The Impact Of Minimum Or Living Wage On Unemployment: A Classical Analysis Case Study

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Introduction - How Minimum Wage Affects Unemployment and Economic Theory

Economics, as the examination of asset assignment despite vast necessities and restricted assets, requires a nuanced examination of techniques that influence the work market, similar to minimum or living wages. This work jumps into the classical monetary assessment of the impact of minimal or living wage procedures on unemployment — a subject of ceaseless significance. As it investigates the intricacies of monetary norms, this appraisal hopes to unravel the reasonable results of pay floors on employment levels. Key to traditional monetary viewpoints is the delicate amicability among natural business sectors, and understanding how interventions such as least wages would agitate this equilibrium is head. By inspecting the speculative consequences, considering counterarguments, and incorporating definite discernments, this essay endeavours to uncover an understanding of the assorted association between minimal wages and unemployment, offering encounters into the more extensive talk on resource assignment and financial thriving.

Thesis Statement: This essay challenges the conventional economic analysis's assumption that minimum wage and living wage policies can have varying effects on unemployment due to factors like demand elasticity and normal rates.

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Economic Analysis

Taking a minimum and living wage methodologies as indicated by the perspective of classical monetary issues uncovers a nuanced relationship between work market parts and more noteworthy monetary assessments, especially regarding the UK (Adams, 2020).

Inside traditional financial matters, the weight of a minimum wage floor disturbs the equilibrium that markets will by and large typically search for. By setting a compensation level over the market-clearing rate, the classical hypothesis proposes potential results like an excess of work and extended unemployment. As referred to by Clemens (2021), the traditional law of interest declares that as wages rise, the amount requested for work diminishes, driving employers to recruit fewer laborers.

The implementation of the National Minimum Wage (NMW) in the UK provides significant experiences that can be used to illustrate this hypothesis. For example, in April 2016, the UK government expanded the NMW for laborers aged 25 and over from £6.70 to £7.20 each hour (, 2023). Following this strategy change, exact information from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) demonstrates that the unemployment rate remained moderately steady, proposing a complicated exchange of variables impacting employment results (Pohlan, 2019). While this model lines up with traditional financial expectations, it additionally features the significance of considering various factors influencing the labour market.

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Classical economics discusses the equilibrium level of unemployment and presents the idea of the regular pace of unemployment. As per Zhao and Sun (2021), the minimum wage permitted by law arrangements could affect this normal rate by changing the inspirations for the two supervisors and occupation searchers. In the event that the mandated wage outperforms the market-clearing wage, managers might diminish employment or cut positions to counterbalance expanded work costs, possibly prompting an ascent in repetitive unemployment.

Recognizing counterarguments is vital for a thorough examination. Neumark and Corella (2021), contend that the effect of minimum wages on joblessness is negligible practically speaking. They underscore likely constructive outcomes, for example, expanded specialist efficiency and shopper spending, which could animate monetary development without causing critical unemployment. The classical economic analysis of minimum or living wage policies in the United Kingdom highlights the intricate relationship between policy interventions and labour market outcomes. While examples such as the 2016 NMW increase align with classical predictions, it is crucial to recognize the complexity of these dynamics and consider counterarguments that challenge a straightforward correlation between minimum wages and unemployment in the UK context (O’connor, 2021).

Application of Textbook Economic Ideas

Demand and Supply Dynamics

Classical economics posits that the labour market, like any other market, is governed by the forces of demand and supply. The demand for labour represents the quantity of labour that employers are willing to hire at different wage levels, while the supply of labour denotes the quantity of labour that workers are willing to provide at various wage rates. The equilibrium wage and employment level is determined by the intersection of these curves. On account of minimum wages, setting a story over the harmony pay can upset this sensitive equilibrium. If the mandated wage is higher than the market-clearing wage, there may be an oversupply of workers, which could lead to more job losses and higher rates of unemployment. Employers may find it expensive to hire workers at the elevated wage, which may result in fewer hires and job cuts.

Think about the execution of the National Living Wage (NLW) in the UK, presented in April 2016 (Aitken, Dolton and Riley, 2018). The NLW planned to set a higher minimum wage permitted by law for laborers aged 25 and over (Aitken, Dolton and Riley, 2018). Hypothetically, this strategy could impact the interest and supply elements in the labour market. As the NLW surpasses the market-clearing wage for specific areas or districts, managers could change their recruiting rehearses, possibly influencing the general employment level.

Experimental proof from the ONS uncovers that following the presentation of the NLW in 2016, the normal weekly profit for UK laborers expanded consistently (Dube, 2019). Moreover, the effect on employment requires a nuanced investigation. The unemployment rate remained generally steady, demonstrating a more perplexing relationship impacted by factors past the wage floor. This measurable perception prompts a nearer assessment of flexibility and the regular pace of unemployment.

