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The Relationship Between Strategic Planning and Organizational Performance
The research proposal has evaluated the relationship associated with strategic management in accordance to organizational performance. The focus of strategic planning is on sustainability and long-term goals. It has been found that organizations can better respond to changing conditions and maintain competitiveness by putting in place a well-defined plan, which has a favorable effect on their performance. The proposed methods associated with the development of the research has been depicted in this study. An organization determines its priorities through strategic planning, and then allocates resources accordingly.
Introduction to strategic planning and organizational performance
The research proposed to depict the relationship between strategic plans and performance of the organization. The research will be going to evaluate the background of the study, its significance, and problem statement. The aim and objectives are proposed to find out the strategies that should be taken to mitigate challenges for the development of the organization. The academic literature and the methodology which should also be followed are discussed in this research proposal. The research has highlighted the portion of taking the strategies to enhance their performances in organizational performances. The research will be able to teach the organization how to take challenges and mitigate the challenges by the advanced competitors in the UK.
Background of the study
Strategic planning indicates the series of established plans that guide the leaders of any organization to focus on their aims and fulfill goals. Organizational performances are the ability of the organization to achieve its goals and optimize results. Apart from that it is clearly understood that there is a strong relationship between strategic planning and organizational performance. According to the opinion of Adhikara & Nur Diana (2022), strategic planning prepared by the leaders can help the organization to mitigate various challenges and improve operational activities. Organization can face financial problems and problems from the competitors if the relation cannot be understood properly. Organizational performance includes financial performance such as stock price, and return on investment, and tactical performance includes strategy and innovations. This research will go to focus on the fact that the organizations of the UK enhance their strategic planning method for making the future of the organizations fruitful. Figure 1 indicates the factors associated with strategic management and it has a significant contribution towards organizational performance.
![Strategic management factors]()
Figure 1: Strategic management factors
Significance of the study
The study can help to mitigate challenges that can be generated in the course of research. According to the opinion of Ahmad & Ahmad (2019), strategic planning guide the organization to set goals, objectives to meet, and monitoring level of performances of the employees. Thus, the study will also be helpful for the organization because it helps to focus on several relevant research papers to understand what strategies should have to take. Along with that, the research will also influence to work collaboratively to find out the relationship between “strategies planning and organizational performances".
Problem statement
In case of completion of this research, the researchers can face challenges to find out the data and the proper analysis of it. The shortage of company data can create a major problem in the development of business decision (Mohammadi, 2023). Therefore, the weak overview of the academic literature and failure in focusing on the objectives of their study can create another big hole for this research. According to the opinion of Alshurideh et al. (2022), the organizational performances strongly rely on strategic planning to overcome market risks and challenges. Apart from that, the researchers need to be careful enough to gather the correct information about several organizations in the UK (Mawanika & Kihara, 2023). The research can pass through a smooth way to proceed further and avoid problems. Figure 2 depicted the percentage of changes such as significant changes, moderate changes, and minimal changes. The graph is very useful to understand the background of these studies related to the topic “strategic planning and organizational performances".
Figure 2: ![Background of the study of “strategic planning and organizational performance]()
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Research Question(s) and Objectives
Research Aim
The research targets to find out the relationship between strategic planning and organizational performance.
Research Questions
- What is the importance of strategic planning in the case of company development in the UK?
- What is the significance of organizational performance for any organization?
- How strategic planning will help the organizational performances of the managers of any organization?
- How strategic planning and organizational will performance help to enhance the future of any organization?
Objectives of the study
Primary objectives
- To understand the role of strategic planning in the development of any organization
- To evaluate the relationship between strategic planning and organizational performances
Secondary objectives
- To analyze the challenges in the case of strategic planning management on the organizational growth
- To recommend methods for how the challenges mitigate
- There is a negative relationship between strategic planning and organizational performances
- There is a positive relationship between strategic planning and organizational performances
Literature Review
As stated by George, Walker & Monster (2019), the article focuses on the effect of strategic planning on organizational performances. This journal helps to get a clear idea about the relation between "strategic planning and organizational performance" of selected organizations in the UK. According to Lee, McGuire & Kim (2022), collaboration, strategic plans, and government performance to increase the rate of employment. Influence the management team of organizations to perform collaboratively and help to decrease the rate of employee turnover with the help of government role and their strategies plan. As discussed by Namazi & Rezaei (2023), establishing the role of strategic management on the budgetary slack. The importance of strategic planning has been clearly expressed and its impact on budgetary slack for developing the performance standard of organization. Daniel & Merigo (2021) focuses on developing a new model for selecting strategic plans. Development of a framework for the strategic plans which can be more effective to develop their organizational performances.
