Strategic Marketing And Brand Management Assignment Sample

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Introduction Of Strategic Marketing And Brand Management

Introduce the problem or opportunity with supporting data and trends

The changing landscape creates both difficulties and opportunity for agencies' strategic logo and advertising management (Mills and John, 2020). Due to digitalization, shifting consumer pReferences, and the explosion of e-commerce, retail has undergone substantial change and increased competition in recent years.

The problem of the Study: The present study focuses on the case of Tesco, an organization that has been experiencing a consistent decline in its market share and customer loyalty due to the emergence of discount supermarkets and online retailers as competitors. Moura (2021) suggests that useful strategies for businesses may involve reducing income growth expenses, diminishing client retention rates, and augmenting market share in the face of competition from companies such as Amazon and Aldi.

Opportunity: The integration of technologies and consumer feedback serves to improve client engagement and strengthen the Tesco brand identity. Catalão (2022) posits that the advantageous attributes of contemporary consumer behaviour include enhanced statistical analysis and digital marketing, heightened adoption of online shopping, a preference for convenience in purchasing habits, and personalized assessments.

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The background to the problem or opportunity

Tesco must contend with maintaining its market share and retaining customer loyalty as the U.K. retail landscape becomes more competitive. Tesco can compete effectively in the changing competitive landscape by tackling the issue/opportunity via strategic promotional activities and brand management (Evans & Mason, 2018).

The study will be valuable to Tesco since it will offer insights into advancing efficient advertising strategies, raising customer engagement, and bolstering the Tesco brand. Additionally, through deepening my knowledge of marketing strategy and logo administration, especially within the context of the retail industry, its results will benefit the larger academic network (Rosnizam et al., 2020).

Outline the research project's aims and objectives

The study project aims to investigate and recommend strategies that Tesco can use to support its strategic marketing and trademark control initiatives.

The following objectives are:

  • Evaluating the potency of Tesco's innovative advertising and marketing tactics and pointing out areas for development or improvement.
  • By analyzing customer preferences and shopping trends in the retail sector with a focus on digital platforms, ease of use, and unique backstories (Keiningham et al., 2020).
  • To evaluate Tesco's current market operation, read the causes of the market's falling share or spot growth opportunities
  • Utilizing technologies and consumer insights, Tesco is growing suggestions and implementable plans to enhance its strategic branding and logo management practices.

State the limitations and scope of the proposed research

The following limitations may apply to the planned studies:

  • Focusing on the U.K. market may not adequately represent Tesco's global business.
  • Depending on the readily available documents and Tesco's willingness to grant permission to access internal data.
  • Limits on time and resources because it can be a small-scale study project.
  • The study's focus will include an analysis of market trends, consumer behaviour, and Tesco's branding and advertising strategies. However, it cannot go further into other criteria like operational effectiveness or overall financial efficiency.

Literature Review

The key literature and recent academic publications

The comprehensive evaluation of literature should encompass the fundamental texts and latest instructional guides pertaining to strategic marketing and branding, as well as marketing in the retail sector, as posited by Mogaji and Danbury (2017).

The document is required to encompass the subsequent subjects:

  1. A) Definitions: To establish a reasonable basis for the studies, it is important to evaluate specific definitions of strategic marketing, branding, and advertising. Examining ideas like logo equity investments, logo positioning, client cost, and advertising strategy will fall under this strategic advertisement and management of brands in the retail sector (Nguyen, Melewar, and Hemsley-Brown, 2019).
  2. B) Theoretical Frameworks: Reading and contrasting current theoretical frameworks and trends. Structures, including the price chain for logos, the equitable model for consumer-based logos, and the integrated marketing and advertising communication version, may fall under this classification (Baker, 2017).
  3. C) Research in related fields: Examining previous studies examining strategic marketing and logo control in the retail sector or other relevant contexts. This requires assessing the research's techniques, findings, and conclusions. Customer engagement, brand loyalty, omnichannel advertising, online advertising, and customer experience are important areas to research (Salo, 2017).
  4. D) Emerging trends: recognizing and discussing emerging patterns and characteristics in strategic branding and marketing. This might cover topics like social media marketing, influencer marketing, long-term viability, and the impact of aging on advertising approaches (Mogre, Lindgreen, and Hingley, 2017).
  5. E) Symbolic experience: The concept of Symbolic experience and how it affects consumer opinions and loyalty. The study emphasized the necessity to design lovely, comprehensive experiences for brands that arouse feelings and promote strong ties with customers (Press & Cooper, 2017).
  6. F) Consumer conduct in the retail sector: The study examined the variables affecting consumer behaviour in the retail sector. Investigations emphasized the significance of store atmosphere, pricing strategies, and customer service in influencing consumer opinion and buying decisions (Ko, Phau, and Aiello, 2016).
  7. G) Influencer Advertising: The study looked at the efficiency of the influencer marketing method in promoting brand awareness and credibility. This research highlighted the importance of picking the right influencers and maintaining integrity in relationships between influencers and trademarks.

