Strategic Change Management Assignment Sample

Analysis and Implementation Strategies in Strategic Change Management Assignment

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Introduction Of Strategic Change Management

The report will discuss on GPDOCS medical practice, a government-funded healthcare capacity that provide free therapeutic services to register patients in South London. The company is staffed by 4 nurses, 13 doctors, and 15 management staff, and is manage by the Practice Manager, Mr. Dee. The government has recently altered its policy and agreement, requiring GPDOCS to make bigger working hours to 7h00-20h00 Monday to Friday and 9h00-14h00 on Saturdays, without providing an extra funding to deliver the improved service (Kirtley and O'Mahony, 2023). The change must be implementing within a three-month time frame. The report highlights the important challenges that the comprehensive operating hours will pose to GPDOCS, as well as the need to hire further staff, supervise enlarged workload and potential burnout among medical professionals, and find ways to fund the extra resources necessary to provide comprehensive services.

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The healthcare industry is a quickly evolving sector that requires continuous improvement to remain up with the changing market dynamics and to remain spirited. GPDOCS is a government-funded healthcare capability that provides free medical services to register patients in London (Bryson and George, 2020). With the growing pressure to get better efficiency and efficiency, the association has recognized the need to apply a strategic change plan to improve its operations and services to meet the developing demands of the healthcare sector. To expand an effective change plan, it is necessary to conduct a stakeholder analysis to recognize the interests and needs of all stakeholders involved. Based on the consequences of the stakeholder analysis, it is critical to appraise the resistance to the change procedure and work out strategies to direct and mitigate it. There are a variety of change management models obtainable, each with its unique advantages and disadvantages. It is critical to appraise these models significantly and select the most suitable one to apply to GPDOCS.

Moreover, involving functional areas in the development of the change plan is critical in ensuring that the implementation procedure runs effortlessly (Whysall, et. al. 2019). This report will conduct a stakeholder analysis for association, recognize and appraise confrontation to the revolutionize procedure, critically assess three transform management models, talk about the participation of purposeful area in raising a transform plan, and draft a strategic change plan for the company using the chosen change management model with timelines and SMART succession metrics.

Task 1: Strategic Change Plan

A strategic change plan is a well thought-out approach to making important changes to an organization's goals, process, structure, culture, or other areas to accomplish specific objectives or to counter to internal or external factors that impact the company's success. This involves identify the problems or opportunity that necessitate a strategic change plan, and articulate the goals and objectives that the plan should accomplish (Jackson, 2019). This involves assessing the efficiency of the change plan and identifies opportunities for continuous improvement.

Stakeholder analysis for GPDOCS and review the results in a stakeholder map highlighting interest and influence groupings

A stakeholder analysis is a procedure to identify and analyzing the stakeholders who are exaggerated by or have an impact on a company's actions, decisions, and outcomes. The objective of a stakeholder analysis is to be familiar with the stakeholders' interests, needs, prospect, and potential sources of power and influence, to develop effective strategy to engage and manage their participation in the organization's activities (Fumasoli, et. al. 2020).

To carry out a stakeholder analysis, the organization can follow these general steps:

  • Identify the stakeholders: recognize all individuals, groups, or organization that have an interest in or are influence by GPDOCS. This can include consumers, workers, suppliers, shareholders, supervisor, competitors, and other external stakeholders. A stakeholder analysis can help recognize the stakeholders who have the mainly important impact on company's operations, outcome, and achievement. This can help the association prioritize its engagement efforts and assign resources successfully.
  • Categorize the stakeholders: this is based on their level of interest and power or control. This will help identify which stakeholders necessitate the most consideration and which are less critical. A stakeholder analysis can help the association to comprehend the requirements, benefit and prospect of its stakeholders, which can notify its decision-making and strategies (Warner and Wäger, 2019). This can assist the association align its activities with stakeholder wants and expectations, and build stronger relationships with stakeholders.
  • Analyze stakeholder requirements and interests: conclude the stakeholders' needs, interests, and expectations, and how these may affect association operations and strategies. A analysis can help recognize potential sources of conflict or resistance among stakeholders, and develop strategies for mitigating these risks. This can help company's proactively direct stakeholder risks and decrease the likelihood of negative outcome.
  • Appraise stakeholder power and influence: review the stakeholders' level of power and control, and how this might impact GPDOCS' managerial and activities. This can help the association achieve its objectives and construct a strong reputation.
  • Develop strategies for commitment: Based on the stakeholder analysis, build up appropriate strategies for engage with and running the stakeholders, including outreach activities, communication plans, and conflict resolution strategies (Haas, al. 2020). This can assist the organization leverage the possessions, proficiency, and networks of its stakeholders to accomplish shared goals.

