Supporting Individuals And Family In Health And Social Care Context

Key factors shaping care relationships and policies, with emphasis on effective care management and legislation.

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Supporting Individuals And Family In Health And Social Care Context Assignment

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Task 1

Factors that impacted the relationship of care

The nature of the relationship of social work is complex, manifold, and undoubtedly involves the element of emotion. The requirements of groups of service user demand consistent, sound, and dependable relationships with professionals. Any type of relationship will be distinctive, which depends on the context and differences between such families and friends. The factors that influence the relationships of care, specifically those generated between the user of service and the worker of social care. For productive practice, the worker of care is required to show concern for humans but should discipline and utilize the relationship by his or her supervision with the evaluation of the need of the user of the service (Wasserman et al 2020). Thus the care relationships exist only for the intention of the user of service, have boundaries of professional and can be confined by time. Both the user of the care worker and the service perhaps not every time has the option to the formation of the relationship. Relationships can be described as the interaction of emotions and attitudes between the client and the caseworker.

Families impart the conditions and support required for healthy living, disease prevention, and the opportunities for timely diagnosis and treatment in averting or delaying complications. Interference for wealth and health to be effectual should necessarily take into consideration the determinants of social health. It is very much important in surrounding ourselves with friends and family for comfort and support at both times of distress and joy. Research has proven that having relationships of supportive is a factor of strong protection against illness of the mind and helps in increasing our mental welfare.

The factors that influence the relationship indulged the user of the service and also the care workers such as personality, characteristics, expectations, and requirements indulging age, gender, culture, ethnicity, personality traits, culture, abilities of mental or physical, and skills of communication (Pietromonaco, 2021). Where users of service or families have disabilities in learning, problems of mental health, physical disabilities, or are venerable. Therefore, impacts the dynamics of any kind of relationship in the family. Factors of environmental and social can also affect the capacity of individuals in establishing successful relationships.

Perception of requirements can also affect care relationships. Such as individuals having high-functioning autism perhaps have struggling in accessing services, the reason that they possibly are viewed by professionals as living more independently compared to reality (Salehi et al 2020). They perhaps also deficit the motivation, opportunities, or confidence in initiating relationships in an equal manner that people do.

Functioning in partnership with the users of the service and other organizations of care empowers people and also can provide users of service more control by the way of facilitating people’s input into the process of policy-making.

Transactions occur linking the parents and child in such a manner that both affect each other. For example, a selective baby can be mollified by the parent who is experienced and soothed in sleeping and in turn developing feelings of trust within the parent.

Task 2

Policies that impact changes in the environment of care

Policies can form the method that the relationships develop, by exchanging the stability between the provider of care and the care receiver. The plan of NHS 2000 highlighted the requirement for coordination and personalization while the report of Wanless in the year 2002 focused on empowerment and enablement, with the patients as the partners in crime (Watson et al 2019). Farther, the report by Lord Darzi on the care of high quality for all discussed the services of changing expectations of changing public which includes the importance of the people being indulged in the decisions about care.

The policies which have the root in the care of social and health improvements of the previous decennary are where the user of the service began to be regarded as the consumer. The act of the care of the community also known as direct payments of the year 1995, intended that authorities of the locality could give payments of cash to the individuals in purchasing their own care of the central person. This generated more relationships which are direct relationships connecting the person who needs support or care and the safekeeping worker, with the user of the service having more impact on the role of the care worker and uniform be able in dismissing the care worker if discontented with the quality of the work or the difficulties in the relationship.

The general harmony of the advantages of care of the central person. Nevertheless, not all the people have necessary skills, time, energy, and support, crucially, to approach the payments which are direct (D'Adamo et al 2020). In fact, in the year 2010, the group contains exactly 7.7% of all the users of the service. Others proclaim that the difficulty is not of personal budgets, but preferably the poor delivery in different places.

The Act of care standards of the year 2000 formally lodged the entitlement idea and the significance of standards as the foundation for the provision of effective care. Initially, the chance in introducing meaningful standards makes a real difference in the lives of people who perhaps have been disoriented because the standards were not proof based and most of them have not taken the care forward. As a staff who has become extra familiar with the standards, a little more approach proof-based has become normal, mainly after the case of Baby P. Nevertheless the idea that interposes must be based on the proof in the care socially has to be moderated by the certainty that each and every individual of the family is distinctive.

For example, the atmosphere of a haywire and unstable home has so much of negative impacts on the growth of the child and also in the development not only intellectually but also in connection with physical health.

