Third Sector And Public Services Assignment Sample

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A Contextual Introduction OfThird Sector And Public Services

In the year 2022, between October and November, a survey was conducted by Ipsos regarding the issue of the high cost of living. The survey targeted people who are in the age group of 18 to 75 and it was conducted by an Online Access panel. As a result, it can be seen that two-thirds of the people who are living in London are suffering from the problem of the high cost of living. The result of the survey stated that this is the highest concern regarding such an issue and London has not faced any such issue in the past decade.

The key initiatives of the government that have been taken by the third-sector organizations in the UK between the time 1990 and to present day

The third-sector organizations in the UK include the group of community and voluntary organizations, qualities, and faith groups, social enterprises, charities, and communities that are interested in the company and housing and mutual association. The UK has been trying to shape the understanding of the third sector organizations for the public (Alcock, 2010). Internationally the third-sector organizations of the UK have taken responsibility for the growing share of the services that have been delivered previously through the statutory agencies (Milbourne and Cushman, 2013). The features that are developing in the third-sector organizations of the UK are notable and the estimate of the funding of the public sector that the organizations of the UK received is not a straightforward way (Clifford et al., 2010). Following the principles this could be done in the payments that are aggregated by the government and by the subnational government also.

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The third-sector organizations of the UK can be considered the umbrella term that generally covers a wide range of organizations with different kinds of structures and purposes. The third sector organizations neither belong to the public sector nor the private sector. The organizations can be considered as non-governmental organizations, voluntary sectors, and non-profit organizations. The third sector organizations include a lot of sectors and they are the community and voluntary sectors, social cooperatives and social enterprises, charities, and many more (Defourny et al., 2019). The charities that are provided by the third sector organizations are being forced so they can find efficiencies in the model of operation for the crisis of the cost-of-living. The crisis in the cost of living started to impact the financial condition of the people of London and they find it difficult to overcome the situation.

The key initiatives that are taken by the third sector organizations to control the situation of the high cost of living of the people in London are that they have to understand the needs of the communities and the users of the service and work according to that. The public sector or the government was unable to address the issue and find a solution. The team members of the third sector organization are close with the people of London and that helps them to get a clear understanding of the issue and then it becomes easy to find the solution to that problem.

Identification and analysis of the two examples of third-sector organization that have supported Londoners with the high cost of living

The crisis of cost of living adding inflation is now at 9% and the price of the essential things of daily life has also increased. The charity of the third sector organization has tried a lot to control the situation but it was tough for them also as two third of the people of London were suffering from the problem of the high cost of living.

Example one: Helping the old aged people

The aging of the population has become a defined feature of the world that has developed in different ways nowadays. People whose ages are more than 60 contribute to 11% of the population and the number can be 22% in the year 2050 (Obuobi-Donkor et al.,2021). The third sector organization has played an important role in providing services to people who are old by age. The services of the third sector are associated with humanity and independence and their work is always human-centric. Although the task of the third-sector organization is complex work, the team members of the third-sector organization have helped the elderly people as much as they can. As a part of the huge study in the UK, the nature and the extension of care-coordination, have been practised in the third sector in the country London. At last, it can be mentioned that the role of the third sector in terms of caring for the elderly is huge and impressive. The organization also gives ties best to serve older people who have disabilities (Onyx et al., 2010). The charity of the third sector organization has also helped them when the cost of living in London was high and the older people found it difficult to live with their financial burden.

Example two: The help of the people who need help in this tough situation

The term third sector is not an easy term to define the definition of the term. Despite the harsh condition of the economy the third sector organization needs to take care of such conditions that were rare and financially unstable. There are millions of people whose incomes were squeezed during the time of Covid-19 and before it, no such situation occurred in the last decade of London. The kind-hearted people who used to give charity to different organizations also fall into financial crises. Although the third-sector organization was able to control the situation and helped the people who were poor and needed help with their basic needs.

The third sector should have supported the service or the delivery of the public service organizations or not

The third sector is continuously getting encouragement that they should expand their work through public service organizations as well. Third-party organizations are changing their style of work completely and rapid change can also be seen in the size and shape of their way of working. The organizations who are engaged in servicing the public sector or the organizations who have the intention to provide their service to the public sector, follow the current agenda of servicing the public sector, and the reason behind it is that they want to get a clear understanding of the rule and regulations that are upcoming for the public sectors. The third sector contributes to the charity and they also help the community people to get a better health and mental condition and also observe the wellbeing of their style of life. The third sector organization has the power that the team members of the third sector organizations can easily get connected with the community people and make a connection with them at a local level. Therefore, the people of the local community feel free to contact the team members of the third-sector organizations and in this way, the problem gets solved easily and it is tough for any government sector to do.

