Tourism and Society Essay Sample

Understanding Tourism's Influence on Society, Culture, and Economy

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Introduction To Tourism And Society

Tourism plays a crucial role in the growth and development of the country's economy. Tourism refers to as traveling to different places for exploring cultural, ethics and beauty of the destination. Tourism refers to visiting places where individual feel relaxed and pleasure while away from home and work. Tourism also refers to as movement of individual form their home for the purpose of entertainment or business. Tourism creates both negative and positive impact on social, cultural and economic aspects of the country. Sustainable Tourism aims at minimizing the negative impact of the tourism on environment and focuses on increasing positive impact. It also refers to as fulfilling needs and preference of tourist while considering social, environmental and economic aspects of the country. Sustainable tourism also known as Ecology tourism is focused toward ecology and environment of the country. There are 4 types of tourism which is covered in the essay such as adventure tourism, leisure, business and sports tourism.

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Adventure tourism involves traveling to different places for undertaking various types of fun activities and adventures. Example includes cycling, hiking, ziplining, bungee jumping etc. Leisure tourism involves taking breaks form the routine lifestyle and spending time for relax and enjoyment. This type of tourism includes sightseeing, conducting getaways, visiting friend and families, staying in resort etc. Business tourism is carrying out with the motive of increase in the profitability or growth of company. This type of tourism includes attaining conference, meeting and exhibition conducted in different places. In this tourism individuals do not feel relax or rather it increases the burden and stress of person. Sport tourism focuses on travelling to another country because of sport competition or enjoys sport events. Olympic Games, FIFA world cup, Cricket world cup etc are the events which results in increasing sports tourism.

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Tourist behavior is defined as the behavior of individual towards purchasing and evacuation of services of tourism. It also includes tourist behavior toward protecting environment and the action they carry out for sustainable traveling. There are various factors which affect the behavior of tourist which includes satisfaction, motivation, image of the destination and experienced form the travelling. Attitude of local people has been changed over time because of the behavior of tourist. Doxey's Irridex model focuses on identifying the perspective of local marketer related to the tourism. This model has identified that attitude and belief of local people has changed from positive to negative due to the hostile, annoyance and indifference behavior of tourist. Socio cultural aspects of tourism focuses on identifying the impact on country's cultural due to interaction with people from different belief. Socio economic aspects include various negative and positive impact of tourism on the economy of country and its emphasis on determine the impact on financial position of individual. This essay will depict on various positive and negative impact of tourism on the society, cultural and economy of the country. It will also include detailed discussion on society and sociology while covering various theories.

Main Body

Socio- cultural aspect of tourism refer to as identify the impact of tourism on the social and cultural of the country. This aspect includes both positive and negative impact of the tourism on the cultural of particular places (Zhuang, Yao and Li, 2019). Preference of tourist has changes towards determining cultural and ethics of the country. Government now focuses on improving infrastructure of the country, saving local heritage and improving educational & leisure facilities within the country. This assists in the enhancing lifestyle and cultural of the local people. It has been identified that government in UK has invested over 23.8 billion in year 2021 for enhancing infrastructure in country (Investment in UK for infrastructure development, 2020). Need for migration has been reduced by the development of tourism in country as it provides job opportunities for individual. This also assist in developing knowledge regarding diverse cultural and background which helps in creating multiracial cultural in that country, London is the best example for the cosmopolitan city.

However, it has been identified that increase in tourism creating problem for local population of the country. High traffics and poor infrastructure within country negatively impact the working of the country. Further, people of country may influence by the cultural and lifestyle of tourist which impacted the regional cultural. Individual may indulge in anti social activities to fetch money from tourist which impact the moral values (Uslu, Alagöz and Güne?, 2020). Boracay, Philippines faced the negative impact of tourism as less attentive behavior of tourist hampers the beauty of place. According to me, socio cultural aspect of tourisms plays an important role in preserving heritage and culture of country. This aspect should be considered as it helps in improving the lifestyle and health of local individual. Local businesses in country are highly influenced by the socio cultural aspects as it increases the growth potential for their company and help in improving overall position of organization.

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Socio-economic aspects of tourism focuses on determine impact of tourism on overall economic position of country. This includes both positive and negative impact on the economy of the country (Cornell, Tugade and De Sagun, 2019). Increase in tourism assist in increasing investment by government towards development of infrastructure which promotes job opportunity of the worker. This helps in improving their financial position and support in enhancing standard of living. In year 2020, it has been identified that overall 3.64 million job opportunities has been developed due to travel and tourism industry (Number of tourism job in UK, 2023). Tourist in country helps in collecting more revenue by putting direct and indirect tax on goods which have been purchased by them. Socio- economic aspect of tourism helps in improving condition of business in country as demand for their goods and services have increased which help in improving overall position of company.

However, socio economic aspect of tourism causes negative impact on the economy of the country. Prices of goods and services and tickets of tourist spot have been increased which hampers cost of living for local people (Capistrano and Notorio, 2021). Growth of the tourism industry has result in reducing number of employees in the mining, framing and fishing industry. This result in reduction in the traditional employment in country and it hampers the growth of other industry of the country. From research it has been identified that in UK due to tourism overall price level of goods and services has been increased (H?cia, 2019). This results in reducing net disposable income of the consumer and hampers the overall economy of the country. According to me, socio- economic aspects plays a crucial role in tourism industry. This helps in improving income, education and employment status of the country.

