The report will delve into equality, diversity and inclusion with the examples, definition of the discrimination. The report will shed light on the key legislation and regulations of the EDI terms within the healthcare practices as a healthcare professional. The report will put deeper insight into the protected characteristics of the people as accordance to the current legislations. Will analysis the protected characteristics which have managed by the NHS included clams of failure and some, characteristics.
Equality: The word ‘equality’ means the people ought to be treated with the equal opportunities and equal rights. It is related to equality is equity, that is regarding the offering the means often diverse for the individuals to go ahead to equal and just results. It states as being equal in the status, chances and rights, it is all about every group or individual should be given the same opportunities, resources about the circumstances.
Language: The leaders of the NCA host the data of meeting for the all members of the community for the Covid-19 pandemic. They held the meeting in the English language only. There is no one available for translating or no separate meeting for the residence people. The equitable meeting would can be include the different languages involving the Korean, Spanish, English so everyone presented in the meeting can understand the about it. Everyone can hers the information in the primary language or their native language (Syed and Ozbilgin 2019). This is the equable meeting all available individual can easily understand the language and treated equally.
The Digital divide: The students with the low income don’t have access of internet or computers in the Prince George’s country. It is difficult for the student to complete the assignment and homework without any computers. On the contrary hand in the different countries students have access to laptops, Wi-Fi and other digital tools in the schools. In some countries local non-profit give funds to provide laptops to each student and they are not having enough funds to provide both Wi-Fi as well as laptop to each student. Some student whom previously didn’t have Wi-Fi at their home but now they are having laptops. In this equitable type of example the funds only can be provided for the students with the need of hotspot and laptop. Since every student doesn’t need the technology, some already had.
Diversity: Diversity is about the differences in human range, involving but not with the limitation to ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, social class, race, gender identity, attributes, ethical values system or religious, political beliefs, national origin and gender (Diversity Definition, Types & Examples, 2023).
Gender diversity: Gender diversity is about referring the people of all genders are involved. It includes the men, women, gender which is non-conforming, Trans. In the politics, traditionally, it about the men but countries like Canada is having gender parity in the government.
Ethnic diversity: The ethnic diversity denotes to social categorization and cultural. As an example, Asian might be a race so it can be identify by the range of ethnicities. In the Myanmar and some other countries like Karen, Karenni and India, there is traditionally fitted to the caste system.
Inclusion: It is about to make the people being respected and valued on the work place. For example, By placing the regular classroom for the disable students, developing the programs which are related to the mentorship for the workers group which underrepresented. It is all about the honouring diversity, not about ignoring it all.
Discrimination: This is about the prejudicial and unfair behaviour of the individuals and some people which is founded on the characteristics like sexual category, race and sexual orientation.
Example of discrimination:
Direct discrimination: By rejecting a service operator for the dealing as they remain ‘too old’.
Indirect discrimination: A policy in which all male and female patient need to be given care by same gender but some people may desire to have certain carers of any gender may need to be checked by the same gender.
Associative discrimination: Mocking at colleagues since they are taking care or old aged people.
EDI is crucial in the healthcare practices for transferring the data with the numerous stakeholders. Every nurse need to know about the key legislation and regulations related to EDI terms as healthcare professional. Every healthcare professional included nurse is adhering to the use of technology for doing their daily task. With the use every professional should be well versed about the regulations. For educate about the legislation and regulations about the health care practices training and development sessions can be organized for the each heath care professional.
Heath insurance portability and accountability act (HIPAA): The act contains the security and privacy of the information about heath, Nurse should be known about the security and privacy rules with the respect. The rule about the privacy founds with the national standard about the protection of the patient’s recognizable information about the health. Meanwhile nurse need to be protected and secure the information about the patient. The information can be shared by nurse when it is essential (EDI REGULATIONS IN HEALTHCARE, 2023). In the regard of the act as a nurse need to be well versed about the laws of patient care and make it confidentiality. The rules about the security standard set for the storage of the electronic, handle heath data, transmission.
Heath information technology for economic ad clinical health (HITECH) Act: This act offers the acceptance and significant use of the electronic health records (EHRs) and by setting the need for the care group to secure the patient’s data and report the holes of the (PHI) protected heath information. Nurse need to focus on the records and papers of the patients and make sure about the health data of the every patient. The act is a portion of the US legislation which is enacted in 2009 to incentivize the utilisation of the (HER) electronic heath records with the support of technology via the healthcare industry of the country. This is helpful to secure the privacy and protect the information about the healthcare.
Centres for Medicare and Medicaid services initiatives (CMS): This act has implemented the numerous programs, like (EHR) Electronic heath record programs and access of the Medicare and CHIP reauthorization act which is known as (MACRA) to motivate the nurse to adopt and interoperability the heath records and exchange the information with security. For the nurse needs to maintain the trust in the patients and does the care diligently. Nurse must know about the data breaches and exchange of the electronic heath care information.
