The Global Impact of Tax Evasion on Economy and Governance Sample

How Tax Evasion Affects Economic Policies and Income Redistribution

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Introduction: The Global Impact of Tax Evasion on Economy and Governance

Jonathan Simon's book "Governing through Crime" examines how the American criminal justice system has changed over time. In this book, Simon makes the case that we are moving towards a "crime control state," in which the use of crime and the fear of crime as a tool for the government. He looks at how this change has caused criminalization to spread throughout society, affecting not just conventional ideas of crime but also social and economic policies. Simon talks about the implications for democracy and civil liberties of using fear, punitive measures, and surveillance as governance tools. The criminal justice system's place in modern governance and its impact on society are critically explored in this book.

Tax evasion is a worldwide problem that arises whenever there are taxes. Widespread tax evasion can skew macroeconomic data, drastically reduce the efficiency of tax incentives, and potentially result in the adoption of unsuitable policy measures. It could affect income redistribution and impede attempts to formalize economies in poor countries. The amount of tax evasion causes severe issues for tax administrators and politicians, not the fact that it exists at all.

Expansion of Criminalization

The unlawful avoidance of paying taxes is known as tax evasion, and it is a major problem for both national and international economies. It is not the same as tax avoidance, which is the lawful use of tax rules' loopholes or grey areas to lower tax obligations. Examining the tactics, effects, and initiatives taken to stop tax evasion is necessary to comprehend its subtleties (Ghiasi and Singh, 2022). This new viewpoint has important ramifications since it changes the way we describe the "problem" of mentally ill people engaging in criminal activity and how remedies are suggested to solve it.

This change in how the "mentally ill offender" is conceptualised has shifted the emphasis away from blaming individual psychopathology for the root reasons of criminal behaviour (Lubogo, 2022). Rather, it gives more weight to the structural, socio-legal, and contextual factors surrounding the observation of deviant behavior. In the past, the main focus of criminology has been on determining the psychological or social elements that contribute to criminal behavior (Bonfine, Wilson and Munetz, 2019). Criminalization was not the main topic of discussion. However, the rise of labeling and social reaction theorists in the 1950s marked a significant change in criminology. The implementation of decriminalization laws in the 1960s and 1970s is indicative of their influence. 

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Rhetoric of Fear and Economic Threats

Fear of crime is a reasonable reaction that affects society in two different ways (Sloan et al., 2021). First of all, it creates emotional discomfort, making people feel more exposed and nervous than safe and satisfied in their daily lives and homes. Personal well-being declines immediately as a result of this emotional distress.

Second, people spend time and money on defensive measures to lessen their vulnerability because they are afraid of being a victim of crime (Carter, 2020). Underreporting income, exaggerating deductions, concealing funds abroad, forging documents, and earning money through illicit activity are some of the strategies used in tax evasion. It has far-reaching effects, including major income losses for governments, a rise in economic inequality, market distortion, and the emergence of global economic problems. Governments have enforced harsher rules and punishments, cooperated internationally to share information, boosted financial transaction transparency, and used cutting edge technology in tax administration in an effort to combat tax evasion. Nonetheless, obstacles continue to arise because of privacy issues, the intricacy of global banking, and extant legal gaps.

These are not minor problems. Given that 40% of people live in terror and that crime is routinely ranked as a top issue in the country, it is likely that society as a whole is not as secure and happy as it could be (Wagnsson, Olsson and Nilsen, 2020). Furthermore, when 45% of the populace alters their daily routines to reduce their vulnerability and the country spends more than $20 billion on private security measures, these private investments meant to lessen fear contribute significantly to the national economy.

Social Control and White-Collar Crime

Understanding the traits of various offender types and the course of their criminal careers can help us comprehend why certain deterrent effects might not always be there (Schinkel, 2021). For instance, the punishment procedure itself may have a big impact on how opportunity takers and crisis responders react to it. It's possible for social, professional, or financial standing to be threatened even before a jail term is actually handed down. Short jail terms, which are commonly handed down in our sample, may have little effect on the chance of reoffending for those who are more dedicated to a life of crime, such as opportunity seekers and deviance seekers (Augustine, 2019).