There are also so many reasons that the third-sector organization should expand their services to the local level and in different public sectors. One of them is that it has the ability to bring revolutionary changes to the way the public sector is working right now. Although the third sector organization is a non-profit non-governmental organization, it has the huge ability to take a significant part in the economic, social, and political development of many countries and it can also contribute to religion, arts, recreation, and also in different sectors of the social services. For the good work of the third sector, it has received a lot of attention from all over the world and the attention has been increasing for the last thirty years. Ethical leadership is important for an organization to conduct any good work and the third-sector organization has the ability to maintain ethical leadership (Qing et al., 2020). There is a huge range of economic and political theories that are related to the third-sector organizations and all the theories strongly suggest that the third sector should be involved in the public sector and expand their area of work for giving a better life to some people. Although the third sector organization of a non-profit, non-governmental organization but still there are many cases in which the third sector has been considered as an organization that is working in civil society and has the ability they can include direct co-production management (Mazzei et al., 2020).

The third sector also helps to improve the health of the people of the local community by providing their contribution to the health care centre and in this way, they are providing better health to the people who are suffering from different kinds of problems. Sometimes the team members of the third-sector organizations can provide a direct influence on the outcomes of the health directly. Besides the health conditions, the team members can also influence other sectors such as education, culture, poverty, awareness programs for the public, and many more. This is the reason why the third-sector organization should expand their services in the other public sector also.

The benefits and the challenges of the third sector organizations to work with the public sector

Although there are so many benefits of the third sector organization in society and many of the studies and journals suggest that they should expand their service to the different public sectors also to provide them a better life but still, there are some limitations of the work of the third sector organizations. The opportunity of the third sector organization and the limitations of them both will be discussed below.

The benefit of the third sector organizations to expand their work in the public sector:

One of the best advantages of the above-mentioned organizations is that the social enterprises can provide the local people an opportunity to be employed and be self-dependent. Another benefit that can be mentioned is that the third-sector organizations can bring positive changes to the people and not only in terms of the profit that is earned by them but also, they can bring positive changes to their mentality (Milbourne, 2009). Public awareness is important for bringing change in society and charity, and that is the part of the third-sector organization that can provide awareness to the people of the local community and make positive changes. A part of the third sector organization is the voluntary organization and they can bring different kinds of chances to the people such as building a club culture or providing activities related to sports in the local community.

Challenges of the third sector organizations to expand their work in the public sector:

The disadvantages of the third sector organizations or the problems that can be faced by the above-mentioned organization is that they need to compete in the market that is commercial and at the same time they need to face the risks that are common in the business sector also. Voluntary organizations and charities, which are the most crucial part of the third-sector organization, mostly depend on people who are unpaid volunteers, and finding them these days is tough work to conduct. There is a high chance that the people who are working in the third sector organization will get less payment than the people who are working in the private sector and that is the reason why it is difficult to find a perfect workforce for the organization (Grego-Planer, 2019). These are the challenges that can be faced by the organization of the third sector.

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In conclusion, it can be concluded that there are so many advantages of the third sector organization and it has helped the people of London when they were suffering from the problem of the high cost of living. The main advantage of this organization is that it can easily get connected with the people of the local community and the people feel free to communicate with them in this way they can find a better solution to the problem. There are some disadvantages also that are faced by the third sector organizations and one of the most important of them is that the people who work in these organizations get less payment than the people who work in the public sector. For this reason, the organization finds it difficult to get the perfect workforce.


  • Alcock, P., 2010. A strategic unity: defining the third sector in the UK. Voluntary Sector Review, 1(1), pp.5-24.
  • Clifford, D., Rajme, F.G. and Mohan, J., 2010. How dependent is the third sector on public funding? Evidence from the National Survey of Third Sector Organisations. Third Sector Research Centre Working Paper, 45.
  • Defourny, J., Nyssens, M. and Brolis, O., 2021. Testing social enterprise models across the world: Evidence from the “International Comparative Social Enterprise Models (ICSEM) project”. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 50(2), pp.420-440.
  • Grego-Planer, D., 2019. The relationship between organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behaviors in the public and private sectors. Sustainability, 11(22), p.6395.
  • Mazzei, M., Teasdale, S., Calò, F. and Roy, M.J., 2020. Co-production and the third sector: conceptualizing different approaches to service user involvement. Public Management Review, 22(9), pp.1265-1283.
  • Milbourne, L. and Cushman, M., 2013. From the third sector to the big society: How changing UK government policies have eroded third sector trust. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 24, pp.485-508.
  • Milbourne, L., 2009. Remodeling the third sector: advancing collaboration or competition in community-based initiatives?. Journal of Social Policy, 38(2), pp.277-297.
  • Obuobi-Donkor, G., Nkire, N. and Agyapong, V.I., 2021. Prevalence of major depressive disorder and correlates of thoughts of death, suicidal behaviour, and death by suicide in the geriatric population—A general review of literature. Behavioral Sciences, 11(11), p.142.
  • Onyx, J., Armitage, L., Dalton, B., Melville, R., Casey, J., & Banks, R. (2010). Advocacy with gloves on: The “manners” of strategy used by some third sector organizations undertaking advocacy in NSW and Queensland. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 21, 41-61.
  • Qing, M., Asif, M., Hussain, A. and Jameel, A., 2020. Exploring the impact of ethical leadership on job satisfaction and organizational commitment in public sector organizations: The mediating role of psychological empowerment. Review of Managerial Science, 14, pp.1405-1432.
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