The Influence Of Social Media On Compulsive Consumption Assignment Sample

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Introduction of The Influence Of Social Media On Compulsive Consumption Assignment

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The popularity of different social media (SM) networking sites is growing which is influencing the consumer's behaviour. Different aspects showcasing the factors of compulsive consumption, which is a type of consumer behaviour, are interconnected with psychology. The influence of SM is making public intention the show-off behaviour. The available information and opinions related to the available things on the e-commerce are gaining customers' trust. The influence of SM marketing is committing the people to forcefully purchasing unnecessary elements. The influence of SM on common people is disruptive. The comforts of using SM and the easy access of digital media to human life are accessing the changes in shopping behaviour for consumers.

About Compulsive Consumption By Social Platforms

The utilisation of SM was known for a conversation about an era ago. However, the e-commerce market has captured the usefulness of SM with the aspects of digital marketing. The utilisation of smart phones and SM has reached different groups of users. This made the businesses helpful for targeting all the users at the time by showcasing advertisements on SM. The transformation of the advertisement strategies have influenced by the SM and the integration of the Web 2.0 technology can make it more identical (Kaakinen et al. 2020). The promotional events of SM the internet based life for the development of impulse purchases as the motivational factor for the buyers.

As the market is getting more competitive, different e-commerce sites are delivering different offers related to the materials to sell. Posting the offers on SM platforms is generating traffic and making the customers forced to purchase. The consequences of compulsive using social apps make consumers fatigued as an aspect of psychological issues (Dhir et al. 2018). The fear of missing the trends is increasing the more compulsive behaviour related to unnecessary shopping.

Compulsive Consumption

The Concept of Consumer Behavior

The actions or behaviour of the buyers is related to the marketplace with the underlying motivation behind their actions. Different aspects of SM are working for the development of the customer's satisfaction after purchasing their products, which will be useful in the development of the e-commerce activities (Benli, 2019). Different aspects are interconnected to change the behaviour of the consumers where the distinction among the different brands. The ideal strategies are related to the brand models and the valuation of the products. As SM is interacting with the decision processes and actions of the people, the more highly rated brands are getting more focused day by day. Consumer behaviour is impacted by four principal factors: Social, Personal, Cultural, and Psychological. These factors force customers to develop brand and product selections.


The desire of getting more attention makes the consumer's shopping behaviour increase to a level. Different information that is used to produce advertisement by using public figures makes the consumers more attracted. Hence, the lifestyle advertisement can the buyers believe they will achieve a higher level of attention by purchasing a brand material. This lets the consumers perform the psychological behaviour of purchase. The physiological requirements are prevailing when buyers are chronically unsatisfied.

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The consumption of the preferred materials helps in the selection of the research theory for different brands to assume the consumer's preference and work over it to fix the deliverables. The notion of the consumer's behaviour is related to the consumption of different things from the marketplace, which simply means spending money. The objectives of the sociology of culture have the aim to collect different data to undertake the market development based on the customer choice (Garaika et al. 2020). The field of consumer behaviour is related to the development of the different fields that are directly associated with the acceptable products on this ground. The peer's opinion is influencing the customers, where the aspects of cultures and subcultures are interconnected. The ever-increasing awareness among the consumers is related to economic, political, and organisational activity, and it has been signed with the purchasing pattern of the customers (Ahmed, 2020). Moreover, the aspects are also linked with the seasonal aspects in the country, when customers have the desire of buying new elements.

Shopping behaviour based on culture

In order to understand the culture of the buyers, brands need to understand the meaning of culture, which refers to work and studies. Religious commitments and culture are associated as interconnected matters, which is influencing shopping behaviour. As different religions have festive in different times, the behaviour of shopping gets influenced by time and session. Brands have also developed strategies to target consumers based on religion and culture. In the UK, cross-cultural shopping is getting populated by developing habits. Moreover, the availability of the stores is making the customers more attracted and influenced.