Society refer to the group of individual which follow and believe in same culture where as sociology is the broader concept which include in-depth study of the changes in the social beliefs, social life and its impact on human behavior (Cohen and Cohen, 2019). There are various concept of the sociology which includes symbolic interactions, Structural functionalism, feminism and conflict theory. Symbolic interaction aims at determining individual relation with society after evaluating interaction with verbal, non-verbal and symbols. This theory emphasis on identifying the interaction between humans where as structural functionalism define society as the structure in which each individual play an important role for maintaining stability and unity within society (Pulido-Fernández, Cárdenas-García and Espinosa-Pulido, 2019). Feminism is concept which is related to maintaining equality among men and women and no scope of discrimination should prevail among them. This focuses on providing equal rights and opportunity to women and aims at providing benefits on the basis of the skills and capability rather than on gender (Dolnicar, 2020). Conflict theory defines that due to limited resources country is in state of continuous conflicts. It has been identified that social orders are not maintained on the basis of harmony rather focuses on the power and dominances.

Tourism in country has both positive and negative impact on the economic, environment, political and socio- cultural of the country. Stakeholder theory has been applied which aims at providing benefits to local people, government and businesses within country that eventually lead to successful tourism (Stakeholder theory, 2023). Country's economic position is improved as government invests towards developing infrastructure within country for gaining more tourism. This creates job opportunity in the country which helps in improving economic condition of the country. On the other hand increase in tourism result in raising price of goods and services in country which hampers cost of living by making goods expensive for customer. Standard of living and lifestyle of the society has been improved by development of infrastructure in country that helps in improving the socio-cultural condition of country (Ruhanen, Moyle and Moyle, 2019). In spite of this increase in tourism may influence local people to adopt tourism cultural which impact local ethics and belief of country. To attract more tourism government focuses on maintaining and preserving natural beauty of place which help in improving environmental aspects of country. Inattentiveness and carelessness behavior of tourist toward environment impact the country in negative manner. It has been define that tourism helps in maintaining positive relationship and peace with other country.

All these factors are interrelated as increase in tourism will helps in improving infrastructure and eventually lead to development of country (Butler, 2020). Improving in economic condition will help in more investment by government toward environmental aspect which leads to attain sustainability. Development of tourism industry in country helps in maintaining sustainability. Tourism within country helps in generating trade and job opportunities for the society which helps in overall development of the individuals. Government focuses on preserving natural resources of the country which helps in improving environment and leads to sustainable development.


It has been concluded form the essay that socio-cultural and socio economic plays a crucial role in the attaining sustainable tourism in the country. Tourism in the country helps in enhancing the culture and lifestyle of the population. It has been derived from the essay that government emphasis on increasing the investment which help in improving sanitation and educational facility within country. It has been depict that large number of people are influenced by lifestyle and culture of the tourist which impact the local culture of area. Socio-economic aspects help in determine the impact of the tourism on economy on country. It has been determined that tourism helps in creating job opportunity which assists in reducing unemployment in the country. It has been identified from the essay that business and tourist behavior is highly influence by socio-cultural and socio-economic aspect of tourism.

Increase in tourism within country creates problem for the local population as the prices of goods and services rises that eventually impact on the disposable income of individual. For discussing the concept of society and sociology various impact of tourism on sustainability has been described in the essay. Tourism helps in developing sustainability within country by adopting various measures which will help in protecting environment and assist in attracting more customers. Tourism helps in maintaining peace and harmony within various countries which act as positive impact for the political condition of country. It has been identified that tourism in the country should be enhanced which will help in attaining sustainable development within country. For promoting sustainable development tourism industry should focus on taking measures that help in minimizing impact of tourism on environment. There is interrelation between the society and tourism of the country. People of different regions and culture are integrating together through tourism and helps in enhancing better understanding of each other.


Books and Journals

  • Butler, R.W., 2020. Sustainable tourism: A state-of-the-art review. Tourism and Sustainable Development Goals, pp.11-29.
  • Capistrano, R.C. and Notorio, P.A., 2021. A content analysis of the future of tourism through the presidential state of the nation address in the Philippines (1987-2019). Journal of Tourism Futures, 7(1), pp.131-146.
  • Cohen, S.A. and Cohen, E., 2019. New directions in the sociology of tourism. Current Issues in Tourism, 22(2), pp.153-172.
  • Cornell, D.A.V., Tugade, L.O. and De Sagun, R., 2019. Tourism Quality of Life (TQOL) and local residents' attitudes towards tourism development in Sagada, Philippines. Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento (RT&D)/Journal of Tourism & Development, (31).
  • Dolnicar, S., 2020. Designing for more environmentally friendly tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 84, p.102933.
  • H?cia, E., 2019. The role of tourism in the development of the city. Transportation Research Procedia, 39, pp.104-111.
  • Pulido-Fernández, J.I., Cárdenas-García, P.J. and Espinosa-Pulido, J.A., 2019. Does environmental sustainability contribute to tourism growth? An analysis at the country level. Journal of Cleaner Production, 213, pp.309-319.
  • Ruhanen, L., Moyle, C.L. and Moyle, B., 2019. New directions in sustainable tourism research. Tourism Review, 74(2), pp.138-149.
  • Uslu, A., Alagöz, G. and Güne?, E., 2020. Socio-cultural, economic, and environmental effects of tourism from the point of view of the local community. Journal of Tourism and Services, 11(21), pp.1-21.
  • Zhuang, X., Yao, Y. and Li, J., 2019. Sociocultural impacts of tourism on residents of world cultural heritage sites in China. Sustainability, 11(3), p.840.


  • Investment in UK for infrastructure development. 2020. Online Available through :<,23.8bn%20in%20current%20prices.>
  • Number of tourism job in UK. 2023. Online Available through :<>
  • Stakeholder theory. 2023. Online Available through :<>
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