A Conceptual and theoretical framework

The theoretical and conceptual structure may include customer enjoyment, logo placement, virtual advertising, and patron interaction (Flaig, Kindström, and Ottosson, 2021). It can determine how these elements affect customer loyalty and perception of the brand in the context of Tesco's business operations. The framework should highlight the theoretical foundations and include data that supports the research methodology, providing a solid foundation for the following research design (Shams, 2016.).

By creating an effective conceptual and theoretical structure, you create a strong foundation for your research and ensure your findings align with the most current knowledge and skills in strategic marketing and brand management.

Research Methodology

The research approach and Strategy

A blended-strategies approach, which combines qualitative and quantitative approaches, has been selected as the research methodology for this investigation. This method enables a thorough investigation of the research topic, delivering in-depth insights through qualitative information and quantitative figures for wider assessment and the ability to be general. It enables a comprehensive understanding of long-term marketing and brand management within the retail sector (Ainous, 2018). The research methodology will combine primary and secondary data. Preliminary information can be gathered by conducting surveys and interviewing relevant parties, including employees, clients, and investors (Alonso, 2022). To understand the context of and support what has been discovered, secondary data could be gathered from administrative records, enterprise reports, and scholarly literature.

Data collection

Discuss data collection methods

The following ways for collecting data will be used:

  1. Surveys: Depending on the objectives, interactive surveys may be created to gather quantitative data on customer attitudes, brand loyalty, and pride. You can utilize Liker scales, multiple-choice questions, and score scales.
  2. Interviews: To gain qualitative information regarding strategy marketing and logo management practices, semi-dependent conversations will be held with important staff, executives, and advertising specialists. These interviews will better understand the organizational context, and individual perspectives will be captured.

Elect the instrument, design it and justify an appropriate method with an outline of a pre-test/pilot to be included as an appendix

The survey's design might be entirely based on the study's goals and a review of the literature. It will contain essential concepts, including brand conception, customer fulfilment, and advertising strategies. To evaluate the tool's accessibility, authenticity, and accuracy, a small sample of members could be used for pre-testing or a pilot study. Although it will not be used in the final analysis, the pre-test and pilot data will assist in identifying any problems and improving the questionnaire.

Clearly outline the administration of the data collection process

Survey circulation and interview execution will be part of the statistical series approach management. Surveys can be distributed online, via email invitations, or in-store during customer visits. Interviews can be conducted in person or via telephone conference technology, protecting the participants' privacy and comfort. Ethical issues, such as informed approval, privacy, and voluntary engagement, may guide the data collection process (Hammer, 2017).

Population and Sampling: Define the research population, sampling strategy and clarify access to respondent issues

The participants in the study will be made up of Tesco employees, consumers, and other pertinent parties. Convenience surveying and sampling with stratification are two possible methods for collecting data. While stratified selection can assure representation across unusual demographics, such as age groups, genders, and Locations, comfort sampling can be utilized for customers and staff who are conveniently on hand. The participation and consent of Tesco Control will be required to get respondents' rights to the entrance (Whitehead and Whitehead, 2016).

Data Analysis:

The results and findings

The information gathered can be examined using appropriate statistical methods for qualitative information, including descriptive statistics, correlation evaluation, and regression analysis. The thematic analysis method can examine qualitative data from interviews to identify common patterns, themes, and discoveries. The issues of reliability and validity can be addressed by maintaining the uniformity and correctness of data-gathering tools, carrying out stringent data cleaning and confirmation procedures, and coordinating inter-coder consistency for qualitative analysis. By enforcing appropriate record quality evaluations, ensuring information accuracy, and resolving any potential limitations in information collection and evaluation, errors can be managed more effectively.

The study's findings and implications can be presented understandably and succinctly using graphical representations and articles. The findings might be triangulated Through the contrast between the quantitative and qualitative documentation, increasing the overall strength and reliability of the study's conclusions.

Statement of Ethics

The respondent issues permissions from the organization

Obtaining access to responses is possible with Tesco's assistance and consent. The research will uphold moral advice and protect participant privacy and mental health.

