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Tourist Destinations Assignment Sample
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Travel and Tourism is considered as a most important part of each and every country. It helps in the economic growth of that country. Tourism is very huge concept it is very important for one to understand its actual meaning. Tourism is categorised into two level one is global and the another one is domestic. It plays very vital role in enhancing economical status of the country. There are various countries I the world which are considered as a one of the most influential tourist destinations. United kingdom is one of the most visited country by the tourist. This report is based on the various aspects which are related to the tourist destinations around the
world. It also includes analysis for their cultural, social and physical features.
1.1 Analyse tourist destinations and generators of the world in terms of visitor numbers.
In any country travel and tourism plays very important role in economic development of that particular country. Tourism is very crucial part for development of countries. There are many popular tourist destinations across the world. Among them the most famous country is United Kingdom. Tourism of any country is divided in to two parts international tourists and domestic tourist. Contribution of both the categories are different from the economic point of view of the country. Many counties underestimate domestic tourism, but according to some reports and scenarios it also plays very crucial part in the economic development of the country. In UK, tourism industry is major aspect of generating jobs and employment . It has become very essential part after the crisis of 2008 (Kim, 2014). UK is considered as one of the finest destination from the tourist point of view. United States, Germany and France are core visitors of United Kingdom.
Tourism in United Kingdom is increasing year after year. Various features or characteristics are present that play important role in attracting tourist to the country. According to the report of 2014, France is one of the most popular tourist destination. Second position is given to the United Sates, Third to the Spain, Fourth to the China, Fifth to the Italy, Sixth to the Turkey, Seventh to the Germany, Eighth position is secured by United Kingdom, Russia and Mexico was on 9th and 10th position.
France is considered as a one of the major destination visited by international tourist. In 2013, France is visited by approximately 84.7 million visitors. There are six reasons why France is very famous among international tourist:
City of Light: The capital of France, is a huge attraction for international visitors. Over 30 million of foreign visitors are gazed by France every year. This is because pf the art and architecture and the infrastructures of the city . The Louvre museum and the Eiffel tower is considered as a one of the most popular destinations of the France. Travellers from the United States and the Europe are the core visitors of the France.
Sun, Sea and Mountains: The reason behind France is considered as a one of the major tourist destination visited by foreigners is because the it provides something for anyone. The one who is nature lover can visit France, people who love art, history and architecture can spend their entire lives in France. The variety of options it provides to tourist the main reason behind its success.
Geographical Beauty: In 2013, over 13 million people from Germany visited France. The location of the France is the major reason behind the arrival of Tourist over their. It is situated in between the Italy and Spain. So when visitors passing through their way to these destinations they plan to visit France too.
Escape to the countryside: Along with Paris, tourist want to visit countryside locations of the France. These places are popular between the people who are from United Kingdom. Rural France is very famous among the British visitors( Medlik, 2016).
Food and Culture: France is very famous for its variety of unique cuisines.
Art, history and culture: The historical sited of the France is very famous among foreign travellers. Social traditions and culture of the country is very famous around the world. According to the Unesco's World Heritage list, France has approximately 39 sites for tourists.
In last seven years International Tourism is increasing rapidly. But since recession the country faced a huge loss in tourism department. In 2017, the tourism of US is declined by around 4%. 41 million of foreign travellers visited United States according to the Commerce Department. For travel and retail Industries it is considered as a huge period of loss. In the first 11 months of the 2017, more than 3% of spending is dropped by the International traveller. Reports says it is equal to the loss of $4.6 billion. According to the statistics presented by the NYC & Co.'s director approximately 100,000 less international tourists visited US.
In 2016, around 64,425 people visited Spain for holidays and leisure. 4,667 people visited their for business and professional reasons and 6,472 for other reasons (Telfer, 2015). In national economy tourism from Spain is the third major contributor. Tourism industries in Spain are contributing around 10-11% in GDP. Spain is popular for spending summer holidays. The major visitors are from United Kingdom, France, Germany and Italy.
As of 2015, the value for International tourism, number of arrivals in Italy was 50, 732,000. In last 20 years the value has reached a maximum level of 50,732,000 in 2015 and minimum value of 31,052,000 in 1995, In 2015, departures in Italy was 29,040,000.
1.2 Analyse statistics to determine tourism destination trends and predict future trends.]
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There are various factors which involve the decision of people while choosing tourist destination. It can be climatic conditions, hotels or any other preference of the individuals. The trends of the present world highly manipulate the decision making process is important for such destinations to b welcoming with their visitors. Many countries just concentrate on international tourists who are visiting the country. They don't lay focus on the domestic tourists. According to some reports, domestic tourism contribute a lot in the economic growth of the country. According to the world rank report, France is considered as a one of the most visited tourist destination of the world. Number of visitors visiting France is increasing day by day. There are many features which influence the aspects of place like social factors, economical factors and climatic factors. Because of increase in tourism the employment is also increased in France in last one decade. Employment level of the country is highly affected by its tourism. Various services provided by the visitors will automatically increase the employment level of that country. If visitors will increase then demand of services will also increase and it will lead to generation of employment. France is a developed country and it facilitate tourists with so much comfort. Transport facility of the country is also very well connected. Its is easy their, travelling from one destination to another. In France in every 1or 2 km there are telephones booth present which help in maintaining connectivity. Accommodation facilities offered by the France is also very comfortable. It is highly recommended city among the British. There are various types of tourist attractions present in France which enhance the tourism of the city. Among the whole world France is considered as a one of the most visited tourist destination. It is because it has something for everyone,the variety of offerings presented by the France to their visitors is reason behind its huge success in tourism and travel.