The above table depicts the number of journals that will be followed in this research related to the topic of the relationship between “strategic planning and the organizational performances “for the country of the UK. The table has shown that there are some significant findings or approaches that can be provided by the selected journals to facilitate the research. According to the opinion of Lee, McGuire & Kim (2022), the performance of team with talented employees can increase productivity level which helps the organization to earn profit. Apart from that it is understood that the selected journals are very much crucial for the research topic. In the case of this research, it is very important to give a concentration on these four journals and will be careful about the outcomes of these articles. The selection of articles is very significant for the research because this part can smoothen the way of research. Two theoretical frameworks such as "Drucker's theory of management" and Business 'transformation theory" assists in the development of strategic plans for management. The two points are equally interconnected and it depends on the strategic planning, stake holders.
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Conceptual framework
![Background of the study of “strategic planning and organizational performance]()
Figure 3: Conceptual framework
Research Methodology
In this research, the "secondary quantitative data collection method" will be followed to take advantage. According to the opinion of Alzghoul et al. (2023), accurate collecting data help the researchers to analyze the data for getting final findings. The records for five years that have been published on the websites 20 companies in the UK have given correct information on the topic. Among those 20 companies, 5 companies will be chosen in future to collect primary data by means of interviews with some of the financial managers. Along with that, the data should be analyzed properly to understand the challenges found by those companies in the field of "organizational performance". According to the opinion of Amini & Rahmani (2023), innovation in strategic planning for monitoring management can be effective for gaining competitive advantages. During the analysis of data of those companies, it should be important to take advantage of "SPSS" statistical tools. According to the opinion of George, Walker & Monster (2019), SPSS can be helpful for statistical analysis of primary data for clear evaluation and interpretation.
In this research, the sample size will be 5 companies and total population will be 20 companies. According to the opinion of Bryson & George (2020), the random sampling method has been effective for researchers in time-saving and lack of unconscious bias. Along with that in this research, only the random sampling method will be followed which can be the relevant weak point of this research. According to the opinion of Johnsen (2022), specific respondents can be selected using random technique of sampling from a large size of population. In the case of this research, only four journals will be followed hence there will be the chance of facing the disadvantages of not following more journals.
Ethical issues
Ethical consideration in research will be a set of principles that guide research designs and practices. According to the opinion of Daniel &Merigo (2021), set of research ethics required to be maintained for executing investigation process without manipulating collected data. Thus, these principles include 'voluntary participation", "informed consent, 'and potential for harm". The considerations protect the rights of research participants, enhance research validity and maintain scientific integrity (Mulyaningsih et al. 2023). The data protection act will be used to maintain privacy as well as confidentiality. According to the opinion of George et al. (2022), maintaining ethical principles can be effective in the development of the research within a certain period. In the development of the research, only relevant and effective information will be provided.
Limitations of the Study
In this research, there can be several serious limitations which include the shortage of data and weak effectiveness of the literature review part. Apart from that, in this research, the quantitative data collection method will be followed. Research topic-oriented idea and theoretical concepts will be studied from secondary published sources. The primary limitation of this research is inadequate resources and time limit. More journals and articles associated with the relation of “strategic planning and organizational performance'' will be reviewed to overcome challenges. Strategic planning has been helping the business leaders depicting the direction of operations to mitigate the goals (Wijaya et al. 2022). The research can face hazards in evaluating the data of the companies because, in the case of this research, the records of the past five years will be analyzed to gather information. In addition, more time can be consumed for gathering primary data for executing statistical analysis.
Reference list
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