This can be a useful tool for recognizing key stakeholders and developing strategies for engage and managing their involvement in GPDOCS.

The stakeholder map normally includes 4 quadrants, based on the stakeholders' intensity of interest and power or influence:

  • High interest, high power: These stakeholders are extremely invested in associations and have the potential to impact its accomplishment. They may require significant attention and appointment to make sure their needs and expectations are met.
  • High interest, low power: These stakeholders may have a strong awareness in company, but limited capability to impact its decision or outcomes. They may require statement and outreach to keep them knowledgeable and engaged (Santos, al. 2023).
  • Low interest, high power: These stakeholders may have major power or influence over organization, but limited interest in its operation or outcomes. They may necessitate occasional communication and engagement to manage their impact.
  • Low interest, low power: These stakeholders have restricted interest and impact on company, and may not necessitate important attention or commitment.

A stakeholder analysis and stakeholder map can offer valuable insights into the interests and requirements of organization's stakeholders, and assist develop effective strategies for engage and supervision their participation in the organization's activities.

The results of the stakeholder analysis to recognize and appraise confrontation to the change process

Based on the stakeholder analysis of case company, it is possible to recognize potential sources of confrontation to the change process within the organization (Harrison, et. al. 2021). Some stakeholders might resist change due to concern about the impact on their interests, requirements, or expectations. For instance:

  • Patients: they may resist changes to company's services or operation if they believe it will negatively impact their admittance to care, the quality of care they accept, or their overall satisfaction with the organization. Patients may also oppose changes that require them to adapt to new process or technology.
  • Employees: they may resist changes that impact their working conditions, job security, or job responsibilities. They may also oppose changes that need them to learn new skills or adopt new process or technology.
  • Government regulators: they may oppose changes that infringe regulations or policies, or that may impact the quality of care or safety of patients (Kok and Siripipatthanakul, 2023).
  • Suppliers and partners: they might resist changes that impact their contract or relationships with case company or that necessitate them to adapt to new procedure or technology.

To evaluate the potential sources of resistance to the change procedure, GPDOCS may require considering several factors, such as:

  • The nature and scope of the change: The more important the change, the more probable it is that stakeholders will oppose it. The company will require assessing the potential impact of the change on stakeholders and building up strategies for mitigating any negative impacts.
  • Stakeholder interests and requirements: the case company will need to appreciate the interests and requirements of each stakeholder group and build up strategies that address their concern and priorities.
  • Communication and engagement strategies: efficient communication and engagement strategies can help the company to build maintain and manage confrontation to change (Sittrop and Crosthwaite, 2021). The company may require tailoring its communication and engagement strategies to each stakeholder group, to make sure that they are involved, informed, and invested in the change procedure.
  • Organizational culture and history: this can also impact the achievement of change efforts. They may require assessing the organization's culture and history, and developing strategies that align with its values, norms, and history.

By understanding the potential sources of confrontation to the change process, the company can develop efficient strategies for managing and extenuating resistance, and ensure that its change efforts are booming and sustainable (Hamdo, 2021). An organization may need to take a proactive, stakeholder-focused approach to change management, to construct support, manage resistance, and accomplish its objectives.

Critically evaluate the three change management models

Kotter's change management theory is a broadly used structure for running change in organizations. The model involves 8 stages, which are: Establishing a intelligence of urgency, create a guiding coalition, getting bigger a visualization and approach, correspond the change vision, empowering workers for broad-based action, creating short-term wins, consolidate gains and producing more change, and anchor new approach in the company's background.


  • Comprehensive: The model provide a complete framework for managing change, which includes eight different stages that help company's plan and put into practice change more efficiently.
  • Emphasizes leadership: The model places a strong emphasis on leadership, which can help organization build hold up and ownership for the change.
  • Provides a focus on communication: The model emphasizes the significance of communication and engagement, which can help company build trust and credibility with stakeholders (Galli, 2019).