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Elasticity of Labour Demand

Elasticity estimates the responsiveness of the amount requested to an adjustment of cost. In the labour market, the versatility of labour demand connotes how delicate employers are to changes in compensation concerning their recruiting choices (Reeves et al., 2016). Classical financial matters recommend that assuming work requests are inelastic, meaning employers are less receptive to wage changes, the effect of minimum wages on employment could be more articulated.

Let's look at an instance in which there is a relatively inelastic demand for low-skilled labour. In the event that the public authority orders a significant expansion in the minimum wage, employers in areas vigorously dependent on low-skilled labour could find it trying to rapidly change their labour force. Thus, the unemployment rate could increase as organizations wrestle with higher work costs. Looking at ONS (2019) on work patterns in low-gifted areas post-NLW execution could give experiences into the flexibility of labour interest. A sector-wise analysis could reveal whether certain industries experienced greater unemployment or reduced job creation following the wage floor increase.

Natural Rate of Unemployment

The natural rate of unemployment represents the equilibrium level of unemployment that exists even when the labour market is operating efficiently. Classical economics contends that any deviation from this natural rate, termed cyclical unemployment, is temporary and can be influenced by factors such as minimum wage policies. Suppose the natural rate of unemployment in the UK is estimated to be around 4% (Office for National Statistics, 2023). If the government introduces a minimum wage that results in an unemployment rate above this level, it suggests an increase in cyclical unemployment. The classical theory would attribute this deviation to the artificial interference with market forces.

Analysing historical unemployment data in relation to changes in minimum wage policies allows for the identification of cyclical patterns. If periods of increased unemployment align with the implementation of minimum wage hikes, it supports the classical notion that such interventions contribute to temporary disruptions in the labour market.

While classical economic ideas provide a theoretical framework for understanding the impact of minimum wages on unemployment, it is essential to acknowledge counterarguments. Due to the various factors that influence outcomes in the labour market, some economists contend that the actual impact may be more nuanced.

Consider the contention that minimum wage permitted by law arrangements might invigorate specialist efficiency and customer spending, prompting expanded financial movement. This viewpoint proposes that the positive externalities related to higher wages could counterbalance potential employment misfortunes, adding to a more adjusted and larger financial scene. Looking at more extensive financial markers, for example, GDP, efficiency rates, and buyer spending, close by changes in minimum wages, considers a far-reaching evaluation of the counterargument. In the event that the constructive outcomes of monetary movement correspond with the minimum wage hikes, it challenges the short-sighted perspective on an immediate and negative connection between minimum wages and unemployment.

Empirical Observations and External Resources

Empirical Observations

Breaking down this present reality effect of minimum and living wage strategies in the UK requires a nearby assessment of exact perceptions. While classical monetary hypotheses give a hypothetical system, exact proof offers experiences into how these strategies manifest in real labour market elements. As referred to by Evans et al. (2021), post the execution of the National Living Wage (NLW) in April 2016, exact perceptions show a consistent expansion in normal weekly profit, mirroring the planned lift to laborers' pay. As per information from the Office for National Statistics (2022), normal weekly profit for UK laborers encountered a reliable vertical pattern soon after the NLW presentation. In any case, deciphering these perceptions requires a nuanced examination of other labour market pointers, for example, employment rates and economic development.

It is essential to have statistical data on employment trends in order to complement empirical observations. Looking at ONS information uncovers that the general unemployment rate remained moderately stable during a similar period. Notwithstanding, a sector wise analysis is fundamental to uncover expected differences in the effect of the NLW across various industries.

External Resources and Academic Studies

The utilization of outer assets improves the investigation by giving different viewpoints and exact examinations that offer a more extensive comprehension of the connection between minimum wages and unemployment.

Referring to scholarly investigations, for example, the examination directed by the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) on the effect of the NLW, can offer significant bits of knowledge (IFS, 2023). The Uncertainties study analyses the results of the NLW on work, wage appropriation, and financial imbalance (Uncertainties, 2023). By integrating discoveries from such outside assets, the investigation acquires validity and profundity. Scholarly investigations frequently present factual information obtained from complex exploration approaches. For example, as indicated by International Labour Organization (2023), itemized measurable investigations of employment changes across various segment gatherings and ventures.