Other famous tourist destinations around the world are United States and United Kingdom. These counties are also very famous among tourist. Both United States and United Kingdom offers so many tourist destinations. There are various factors on which tourism of the country depends. For maintaining sustainability in the tourism it is very important for the counties to implement several measures. Tourism department of the counties can create various websites and pages for promoting destinations of that particular country. These basic considerations make trip easy for the visitors (Benur, 2015).
Tourism contribute a lot in the economical growth of the country. For all the countries it is very important to maintain comfort level of their tourists. The main reason reason behind the arrival of the tourist in France is their over whelming behaviour towards their visitors.
Tourism in France is increasing year after year. It is because of the right policies and strategies adopted by the country. Travel and tourism is considered as a one of the major sector for generating economy in the country. It is one of the largest economic sector.
In France , domestic tourism expenditure has estimated t reach 112.5 billion euros in 2017. The city offers a lot to their tourist, there is so much to do and see in France. According to recent statistics, travellers from overseas visited France and contribute in the tourism of the country. Rapid growth in technology has major impact in the growth of tourism sector of the country. The various types of food trends in France is very popular among the visitors of the country. In France, domestic tourism has very bright future. Hotels and public conveniences in France is upgraded so well to contributed in the economy of the country .
2.1 Analyse cultural, social, and physical features of tourist destinations.
According to the reports presented by UNWTO, United Kingdom is considered as a one of the most visited country by the tourists. It has been ranked as a one of the most popular destination across the world. Out of total tourism share, more than 3-4% is acquired by the UK.
From the table below it can be clearly seen that UK is among top ten counties in international tourism ranking.
Cultural features are one of the major aspect of tourism industry.
Both domestic and international tourism has contributed into various cultural level changes of tourism. In 2012-2013 more than 60 million people of UK initiated trips for more than one night. Approx expenditure was more than 10 billion GDP . This helps in increasing the cultural and heritage value of the country. In national development, culture plays very important role. Geographical and historical events plays very important role in cultural development of the France city. Since 17th century, Paris in France is most influential and a center of high culture. France is one of the most famous cities from the tourism point of view. In 20th century France is considered as a rural country. France is the modern country and it has capability to attract visitors from all over the world. It has high acceptability power of their tourist and the over welcoming culture. On the other hand, Italy is the country full of traditions. In Italy traditions can be seen everywhere in the whole society. In addition, it provides quality of services and comfort to the tourist visiting Italy. It is birthplace of Western Civilization and superpower of cultural outlooks. Both the external and internal forces moderate the western culture of Italy. It was a home for many influential civilians. The architectural history of the country is evolving from the ancient times. Ancient study is the essential part of their education. The fashion industry of the Italy is the most influential sector of the economy. Rome is the home of major and older Italian couturiers. Italy is considered as a one of highly cultured city because of its western culture and the traditions followed by all the residents who are living their.
Social features: All counties have typical social features involved with them and France and Italy is no exception, the social tradition of both the cities is remarkable. France people believe in greeting people with respect so its their tendency to expect the same from the others. Saying 'good day' or bonjour is one of the major social aspects of France. The cultural aspects of the France are highly recommended around the world. Whenever the people of France talk to strangers, they use formal form of words and they treat them very gracefully. The culture of sending and receiving gifts in France is popular around the whole world. In France whenever you are invited to some dinner parties it is their social trend to bring some flower or chocolate of any small gift with them. The most unique feature of France culture is that they don't believe in small conversations. The people of France like to engage in long conversations and heated discussions.
Official language of Italy is Italian, and in Italy around 93% of people are native speakers. In Italy how you look like matters. It is considered to be the one of the major factor of social culture of Italy. In this city, how you dressed decides your social culture. In Italy the most common saying is, first impression is the last impression (Forno, 2015). The most influential concept in Italy is concept of bella figure. Italians spend most of their money on clothes. Because the social culture of Italy is western and very sophisticated, so in that city it is important the way you look or the way you dressed defines who you are. The local people of Italy are highly fashion minded and they always judge people because of their looks and appearance. They considered it as their social culture. Clothing, Fashion. Shoes and all the other accessories, which make you, look good plays very important role in social culture of the Italy. This is because the country represents the art and grace of sophistication. Roman Catholic is the primary religion in the Italy. As compared to any other country, in Italy more churches are catholic. In Italy, people always behave formally with each other. Their tendency of being graceful is unbeatable. Table manners, gifts, dressing style, high fashion and dinning etiquette are considered as a major social aspects of the the social culture of the Italy. The local people of the country use to say, if you want to live in the Italy, live with sophistication. Both France and Italy is very considerable about their cultures. The social outlooks of both the counties are different from each other. France is a modern city while Italy is considered as a city of western period. The social cultures, backgrounds and traditions of both the cities vary from each other. Both France and Italy are tourist-welcoming countries. They treat their visitors with full respect and grace and that's why the economic contribution from tourism department of both the cities is very tremendous. All the countries which are sound from tourism point of view must maintain their stability in providing comfort and satisfaction for the tourists who are visiting their. Many countries don't consider domestic tourism as a contribution to their economy they are only concerned about the international tourist. It is important for the counties to maintain the balance between the both.
