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The Post Mortem Legal Fate Of Personal Data Stored On Commercial Data Warehouses Dissertation Sample
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Introduction of the topic
Post-mortem privacy[1] is an established sensation in different fields such as psychology, counselling, anthropology, and different humanities and social sciences. While in legal scholarship, post-mortem privacy did not receive much attention. In general, the majority of the legal scholarship considers post-mortem privacy momentarily only while examining the legal aspects of digital values and death or in the subject of data protection. Legal scholarship is generally operated from the US. The scholarship under given conditions can offer both legal and technological practical solutions and can also examine the most recent and developing legislation. However, the legal scholarship does not form a concept or idea on the understanding of post-mortem privacy, nor does this scholarship offer strong assistance and logical disagreements for a better inclusive legal recognition of post-mortem privacy. Therefore, the main objective of this paper is to address the further gap and to form a concept of the circumstance. According to the previous research which was carried out by the authors, whose primary concern was on the online post-mortem privacy or privacy of the deceased internet user. Similarly, the course of action for the decision of this objective is relevant digitally and account for a new perspective of post-mortem privacy, like the conditions taking place in the digital world or exposure[2] of the latest and wide range of digital assets, which is comprised of an unparalleled amount of personal information and data.
The term post mortem privacy is the term which is defined as preserving the identity of the person after his or her death, and post mortem privacy is not a part of this category which includes this legislation of general privacy. It is the renaming of the right of the person for maintaining his or her privacy, honour, dignity as well as anonymity, and confidence which is being listed or must be controlled even after his or her death[3]. Although there lies a strong level of interest in different subject areas like anthropology or psychology or care or any other social sciences or the human science. This term is not having coverage in real life, and also, this is the concept which is having very little coverage that is not consistent and disparate with this fundamental framework. Here the traditional wisdom is being followed, which is very common in the countries like the United Kingdom, and therefore it also does not include the concept of securing the identities of the human followed by their deaths. Therefore, this will help finalize and obtain a clear outcome that could be adapted. It is done because it is suitable for the needs of both the countries as well as a legal framework which has been regulating in the country like the United Kingdom. This is a review for the determination of the points of various conformity with the system that is followed in the Jordanian system[4] and also about how each of these systems plays an important role in the evolution that is based on the experience of the other side.
Research Questions
The research questions on which this dissertation is being followed are:
- Is it possible to gain such access which is given to the heirs and if there is any right for all or any of the heirs then do they would have any access to those parts of record? Is it possible to be continuous?
- How can family members of the deceased persons exercise post mortem privacy rights?
- What would be the ways of applying for exercising rights and if there are any such rights which are given to the provider under their control?
The privacy-related with the post mortem is becoming one of the very important issues in relation with the interest which is legal to the academics as well as to the public. It is the right of the person to protect and preserve[6] what is the result of his dignity, honour as well as integrity after the regulation of death? In this world, which is full of networks, there is a presumption that the person who has been dead is not counted for protection in privacy laws, and this is presumed because the physical existence of that individual is no longer being hold and has been extinguished[7]. In this modern era or digital era, the legacy phenomena in this digital world have been left behind the user of the internet since his or her death. This would create various new problems for the judicial system. As there is an active agent, these corpses or the dead body are no longer in the position of exerting autonomy in an individual. With this regard to the interactive representations, the research has been considering the notion of autonomy in human beings. This is because it focuses on protecting the privacy of the life of an individual before his death. This is very much important for controlling personal information, which is known as the self-determination of information.
In the culture of Jordan, it is very easy for erasing the fate in respect to their personal details letter to the death of the holder for protecting the information's anonymity and respect to the individual being died along with not raising any issues concerned to the deceased's image and it is further interpreted in various cases in the courts of Jordan.
In consideration of the culture of Britain, the freedom regarding the viewpoint of private information later to their owner's death might be provided to their heir. This is because of the existing concept towards privacy in the culture of other parts of the world like Britain from the culture of Jordan.
Significance of the Topic
This research study creates findings outlined in the topic of the post mortem legal fate of personal data stored on commercial data warehouses. It provides an explanation for the happening, which can be stated as "the right that is granted to a person to protect[8] and command his or her confidential matters after death, such as beliefs, opinions, reputation, respect, honour, secrets. This ideology did not achieve enough attention in the law, particularly in the countries where common law is practised. The authors of post-mortem privacy proclaim that the circumstances of the digital world differ from earlier and needs to be revisited, especially to the exposure of the wide range of arrays and digital assets which is being updated and created daily and are being further hosted and shared on multiple platforms, which sometimes contains personal or sensitive data. Further examination of relatively common[9] and civilian law institutions, which pay attention to the personality rights, defamation, moral rights, and freedom to testify the truth affirms that the common law also presents some support towards post-mortem privacy[10]. Whereas civilian law attracts more protection towards personality rights, and these rights are continued even after death. The authors realized that the main role carried by contract regulation can still signify that the users of multiple online intermediary platforms which are based in the US or anywhere else lack post-mortem privacy rights. Since there is an important gap constituted in the online legal privacy protection, the authors recommend that additional protection needs to be created under the legislation, contract, or 'code' solutions in the future. For example, the Google Inactive Account Manager (IAM) is the first online legal privacy protection act in the market. But the academic study or achievement in online legal privacy protection is still becoming apparent.
Structure of Reasearch
In this research paper, the structure of this paper is that it is divided into five parts, which is done on the topic of the post mortem legal fate of personal data stored in commercial data warehouses. The first chapter is about a brief introduction to the same topic, which also shows the background and the significance of the topic[11]. Here the aims of the research, as well as the objectives of the research, have been shown. The second chapter is about the systematic literature review, which has been covering various concepts on the same topic like autonomy, personal data warehouses, and many others. The third chapter is all about the research methodology where the qualitative approach has been used for the study and also for the critical analysis of this paper. The results, findings, and the discussion on the topic of the post mortem[12] the legal fate of personal data stored in commercial data warehouses has been taken into consideration in this fourth chapter of the research paper. And at last, the fifth chapter is about the conclusion and summary of this research paper.
Aim of the Research
The research paper aims to conduct qualitative research on the topic related with privacy rights. There are various questions which concern various topics like privacy laws and personal data as well as autonomy have also been focused on to do critical analysis for the aim of gaining knowledge on the same topic.
Objective of the Research
The research on the topic has been done with an objective which is discussed as follows are-
- To focus on the regulatory legislation which assesses the personal details that have been arising from the use of the internet for personal use followed by the death of people.
- To exercise the rights of privacy related with the postmortem.
Chapter Two: Systematic Literature Review
Introduction: Systematic Literature Review
In this section which is about the systematic literature review of this paper, the notion of post-mortem privacy will be detailed further at a theoretical level, which is supported by the theories or works of different authors of autonomy. As a particular outlook of autonomy, these theories are further interpreted into theories of privacy and are further adapted and used for forming a concept of post-mortem privacy by the authors. The notion of testamentary freedom is further attempted while seeking support for the acknowledgement of post-mortem[14] Privacy, that is, the continuation of autonomy post-mortem with concerns related to the distribution of the person's property. However, these circumstances can be debated, as the original or innovative technological and legal evolution shows the increase in popularity of an emerging post-mortem privacy convention even in the common law of jurisdictions of different countries, which was traditionally prevented from approving the concept of post-mortem privacy. However, it can be worth registering[15] that the paper does not assess jurisdiction in itself since the jurisdiction does not take part as an important role while formulation the concept of the circumstances in this case.