As the different regions of the UK have populations from different regions and nations, a cross-cultural population is generated there. The aspects are related to garments, foods, retail, and other category based on the cross-cultural aspects. Spanish and Chinese foods are also popular in the UK, which can be taken as an example of diversified cultural behaviour (Sulmont et al. 2019). Different regions used to make the celebration the different festive in the whole year, which let the brands target all the people from different communities and make the cross-cultural shopping manner.

Factors affecting compulsive consumption among consumers

The followings are the different factors that can influence the buyers' behaviour in the present circumstances.

The Utilisation of the 4Ps of the Marketing Mix Framework

A marketing mix is defined as a framework which is applied by the different organisations often to expand the business. The elements of the marketing mix can influence the consumers when a brand makes its position for targeting the consumers (Chairunnisa et al. 2019). The elements of the marketing mix are:

  • Product: An attractive product with enough features that can convert the buyers to perform more compulsive strategies.
  • Price: The most required element that is used by the sellers to attract buyers is called price. Often the monopoly of the sellers regarding price makes customers perform real-life transactions.
  • Promotion: Promotional strategies like SM marketing, lifestyle advertisement, and offers make customers attracted to the brand.
  • Place: Different brands target to open their shop in a shopping mall, on a popular road or location that can be helpful in attracting the consumers.

Green Marketing

The environment-friendly approaches are making a positive aspect on the consumers' behaviour. As the awareness regarding the environment is spreading quickly, every organisation is announcing their environment-friendly marketing to influence the customers. The potential of bringing loyal consumers into the brands is showcased by the approaches of green marketing (Widyastuti et al. 2019). Different organisations these days are showcasing their products have recyclable approaches that can evaluate the attraction of the consumers. Different organisations are converting plastics to usable materials and showing environment friendly approaches that can change the consumer's behaviour (Paço et al. 2019). This can be related to the valuation of the corporate and social responsibility as they are making recyclable production.

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Different organisations such as Tesco and Vauxhall are producing electric vehicles as their primary policy is to develop zero carbon emissions. Purchasing new items that have environment-friendly approaches can be defined as a new trend (Alamsyah et al. 2020). The behaviour of buyers can be accepted as the market is focusing on the positive impacts of the green market's emergence. Different brands are continuously focusing on the green design, production, marketing, and supply chain that are not affecting the environment to sustain in the market (Lotfi et al. 2018). The green market is effectively diversified and the development of the “Green Entrepreneurs” is producing due to its effectiveness of it.

Process of Decision Making By Consumers With SM Marketing

The vast majority of the customers are making decisions based on the elements such as brand preferences, value for money, and location. Moreover, the organisations are utilising the marketing mix framework to justify the product, price, promotion, and place for the development of the compulsive consumption in the favour of brands (Bartosik, 2019). Businesses are allowing their digital marketing team to perform activities that can engage consumers in the competitive market. The analysis performed with machine learning makes the decision-making process of the customers.

The retrieved data using machine learning help understand the trends that can make buyers more attractive to the brands (Hair et al. 2021) With the help of machine learning, organisations are making analyses about the preferences and developing the statics to influence the preferences of consumers and make compulsive consumption. Different organisations are spending around £7.1 billion on digital marketing. Different SM applications are also earning revenue by allowing the brands to showcase their advertisements on their platform. Facebook has made around £1.9 billion from digital advertisements (, 2022). The robust development of digital marketing has made the development after it engaged in the SM.

The application of SM marketing is diversifying the environment of marketing. Retailers are making an effect by targeting new consumers more and trying to understand their behaviour of shopping mode (Nash, 2018). The development of digital advertisement was escorted by considerable revenue streams for the significant online platforms. In this procedure, businesses are making a profit and consumers also get influenced to make compulsive purchases.

Advertisement spending in the UK from 2007 to 2020

Theories and Models of Consumer Behavior

Sensory Marketing Theory

The sensory marketing strategy is known as a theory that questions different modern brands to think about the fundamentals of promotional strategy. Making the consumers engaged with the brand is ultimately the demand for advertisements that are made with different graphical presentations, colourful images, and audio. Music and video elements are crucial for developing advertisements that can attract consumers by constructing multi-sensory marketing knowledge. The sensory marketing advertisement requires the use of scent as the element of the sensory tactics of marketing that can develop the advertisement which let the consumers relate (Hultén, 2020). This theory will be useful in making advertisements that can remind them of the old days and recall the items which can make enthusiasts get engaged and purchase the product.