  • May simplify the change procedure: The model may simplify the intricacy of the change procedure, mainly for larger or more multipart changes.
  • Assumes a linear procedure: The model assumes a linear procedure of change, which may not reflect the realism of organizational change, where multiple changes might occur simultaneously.
  • May not fully reflect on individual and cultural factors: The model may not fully reflect on individual and cultural factor that might impact the achievement of the modify procedure.

In the case of GPDOCS, Kotter's change management theory might be a suitable choice, given its inclusive nature, emphasis on leadership, and focus on communication (Wong, et. al. 2019). Though, GPDOCS may require being mindful of the potential limits of the model and tailoring its approach to the company's specific requirements and context.

Lewin's change management model is a recognized framework for running change in organizations. The model involves three stages i.e. changing, unfreezing, and refreezing. In the unfreezing stage, the business prepares for change by acknowledge the requirement for change and communicating this to stakeholders. In the changing stage, the association implements the change, which may engage new technologies, processes, or behaviors (Carayannis and Morawska-Jancelewicz, 2022). In the refreezing stage, the group stabilizes the change by embedding it in the organization's culture and system.


  • Focuses on stakeholder involvement: this model emphasizes the significance of involving stakeholders in the change process, which can assist build support and possession for the change.
  • Provides a clear structure: The three-stage model provides a clear structure for managing change, which can assist organizations plan and put into practice change more efficiently.
  • Facilitates communication and engagement: The model emphasize the significance of communication and commitment, which can help organizations construct trust and credibility with stakeholders (Balluck, al. 2020).


  • May simplify the change procedure: The model may simplify the complication of the change process, predominantly for larger or more complex changes.
  • Assumes a linear procedure: The model assumes a linear procedure of change, which may not replicate the reality of organizational change, where multiple changes may arise at the same time.
  • May not fully consider person and cultural factors: The model may not completely reflect on individual and cultural factors that might impact the accomplishment of the change process.

In the case of GPDOCS, Lewin's change management model may be a suitable choice, given its focus on stakeholder contribution, clear structure, and importance on communication and commitment. Though, GPDOCS may require being aware of the potential limits of the model and tailoring its approach to the organization's definite requirements and circumstance.

ADKAR change management model is a structure that helps organizations direct change at the person level. The model involves five stage consciousness, processes, longing, information, aptitude, and strengthening. In the awareness stage, persons become responsive of require for change. In the desire stage, persons develop a desire to hold up the change. In the Knowledge stage, individuals obtain the knowledge and skills essential to support the change. In the ability stage, persons demonstrate the capability to put into practice the change (Amen, et. al. 2020). In the reinforcement stage, the change is resistant and integrated into the company's culture and systems.


  • Focuses on individual change: This model focuses on individual change, which can help organization better appreciate the wants and concerns of stakeholders.
  • Provides a clear structure: The 5 stage model provides a clear structure for managing change at the individual level, which can help association plan and put into practice change more successfully.
  • Facilitates targeted interventions: The model allows association to recognize specific gaps in individual inclination for change, and build up targeted interventions to deal with these gaps (Bouzguenda, al. 2019).

In the case of GPDOCS, the ADKAR change management model may be an suitable choice, given its focus on personality change and clear construction. However, GPDOCS may require being mindful of the potential limitations of the model and couture its approach to the organization's specific requirements and context.

Critical discussion of the functional areas in developing a change plan

Developing a alter plan requires participation and teamwork from diverse functional areas within an association, as each area brings exclusive perspective and proficiency that are necessary for a successful change effort. In the case company, the involvement of diverse functional areas will be critical to developing a change plan that addresses the association's challenges and goals. One key functional area that will be necessary in developing a change plan for GPDOCS is the quantifiable team (Cortez and Johnston, 2020). The clinical team includes nurses, physicians, and other healthcare professional who give medical services to patients. This group will be accountable for identify the clinical requirements and necessities that should be address by the change map. Their input will be vital in formative how the change plan will impact patient care and ensure that the change plan bring into line with the company's mission and values.