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In this context, the criminalization of tax evasion defined as the unlawful dodging of taxes by people, businesses, and trusts can be considered. Penalties for tax evasion have always been under civil law and have included fines and arrears. However, as Simon explains, as the criminal justice system has expanded to include more areas of society, tax evasion has come to be viewed as a criminal offence, carrying with it heavier punishments, such as imprisonment.

Opportunity seekers in particular might determine that the advantages of carrying on with illegal activity exceed the likelihood and seriousness of receiving a prison sentence (Bengtsson and Båvall, 2019). A deterrent effect is improbable in the case of deviance seekers, who frequently have limited social control and an unwillingness to defer gratification.

Economic Interests and Enforcement

Within the framework of "Governing through Crime" and its relevance to tax evasion, the interaction of economic interests is a complex dynamic that profoundly influences the terrain of enforcement. A variety of actors both public and private, are involved in the fight against tax evasion, and each has different financial incentives (Alm, 2021). Ensuring compliance with tax laws is economically beneficial to government agencies tasked with enforcing tax laws. Government budgets are heavily dependent on tax income that is used to pay for social welfare, infrastructure, and public services (Yasin, 2020). Securing these revenue streams becomes essential to governments' ability to uphold fiscal stability and carry out their duties to the populace. Maintaining the state's financial stability and advancing resource equity is in the best interests of public entities economically. Law enforcement organisations have financial stakes in the prosecution of tax evasion (Mocanu, Constantin and R?ileanu, 2021). In addition to the obvious benefit of maintaining the rule of law, the funding of law enforcement agencies can be increased by successfully prosecuting cases of tax evasion through the forfeiture of assets and fines. 

The enforcement of tax evasion laws is motivated by a complex web of economic interests that affect both public and private entities (Oats and Tuck, 2019). For governments and law enforcement organisations, the three main objectives are to protect the rule of law preserve fiscal stability, and obtain the funding required for public services. Financial institutions operate in the private sector and must strike a careful balance between economic factors and regulatory compliance (Truby, Brown and Dahdal, 2020). 

Impact on Democracy and Civil Liberties

Beginning in the middle of the 1800s, the British income tax system was portrayed as a social compact that balanced the interests of various social classes and organisations, so contributing to the legitimacy of the fiscal state (Rothstein, 2021). Up until 1914, low tax rates were maintained, which made this possible. The "fiscal constitution" of Britain, according to historian Martin Daunton, attempted to depoliticize tax issues by fostering a sense of justice and equilibrium and making sure that taxes and government spending did not disproportionately burden one group at the expense of another. 

The tax administration system was created with a certain amount of tolerance for tax fraud and avoidance, especially in the lack of strong criminal penalties, especially between 1923 and 1942, in order to strike this balance and promote collaboration with taxpayers (Bourton, 2021). Due to the difficulties in establishing evasion and the lack of severe criminal consequences, businesspeople and professionals considered tax evasion alluring. British domestic tax evasion policies mostly concentrated on recovering unpaid sums rather than pursuing criminal prosecution, in contrast to the severe penalties enforced for customs and excise avoidance (Bourton, 2021b). The principal aim of tax law enforcement was to amass outstanding amounts, provide taxpayers with options to settle or compromise their debts and circumvent the involvement of law enforcement agencies.

This strategy was motivated by the necessity to preserve taxpayer consent as well as the realisation that people who avoid income taxes frequently included well-known and wealthy people (Saez and Zucman, 2019). As a result, tax authorities showed them some respect and preferred collaboration to harsh actions.


In conclusion, the historical development of the British income tax system illustrates the careful balancing act between the necessity to meet budgetary requirements and the preservation of social cohesion. This tax structure sought to legitimise the British fiscal state by being portrayed as a social compact between different social strata and interests. Its capacity to foster an atmosphere of justice and equity that is, to guarantee that the weight of taxes and government expenditures did not fall disproportionately on any one group was the key to its success. Tolerating tax evasion and avoidance was a calculated decision meant to encourage collaboration with taxpayers, especially given the lack of harsh criminal penalties. This strategy placed more emphasis on collecting overdue taxes than on harsh penalties, which reflected the need to preserve taxpayer consent. 


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