MGBBT0UBN Understanding Business Organisations Assignment Sample

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Introduction Of Understanding Business Organisations

One of the main reasons behind conducting this study is to shed light on the topic of coma[nay structure, functions and culture of the selected organizations British Tour Limited. The UK-based business British Tour Limited (BTL) specialises in planning tours and vacation packages for travellers. Since its founding in 1990, the business has expanded to rank among the top tour companies in the nation. BTL provides a variety of travel services, including guided tours, hotel bookings, flight bookings, and hotel reservations. BTL has a long history of offering clients top-notch travel services. When the business first started out as a small travel agency, it quickly expanded to offer a variety of tour packages for various locations. Today, BTL operates in a number of nations and provides travel services to well-known locations like Europe, Asia, and North America.

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Travel package planning, lodging, transportation, and other associated services are among the company's commercial ventures. Luxury tours, affordable tours, and adventure tours are just a few of the travel alternatives BTL provides to accommodate various spending limits and tastes. For consumers who wish to customise their travel experience to meet their unique requirements and interests, the firm also provides personalised trips (British Tour Limited, 2022.).

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, BTL is currently dealing with a number of difficulties. The pandemic has had a significant impact on the tourism sector, since several nations have imposed travel restrictions to stop the virus's spread. In order to comply with the ever-changing legislation and safeguard the security of its clients and employees, BTL has had to modify its business practises (BBC News, 2021).

Figure 1: Company Logo

Company Logo

Source: (British Tour Limited, 2022.).

The given study has been divided into various parts where the BTL company purposes, structure, its various functions and culture will be discussed in detail. In addition to that SWOT analysis along with PESTLE will be done to evaluate the internal and external business environment of the BTL.

Business Organisational purposes

Organisational purposes describe the primary reason for a company's existence, including its goals and the reason for being. The goal of British Tour Limited (BTL) is to offer consumers top-notch travel services. The firm provides a variety of travel services, such as flight bookings, hotel reservations, transportation arrangements, and guided tours, with the goal of ensuring that consumers have a pleasurable and memorable travel experience. The importance of providing great services and ensuring customer happiness are emphasised in BTL's mission statement. The goal of BTL is to top all other travel and tour companies globally. The business seeks to do this through enhancing its offerings over time, expanding into new geographies, and making adjustments in response to market shifts. The company's dedication to growth is emphasised in BTL's vision statement (British Tour Limited,2022).

High-quality travel services, ensuring client pleasure, and being the top travel and tour operator worldwide are the main tenets of BTL's organisational goals. BTL has a number of important goals that help it fulfil these missions. These goals include growing the company's activities into new areas, enhancing services, and fostering client loyalty. By providing unique and tailored travel services to satisfy the demands of its clients, BTL also hopes to enhance its market share (British Tour Limited,2021).

The organisational goals, mission, and vision of British Tour Limited highlight the firm's dedication to providing high-quality travel services, guaranteeing client happiness, and emerging as the world's top travel and tour operator. BTL has established a number of important goals to accomplish these ends, including growing its business, enhancing its offerings, and fostering greater client loyalty (Hall, 2012).

Organisational Structure

Organizational structure refers to the framework that outlines how tasks are allocated and coordinated within an organization. British Tour Limited (BTL) has a functional structure. It is a form of tall structure where employees are grouped according to their functional expertise. The company is divided into departments such as sales, marketing, finance, and operations, with each department responsible for a specific set of tasks(Organizational , 2021).

Figure 2: Functional Organizational Structure of British Tour Limited

Functional Organizational Structure of British Tour Limited

Source: (Organizational , 2021).

