Team performance improvement alternative assignment Sample

Alternative Assignment on Team Performance Improvement

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Introduction Of The Team Performance Improvement Alternative Assignment For Students At Distance

Part 1: Broadly describe the structure of the chosen team

It is most important for every organization to maintain effective structure within a team. The company operates in a competitive business world and it operates in various countries throughout the world. Unilever follows a functional leadership model that involves a multifunctional layer of management (Neeley and Leonardi, 2022). It is essential to develop a strong team within the organization that will motivate workers to complete tasks with proper efficiency and productivity. I was used to working in a team of 15 members where there was one team leader and one implementer who played the most essential role to make the team get successful and assure the value and growth of the organization. The team has been built on the basis of the operational team structure that ensures the leading performance of individual employees in a way to achieve the objectives of an organization efficiently and effectively. Unilever mainly focuses on promoting effective operational activities that will assure the growth and profitability of the organization. In an operational team structure, every member of the team has to play varieties of roles and responsibilities that ensure the productive performance of workers and enhance the value of the organization that is required to acquire success in today's competitive field (Nahar and Zayed, 2019). The company has diversified workers through an effective organizational chart that includes executives, board members and advisors. In Unilever the chain of command within a team transfers from upward to downward which assures the growth of the organization and ensures success in gaining a competitive advantage over competitors.

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The organizational structure of Unilever follows effective management tools that help to develop strong corporate culture and enhance the performance of employees in a way to achieve maximum growth and potentiality. The team follows effective strategies and principles to achieve maximum success within the organizational field. The organization follows a hierarchy structure, in which order follows in a systematic way from the top management to the middle management and finally to the low level. Ceo and board members involved in the top management, supervisors and managers involved in the middle management and normal employees belonged to the low level of the organization. The order of a task is generated from the top-level management that goes to the middle management and the work has been reviewed and evaluated by managers and supervisors. After reviewing the tasks managers used to transfer the task to various teams then team leaders of each team distribute the task to individual employees. Team leaders give a brief overview of a project to employees within a team and then help them to make proper planning to start the task with proper efficiency. We were a total of 15 employees within our team, Team leader has created 5 separate groups within our team that consists group consists 3 people. The hierarchy structure helps to maintain an effective flow of information within every team throughout the organization. The effective management structure of the organization will help to maintain the proper way to complete tasks with proper efficiency and effectiveness. The functional structure of the organization aims on separating various activities based on various focus areas. In various teams within Unilever, employees should be concerned to maintain effective commitment that will help to express diverse and sensitive responses. It will allow the organization to lead the performance of employees in an effective way to meet the strategic objectives of the organization.

Part 2: Analyse and evaluate the team performance using team working models and concepts

It is essential to measure the growth and stability of the performance of workers that help to understand the progress of employees' performance and the development of their skills and talent that is required to assuring the success of the organization. The performance of members of our team can be analyzed or evaluated by using Tuckman's FSNP model which helps to understand the rise of capabilities and performance growth of individual workers that is essential for ensuring effective success throughout the organization. The model was introduced by Bruce Tuckman in 1965 and contains several sequential stages that are essential for team development. The Tuckman theory includes every step from forming a team to meeting the objectives of the team to assuring success. The steps of the model are as follows “forming”, “storming”, “norming”, “performing”, and “adjourning”. The different stages of this model will extract the performance and success potentiality of individuals that help to gain a competitive advantage over others and develop skills that are required for achieving success in their own professional field.

The first stage is “forming”, in these stage members of the team has interacted with each other and takes effective steps for planning to complete activities based on the goals of the team. In this stage, members were much focused to give their best effort to get the desired outcomes that will assure the growth of the team (Zenkit, 2022). At this stage, we were very excited and enthusiastic to give a strong effort to make appropriate contributions to employees. But we feared the uncertainty of success within the organization that has an effect on outperformance at the initial stage. In this stage, we give more focus on learning things and make the continuous practice of what we have learned. The second stage of the model is Storming when conflict arises between the management and employees (Zenkit, 2022). In this stage personal bias has been explored that's why workers gathered in several groups and start questioning any decision has been taken and challenged the authority if they will not be able to meet the demand and expectations of workers will affect the performance of workers and reduce the productivity of employees and the organization.