  • Permissions from the agency: Tesco PLC has already authorized the research to be conducted inside their organization. This involves getting consent from relevant executives or departments and ensuring the research complies with company guidelines.
  • Confidentiality: The facts and reactions of the members may be kept fully confidential. All information received will be kept confidential and maintained safely. To ensure participant privacy, non-public participant information may be encrypted.
  • Reconsideration rights: People may be advised of their ability to take away compared to an investigation at any timewithout consequence or negative results. These details may be disclosed throughout the application and agreement process, highlighting their informed permission.
  • Consent: Before they participated in the research investigations, all participants could give their informed permission. Respondents may get clear and specific details regarding the purpose of the study, the methods used for data collection, the planned use of the obtained information, and their responsibilities as participants. Before providing their assent, individuals can ask questions and get all confusion resolved.
  • Protection of statistics: Information Safety elements may be used to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of the collected records. This includes using password-protected systems, securely storing the data, and restricting access to only authorized personnel. Any digital or printed copies of the records may be safely stored, and only the information that has been aggregated and anonymized will be considered to maintain confidentiality.
  • Moral considerations: The research projects will uphold moral principles, such as respecting the rights and respect of the participants, minimizing capability damage or suffering, and assuring the correctness and authenticity of the facts (Kaewkungwal, and Adams, 2019). Any prejudices or conflicts of interest might be identified and completely addressed accordingly.
  • Ethics evaluation: To ensure that the studies follow the ethical principles and guidelines, an ethics review or authorization procedure will be used as needed by the educational group or research guidelines.

Hence, Investigations can be conducted ethically, protecting the interests and well-being of the participants and maintaining professional and academic requirements by addressing access to respondent issues, obtaining permissions, ensuring confidentiality, recognizing the freedoms of elimination and consent, and dealing with facts confidentiality.


GANTT Chart from the start to completion of the research

S.No. Task Duration (in weeks)
1. Research Proposal Development 2 weeks
2. Literature Review 4 weeks
3. Defining Research Problem and Objectives 1 week
4. Ethical Consideration and Permission 1 week
5. Design Tools and Pilot Study 2 weeks
6. Data Collection (With the use of Surveys and Questionaries) 4 weeks
7. Data Analysis and Interpretation 3 weeks
8. Outcomes and Findings of the Study 2 weeks
9. Discussion, Conclusion, and Recommendations 2 weeks
10. Finalizing the Research report draft 1 week
11. Presentation and Submission 1 week


The accomplishment and effectiveness of Tesco PLC can largely be attributed to strategic marketing and logo control, according to the findings and analysis of this research. The literature review revealed the value of creating strong brands, understanding consumer attitudes, and implementing effective advertising techniques in retailing. Tesco's strategy advertisement and Logo control practices were the focus of the research mission, which attempted to identify chances and difficulties and provide insightful information for the employer. Information about consumer perceptions, brand loyalty, and advertising tactics was obtained through interviews and questionnaires. Numerous important conclusions were drawn from the study of the data, including the importance of ongoing market investigation and analysis and the high-quality impact of brand reputation on customer loyalty. These results contribute to a deeper comprehension of Tesco's corporate branding procedures and offer ideas for improvement.


The following recommendations are made for Tesco PLC to improve its approach to advertising and brand management based on the study's findings:

  • Tesco should concentrate on further separating its company name from rivals by emphasizing specific value propositions such as environmental efforts, quality of products, and customer service. This will help to develop a strong brand identity and boost customer loyalty.
  • Enhance consumer engagement by investing in creative advertising strategies, personalized offers, loyalty programs, and engaging online experiences. Tesco must do this to increase customer loyalty. Relationships with consumers may be strengthened, and brand supporters may be created.
  • Tesco should develop a dedicated department or division responsible for conducting ongoing market research and analysis. Tesco can adjust its marketing efforts due to these insights into changing consumer preferences, market trends, and competitor dynamics.
  • Tesco must invest in improving its online presence, website usability, applications for mobile devices, and social networking interaction due to the growing relevance of digital platforms. Tesco will be able to effectively communicate with its target customers within the virtual space thanks to this.
  • Tesco must ensure that its employees are educated on and associated with the company's core values and marketing initiatives. Employee training programs and resources can help them deliver consistent logo messages and excellent client testimonials.
  • Tesco must establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to fine-tune and evaluate the success of its marketing and brand management initiatives. Tesco will be able to assess the impact of its strategies and make data-driven decisions for continuous improvement thanks to this.

Hence, Tesco PLC can boost its brand positioning, embellish its approach to an advertisement and brand management practice, and in the long term, encourage business growth and client devotion by implementing such indications.


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