The behaviour and emotion in the human brain let the consumers rely on the gimmicks of the marketing. The sensory marketing strategy lets the brands target the preferences of the consumers. The science behind sensory marketing made the consumers think about the products only even in a crowded place. The fast-food chain and the food and beverage industry have the most common use case in targeting brands that are making a different perception in the consumers' minds (Hussain, 2018). This theory can be applied by the brands to target the emotions for making them deep drive into the products which will influence them to purchase them.

Personality Lifestyle Marketing Theory

The dimensions of lifestyle can make the approach in the human brain by developing the positioning of the product in the market through constructing different interesting activities, targeting the market by utilising different specific promotional movements. Instead of focusing on personal preferences, the aim of the personalised lifestyle marketing theory appeals to use the lifestyle communication that is used for influencing the buyers (Emrich et al. 2019). The application of the lifestyle marketing theory lets the consumers be forced to rethink the valuation of the product.

The correlation between fashion and lifestyle is interconnected and the development of different brands is making more focus on targeting the psychology of the consumers. Even different products from the fashion brands can make the buyers think about the changes in their lifestyle after purchasing the products (London, 2018). The fundamental of lifestyle marketing is about scented to include different aesthetics, models, and aspirations that are used for the purpose of targeting the probable buyers to recognise the value of the products. Watching the popular models using the brands foremost attracts the consumers and brings the enthusiast to buy it. Different industries like fashion, electronics, and healthy substitutes often use the lifestyle marketing model that attracts consumers most of the time.

Hedonic Consumption

Hedonic products are relatable as multisensory items that can provide experiential consumption, pleasure, fun, and excitement. The application of hedonic theory can make the customers more satisfied by using different items from fashion, food, and other industries. The behaviour of the buyers is the primary focus for the utilisation of this theory. The utilisation of the feelings and emotions of the buyers is the key to marketing for brands o influence the buyers (Xu et al. 2019). By the application of this theory, brands can easily target the emotion of the consumers and let them influence by attending to significant changes in their emotions.

The classification of the products is reliable for developing the different elements in the branding with the hedonic consumption theory that can use the emotions of the buyers. Additionally, brands utilise different identical items such as flowers, sports cars, music, luxury watch, and different fashion products. Experiential consumption suggests buying a product because the product gives happiness and satisfaction. In a different situation, hedonic consumption can influence the buyers by experiencing situations that are impactful like stress and anxiety (Fennis et al. 2018). The desire of purchasing electronic items gives satisfaction for a shorter time.

Expectancy Theory

Rewards for extreme performance can boost the desire and motivation for performance by the individuals. Instead of selecting alternative products, selecting certain products can give a positive result for a consumer. In order to manage the business, different brands are focusing on delivering products that can influence by their presence in the market. In modern society, individuals are concerned about the status in the market which is letting the buyers select the products based on their valuation in the market and society. The anticipation of a certain product can lead the users to motivational performance. This can create the emotion as equal to achieving some goals by purchasing a certain product (Lloyd and Mertens, 2018). The application of this theory influences the brands to undertake the situation of making individuals understand they need to work hard to purchase the item and the value of the item get increased.


Conclusively, different aspects are interconnected with the model of consumer behaviour. As the different aspects of shopping influence the buyers, there are different factors that are utilised by the brands to satisfy the consumers only. Brand honour and repetition recreates a large part in this classification of buying behaviour of the consumers. The occasional buying can be referred to as consumer behaviour that implements in different festive sessions. The cross-culture shopping behaviour made the clients more involved with customer service and previous occasions. Different organisations have aspects of sustainable development for economic growth by providing quality service. Different organisations that are avoiding materials like fossils fuel, and plastics to avoid harm to the environment are making the green marketing approaches to convey the consumer's behaviour. Internet advertising is one king of SM marketing that uses a person to the personal contact.


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