Concept of Personal Data
According to the author Cricketthe law of personal data has been defined as the data which belongs to the entity that is living and has been denying the rights of the post mortem. Historically, the reason which does not have been preserving the data that are confidential for people who has died in the country United Kingdom. There has been a significant lack in the right of agreeing for the data retrieval. Accordingly, it can be said as the strategy of the government of the United Kingdom, which is also not very much optimistic[17]. It would not lead to the harmony of the constitution within the privacy law of the European Union. This would be followed by death which has been deserving the consideration that is legal in the country of United Kingdom. There is also a significant drawn of the testamentary independence[18] which is parallel. This is drawn where the persons have been managing their property until death, as well as the autonomy, would also be expanded at the time of the death. However, they have not been entitled to doing the same with their wealth as well as personal details and other online identification. There is an absence of legal agreement or legal written document which help in determining the fate of the personal data, and also there are customers who might force the organizations in saving this data.
According to the author Cepaluni[19], the data is kept, and despite the respect for the privacy of the dead individuals, it would create a burden on the company that is magnificent. This burden is caused by the organization and the clients of the company. This might also create a risk which is legal and the potential for the safety as well as the ability of the organization. When the same is taken into consideration in financial terms, the burden usually occurs when the data are usually stored on the servers of the company. The higher the range of data, the company would require more such servers so that the size could be handled. And also, the companies know that buying as well as renting, these servers of the data are very much expensive. The expenditure of maintaining as well as rates of electricity and other materials of operating that is as continuous as running costs. Therefore, when the amount of the data[20] is taken into consideration on a technical basis; this large amount of data is usually responsible for affecting the quality of the system of a company. it keeps on slowing down over time. And there would be many things that would be more complex when the platforms would help provide these services without charging any cost or fee. And this is where the companies are responsible for making payments without the compensation, which is measured at the financial level from the client. This client is responsible for covering the expenses that have been increased. These are expenditures that are considered as a whole, and also, there is an increase which has taken place gradually in the number of deaths.[21] in Pomia. And this will result as a consequence; the company would reach such stage which will simply cause exhaustion in the financial area because of this cost. And at this stage of financial exhaustion, there shall be no level of the profit which are distributed among partners, and there shall be no money which shall help pay the debts of the company. When the legal risk is taken into consideration, it is taken into a real context. There is a various electronic system that is responsible for containing the vulnerabilities in the software through which it is very much possible for the penetration of this system. Suppose there is some hacker who has been discovering[22] the vulnerability in the software and which is responsible for penetration in the system. It will lead to the decryption of the data, and the company would be held liable under the law for this breach.
According to the author[23], it is also very much helpful in entailing the payment of the expenditures which are judicially taken into consideration and also in a financial manner. And also, there is a very lesser chance which would be sued by the company as hackers. They are also not able for catching them. All of these expenses are not justified[24] which might pose a risk to the organization; therefore, it would also include stability and the safety of the financial system in a country like the United Kingdom[25].
As the summary having numbers of differences in the approaches as well as the line of various arguments, there are high numbers of classical as well as contemporary western philosophers, and also there are social theorists, and therefore it would build the literature and therefore would help in exploring the relationship between autonomy and privacy. This is for giving a justification in their stances which are quite normative. These conceptions of autonomy are used for underpinning the arguments[26] and therefore, its autonomy has been explained. It has helped so that the review could be conducted between doctors, by observing the latest, unsystematic protection of post-mortem privacy via another legal conviction, for example, personality rights and data protection. This would also explore the latest regulations implied in the US, which acknowledges these circumstances. The latest innovations and development of technology are also monitored.
Technology Law and The Post Mortem Privacy Rights
According to the research conducted, it was demonstrated that the laws of the UK and US are not going to secure the privacy of post - mortem as provided. The security towards some of the aspects regarding the phenomenon is noted to be awarded by various legitimate Institutions like that of the privacy laws, confidential breaching, personality, intellectual property, defamation, publicity, executory succession as well as the security of data and the trust. Although this security is much more encompassing and prominent in respect to the Civic laws of the given countries which aims to secure the values like reputation dignity and autonomy especially regarding the creators. In association with the general system of laws of the US and England, the traditional principles which are being 'action personalis moritus cum persona' which means that the private causes regarding the actions[27] also die with the individual for example the claims regarding defamation, breaching of the confidential claims, incorrect claims regarding dismissal, and various others. These principles are noted to be revised and rechecked by the legislation chiefly in many of the contexts towards the social policy reason. It is clarified in respect to the privacy of post - mortem that these are not secured like that of the laws of England. However, in respect to the principle, the similar can we mentioned in respect to the United States, some of the traces regarding the protection of privacy associated with the post mortem can be identified in the laws of the individual states.
As per the second restatement given by Torts, there could be no reasons regarding the actions in respect to the privacy invasion of any decedent, with an exception of the in appropriation regarding the likeness or name of any individual. Some of the states also get the security of as mentioned 'publicity rights' which means the rights that generally secure the celebrities however many times all of the rights of individuals regarding their image name likeness[28] and many others, post - mortem having a boundary of up to 70 years later to the death. The security of the private data is noted to be as per the rules regarding the security of data in the European Union. The question arises regarding the security rights of data to be survived or not. The rights of humans are implemented only E for the living individuals and the European Union directive regarding the protection of data applied in the year 1995 is merely for the living people which protect their Private data regarding the 'natural persons' as mentioned[29] in article 2. Although d given directives leave description regarding the working of the member states of EU For extending the given minimum security that is to be guaranteed. Some of the states of the EU are noted to utilize this Probability and their laws regarding the security of data are found to offer some type of data security regarding the post - mortem, which restricts their cope as well as the duration of post - mortem.
The Conceptualization Regarding Autonomy in Brief
The concept of autonomy is quite difficult while defining and could assign various conceptions as well as meanings that are based on various ethical, philosophical, legal, and some other theories. The concept of autonomy[30] is noted to draw from the deist as well as the atheist stances of ethics, interest and will relating theories in respect to the rights, the law of nature and their opposition which explains the autonomy in association to the dignity, Liberty, social contract, self - realization, moral and Public Interest[31]. The objective of the given section is for looking towards the conceptions regarding autonomy in brief in Association to the extent which the given discussion could subsequently be used in respect to the privacy as well as the analysis of the privacy of post - mortem[32].
Most of the classical thinkers are noted to explore autonomy associating it with ethics, freedom, dignity, personhood, and various values. The main focus of the given paper is towards private autonomy irrespective of the moral autonomy as being utilized in the task done by Kant and their scholarships. Although it is further important for referring to the theory of Kant initially because their discussion regarding autonomy is very influential and comprehensive in comparison to all the other theories throughout the time.
THE POST-MORTEM Privacy and the Freedom Regarding Testamentary
The concept regarding the privacy of post - mortem is noted to be developed in the given paper which means that autonomy is necessarily transcended death in principle, permitting the individuals for controlling their identity or privacy for their personal information regarding the post - mortem, analogues towards the control of the property[33] during the post - mortem by using the concept of freedom regarding testamentary.
In the discussions of the comparative academic in respect to the successive laws, it is a general knowledge which the testamentary freedom being a concept it is very much restricted in the system of civilian in comparison of being in the countries of common law. The practically unrestricted testamentary freedom is mentioned as not violable in respect to the common law, stemming from the laissez-faire, liberal social, and economic believes which revolve around the autonomy and the Liberty that are noted to be explored in the above-described sections.