The third step of the model is norming, in this stage, the conflict between workers and the management and they began to work as a cohesive unit. In this phase feedback and opinion is given to individuals that help them to identify their weaknesses that impact the overall performance of the team which has a vital impact on developing their efficiency and productivity (Zenkit, 2022). In this phase team coordinators, team developers and the leader gave us suggestions on how to develop our own performance and meet the objectives of the work. They helped us a lot to understand the requirements of the task and which strategy and ways should be followed to develop a strong corporate culture that will enhance the productivity of the organization within the industry (Zenkit, 2022). In the stage of norming, workers started working co-operatively and sharing experiences with each other which helps to develop their own skills and talents in their own professional field.

The next stage is performing in which the confidence of workers has grown in respect of the achievement of goals of the task within a team. In this phase, workers started performing in a group that will help to perform in a manner to achieve the goals effectively and complete the work as early as possible. Experts within our team have motivated us to build strong confidence and reliability which is essential for gaining confidence to handle any critical situation and make our own work most effective. Workers must have to be confident about their own capabilities otherwise they will not be able to achieve success in the fully competitive corporate world (Sanyal and Hisam, 2018). The next and final stage of Tuckman's model is Adjourning. It is the stage when a group get dissolved or broke after meeting the goals for which the team was created (Zenkit, 2022). At this phase, members felt relieved, and share the learning from the project with each other and they depend on the outcomes of the project. We felt very happy and grateful as we had completed our work before the deadline and every member was concerned to give their best effort.

For developing an effective team it is essential to effective team development concept by which leaders will be able to build an effective team and assure the success of workers of the team within the overall organization. Our team leader has followed the STAR model that promotes the effective performance of workers by considering strengths, teamwork, alignment and results that will affect on assuring the effective performance of workers to get the desired outcomes of the organization. According to the STAR model, individual employees within a team have to flourish to develop and utilize their strengths to gain the best outcomes that will assure growth for achieving success in their own professional field. To get the best outcomes within team employees the team should take initiative together to complete the task with proper efficiency and before the deadline. It is also essential to build strong relations among employees within the organization that will help to gain opportunity over others and gain strong positions in the professional field. Establishing effective relationship among workers within the organization will ensure the productive performance of employees and ensure the growth of skills over a specific period of time (Botturi and Babazadeh, 2020). We used to work in a coherent and coordinated manner that will help to implement possible implications that help to meet the goals and develop a strong understanding of acquiring new skills and knowledge. Our team leader used effective communication and interaction with individual members of the team to align the capability of individuals with associated performance (Jing and Cisheng, 2021). It helps to deliver productive performance and maintain the proper quality of work. While working together as employees got able to improve their performance, the team gets the ability to ensure a productive result (Botturi and Babazadeh, 2020). Enabling a productive performance team gets the ability to achieve rewards and compensation.

Part 3: Based on the above description and analysis and evaluation ofperformance od employees propose recommendations for future actions to maximize team performance

At this time the team has performed very efficiently and has ensured the success of the organisation. But though there are some drawbacks of the team that affects the performance of the team and individual employees. Employees have to be concerned about avoiding such things and take effective strategies to reduce the challenges that have a crucial impact on performance of employees (Integrispa, 2022). The management authority must be more proactive to take proper strategies and tactics to ensure effective teamwork and the development of skills of employees within the organization. Leaders should give proper explanations and overviews of the goals of the team that will help employees to understand the topic of the task and build delegation to gain efficiency by working in an efficient and effective manner. Leaders should create a proper action plan with key objectives that workers have to meet within a proper schedule (Integrispa, 2022). With the help of action plan employees will be able to understand what objectives they should achieve first, what actions they should take to achieve the objectives and the schedule for achieving the goals. Leaders should be more concerned about informing individual employees about their roles, responsibilities and skills they should be required to achieve the goals with proper efficiency and accuracy (Integrispa, 2022). Leaders should maintain proper work culture within the team that will help to develop strong relations among employees within the organization. Leaders should encourage employees to make proper utilization of their skills that will help them to achieve success in their working field. Leaders should also make effective planning that will foster the success of the task and complete the task before other teams. It will offer compatibility over others and motivates them to make more productive performance in the future. And most important that leaders should implement a performance tracking system that will capture the regular performance of employees and measure their progress over time (Integrispa, 2022). The leader should provide feedback on the performance of workers that will help employees to improve their performance to higher standard.


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  • Zenkit, 2022. 7 Popular Team Effectiveness Models and For What They're Best Suited [Online] Tuckman's FSNP Model. Available at: Accessed on: 17th October, 2022.
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