The functional structure of BTL benefits the organization in several ways. Firstly, it promotes specialization, where employees are grouped according to their expertise, enabling them to become experts in their respective fields. This, in turn, leads to increased efficiency and productivity. Secondly, it facilitates clear lines of communication, with each department having a designated head responsible for overseeing the activities within the department. This reduces confusion and ensures that tasks are completed in a timely and efficient manner(Robbins,2017). However, the functional structure of BTL also has some drawbacks. One of the main drawbacks is that it can lead to a lack of flexibility, as employees are restricted to their functional roles and may be hesitant to take on tasks outside their area of expertise. This can result in a siloed mentality, where departments focus solely on their own goals and objectives rather than the company's overall objectives. Another drawback is that decision-making can be slow, as decisions need to be passed through multiple levels of management before being implemented(Clark, 2018). Despite the drawbacks, the functional structure of BTL has been effective in enabling the company to achieve its goals and objectives. The structure has allowed BTL to provide high-quality travel services to customers by ensuring that employees have the necessary expertise and knowledge to deliver exceptional services. It has also facilitated clear communication and coordination among departments, ensuring that tasks are completed in a timely and efficient manner(Schermerhorn,2011).

Thus, it can be said that , BTL's functional structure has its advantages and disadvantages, and the company has been able to achieve its organizational goals and objectives through effective management and coordination among its departments.

Organisational functions

Scheduling, arranging, leading, as well as controlling assets like as personnel, funds, and tools—in order to accomplish company goals successfully as well as effectively is the act of management. Finance, marketing, human resources, operations, and sales are the five divisions into which management tasks are split in an organisation (Ahmady, 2016).

  • Finance Function : Budgeting, forecasting, financial analysis, as well as financial reporting are all part of the finance function's responsibility for managing the organization's financial resources. In the instance of British Tour Limited (BTL), the finance department is in charge of overseeing the organization's finances, which includes budgeting in addition financial planning to make sure the business stays successful and stable financially.
  • Marketing Function: Identification and satisfaction of client requirements as well as wants through product creation, promotion, and price are part of the marketing role. The marketing department of BTL is in charge of determining target markets, creating marketing plans, and putting promotional techniques into action to draw in consumers and expand the company's market share.
  • HR Function : The human resources department is responsible for hiring, training, evaluating employees' performance, and compensating them. The success of BTL depends on having a skilled and motivated personnel, which is the responsibility of the HR department.
  • Operation Function: The operations department oversees the production and distribution of goods and services, as well as supply chain management, logistics, and quality control. The operations department of BTL is in charge of making sure that the company's travel services are delivered successfully and efficiently while satisfying the demands and expectations of consumers.
  • Sales Function: Managing the selling process includes locating new clients, creating sales strategy, and finalising transactions. The sales department of BTL is in charge of advertising the business's travel services, locating potential clients, and closing transactions to boost income.

Below given table will help in better understanding of the above functions related to British Tour Limited.

The interdependence of these tasks is essential to British Tour Limited's success. For instance, the marketing department is crucial in finding new clients and creating marketing plans to advertise the business's travel services. The company's revenue is then generated by the sales department by concluding transactions. The management of the company's finances and maintaining its financial stability are key responsibilities of the finance department. For the purpose of providing top-notch travel services, the human resources department is in charge of hiring, educating, and maintaining a qualified team. Last but not least, the operations department is in charge of making sure that the company's travel services are provided quickly and effectively. It can also be said that together, these activities make sure that the business's financial resources are managed effectively, that its travel services are advertised to potential clients, that it has a skilled and motivated workforce, and that its travel services are provided successfully. The interaction of these roles is crucial for the organization's objectives to be met.

Organisational culture

Culture alludes to the common qualities, convictions, customs, and ways of behaving, as well as relics that describe a gathering or association. A social build directs people's mentalities, discernments, and ways of behaving inside the association. Culture creates after some time through a mix of elements like history, initiative, socialization, and correspondence. Pioneers assume a significant part in moulding hierarchical culture by demonstrating ways of behaving, laying out standards, and supporting qualities. (Breevaart,2021). The cultures that can exist inside an organisation range in type. One is a hierarchical culture, where structure, regulations, and practises are highly valued. A market culture is an additional kind where competition, outcomes, and satisfying client requirements are prioritised. While an adhocracy culture values creativity, innovation, and risk-taking, a clan culture prioritises teamwork, collaboration, and employee empowerment(Chen, 2019). According to research by Breevaart et al. (2021), organisational culture significantly affects workers' views towards their jobs and general well-being. Another study by Cui et al. (2020) contends that developing cross-cultural interactions at work and negotiating cultural differences depend heavily on cultural intelligence. Additionally, Chen et al.'s (2019) study discovered a positive correlation between transformational leadership and developing a positive organisational culture.