While looking forward to the testamentary freedom from any other perspective more personal as well as individual, some of the authors further argue that testimonial freedom is a concept which explains the personality relating rights[34] of the testator. Similarly, it is not possible to detach this from any person, delegate, or transfer this from any other individual. Likewise, other features of testamentary freedom like the autonomous manifestation have a considerable impact on the emancipation of individuals. Hence if the sharing of views and vision of testamentary freedom is performed[35] as other rights of personality, it could be assumed a little odd which country would provide the largest security regarding the rights of personality in common or limit the testamentary freedom largely as happens in Germany, while the countries which as argued give lesser security for the rights of personality as occurs in the country of US and UK are noted to largely protect and value their testamentary[36] freedom. Dusk and nearly bring back towards the market and economy relating rationale to explain the unrestricted testamentary freedom in general laws of the countries, that provide a small space for arguments relating to personality. In the same way, the civilian countries are noted to restrict the testamentary freedom for the same kind of reasons, social and economic that will put arguments regarding the rights of personality[37] from behind.
Here, the testamentary freedom is found to be analyzed in brief for associating this common concept regarding the autonomy of the post - mortem as well as the privacy of the post - mortem. All the given sessions do not consist of elaboration regarding the laws which surround the testamentary freedom as a part of the comparison of the concepts, as being focused in the given section.
The chief initial legitimate issue in this region is associated with if the account of the user or/and the content is property of the user or not. The users may suggest mastering their emails, accounts on Instagram, Spotify library, iTunes, channels on YouTube, and various others. Although, in respect to all of the given cases, the owner is far away from which the users may found to expect the things to remain[38]. The given assets are not considered to be the properties, and hence are not owned similarly likewise their physical related possessions, like that of the car or house. This is noted to be more complicated in the course of the life of the user in association with the legitimate[39] complexity which enhances when the death of the user occurs. Some further are you relating to propitiation which claims that the social networking accounts for the emails as well as various assets are the property of the users in a clear manner. Although it is not found to be quite simple, as it seems, along with the normative and legitimate arguments to which are noted to go in opposition to the given suggestions. Importantly e the accounts of the users are initiated through an agreement between the users and the service providers along with the account and hence the software being utilized is the intellectual property or the property of the service provider. But the legitimate nature in respect to the content is not very clear in most of the countries throughout the globe. In case of the content being and object regarding the property, the answers are found to be very simple regarding most of the European as well as various legitimate systems; these are transmitted on being deceased, half the will of any individual Audi regulations of the succession of the interstate. In contrast to this, in case of the content not being a property strict sense, it could be secured by the help of copyright and argued to be transmitted on being deceased. It would thus last till the period of the lasting of the copyright, which is often 70 years in case of post - mortem.
In respect to most of the assets which are noted to be assessed, it is not found to be easy for their establishment because the laws[40] generally needs rivalrous Ness, tangibility which means that the quality of the object indicating that nearly one individual could have possessed it irrespective of the undermaintain or their value, and various other characteristics which are generally assigned by the laws towards the property relating objects. The digitalized objects are not found to adjust squarely under the given traditional legitimate[41] concepts regarding ownership and property. The Private data, in certain, could not be owned along many of the authors are noted to argue opposing their propitiation.
A separated matter which surrounds the digitalized legacy is the privacy regarding the post - mortem that is the security of the personal information of the deceased individual. Commonly the law of the UK likewise many of the legitimate systems do not secure the privacy of post - mortem. The security regarding the personality as well as privacy rewarded by the breaching of confidence, protection of data as well as defamation[42], which are not considered while implementing the law regarding deceased in the country of UK. Under the law oPf England, the principles in tradition are noted to be action personalis moritus cum persona, which means that personal reasons behind the act of death with an individual. The above-mentioned principle is noted to be revised by the legislation in respect to various contexts, chiefly regarding the reasons behind the social policies, however, it is noted to be percept in association to the security of data as well as privacy. Similar kinds of laws are also implemented in the states of the US along with many of the Other European countries.
The regulations in respect to the security of data as well as privacy are further noted to be followed in this respect. Specifically, article 8 under the convention of Europe regarding the human rights are applied such as various human rights towards the living along with some of the exceptions, as well as the general data protection[43] regulation or GDPR which secures the private information of living or natural individuals. As stated by the recital 27 under the GDPR allows their members States for introducing some kind of security towards the data of a deceased individual. Further some of these State's members already described and given these kinds of protections likewise in the states of Hungary, Spain, and France.
For building the doctrinal as well as theoretical analysis as mentioned in the last session, the given section is noted to evaluate the present development in respect to the technology which includes the technological solutions regarding the security[44] of the privacy of post-mortem, for example, the Google and IAM. The given solutions are noted to be practically promoting and recognizing the privacy of post-mortem which further assists the given concept.Fairly, Google is found to be recently launching a codebase solution with the help of email transmission[45] as well as various services as a Pioneer regarding the post - mortem. The privacy-related with the post mortem is becoming one of the very important issues in relation with the interest which is legal to the academics as well as to the public.
It is the right of the person to protect and preserve[46] what is the result of his dignity, honour as well as integrity after the regulation of death? In this world, which is full of networks, there is a presumption that the person who has been dead is not counted for protection in privacy laws, and this is presumed because the physical existence of that individual is no longer being hold and has been extinguished[47]. In this modern era or digital era, the legacy phenomena in this digital world have been left behind the user of the internet since his or her death. This would create various new problems for the judicial system. As there is an active agent, these corpses or the dead body are no longer in the position of exerting autonomy in an individual. With this regard to the interactive representations, the research has been considering the notion of autonomy in human beings. This is because it focuses on protecting the privacy of the life of an individual before his death. This is very much important for controlling personal information, which is known as the self-determination of information.
There are researchers and various authors who have been focusing on the light of the legislation which deals with the respect of the human being and the dignity of the human. It has the right of disposing of the property as well as the wealth of the human being. But this concept has never been translated into the world of the internet. Here the problem is that it has resulted from the development of the technology which is advanced and has occurred in these last decade. Here the major objective of these researchers and the authors have allowed a treatment that is comprehensive and legislative[48] as well. They have tried to find the solution of the issue which is being prevailed in the current scenario and also when there is no presence of any legal framework in the same subject matter. Therefore, the main objective of these reviewers and the researchers who have drawn attention to the importance of the solution of the same issue.
As per the introduction of the inactive account manager in April of the year 2013, the users are enabled for sharing some portion of their information regarding the account or for notifying someone in case there are noted to be not active for a particular period as happens in the inactive account manager for the reliable contact in the Google, account help. Aspirin processor[49] uses have the right to nominating the reliable contact for receiving information found to be not for a certain period opted by them for example 3 to 18 months.
After being identified, the reliable contacts are further verified entitling them to download the information which is left by the user. It can also be decided[50] by the user for merely notifying the given contacts who are not active as well as to get all of their information to be deleted. There remain Association from the settings given in the account of the user to the IAM likewise the section of data tools in the setting of the account. The basic issue which remains with the IAM is the verification in respect to the reliable[51] contacts. It is seen to be mandatory for sending the texts or messages to reliable contacts and further the users could of notifications in respect to the time outing by the emails. This can however be quite problematic because the mobile numbers are not any official means to provide their identity. Also, the individuals seem to change their providers of phone numbers and many of them might never remain capable to get the notification, as well as the wish of the user, which is not found to be honoured in many of the cases. These issues could be recognized with the help of Google, however, some of the companies are found to consider the authentication[52] based on two - factors that are appropriate in respect to the time before the ways being employed for the betterment to identify these such as the identification of fingerprints, identifying the tokens, and many others.
