Transitioning From Camhs To Adult Mental Health Care Assignment Sample

Navigating the Shift From CAMHS to Adult Mental Health Care: Addressing Challenges, Enhancing Support, and Improving Transition Processes for Young Individuals.

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Introduction - Transitioning from CAMHS to adult service

The transition from Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) to adult services plays a vital role in one's mental health journey. This transition is not merely a change in healthcare providers; however, it is a significant shift in support mechanisms and perspective (Hill, Wilde and Tickle, 2019). Through this transition, I have developed invaluable insights that will help to shape my understanding of mental health care.

The most important thing to mention here is that I realized the importance of continuity and consistency in mental health support. As opined by Appleton et al. (2019), this transition can feel daunting due to the shift in environment, working team, and processes. It mentioned the necessity for a flawless transition process, ensuring that important information, treatment plans, and communication with healthcare providers have been maintained well during the handover. This taught me the importance of proactive communication between healthcare providers to maintain an effective support system.

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Moreover, this experience emphasized the need for empowerment and self-advocacy. As per the discussion of Saour (2021), understanding my needs and preferences is important, and articulating them effectively is crucial too. Additionally, transitioning between these services highlighted the broader area of mental health care. CAMHS often focuses on developmental aspects, whereas adult services focus on a wider range of mental health conditions and life events. This transition developed my perspective, highlighting the diversity within the mental health care service of these two settings.

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Positive impact of the activity

Shifting from CAMHS to adult services has enriched both my actions and the way I deal with individuals facing similar changes. Schlüter et al. (2019) mentioned, Ecological Systems Theory by Urie Bronfenbrenner, emphasizes the impact of different environmental systems on the professional and personal development of others.

This transition has helped me to understand mental health within a broader ecological context. There are different factors other than individual's personal struggles including dynamic interplay between societal factors, their support systems, and healthcare services. As per Social Cognitive Theory sharing experiences, thoughts, and strategies, can help to develop a collaborative learning environment. This stimulates observational learning, empowering me and my colleagues to adopt new strategies (Schunk and DiBenedetto, 2020).

Moreover, the positive impact on my practice depends on developing a more inclusive and holistic approach. I have learned to gain knowledge from both CAMHS and adult services, analysing the continuum of mental health care. This transition allows me to provide effective support that depends on individuals' evolving needs as they pass through different life stages.

OECD Mental Health Performance Framework's principles enhance service quality, emphasizing the importance of flawless transitions between CAMHS and adult services. Overall, this transition has accelerated the interconnectedness of various systems that affect mental health (Urbanoski and Inglis, 2019). It has influenced my practice by developing a more holistic perspective and collaboration, ultimately improving the service I offer to individuals taking mental health services.

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Learning from peer

Discussing the transition to mental health services with a peer has been enlightening, and helped to gain insights from another perspective. Through this interaction, I have gained several valuable lessons that have enriched my knowledge.

Firstly, our discussion emphasized the universality of the mental health transition challenges. Despite differences in individuals, we found common ground in understanding the complexities of service changes, prioritising the need for more streamlined and empathetic care services (Hill, Wilde and Tickle, 2019). Moreover, discussing this activity with my peers helped me to understand the significance of shared experiences in developing empathy and support. Listening to their health care transition and challenges provided a strong appreciation for the emotional factors of transitioning to mental health services.

Additionally, our discussion went through a realization of the systemic barriers present in mental health services. We acknowledged the importance of systemic developments to ensure smoother handovers between duties, emphasizing the need to advocate for better structures and support plans. Furthermore, it helped to recognise the value of peer support in mental health journeys. Recognizing that others have faced the same difficulties and sharing coping strategies created a sense of empowerment, along with the potential to develop peer support networks in mental health care.

My learning from this discussion

This analysis of my professional journey and experiences has been effective, providing profound insights that will develop my future approach (based on the discussion of Hill, Wilde and Tickle, 2019). One key lesson learned from this discussion is the importance of continuous learning and growth. Reflecting on previous experiences, challenges, and successes has underscored the importance of continuous professional development. As a result, I'm committed to investing more time regularly to expand my knowledge, and being updated on the latest advancements, news, and best practices in the field of mental health care.

Moreover, this analysis mentioned the significance of flexibility and adaptability in professional practice. As stated by Appleton et al. (2019), mental health care is dynamic, and strategies that work for one individual may not be effective for another person. Therefore, I determined to develop a more flexible approach in my practice, focusing on personalized care specific to individual needs rather than rigid protocols. Additionally, this analysis sheds light on the importance of interdisciplinary and collaborative approaches in mental health care. Saour (2021) stated that by acknowledging the diverse needs of individuals, I can plan to actively develop and collaborate with professionals from different disciplines. This multidisciplinary approach focuses on providing strong support that addresses different aspects of individuals' well-being.

Furthermore, I have recognized the key role of empathy and active listening in professional practice. Understanding the experiences and emotions of those undergoing mental health issues is crucial. Hence, I intend to prioritize these qualities while communicating, fostering a more supportive environment for my patients (based on the discussion of Appleton et al. 2019). This analysis has accelerated my commitment to continuous learning, collaboration, adaptability, and empathy in mental healthcare practice. These insights will help in the changes I implement to develop the quality and effectiveness of the professional approaches and techniques I follow while dealing with patients.


  • Appleton, R., Connell, C., Fairclough, E., Tuomainen, H. and Singh, S.P., 2019. Outcomes of young people who reach the transition boundary of child and adolescent mental health services: a systematic review. European child & adolescent psychiatry, 28(11), pp.1431-1446.
  • Hill, A., Wilde, S. and Tickle, A., 2019. Transition from Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) to Adult Mental Health Services (AMHS): a meta?synthesis of parental and professional perspectives. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 24(4), pp.295-306.
  • Saour, T., 2021. Transition from child and adolescent mental health services to adult mental health services. BJPsych open, 7(S1), pp.S347-S348.
  • Schlüter, M., Haider, L.J., Lade, S.J., Lindkvist, E., Martin, R., Orach, K., Wijermans, N. and Folke, C., 2019. Capturing emergent phenomena in social-ecological systems. Ecology and Society, 24(3).
  • Schunk, D.H. and DiBenedetto, M.K., 2020. Motivation and social cognitive theory. Contemporary educational psychology, 60, p.101832.
  • Urbanoski, K. and Inglis, D., 2019. Performance measurement in mental health and addictions systems: A scoping review. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, Supplement, (s18), pp.114-130.
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