The common values, beliefs, conventions, behaviours, and artefacts that define an organisation are referred to as its organisational culture. Employee behaviour, attitudes, and performance are greatly influenced by culture, which also has an impact on how effectively an organisation performs. Employee engagement, creativity, and customer happiness may all be fostered by an organization's culture, which can also be a source of competitive advantage. British Tour Limited's heritage, core beliefs, and commitment to giving consumers great travel experiences all have an impact on the organization's culture. Employee motivation and work satisfaction are two important ways that organisational culture has an influence on British Tour Limited's success. Higher levels of work satisfaction, reduced turnover rates, and better productivity might result from an encouraging and supportive organisational culture that prioritises employee well-being and promotes employee engagement (Breevaart et al., 2021). Better communication and coordination between employees can result in better service quality and customer satisfaction. This is made possible by a clan culture that values teamwork and collaboration. Customer loyalty and satisfaction are two additional ways that organisational culture has an influence on British Tour Limited's performance. Customers will be more satisfied and loyal when a company's market culture places a major emphasis on their demands and satisfaction (Choi & Lee, 2021). British Tour Limited may set itself apart from its rivals and win over repeat customers by fostering an organisational culture that promotes customer service and satisfaction. Last but not least, organisational culture may influence British Tour Limited's performance through influencing innovation and agility. Adhocracy cultures that encourage innovation and risk-taking can result in the creation of fresh goods and services that can keep a business one step ahead of its rivals (Naranjo-Valencia et al., 2018). British Tour Limited can respond to shifting market conditions and client requirements by cultivating an inventive and flexible culture, guaranteeing its long-term success.

SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis is a kind of tactical administration as well as tactical deigning method which is deployed to assist and individual or a company to locate their strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats.

Strengths: A strong internet presence and a wide range of services are two of British Tour Limited's primary advantages that can aid the company in fending against new conditions like Covid-19, the present inflation rate, and political uncertainty. The company's user-friendly website makes it simple for clients to browse and reserve vacation packages, and the variety of travel services it offers helps to lessen the effects of outside forces like inflation and political unrest. Due to lockdowns and other travel restrictions, many customers have shifted their travel planning online during the Covid-19 pandemic, which has made these strengths even more crucial (Hirunsalee, 2021; Zhang et al., 2021).

Weakness: British Tour Limited has two major flaws that make the company susceptible to new scenarios like Covid-19, present inflation, and political instability: its reliance on international tourism is heavily weighted, and the effects of outside influences on client demand are significant. Because of the organization's reliance on global travel, it is susceptible to travel bans and border closures enacted in reaction to the Covid-19 pandemic (Gössling et al., 2021). The organization's income streams may also be impacted by external variables like inflation and political unrest that affect consumer desire for travel (Wijaya et al., 2020).

Opportunities: The growth of domestic tourism and the rising desire for environmentally friendly travel choices are two significant outside variables that offer prospects for British Tour Limited. As a result of travel limitations and safety worries brought on by the Covid-19 epidemic, domestic tourism has gained popularity (Brouder et al., 2021). Additionally, as consumers become more environmentally conscious and look for travel experiences that align with their values, there is an increasing demand for sustainable travel options (Haley et al., 2020). By providing eco-friendly travel packages and highlighting domestic travel possibilities on its website and social media platforms, British Tour Limited might profit from these trends.