The dissertation intends to give a comparative study which is profoundly appraising the strategies relating to the privacy of post mortem being adopted under the legitimate regimens of the Jordanian and the English. The given fundamental appraisal that is going to be developed into an elaboration in respect[53] to the doctor rhymes philosophy as well as the hitherto regulations applying the promulgation, we should necessarily set around for the participation of both of these systems that could borrow optimized solutions for overcoming the present abstraction as well as patching the unintentional legal hiccups. Hence the result is being expected for determining the legitimate fate in respect to the Private data letter to the death in a manner that is suitable for the considerable economic as well as societal interest in the country of United Kingdom and Jordan[54].
There are mainly three kinds of study in the research which have been considered for the process of the research. These three types are- descriptive process, explanatory process and the third one is the exploratory process of the research. Here the chosen process of the research is descriptive which is chosen for thoroughly describing the topic. This research paper helps in describing the topic related to the post-mortem[55] and the privacy law. This study of the research helps in finding the consequences conclusively and focusing on the goals and objectives of the research paper.
The philosophy of the research has defined the procedure for organizing and searching the values that exist with reason and also with language. There are four types of research philosophies which are positivism[56] philosophy, realism philosophy, interpretivism philosophy, and pragmatism philosophy. For this research paper, the chosen philosophy for the research study is interpretivism. This philosophy of interpretivism is based on a topic that is very much subjective and therefore this interpretivism is responsible for allowing to focus on reality which is an alternative type of model. This philosophy is responsible for acknowledging and for encouraging to diversify the field of the practices in the subject like law and science. This method is related to qualitative research and thus it focuses on ethical issues and also analyses the various factors which can affect the conclusion in this subject.
The strategy of this research paper focuses on the interest of the human being and therefore chose such kinds of the sample for the same. This kind of interpretation focus on believing that there is access to the fact that has been established socially. The strategy in the research that has been taken place are in the relation[57] with interpretivism. The information has been collected from the secondary sources of the information and helps in carrying the investigation in a manner which are inductive and informal. This secondary form of the information has been collected and is then analyzed with the basis of the peer review, by the accomplishment of the qualitative resources. This type of same design has been followed during this study. In this research study, the compilation of the theory has been maintained so that there is an authenticity[58] of the study.
In this research study, the approach which has been qualitative method has been followed to research the post mortem privacy law[59], which depends upon the fate of personal data and the commercial data warehouses. This has been a legal framework that followed the investigations which are based on the qualitative approach of the data. This is a theoretical approach which resulted from the better understandings of the researchers.
This research study has been designed after the following honesty as the best consideration and therefore the qualitative approach has been selected and therefore has been followed. The chosen methodology has been reported without any kind of exaggeration[60] and therefore it is related to the grounds of ethics and therefore is considered in this process.
The method which has been chosen is a qualitative approach that has been clarifying different aspects which are concerned with the legal areas. This design of the research is based on the interpretation of the legal concepts and that is why there might occur various conflicts among the rights of privacy and the commercial data warehouses. It must require a higher number of strategies that help in securing such private information. There might be inclusions of various amendments as well.
In this research where the qualitative method is being followed the data has been keeping its focuses on the secondary source of the data and this data in this research study has been focusing on producing various descriptions that are concerned with the experience which have been gathered. The researcher might be the individuals[61] who has been playing the role of the respondent as well as the mediator? It helps in gathering the data which report the probable outcomes and therefore helps gather the data.
The term reliability is defined as the processes of the study which means the collection of the methodology is acquired in such a manner[62] that are not repeated and would get such an outcome that is desired. These are qualitative data that focus on the evaluation of the reliability of the data together with the validation of the data along with its technical analysis.
Hereby this is concluded that after the initial phase of the reading there is more than one law is prevailing in the jurisdiction of Jordanian which might partially be responsible for covering the answer to various questions of the research. These questions[63] revolve around the fate of personal information after the death of a human being. These include various names like civil act, electronic transactions, as well as personal status law, and other telecommunication law. therefore, it is summarised that all the provisions are subjected to profound analysis.
As for the legislation in the British countryside, there are two main systems which are covered on various aspects that are the data protection act, as well as general data protection regulation. The initial views consist of the two different natures of both the British and European societies because it is well understood regarding the legislation[64] focusing on the societal culture. Hence it is assumed that the individual must decide the fate of their details letter to their death before their death, how were the given matter is quite complex for their enforcement. Therefore, it could be seen that there occur various distinct options like that of the retained removal[65] of the details of an individual after his owner's death and giving it towards their heirs.
In the culture of Jordan, it is very easy for erasing the fate in respect to their personal details letter to the death of the holder for protecting the information's anonymity and respect to the individual being died along with not raising any issues concerned to the deceased's image and it is further interpreted in various cases in the courts of Jordan.
In consideration of the culture of Britain, the freedom regarding the viewpoint of private information later to their owner's death might be provided to their heir. This is because of the existing concept towards privacy in the culture of Britain from the culture of Jordan.The given research would reveal they apply to the query which as a rising regarding the all the private information after the death along with the details regarding the legitimate[66] security of their private information in the legislation of Britain[67] and Jordan.The privacy-related with the post mortem is becoming one of the very important issues in relation with the interest which is legal to the academics as well as to the public.
It is the right of the person to protect and preserve[68] what is the result of his dignity, honour as well as integrity after the regulation of death? In this world, which is full of networks, there is a presumption that the person who has been dead is not counted for protection in privacy laws, and this is presumed because the physical existence of that individual is no longer being hold and has been extinguished[69]. In this modern era or digital era, the legacy phenomena in this digital world have been left behind the user of the internet since his or her death. This would create various new problems for the judicial system. As there is an active agent, these corpses or the dead body are no longer in the position of exerting autonomy in an individual. With this regard to the interactive representations, the research has been considering the notion of autonomy in human beings. This is because it focuses on protecting the privacy of the life of an individual before his death. This is very much important for controlling personal information, which is known as the self-determination of information.
The rights of privacy as required to be extended after the stage of death such that the data being deleted could be better in comparison to the United Kingdom which may provide a suitable environment for the legacy of private information[70]. The presentations regarding privacy are noted to be present in both of the countries of Jordan And the United Kingdom. However, the total lawsuits which are concerned with the privacy infringement in the court of Jordan I found to suggest that in most of the cases, a huge portion of the society is not capable of accepting the principles, in comparison to Britain where these principles[71] are widely accepted.
However, it could be agreed that it is not suitable for the culture of Jordan and is best suited for raising these data later to the death for the protection of the image of the deceased individual and for saving the cost regarding the accompanying preservation of data, however for the prevention of the deprived family on the individual being died in respect to the finance regarding rights which consist of the inheritance, it is recommended that the other alternative is moved on for keeping the given data.
Initially, it is required for considering the explanation of privacy and the way it is structured[72]. In the given condition it is found that the scenario is positive, that is a scheme relating to Facebook having a modernized policy of privacy which enables the people for monitoring the extent to which the privacy regarding the information could be exchanged, however in the situations when the user is found to be died not being capable for controlling the privacy[73] concept or make any choices regarding the accessibility of their private information.
In the context of the privacy later to the death, some of the considerations are required to be further considered like that of thelikelihood to obtain these kinds of data along with the degree of information being exchanged with their heir, this information could be quite sensitive to the users or confidential because it is not always possible for storing this kind of private[74] information and does it is not possible for deleting or erasing them.