Regional Disparities and Case Studies

Labour market elements can change essentially across locales, and contextual investigations offer a nitty gritty investigation of the effect of the minimum wage strategies in unambiguous geographic regions. Analysing local differences in the UK, especially among metropolitan and country regions, can uncover exceptional difficulties and results. For instance, a relevant examination zeroing in on the impact of minimum wages in a specific locale could uncover knowledge about neighbourhood work designs, employment responses, and general monetary adaptability (Partridge et al. 2020). Local factual information, such as labour rates, business closures, or shifts in pay distribution, adds significant value to contextual investigations. A far-reaching investigation of how the minimum wage strategies impact labour market elements at both the public and nearby levels is made conceivable by these data of interest.

Global Comparisons

Drawing examinations with different nations that have carried out comparative wage strategies gives a worldwide viewpoint on the results of minimum and living wage mediations. Contrasting the UK's insight and nations like Germany or Australia, which have additionally carried out the lowest pay permitted by law approaches, considers cross-country examination (Martínez and Martínez, 2021). A more comprehensive evaluation is made possible by comprehending the various economic and social contexts that influence the effect of wage policies. Worldwide relative examinations frequently remember factual information for business rates, pay dispersion, and financial development in numerous nations. Analysing such data engages researchers to perceive models and examples that may be typical or striking to unequivocal nations, enlightening an all the more impressive understanding in regards to the effects of the minimum wage strategies.


In conclusion, the assessment of minimum and living wage strategies inside the system of traditional financial matters uncovers a complex relationship with work market elements in the UK. Precise perceptions, maintained by genuine data and outside assets, give a nuanced understanding of the current reality impact of these techniques. While the execution of the National Living Wage showed a positive example in typical weekly benefits, the security of the overall joblessness rate prompts a more significant examination of area-wise assortments and provincial varieties. Planning academic assessments, case studies, and whole associations work on the conversation, seeing the intricacies normal for the mix of method intercessions and work market results. The conference on minimal wages remains a unique section in which hypothetical systems, experimental proof, and outside experiences come together to shape how it might interpret the way monetary strategy influences employment.


  • Adams, Z., 2020. Labour and the wage: A critical perspective. Oxford University Press.
  • Aitken, A., Dolton, P. and Riley, R. (2018). The Impact of the Introduction of the National Living Wage on Employment, Hours and Wages. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Dec. 2023].
  • Clemens, J., 2021. How do firms respond to minimum wage increases? understanding the relevance of non-employment margins. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 35(1), pp.51-72.
  • Dube, A. (2019). Impacts of minimum wages: review of the international evidence. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Dec. 2023].
  • Evans, B., Fanelli, C. and McDowell, T., 2021. Resisting low-wage work: The struggle for living wages. Rising up: The fight for living wage work in Canada, pp.3-28.
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  • Martínez, M.J. and Martínez, M.J., 2021. Are the effects of minimum wage on the labour market the same across countries? A meta-analysis spanning a century. Economic Systems, 45(1), p.100849.
  • Neumark, D. and Corella, L.F.M., 2021. Do minimum wages reduce employment in developing countries? A survey and exploration of conflicting evidence. World Development, 137, p.105165.
  • O’connor, E.M., 2021. Precarious employment in metropolitan areas: a qualitative comparative analysis to identify causal pathways to public policies (Doctoral dissertation, Centro de Investigacion y Docencia Economicas (Mexico)).
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  • Pohlan, L. (2019). Unemployment and Social Exclusion. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, [online] 164, pp.273–299. doi:
  • Reeves, A., McKee, M., Mackenbach, J., Whitehead, M. and Stuckler, D. (2016). Introduction of a National Minimum Wage Reduced Depressive Symptoms in Low-Wage Workers: A Quasi-Natural Experiment in the UK. Health Economics, [online] 26(5), pp.639–655. doi:
  • Zhao, N. and Sun, M., 2021. Effects of minimum wage on workers’ on-the-job effort and labor market outcomes. Economic Modelling, 95, pp.453-461.


The most common way of composing this essay has been an informative excursion into the intricate universe of minimum wage and living wage arrangements inside the structure of classical financial matters. How I might interpret the intricacy of work market elements has developed because of applying financial standards to genuine situations. I was tested to think fundamentally and keep a rational contention all through by creating a story that consolidated hypothetical structures, exact perceptions, and outer assets in a consistent way. Reflecting on my essay, I see the characteristics lie in the exhaustive assessment of the National Living Wage execution, utilizing authentic data, and uniting different external perspectives. Moreover, I likewise recognize regions for development, for example, the potential for more prominent profundity in investigating counterarguments and tending to additional granular parts of local differences. This exercise provoked me to refine my scientific abilities, accentuating the significance of consistent learning and versatility in exploring the subtleties of financial discourse. In general, the self-reflection process supports that each exposition is a venturing stone toward a more profound understanding, and I seek to convey these examples forward in future academic undertakings.

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