National Council for prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP): It is an industry which is related to the standards development programs which created the standard for the exchanging the information about the pharmacy (Doherty 2020). This includes the electronic prescriptions, claims about the pharmacy and medical histories. Nurses must know about the development programs, information of the pharmacy so can work in the better way to know about the programs.
Age: The discrimination which is based on the age group need to be treated fairly and need to provide equal treatment to the all age group.
Disability: A person with the disability about the mentally and physically must be offered the equal opportunities as other people.
Gender reassignment: By making sure about the in the person or proposes undergoes with the purpose for the reassigning the sex.
Marriage and Civil partnership: Marriage is about the union between a man and woman or can be with the same sex (The protected characteristics explained, 2023). Couple with the same sex also have right to be treated as married couple or legally known as ‘Civil partnership’.
Pregnancy and maternity: This is situation when someone is pregnant, maternity is known as the time afterwards the birth. This is connected with the maternity leaves in the service sector. They have rights to have baby if they not married or single this safeguard the discrimination.
Race: This known as people who are defined by the nationality and colour, have right to be treated as others and have the equal opportunities.
Religion on belief: These mentions about any religion can’t be discriminate according to their religion. This makes effect on the life choices and way of the living.
Sex: Make sure about the discrimination about the different sex, every man and woman need to be treated equally and have equal rights.
Sexual orientation: A person can attract the same sex or opposite sex can’t be discriminate according to their choices. Need to make sure about the equal treatment for everyone.
Age: A people which are being discriminated by the age within the NHS and have to face numerous of challenges due to this. There are numerous of cases in the NHS which is related to the age discrimination.
Recent cases and claims: A 89 years old NHS Administrator is known as oldest woman in the United Kingdom to win the perception age claim. The managers of the hospitals have fired her due to this. She has claimed that she stuck with the old secretarial way and she had faced the catastrophic failure in her performance. Some cases about the age discrimination in the hospitals due to the age groups are faced discriminations in critical conditions.
Failure and avoidance: The NHS needs to focus on the give education to the every healthcare professional about the gender discrimination and every age group should be treated equally and get the equal treatment. The health care professionals need to treat the patient according to their heath demand rather than based on the age groups (Cleverley, Cleverley and Parks 2023). Need to be educating about the laws regarding gender discrimination and the after myths of it. NHS needs to implement the guidelines for every health care professional so they can treat everyone equally.
Disability: People get the discrimination due to the disability and can be harassed as well. NHS needs to hire the professionals with the knowledge of equality in the patient (Curtis et al, 2022). Every patient should be treated equally in the NHS.
Recent cases and claims: According to the research about the NHS it has been founded that the Patient is being treated bad and raging because they are disable. The cases are the biggest issue for the people with the disability.
Failure and avoidance: NHS has to focus on the reasonable adjustments for the people with the disabilities. The facilities need to be created according to the disable people and can be modified. The team of professional must be educating about the disable people and how they can be treated (MacKenna et al, 2021). The professionals must have knowledge about the people and their needs about the care. This can create a good environment in the healthcare and patient can feel more comfortable and safe around the professionals.
By concluding the report in the terms of the equality, diversity and inclusion is different from each other equality is based on the language, the digital divide. The diversity is aligning with the gender and ethnic diversity. Discrimination is about the unfair treatment with the people which based on the sex, age and gender. The report delves into the key legislation and regulation which is aligned with the EID with the healthcare practices. EDI is the important part of the healthcare practices with some laws such as HIPAA, HITECH, CMS and NCPDP. The report provides deeper insight into age and disability protected characteristics managed by the NHS. NHS needs to work on the age and disability discrimination and every patient should be treated in equal manner.
Books and Journals
Cleverley, W.O., Cleverley, J.O. and Parks, A.V., 2023. Essentials of health care finance. Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Curtis, H.J., Inglesby, P., Morton, C.E., MacKenna, B., Green, A., Hulme, W., Walker, A.J., Morley, J., Mehrkar, A., Bacon, S. and Hickman, G., 2022. Trends and clinical characteristics of COVID-19 vaccine recipients: a federated analysis of 57.9 million patients' primary care records in situ using OpenSAFELY. British Journal of General Practice, 72(714), pp.e51-e62.
Doherty, R.F., 2020. Ethical dimensions in the health professions-e-book. Elsevier Health Sciences.
MacKenna, B., Curtis, H.J., Morton, C.E., Inglesby, P., Walker, A.J., Morley, J., Mehrkar, A., Bacon, S., Hickman, G. and Bates, C., 2021. Trends, regional variation, and clinical characteristics of COVID-19 vaccine recipients: a retrospective cohort study in 23.4 million patients using OpenSAFELY. MedRxiv, pp.2021-01.
Syed, J. and Ozbilgin, M., 2019. Managing diversity and inclusion: An international perspective. Sage.
Diversity Definition, Types & Examples, 2023. Online. Available through <,educational%20background%2C%20and%20work%20experiences.>
EDI REGULATIONS IN HEALTHCARE, 2023. Online. Available through <>
The protected characteristics explained, 2023. Online. Available through <>