Physical features: Italy is a peninsula in the Mediterranean Sea. The water surrounds half of the Italy. In map, recognition of the Italy is very easy. It has various types of geographic makeup of mountains, and rivers. In Italy there are many rivers that drain into Adriatic Sea. There are many famous and ancient volcanoes present in the Italy. The geographical infrastructure of the Italy is well defined in various books and also in the history of the Italy. The Po river is considered as a one of the most famous and large river around the world. It is located in the southern Europe.
Mediterranean Sea is the France's southeastern border. The name is derived from the Latin. For centuries between France and Spain Pyrenees provides 270 mile of natural border. France is the second largest country of the Europe. In France there are few scattered islands. South central and Southern France is dominated by the France (Dincu, 2015). The geographical outlooks of both the countries is dominated by various rivers, mountains, peninsula's and seas.
2.2 Analysing the difference between Italy and Romania as per cultural variations
Every nation or location has difference in the environment, cultural and economy. Therefore, in relation with having the most alluring and memorable satisfaction with the such location there is need to have proper analysis over such places. In addition to this it can be said that there are several variations in such segmentation and tourist facilities which will be helpful to have a comparison between Italy and Romania.
Italy is the most famous tourist destination for the people who are wanted to analyse and interpret the historical places and food. The main attraction of this country is availability of various Historical places and the authentic traditional dishes.
This country is well known for its historical places and the European culture. It has the influence of various traditions from different places such as Germany, Transylvania, Moldavia, Wallachia etc.
In social point of view there has been majority of the catholic, Greeks and Romans culture has various monuments, church and the places which determines the appropriate information regarding the culture and history of this place.
In terms with the social decorum of this country there are 88.9% Romanians, 3.3% of Romani, 6.5% of Hungarian, 0.2% of German etc. are living in the country. Therefore, it can be said that, there has been influence of various cultures and traditions in the nation.
In consideration with the various operations and places in the country there has been presence of good and favorable Art in terms of Architecture, Comics, Fashion and design, science and technology as well as Sculptures.
This country is best known for its unique Architecture and engineering,Cuisine, Spirituality and religions and the contribution-al efforts by the minorities. However, it will be beneficial for having the adequate attraction of tourist
4.1 Analyze issues that affect the popularity of tourist destination.
It is very important for the department of the tourist to maintain the well being of the tourist destinations of the country (Roca, 2016.). It helps in regulating the uniformity in the number of visitors visiting the country. But there are various factors which affect the popularity of the destination:
- cleanliness
- basic amenities
- hygiene
- recognition
- food
- climatic conditions
- transportation
- connectivity
4.2 Discuss the potential for responsible tourism to enhance the host community at worldwide.
For maintaining tourism of the country, it is very important for the department to eliminate the factors which affect the financial, economical and environmental resources of the country. Costa Rica is one of the developing tourist destinations, which provide tourists a well-structured format for their well being and friendly atmosphere (Popescu, 2016). For developing sustainable revenue and income generation of the country, it is very important for the tourism department of that country to maintain uniformity in the plans and processes. Sound relation with the local people is also very important for maintaining stability in the destination. The number of tourist visiting the country per year contributes in the economy of that country. This is why it is important for the travel and tourism department of the country to maintain the advancement of the destination so that it does not affect the number of visitors visiting that country.
From the above report, this can be concluded that, travel and tourism contribute a lot in the economic growth and development of the country. It is also important for the countries to concentration both international and domestic visitors of their city. Tourism plays very important role in maintaining economic structure of the country. Assignment Help provided by New Assignment Help
Books and Journals
Kim, J.H., 2014. The antecedents of memorable tourism experiences: The development of a scale to measure the destination attributes associated with memorable experiences. Tourism management.44. pp.34-45.
Telfer, D.J., 2015. Tourism and development in the developing world. Routledge.
Medlik, S., 2016. Managing tourism. Elsevier.
Benur, A.M., 2015. Tourism product development and product diversification in destinations. Tourism Management. 50. pp.213-224.
Forno, F., 2015. Sharing economy in travel and tourism: The case of home-swapping in Italy. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism. 16(2). pp.202-220.
Roca, Z., 2016. Second home tourism in Europe: lifestyle issues and policy responses. Routledge.
Popescu, A., 2016. Research on the Economic Efficiency in Romania's tourism. ROMANIA. 6(6.63). pp.9-58.
Dincu, A.M., 2015. Tourism potential and its role in the development of tourist activity. Scientific Papers Animal Science and Biotechnologies. 48(2). pp.183-186.