There could be a large number of arguments to enjoy the rights in context to the privacy later to deceased, as the basic principle is that the individuals who are alive have the fundamental right for defining their appearance as well as maintaining the integrity later to their death. As per the philosophy relating to evidential freedom, the deceased individual's interest should be honoured in the given query further concerns the deceased individual's family.
The rise could be featured as normative and fundamental laws based on the norms of society, legitimate structures, or moral or ethical philosophies. There happens a viewpoint which calls for the individual the not being able to be influenced letter to the death or feel. This is because the body which is felt by him or her or being affected might rot, such that the argument in respect to this viewpoint represent[75] that the harm is not going to affect the individual being deceased because the individual is noted to conceive the data that are attractive influence is there on the individual after their death when the harm is caused to them as per the interest of the individual before their death[76].
This matter is found to be revolving around the legitimate as well as various other ethical exist in a manner that if the deceased is noted to be able for presenting the practical for moral reasons, it would be impossible that the various interest of the deceased[77] being survived are another individual's interest having a rotting corpse or stake on them which might have an interest to them and why the reference of the point which the Dead is not able to know or feel regarding the drama. Acquire read essential argument is necessarily made consisting of the information which is of prerequisite regarding the damage before the death as well as is for the not prerequisite regarding the damage regarding the post - mortem.
A huge number of users are found to work on the internet as well as share their some of the most private documents interest disclosure however with an in hands seeing several of owners who have accounts but died the individuals are largely worried regarding the effect of their accounts as well as these records which are mentioned internally.
Initially, there is a requirement of considering the explanation concerning privacy as well as how the privacy is being structured. In the given condition we would find a positive scene while keeping these on ourselves as a scheme of Facebook which has a technological policy based on privacy which enables individuals for monitoring[78] the level of privacy regarding their pieces of information which they want to exchange however during the events when the account holder dies there is no control over these policies of privacy relating concepts because the deceased individual is not being able of making any choices regarding the assessment of their private information.
In connection to the privacy of the deceased individual some of the considerations which are required to be further considered like that of the obtaining of this kind of data regarding likelihood as well as the degree of information which could be exchanged with their heirs, as the given information could be very sensitive as well as confidential for the users because it becomes impossible for storing this private information[79] further making it not possible for deleting or erasing them.
A large number of arguments are there to enjoy the privacy rights even after being received as the basic principle regarding this includes the definition of the rights of a living individual in respect to their appearance as well as for maintaining the integrity even after their death. As per the philosophy in respect to evidential freedom, the deceased individual's interest is required to be honoured along with the given query for concerning to the deceased individuals these rights are featured as the normative or basic laws which are based on the norms of society philosophies on morality or The structures which are legitimate. There occurs a viewpoint which cal for any individual for being an evil to be affected or felt even after being deceased. this is because their body helps them to feel or be affected[80] might get rot considering the arguments for this viewpoint to be harmful
The proper description of post-mortem privacy or the protection of the identity of a deceased person is not a renowned report. The protection[81] of the deceased person is a part of general privacy legislation which states that the liberty of a person must be revised to maintain his or her privacy. Not only the privacy of the person but the honour, respect, confidence, and anonymity that were being managed by the person must also be registered in the revised form after the death. The basic structure of post-mortem privacy is not a popular analysis and its impact was also very minute, unpredictable[82], and diverse, even though post-mortem privacy is considered a strong topic in multiple human and social sciences areas, such as psychology, anthropology, etc.
In countries like the United Kingdom where the common law is practised, their traditional accepted belief is to not take part in protecting the identities of a person after their death. Therefore, to extract a final and comprehensive conclusion that can be utilized to accommodate the need of both nations, the legal structure[83] which is being modulated in the United Kingdom is further evaluated to discover its compliance with the structure of the Jordanian system and also how the experience of one nation can help in evolving the system.
From both legal and scientific perspectives, the discussion on the privacy of the identity of a person after death has become a controversial topic. In the post-mortem privacy form, it has already been stated that the implication of a person’s privacy after his or her death is the right of the person and it must be the person’s decision[84] to choose what must affect and happen to the honour and reputation after death. Previously, it was a common understanding that the death of a person was the end for him and also his belongings, that the person cannot be affected by any external factors after his death. So, it was considered unnecessary[85] to preserve the person’s interest and integrity, but since technological advancement, since the internet happened the digital legacy of the person is still open in the public even after his death.
According to the European privacy law, the right to identity ceases to exist after the death of a person. Still, some of the European country's privacy[86] laws allow a person to opt for the right to privacy after his or her death. In some cases, a legal identity problem arises when there are still some activities happening even after the demise of a successful internet personality. The account holder of the social networking[87] platform sometimes grants permission for digital duplication of his account as the owner, which is used to create data for the collection of digital remains before the death of the account holder of the social networking site.
However, since there is not enough administration available for this issue, it becomes clear according to the current administrative system will not be able to successfully tackle this issue and satisfy the rights of an individual for the privacy of identity[88], following the owner's prenatal privacy law.The privacy-related with the post mortem is becoming one of the very important issues in relation with the interest which is legal to the academics as well as to the public. It is the right of the person to protect and preserve[89] what is the result of his dignity, honour as well as integrity after the regulation of death? In this world, which is full of networks, there is a presumption that the person who has been dead is not counted for protection in privacy laws, and this is presumed because the physical existence of that individual[90] is no longer being hold and has been extinguished[91]. In this modern era or digital era, the legacy phenomena in this digital world have been left behind the user of the internet since his or her death. This would create various new problems for the judicial system. As there is an active agent, these corpses or the dead body are no longer in the position of exerting autonomy in an individual. With this regard to the interactive representations, the research has been considering the notion of autonomy in human beings. This is because it focuses on protecting[92] the privacy of the life of an individual before his death. This is very much important for controlling personal information, which is known as the self-determination of information.
The question regarding the pre-examination of the private deduction in respect to the life of the individual after their death according to the post - mortem is going to be precluding the given probability by providing their rights which are noted to emerge further. The query regarding if the presumption of private autonomy for any individual's life letter to their death given in the postmortem would include the given probability by providing their rights being emerged further. Later to the given, the method of exercising whether it being not able for exercising it.
There is not any doubt regarding the universe-related concept of the dignity of individuals that would underpin the equality of every individual along with the rights which are not available like that of the rights which are not being enslaved are found to be an important part in respect to the constitution. The private[93] rights of the deceased individual along with sweaters name is continuing to be present till the time of the interest regarding the individual being died and this indicates the requirement of him towards the accounts of the social networking site in respect to the requirement for the public as well as private gains however the basis for being normative for the privacy values is to be shared among all of the members in the society. In a culture that is the network the protection of the post mortem of a publicly initiated self is assumed by others, warranting the given strong rights of the human beings.
For respecting the life of a human being only because they have the given right as an individual it is noted to be probable that the networking social operator in media would take an important step in the upcoming years like that of by the development of applications which will permit and individual for preserving their identity for reshaping them and for the creation of an individual informative stage at the prenatal level. In cases, when not being able to utilize it properly.
The given study is giving an instance regarding some of the solutions for the regulations having an objective of overcoming an insurmountable[94] the obstacle for providing the rights of the deceased individual for their privacy because of of a lacking of the objectivity of procedural.