Threats: The continued effects of the Covid-19 outbreak on international travel as well as the risk for political upheaval in important markets are two important external concerns that present a danger to British Tour Limited. Political instability can result in a decline in tourism in affected countries, while travel restrictions and health concerns continue to have an influence on foreign travel. These factors might have a detrimental effect on British Tour Limited's earnings and operations.

PESTLE Analysis

In business context PESTLE analysis is eluded as a agenda of macro-ecological aspects deployed within the ecological monitoring element of the tactical administration.

Political Economic Social Technological Environmental Legal
The global reaction to the Covid-19 outbreak and Brexit are two political variables that are having an influence on British Tour Limited. Brexit has made the UK's relationship with the EU unpredictable and might have an effect on international travel laws and tourism (Dredge & Gyimóthy, 2019). restrictions and health regulations (Gössling et al., 2020). Inflation and currency rates are two important economic factors that have an influence on British Tour Limited. Exchange rate variations can have an influence on the organization's revenue from overseas clients while inflation can raise expenditures for the company (Fornasier & Ruggeri, 2020). The shifting demographics and customer tastes are two sociological elements that affect British Tour Limited. Senior travel packages are becoming more popular as a result of the ageing populations in many affluent nations (Xiang & Du, 2019). The increasing use of technology in the tourism sector, such as the use of online booking systems and mobile applications, which provide convenience for customers and improve operational efficiency for the company, is one of the positive technological factors affecting British Tour Limited (Munar, 2021). Climate change is one of the environmental elements that significantly affects British Tour Limited. Travel and tourist operations may be hampered by the erratic weather patterns, which might result in cancellations and financial losses. Among the advantageous legal circumstances for British Tour Limited are trade agreements that benefit the business and government assistance for the tourist sector.
The tourist sector has also been significantly impacted by the worldwide reaction to Covid-19, including travel British Tour Limited has also seen severe financial impacts as a result of the continued effects of COVID-19 on the global economy and tourism sector (Li et al., 2021). Younger generations, meanwhile, are becoming more interested in eco-friendly and socially conscious travel (Choi et al., 2021). British Tour Limited's market share and reputation may suffer if it does not change with the times. The possibility for cybersecurity attacks and data breaches, which may jeopardise customer data and harm the company's reputation, is one of the undesirable technological aspects, though (Choi & Lee, 2021). British Tour Limited also has a responsibility to follow sustainability standards and make sure that its operations don't hurt the environment. Given the rising consumer demand for eco-friendly and sustainable tourism practises, this is especially crucial. British Tour Limited has been forced to adjust to new rules surrounding the gathering and processing of consumer data in order to comply with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), which was introduced in 2018 and has had a substantial impact on the tourism sector (Cohen & Cohen, 2019).


Overall, it can be concluded from the overall study that British Tour Limited is a well-established tourism company with a rich history of providing high-quality travel experiences to customers. The company has a clear vision and mission, which is to provide a comprehensive range of travel services to customers and to expand their presence in the travel industry. The organisational structure of British Tour Limited is a functional structure, which helps the company to efficiently manage different departments and functions. However, it may also create communication barriers between different departments, which can affect the overall performance of the company. The company's culture is customer-centric, which helps in building a strong brand reputation and retaining loyal customers. However, it may also lead to ignoring the needs of employees, which can affect employee satisfaction and retention.

In terms of the SWOT analysis, British Tour Limited has a number of strengths, such as its experienced management team, strong brand reputation, and a wide range of travel services. However, it also faces weaknesses, such as limited online presence and high dependence on tour operators. The company faces several external factors, such as political instability, economic fluctuations, technological advancements, and changing customer preferences. Despite the challenges, British Tour Limited has opportunities to expand its business by leveraging technological advancements, improving online presence, and diversifying its travel services. To conclude, British Tour Limited has a strong foundation and can successfully navigate through the challenges and uncertainties of the travel industry by leveraging its strengths, addressing its weaknesses, and adapting to the changing external factors.


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