your industry and therefore likely to be future-proofed?

No, this is not a new or emerging job role, but the future with the job role is very much secure. Recruitment is not a new process, and it has been started since the people started working decades ago. But, there has been a lot of development done in this field, and along with this, the introduction of the digitalized system has also made it much easier. In addition to this, the processor cycle of recruitment is also the same, but with the introduction of AI, the work has become extremely easy for the recruiters. So, overall can say that and also, as per my knowledge and experience, this job opportunity is not new, and in the upcoming time also it is going to be the same with some changes in technology innovation (Maria, 2017).


Thus, from the overall study, it can conclude that the HR profession is interesting, but with this profession, we can learn a lot about other professions. HR profession helps a person screen hassle and helps identify the strong coupled with weak points of an individual. Being an HR professional, I can say that I have learnt a lot in my college and the coming future. I will learn additional things about the profession in deep detail.


  • Dr Kumar, A. A., 2016. Role of Knowledge Management in Human Resource Management, s.l.: ICFAI Law School.
  • Maria, J. S., 2017. Human Resources Management Skills Needed by Organizations, s.l.: ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa.
  • Reza, A., 2015. The Effectiveness of Human Resource Management on Improving the Performance of Education Staff. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 6(5), 251-254.
  • Today, Zachary, 2020. HR Trends in 2020: The Future of Human Resource Management. [Online]
  • Available at: https://www.selecthub.com/hris/hr-trends/#:~:text=Key%20Takeaways,on%20offering%20guidance%20in%202020.
  • [Accessed 21 November 2020].
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