Study on Tourism and the Tourism Industry Assignment Sample

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Introduction: A Study on Tourism and the Tourism Industry Assignment Sample

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Tourism usually consists of the act of an individual roaming to and living in various cities exterior to their usual home not for a longer time which is usually for a relaxation of the business-related tour. Tourism helps in boosting the profit of the country’s financial system as well as giving generation several jobs. In the widest sense, the travel industry is the entire out of all organizations that straightforwardly give labor and products to work with business, delight, and relaxation exercises from the home base. So it can be clear from the discussion that the given study is related to the concept of both tourism and tourism industry. The main focus of the study is related to identifying and analyzing different effects of tourism which will mainly include economic, environmental as well as social-cultural. Last but not least based on the negative impacts proper recommendations will be provided to deal with all three factors.

Contemporary tourism and its development

The learning of tourism along with tourism industry is modifying continually. Keeping in mind this changing scenario contemporary tourism can be defined as an global move towards a fresh as well as an innovative move to the learning of tourism acknowledging the factors like economic, social-cultural, ecological, destination advertising etc. Additionally contemporary tourism also highlights the continuous dangers from illegal intimidation and wellbeing threats confronted by the traveling these days and examines the connected protection as well as threat administration techniques, outlining the expected ramifications for the examples and stream of the tourism for the upcoming times (Francis, 2008). In addition to this contemporary tourism also defines the current vacationer who is keen on the empathetically element of the movement, on the valuable chance to do genuine voyaging encounters in light of the association with nearby local area, and by the refusal of the normalization and commodification of the travel industry encounters (Cooper, 2007)

Worldwide the travel industry is now usually perceived as perhaps the biggest business on the planet in addition to one of the main wellsprings of work and Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The travel industry which is in general known as tourism especially helps the economies of emerging nations, where the greater part of the area's travel industry occupations in addition to organizations are being made. Also, the development of the contemporary tourism especially alludes to the development as well as conservation of the overall travel industry within a provided area. And also planning of tourism is also a very pivotal segment of development of contemporary tourism. On a very fundamental level development of tourism might be explained as generating as well as design in order to uplift as well as motivates the tourism for a definite location (Mason, 2015).

Identify and discuss the positive and negative economic impacts of tourism

An economic or financial effect usually evaluates the impact of an occasion over the financial system within a particular segment, reaching from a sole district to all across the world. Economic impact generally calculates the modifications within the business profits, employee salary as well as work also (Hanushek, 2020). So, in this segment of the study both positive and negative economic impacts over the tourism will be discussed in detail.

Positive factors

Impact over tourism

Negative factors

Impact over tourism

Give generation to several jobs

One of the notable positive economic impacts over tourism is that it helps in creation various jobs for the people coming from rural area. Especially for small tourist destination line Thailand or Maldives this provide with various job opportunity (Kumar, 2015).

Increase in cost of local stores

With the increase in the number of tourist automatically the local shops increase the price of products which creates difficulties for low income group people. This problem is also faced by various local residents also.

Development of the monetary infrastructure

A positive economic impact over tourism also helps in developing a proper financial infrastructure of a definite destination. For example whenever tourist visits in any small tourist area this provides that particular city with economic benefit which directly impacts the tourism of that particular place.

Increase in staying cost

As and when a country shows a positive increase in the number of tourist visiting per year instantly the hotels increases their staying cost which is again a negative economic impact of tourism. When tourist finds that the staying cost is increase they started to shift their travel destination to other place which ultimately brings a loss to the particular city (I??k, 2009).

Identify and discuss the positive and negative environmental impacts of tourism

Environmental impacts can be explained as those kinds of issues which provide an effect over the ecology as a whole. The ecological effects of the travel industry certainly received an augmenting focal point in the last few years. As already discussed earlier tourism give both positive and negative impact over economy in the same manner there are few notable positive and negative environmental impacts of tourism which will be discussed in this segment.

Positive factors

Impact over tourism

Negative factors

Impact over tourism

Increase in awareness

Numerous tourist destinations advertise ecotourism, as well as the reasonable travel industry, and this, might assist with informing individuals regarding the ecological effects of the travel industry. Tourist places, for example, Costa Rica and The Gambia have excellent ecotourism drives that advertise harmless to the ecosystem exercises and assets.