The given paper is going to discuss the doctor in a theoretical as well as the argument based on the technology to recognize the privacy regarding laws of the post mortem along with their policies. The analysis is viewing the autonomous[95] role because of their values along with discussing how privacy is supported. The author is noted to follow the the the stands of puro autonomy regarding the lesson bomb in the year 2010 as well as the burners in the year 2014 in context to the justification regarding the complex choices which are in the favour of the rights of human beings irrespective of their families or platforms. It is elaborated at the typical law are found to be recognizing the autonomy of a person as a part of their connected phenomena regarding the right of the individual and their capability for disposing of their property and wealth.
The private rights of the individual who is dead for their identification are noted to continue for existence up to the period of their interest which suggest the requirement of the accounts on social networking sites to fulfil the requirement of their privacy being larger as an advantage to the public however at this point of time the foundations of normative in regards to the worth of privacy are found to be shared by the societal members. The privacy of the post mortem regarding a publicly constructed self in a society which is quite networked the given strong rights of human beings are needed from other individuals as well.
For valuing the life of human beings nearly because of having these rights as an individual it is assumed that the social networking sites operators would make a move in the upcoming years which is meaningful such as the creation of apps which would make any individual capable of maintaining their identity build as well as shape them as a well-informed individual at the prenatal step. Not being able for exercising it? The given research is offering an instance of some particular solutions which are legislative and have the aim to solve the insurmountable hurdle in respect to the granting of rights towards the privacy of the deceased individual because of lacking legitimate objectivity.
However, it is generally noted to be believed regarding the nonexistence of the given feature which makes it complex to any legitimate probability for the exertion of authority over their role of being informative as in the digitalized existence of the individual later to dear death with the claims of putting forward in the given research giving some of the national things which can influence the legitimate theory created by the narrative views.
However, this is an argument to be not translated in an online platform. Repeated by some of the previous works of the authors the right of users regarding the holding over the Assets on the digital platform and not the rights for the allocation of the given assets letter to their death are recognized routinely. It could be further argued in respect to the online platform, the Assets on the digital mode as well as the identities[96] which are quite closely associated with the interest regarding privacy in comparison to the offline platform and are hence very much close to the autonomy as well as a personal interest of the holder. Therefore, it could be argued in this respect that a separation from the common consideration regarding the status and properties and hence the testamentary relating freedom transmissibility are required to be according to the principal extensions of the assets which are created digitally in an online platform.
The authors are noted to further argue[97] for the recognition of a minimum degree of privacy in respect to the post mortem along with the individual's right to disposing of or controlling their private information regarding the post mortem. Like various other interests of the holders, it is evident that the privacy[98] and personal rights of the post mortem have required a kind of balance with various other matters of consideration consisting of these similar interests of privacy for other individuals and the personal and social interests in free security and speech. Unfortunately, it is impossible as per the scope of the given paper for analysing the probable exceptions in an elaborated form. The main objective of the given paper is only the discussion regarding the theoretical as well as a doctor in a Grounds to recognize the privacy of the post mortem. Furthermore, the given paper is utilizing the instances by the present legitimate as well as technological advancement which for the recognize the privacy of Post - mortem, which implicitly not using various terms as they are in actuality.
Operation of the complex as well as GRE queries the given paper would consider all the autonomic interest that would play an important role in this respect and in addition to this a Framework is taken to recognize the privacy of post-mortem that would help the transmission process of the digitalized assets after the very important death. However, the proposals that are exhibited in the given paper[99] are the solution on the practical basis and our principal that would be elaborated more in the upcoming performance. The things which are counterbalanced of the given property and autonomy relating interest by the countervailing interest are further and issued that would be dealt parallel[100] to the upcoming work of the various authors.
The code related answers for the privacy regarding post mortem -
Constructing on the Doctrine null as well as theoretical analysis in the earlier sections the given situation would elaborate the present development and respect to the technology which is for the termed as techno base solutions for the security of the privacy of post mortem. The given solutions are noted to be practically promoted as well as recognized for the privacy of post mortem which further assists in respect to the given concept. Google is found to be presently launching a codebase solution[101] regarding the transmission of post mortem with the help of emails along with some of the other services which are provided.The privacy-related with the post mortem is becoming one of the very important issues in relation with the interest which is legal to the academics as well as to the public. It is the right of the person to protect and preserve[102] what is the result of his dignity, honour as well as integrity after the regulation of death? In this world, which is full of networks, there is a presumption that the person who has been dead is not counted for protection in privacy laws, and this is presumed because the physical existence of that individual is no longer being hold and has been extinguished[103].
In this modern era or digital era, the legacy phenomena in this digital world have been left behind the user of the internet since his or her death. This would create various new problems for the judicial system. As there is an active agent[104], these corpses or the dead body are no longer in the position of exerting autonomy in an individual. With this regard to the interactive representations, the research has been considering the notion of autonomy in human beings. This is because it focuses on protecting the privacy of the life of an individual before his death. This is very much important for controlling personal information, which is known as the self-determination of information.
The persistence of the rights of individuals in the post - mortem -
As per the general legitimate system in England, there is found to be a huge recognizable principle regarding action personalis moritur cum persona which what's the private causes in respect to the performance which is died with the individual like that of the claims regarding defamation. This is about words the specialized[105] moral-based rights of the authors. The countries which have the civilized traditional laws seem to be largely in climbed for recognizing the persistence towards the same kind of right after mean deceased. This is dominating in Germany in which the Grundgesetz or GG is mostly outspoken in respect to the defence regarding the viability of the dignity of human beings. In the country of Germany, the security of the dignity of human beings is noted to be derived from the there highest source of the constitution along with the constitutional German laws. This is noted to be implemented for the security of the deceased dignity.
In the case of message Store, the constitutional federal court mentioned that it will be considered inconsistent along with the constitution relating mandate towards the in violation of the dignity[106] of human beings that underlies verias Fundamental Rights in case of a person being denigrated and belittled later to their death. As per this the death of the individual is not required to terminate towards the duty of the state as under the art 1.1 the GG for securing m against the assaults on the dignity of human beings.The concept of autonomy is quite difficult while defining and could assign various conceptions as well as meanings that are based on various ethical, philosophical, legal, and some other theories.
The concept of autonomy[107] is noted to draw from the deist as well as the atheist stances of ethics, interest and will relating theories in respect to the rights, the law of nature and their opposition which explains the autonomy in association to the dignity, Liberty, social contract, self - realization, moral and Public Interest[108]. The objective of the given section is for looking towards the conceptions regarding autonomy in brief in Association to the extent which the given discussion could subsequently be used in respect to the privacy as well as the analysis of the privacy of post - mortem[109].
The test station laws are further associated nearly with the things which happen towards the assets with economical values which are left by someone after being deceased. The above-mentioned assets are further linked with the inheritor who continuous the rights of personality regarding the Deciusas long as the rights of the personality like that of the rights in respect to the publicity could be expressed in the terms of Economics this could be e noted to inherited from the inheritors. While it could be exerted regarding the duties as well as rights which are painted to the individual in context to the deciduous which is not transmitted.
This is nearly logic-based because a subjective or personal right is found to be exercised in connection to you only one or more than one individual. In the case of the death of a natural individual, an essential part of the rights of the individual is found to be extinguished. As per the judicious interpretation strictly, the test station laws are not found to shed one light on the query regarding the individual who is inheriting the non - economical persistence, digital factors in respect to the physical of the dyed individual along with their moral and psychic personality which exhibit in the digitalize and vicarious double of their self being ante - more.