Task 3

Legislation for the management of the quality of care and its activities

The certain list of legislations related to the care or the safeguarding of adults are as mentioned -

  • "Care Act 2014".
  • "Sexual Offences Act".
  • "Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups" "Act 2006" and the "Protection of Freedoms Bill" (Nittarit et al. 2020).
  • "Ill-treatment" or "wilful neglect".
  • "Public Interest Disclosure" Act.
  • "Sharing information": The law.
  • "The law" and "gaining access".

The main health care activities mean the care of one individual, the health care activities, and the social care activities. The health laws focus on the goals and their commitment to health coverage and creating a driving action. Many hospitals and the healthcare sectors use health laws for the achievement of health care and to maintain its quality (D'Adamo et al, 2020). For example, they take help or support from the UHC laws for the health the support of the people. There are certain safety legislations as well which charge the "employers with duties" making the workplace safer and more comfortable, maintaining a good balance in the workflow, and maintaining the machinery for a better environment (Novoveská et al. 2019). The "IOM report committee" has six recommendations for improving health care which include tot be safe, effective, patient-centric, and time efficient and having better quality.

Few examples of legislation like - The "Health and Social Care Act 2008" which has been established by the "Care Quality Commission" being the regulator for all adult care services and health issues. This single Act sets all the powers and duties which help in representing the integration of heal care and also contain certain powerful enforcement (World Health Organization et al. 2019). The "Health and Social Care Act 2008" "(Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 (Okereafor et al. 2020). This Act defines the services and the activities that must be registered for people to provide (Elmagrhi et al. 2019). The "Care Quality Commission Regulations 2009" is the regulation that came into the system on April 2010. However, there are certain terms and conditions for the legislation to be used.

The "Carers Recognition Act 2012" recognizes "carers" and "care relationships" in "Victoria". They provide care for old persons, a person with disabilities, and patients with mental illness or ongoing medical conditions (World Health Organization, 2019). For maintaining a good relationship with the service user, being active or working on listening skills, like smiling or encouraging, or nodding to show the patients that they are provided with undivided attention. This is vital to building trust and a good rapport. A working relationship with customers is necessary to build always for the long-term success of any business (Jackson et al. 2020). This would help any customer to feel secure and connected to any brand. As a set of examples for service relationships - An office space could be rented by a facility organization to an organization of IT, This organization also provide the facilities to the organizations. It is very important to maintain those relationships which would help in the growth of the organization, society, and health care services.

Task 4

Discussion about the objective setting, motivation, and measurement for performance in care management

Objective setting in care management is one of the important aspects, which ensures the person contributes to the organization as per their strategic goals. In the performance system for care management, an objective setting plays an important role that ensures to motivate and engage the employees by helping them, to provide goals and clarity to the organizations (Paais et al. 2020). The major objective for the performance appraisal is the establishment of a set of well-defined time frames which have been achieved or the goals based on the standard of performance by doing the smart objectives. It is very important to maintain an objective setting for any organization to follow the ultimate goals of the company.

For leading any performance in any type of care management, motivation plays an important role. Motivation has been defined as the inspiration to achieve a certain goal or performance level which would lead to goal-directed behavior. Motivation could also be defined as the degree of willingness which maintains an effort and pushes toward the goals of an organization. The measurements for the performance in care management are as follows- "Length of stay", "Readmission rates", "HCAHPS" and the satisfaction of a patient (Afum et al. 2020). The mortality rates of the patients, the rate of utilization of the beds, incidents in hospitals, initiatives for CMS program performance, and the average cost needed per discharge. There are certain WPIs or Work Performance Indicators for the performance measurements which include- "mix", "capacity", "velocity", "engagement", and "quality".

The legislations are interrelated with the policies and their application in the care management for IT sectors or any health sectors or any other industries. Medical practices are indirectly influenced by laws by delivering, financing, and structuring the services for medicines by following major three ways- restrictions on practical fields, the redress for the patients wrongly chosen, and the requirements for licensure (World Health Organization, 2020). The public policies are mainly focused and based on the commands and law which maintains the obedience of the citizens (Kandel et al. 2020). Certain studies provided an interconnection between the law and the community- a "Sociological Approach" (Nguyen et al. 2020). The interrelationship between the law and the community the study helps to give satisfaction through the law in the concern of paramount law.

The ethics and the policy which are active among the public are the connections that are complex and are bounded between the law, philosophy and economics, political aspects, and sociological aspects. Several relationships are individually related to the legislation, policy, or public application in the care management systems (Elmagrhi et al, 2019). With the pros and cons of the interrelationships, they have been known o have a great impact on care management in society or different industries, maintaining the environment and society along with the employer's and employees' good relations. It has been discussed further about the topics and their prop[er pieces of evidence with examples. The future scope of which shall, be more jurisdiction and fruitful to the society and industries for further growth.


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