Reduction of natural asset

Tourism advancement might provide a huge stress on natural assets when it builds utilization in regions where assets are now less. Probably the most well-known noted models incorporate spending water assets, land debasement, and the exhaustion of other natural assets.

Preservation of ecology

It is vital to take note of that travel industry might assist with safeguarding the climate. Safeguarding shields` the climate from unsafe human exercises. For instance, saving a backwoods normally includes maintainable logging practices to limit deforestation. Safeguarding would include saving part or even all of the backwoods from human turn of events.

Increase in pollution

Another negative environmental impact of tourism is that it creates lots of pollution. If more people started visiting a particular place automatically the air, water and noise pollution increases which provide a negative impact overall.

Identify and discuss the positive and negative socio-cultural impacts of tourism

Positive factors

Impact over tourism

Negative factors

Impact over tourism

Preserving local heritage

In order to boost tourism, the states and the countries invest a huge sum of money in preserving the local heritage which improves the infrastructure of the location along with providing the tourist with better local facilities. This helps them in developing and creating better education, better facilities for leisure activities, organizing social events on a frequent basis and so on (Uslu et al., 2020). This has led to creating a better lifestyle for the local individuals as well as enhancing the experiences of the tourists.

Heavy traffic in the region

Due to the heavy traffic in the region, it becomes difficult for the individuals and their interest structure of the place to cope up with the huge rush, which results in poor sanitation, overcrowding and disease bots to the localites and tourists. Any outside intrusion in the area might disturb the local culture and create disturbance and unrest.

Employment opportunities

Due to the increasing demand for better services, there has been a significant increase in the creation of various employment opportunities. This has led to the people not feeling the necessity of migrating to different cities for the purpose of earning their living. This has also helped in facilitating a proper interaction with the tourist and has led to mixing people from diverse backgrounds that have helped in creating a cosmopolitan culture in the region (Larisu et al., 2022).

Loss of native traditions and customs

The local people residing in the region might end up copying the lifestyle of the tourists through various demonstration effects which could lead them to the loss of native traditions and customs. Some individuals might involve themselves with criminal activities to earn easy money from the tourists (Amoiradis et al., 2021). This might lead to increasing the anti-social activities and crime rate along with the loss of religious values and morals.


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So, it can be concluded from the study that all three economic, environmental along with socio-culurital impacts of tourism results both in positive and negative form. Some of the positive impacts which has been seen in the study is related to development of the city and promotion of the cities, its people and culture. On the other hand they bring negative over the community and also over the city by degrading the quality of the environment and its culture with negative criticism. In order to deal with the mentioned negative impacts people and government need to focus on making every city a smart city with more technological development. So, that in the mere future they can deal with all the issues of tourism and convert them as their strength to remove the weakness and threats.


  • Amoiradis, C., Velissariou, E. and Stankova, M., (2021). Tourism as a socio-cultural phenomenon: A critical analysis. Journal of Social and Political Sciences, 4(2).
  • Cooper, C., 2007. Contemporary Tourism: An International Approach. Leeds Beckett University.
  • Francis, T., 2008. Contemporary Tourism: An International Approach. Elsevier.
  • Hanushek, E.A., 2020. The Economic Impacts of Learning Losses. OCED.
  • I??k, C., 2009. The Impact of Tourism on Economic Growth: The Case of Turkey. Anadolu University.
  • Mason, P., 2015. Tourism Impacts,Planning and Management. Elsevier.
  • Larisu, Z., Bake, J. and Ode, M.S., (2022), February. POTENTIAL AND IMPACT OF TOURISM DEVELOPMENT POLICIES ON SOCIO-CULTURAL AND ECONOMIC LIFE IN THE WANGI WANGI COMMUNITY OF WAKATOBI REGENCY. In International Conference on Government Education Management and Tourism (IcoGEMT) TECH 2022 (Vol. 1, No. 1).
  • Uslu, A., Alagöz, G. and Güne?, E., (2020). Socio-cultural, Economic, and Environmental Effects of Tourism from the Point of View of the Local Community: Uslu, A., Alagöz, G., Güne?, E.(2020). Socio-cultural, Economic, and Environmental Effects of Tourism from the Point of View of the Local Community. Journal of Tourism and Services, 21 (11), 1-21. Journal of Tourism and Services, 11(21), pp.1-21.
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