It seems to be deceased along with the living owner's demise of the rights of their personality. Although it is noted that the persistence which is overwhelming towards the digitalized person in respect to the internet irrespective of being any e-life counterpart that could actively monitor the rights which are subjective and connected with the given person or ask for the accommodation of the digitalized person post - mortem if possible with the proper locus in a legitimate framework which will govern the extinction or survival of the duties as well as rights of the subjects. In regards to the queries regarding the research, the below mentioned concomitant queries are noted to be relevant - how the provided matter regarding the security of the private information of the digitalized double which is found to be sub cest the post mortem be provided based on the normative which is purely beyond the economical terms that at existing is noted to be a concern of quite[110] a predominance regarding detestation law.
The dignity of a human being
A God approach is for taking the opinions being contained in the doctrine of Germany in respect to the natural rights of the dignity of a human being. As it could be noted that the Grundgesetz of Germany is considering merely a logical which is the absolute security regarding the non-viable ATI of the dignity of human beings which an individual is noted to enjoy throughout his life and even persists after his death[111]. As stated by Immanuel Kant, every individual is found to be entitled to the adoption of the defence regarding the Bona Fama defunct of a deciduous along with this it must be regarded as a portion of the Recht der Menschheit.
Under the scores of countries, it can further be stated that the image of the individual being deceased it is noted to be a belonging of the various ethical judgment which enjoy approximately various Universal contract. Afterwards, it would be returned with a view regarding the digitalized presentation of the individual being disease because when compared to the public individual the person being[112] alive is executed on the internet. However, the security of the digitalized individuals role is noted to play a on the medium of Internet and being considered by various forest in the present day which is requiring the security of the privacy rights. In this respect, the private see could be mentioned as a good for society E and is not only considered as a right of an individual.The privacy-related with the post mortem is becoming one of the very important issues in relation with the interest which is legal to the academics as well as to the public.
It is the right of the person to protect and preserve[113] what is the result of his dignity, honour as well as integrity after the regulation of death? In this world, which is full of networks, there is a presumption that the person who has been dead is not counted for protection in privacy laws, and this is presumed because the physical existence of that individual is no longer being hold and has been extinguished[114]. In this modern era or digital era, the legacy phenomena in this digital world have been left behind the user of the internet since his or her death. This would create various new problems for the judicial system. As there is an active agent, these corpses or the dead body are no longer in the position of exerting autonomy in an individual. With this regard to the interactive representations[115], the research has been considering the notion of autonomy in human beings.
This is because it focuses on protecting the privacy of the life of an individual before his death. This is very much important for controlling personal information, which is known as the self-determination of information.The concept of autonomy is quite difficult while defining and could assign various conceptions as well as meanings that are based on various ethical, philosophical, legal, and some other theories. The concept of autonomy[116] is noted to draw from the deist as well as the atheist stances of ethics, interest and will relating theories in respect to the rights, the law of nature and their opposition which explains the autonomy in association to the dignity, Liberty, social contract, self - realization, moral and Public Interest[117]. The objective of the given section is for looking towards the conceptions regarding autonomy in brief in Association to the extent which the given discussion could subsequently be used in respect to the privacy as well as the analysis of the privacy of post - mortem[118].
Beer, Caroline. "Making abortion laws in Mexico: Salience and autonomy in the policymaking process." Comparative Politics 50, no. 1 (2017): 41-59.
Bell, Gary F. "Indonesia: the new regional autonomy laws, two years later." In Turning Points and Transitions, pp. 326-339. ISEAS Publishing, 2018.
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Cepaluni, Gabriel, Karina L. Pasquariello Mariano, and Marcelo Passini Mariano. "Preserving Domestic Autonomy: Weak Migration Laws and the Mercosur Strategy of Limited Integration." In Latin American Geopolitics, pp. 83-107. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2019.
Cricket, Beate. "Autonomy, Laws of Nature, and the Mind-Body Problem." In The Mechanical World, pp. 155-163. Springer, Cham, 2018.
Davey, Tina. "Until Death Do Us Part: Post-mortem Privacy Rights for the Ante-mortem Person." PhD diss., University of East Anglia, 2020.
Gostin, Lawrence O., Sam F. Halabi, and Kumanan Wilson. "Health data and privacy in the digital era." Jama 320, no. 3 (2018): 233-234.
Greenleaf, Graham. "ASEAN's Two Speed Data Privacy Laws: Some Race Ahead." (2017).
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Harbinja, Edina, and Henry Pearce. "Your data will never die, but you will: A comparative analysis of US and UK post-mortem data donation frameworks." Computer Law & Security Review 36 (2020): 105403.
Harbinja, Edina. "Emails and death: Legal issues surrounding post-mortem transmission of emails." Death studies 43, no. 7 (2019): 435-445.
Harbinja, Edina. "Post-mortem privacy 2.0: theory, law, and technology." International Review of Law, Computers & Technology 31, no. 1 (2017): 26-42.
Kountouris, Nicola. "The concept of 'worker's European labour law: fragmentation, autonomy, and scope." Industrial Law Journal 47, no. 2 (2018): 192-225.
Luhmann, Niklas. "Some problems with ‘reflexive law’." In Law, Legal Culture and Society, pp. 184-198. Routledge, 2018.
Maniadaki, Maria, Athanasios Papathanasopoulos, Lilian Mitrou, and Efpraxia-Aithra Maria. "Reconciling Remote Sensing Technologies with Personal Data and Privacy Protection in the European Union: Recent Developments in Greek Legislation and Application Perspectives in Environmental Law." Laws 10, no. 2 (2021): 33.
Maniadaki, Maria, Athanasios Papathanasopoulos, Lilian Mitrou, and Efpraxia-Aithra Maria. "Reconciling Remote Sensing Technologies with Personal Data and Privacy Protection in the European Union: Recent Developments in Greek Legislation and Application Perspectives in Environmental Law." Laws 10, no. 2 (2021): 33.
McFarland, Tim. "The Concept of Autonomy." (2020).
Neframi, Eleftheria, and Mauro Gatti. "Autonomy and EU competences in the context of free trade and investment agreements." In The Conclusion and Implementation of EU Free Trade Agreements. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019.
Price, W. Nicholson, Margot E. Kaminski, Timo Missen, and Kayte Spector-Bagdad. "Shadow health records meet new data privacy laws." Science 363, no. 6426 (2019): 448-450.
Robertson, Viktoria HSE. "Excessive data collection: Privacy considerations and abuse of dominance in the era of big data." Common Market Law Review 57, no. 1 (2020).
Use, Ushotanefe. "Autonomy-hindering scope for physiotherapy practice in African countries: Results of creatures and antinomies of regulatory laws." The South African Journal of Physiotherapy 77, no. 1 (2021).
[1]Harbinja, Edina. "Post-mortem privacy 2.0: theory, law, and technology." International Review of Law, Computers & Technology 31, no. 1 (2017): 26-42.
[2]Davey, Tina. "Until Death Do Us Part: Post-mortem Privacy Rights for the Ante-mortem Person." PhD diss., University of East Anglia, 2020.
[3]Davey, Tina. "Until Death Do Us Part: Post-mortem Privacy Rights for the Ante-mortem Person." PhD diss., University of East Anglia, 2020.
[4]Harbinja, Edina. "Emails and death: Legal issues surrounding post-mortem transmission of emails." Death studies 43, no. 7 (2019): 435-445.
[5]Price, W. Nicholson, Margot E. Kaminski, Timo Missen, and Kayte Spector-Bagdad. "Shadow health records meet new data privacy laws." Science 363, no. 6426 (2019): 448-450.
[6]Davey, Tina. "Until Death Do Us Part: Post-mortem Privacy Rights for the Ante-mortem Person." PhD diss., University of East Anglia, 2020.
[7]Bell, Gary F. "Indonesia: the new regional autonomy laws, two years later." In Turning Points and Transitions, pp. 326-339. ISEAS Publishing, 2018.
[8]Harbinja, Edina. "Emails and death: Legal issues surrounding post-mortem transmission of emails." Death studies 43, no. 7 (2019): 435-445.
[9]Harbinja, Edina, and Henry Pearce. "Your data will never die, but you will: A comparative analysis of US and UK post-mortem data donation frameworks." Computer Law & Security Review 36 (2020): 105403.
[10]Beer, Caroline. "Making abortion laws in Mexico: Salience and autonomy in the policymaking process." Comparative Politics 50, no. 1 (2017): 41-59.
[11]Bell, Gary F. "Indonesia: the new regional autonomy laws, two years later." In Turning Points and Transitions, pp. 326-339. ISEAS Publishing, 2018.
[12]Use, Ushotanefe. "Autonomy-hindering scope for physiotherapy practice in African countries: Results of creatures and antinomies of regulatory laws." The South African Journal of Physiotherapy 77, no. 1 (2021).
[13]Use, Ushotanefe. "Autonomy-hindering scope for physiotherapy practice in African countries: Results of creatures and antinomies of regulatory laws." The South African Journal of Physiotherapy 77, no. 1 (2021).
[14]Use, Ushotanefe. "Autonomy-hindering scope for physiotherapy practice in African countries: Results of creatures and antinomies of regulatory laws." The South African Journal of Physiotherapy 77, no. 1 (2021).
[15]Use, Ushotanefe. "Autonomy-hindering scope for physiotherapy practice in African countries: Results of creatures and antinomies of regulatory laws." The South African Journal of Physiotherapy 77, no. 1 (2021).
[16]Cricket, Beate. "Autonomy, Laws of Nature, and the Mind-Body Problem." In The Mechanical World, pp. 155-163. Springer, Cham, 2018.
[17]. Use, Ushotanefe. "Autonomy-hindering scope for physiotherapy practice in African countries: Results of creatures and antinomies of regulatory laws." The South African Journal of Physiotherapy 77, no. 1 (2021).
Cricket, Beate. "Autonomy, Laws of Nature, and the Mind-Body Problem." In The Mechanical World, pp. 155-163. Springer, Cham, 2018.
[18]Cricket, Beate. "Autonomy, Laws of Nature, and the Mind-Body Problem." In The Mechanical World, pp. 155-163. Springer, Cham, 2018.
[19]Cepaluni, Gabriel, Karina L. Pasquariello Mariano, and Marcelo Passini Mariano. "Preserving Domestic Autonomy: Weak Migration Laws and the Mercosur Strategy of Limited Integration." In Latin American Geopolitics, pp. 83-107. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2019.
[20]Cepaluni, Gabriel, Karina L. Pasquariello Mariano, and Marcelo Passini Mariano. "Preserving Domestic Autonomy: Weak Migration Laws and the Mercosur Strategy of Limited Integration." In Latin American Geopolitics, pp. 83-107. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2019.
[21]Cepaluni, Gabriel, Karina L. Pasquariello Mariano, and Marcelo Passini Mariano. "Preserving Domestic Autonomy: Weak Migration Laws and the Mercosur Strategy of Limited Integration." In Latin American Geopolitics, pp. 83-107. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2019.
[22]Use, Ushotanefe. "Autonomy-hindering scope for physiotherapy practice in African countries: Results of creatures and antinomies of regulatory laws." The South African Journal of Physiotherapy 77, no. 1 (2021).
[23]Gostin, Lawrence O., Sam F. Halabi, and Kumanan Wilson. "Health data and privacy in the digital era." Jama 320, no. 3 (2018): 233-234.
[24]Gostin, Lawrence O., Sam F. Halabi, and Kumanan Wilson. "Health data and privacy in the digital era." Jama 320, no. 3 (2018): 233-234.
[25]Gostin, Lawrence O., Sam F. Halabi, and Kumanan Wilson. "Health data and privacy in the digital era." Jama 320, no. 3 (2018): 233-234.
[26] Price, W. Nicholson, Margot E. Kaminski, Timo Missen, and Kayte Spector-Bagdad. "Shadow health records meet new data privacy laws." Science 363, no. 6426 (2019): 448-450.
[27]Harbinja, Edina. "Post-mortem privacy 2.0: theory, law, and technology." International Review of Law, Computers & Technology 31, no. 1 (2017): 26-42.
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[90]Birkeland, John O. "The Concept of Autonomy and the Changing Character of War." Oslo Law Review 5, no. 02 (2018): 73-88.
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[98]Cricket, Beate. "Autonomy, Laws of Nature, and the Mind-Body Problem." In The Mechanical World, pp. 155-163. Springer, Cham, 2018.
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[100]Cricket, Beate. "Autonomy, Laws of Nature, and the Mind-Body Problem." In The Mechanical World, pp. 155-163. Springer, Cham, 2018.
[101]Buitelaar, J. C. "Post-mortem privacy and informational self-determination." Ethics and Information Technology 19, no. 2 (2017): 129-142.
[102]Davey, Tina. "Until Death Do Us Part: Post-mortem Privacy Rights for the Ante-mortem Person." PhD diss., University of East Anglia, 2020.
[103]Bell, Gary F. "Indonesia: the new regional autonomy laws, two years later." In Turning Points and Transitions, pp. 326-339. ISEAS Publishing, 2018.
[104]Buitelaar, J. C. "Post-mortem privacy and informational self-determination." Ethics and Information Technology 19, no. 2 (2017): 129-142.
[105]Buitelaar, J. C. "Post-mortem privacy and informational self-determination." Ethics and Information Technology 19, no. 2 (2017): 129-142.
[106]Buitelaar, J. C. "Post-mortem privacy and informational self-determination." Ethics and Information Technology 19, no. 2 (2017): 129-142.
[107]Birkeland, John O. "The Concept of Autonomy and the Changing Character of War." Oslo Law Review 5, no. 02 (2018): 73-88.
[108]Neframi, Eleftheria, and Mauro Gatti. "Autonomy and EU competences in the context of free trade and investment agreements." In The Conclusion and Implementation of EU Free Trade Agreements. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019.
[109]Birkeland, John O. "The Concept of Autonomy and the Changing Character of War." Oslo Law Review 5, no. 02 (2018): 73-88.
[111]Buitelaar, J. C. "Post-mortem privacy and informational self-determination." Ethics and Information Technology 19, no. 2 (2017): 129-142.
[113]Davey, Tina. "Until Death Do Us Part: Post-mortem Privacy Rights for the Ante-mortem Person." PhD diss., University of East Anglia, 2020.
[114]Bell, Gary F. "Indonesia: the new regional autonomy laws, two years later." In Turning Points and Transitions, pp. 326-339. ISEAS Publishing, 2018.
[116]Birkeland, John O. "The Concept of Autonomy and the Changing Character of War." Oslo Law Review 5, no. 02 (2018): 73-88.
[117]Neframi, Eleftheria, and Mauro Gatti. "Autonomy and EU competences in the context of free trade and investment agreements." In The Conclusion and Implementation of EU Free Trade Agreements. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019.
[118]Birkeland, John O. "The Concept of Autonomy and the Changing Character of War." Oslo Law Review 5, no. 02 (2018): 73-88.