Another functional area that will play a vital role in developing the change plan is the IT department. The IT division will be accountable for identifying and implementing the technological solutions that will hold up the change plan. They will require ensuring that the new technologies are included with the existing IT infrastructure and meet the clinical team's requirements for data security and privacy.

The finance department will also play a major role in the expansion of the change plan, particularly in terms of resource allocation and financial planning (Blankenberger and Williams, 2020). They will require identifying the financial resources necessary to put into practice the change plan and make sure that the organization can maintain the costs connected with the change effort. They will also be accountable for assessing the financial impact of the change plan and identify opportunities for cost savings and revenue creation.

The human resources department will also be concerned in the development of the change plan, mainly in terms of workforce planning and talent running. They will require identifying the skills and capability required to hold up the change attempt and ensure that the association has the essential workforce capacity to put into practice the change plan effectively (Eriksen, et. al. 2021). They will also be accountable for developing and implementing training programs to help workers adapt to the new process and technology introduce by the change plan.

Involving diverse functional areas in developing a change plan is vital to ensuring its achievement. In the case of GPDOCS, concerning the IT department, clinical team, finance department, and human resources department will be critical to developing a complete and efficient change plan that addresses the company's challenges and goals. Each purposeful area brings unique proficiency and perspectives, which, when joint, will enable GPDOCS to develop a change plan that is associated with its values, mission, and resources.

The strategic change plan for GPDOCS by applying the selected change management model with SMART progression metrics and timelines

Based on the examination of GPDOCS and the assortment of the ADKAR change management model, the subsequent is a draft strategic change plan:

Metrics Timeline: SMART Progression Metric:
Awareness: make sure that all stakeholders are aware of the require for change and its potential benefits. Month 1-2 Activities: · Communicate requirement for change to all stakeholders, including workers, patients, and the community through a variety of channels such as meetings, newsletters, and social media. · Build up an understanding of the current state of the organization and the desired future condition. · Conduct workshops and preparation program to teach workers about the change and its potential impact. Conduct an organization-wide review to measure stakeholders' awareness and considerate of the requirement for change. Set a target of 79% consciousness by the end of month 2.
Desire: Foster a desire among employees and stakeholders to support and participate in the change effort. Month 3-4 Activities: · Create a sense of urgency by communicating the potential risks of not changing and the potential benefits of change. · Develop visualization for the change endeavor that aligns with the organization operation and values. · Solicit feedback from workers and stakeholders to address their concern and encourage their participation (Thomas, et. al. 2019). · Create an intelligence of ownership among workers and stakeholders by involving them in the planning procedure. Conduct a survey to determine the level of desire amongst employees and stakeholders to hold up and participate in the change effort. Set a target of 68% need by the end of month 4.
Knowledge: Ensure that workers and stakeholders have the knowledge and skills necessary to put into practice the change. Month 5-6 Activities: · Develop an inclusive training program that addresses the skills and knowledge necessary to implement the change effectively. · Provide continuing support to workers during the change process. · Recognize and address knowledge gaps through standard feedback and communication. Conduct a survey to determine the level of knowledge and skills among human resources and stakeholders. Set a target of 77% ability by the end of month 6.
Ability: Ensure that workforce and stakeholders have the resources and hold up required to put into practice the change. Month 7-8 Activities: · Identify and assign resources required to implement the change efficiently. · Provide hold up and leadership to workers during the change process. · Develop systems and process that support the change effort. Conduct a survey to determine the level of resources and support among workers and stakeholders. Set a target of 87% satisfaction by the end of month 8.
Reinforcement: Sustain the change attempt by recognizing and rewarding accomplishment and reinforcing the new behaviors. Month 9-10 Activities: · Identify and reward early adopters of the change. · Develop a feedback system to identify areas that require further development. · Celebrate successes and converse them to workers and stakeholders. · Build up a culture of continuous improvement to ensure the sustainability of the change effort. Conduct a survey to measure the level of reinforcement and sustainability of the change effort among workers and stakeholders. Set a target of 95% sustainability by the end of month 10.

Overall Timeline: 10 Months

The above change plan is intended to bring into line with the ADKAR change management model and provides a roadmap for the booming implementation of change at GPDOCS. By following the change plan, GPDOCS can overcome confrontation to change, tackle stakeholder requirements, and achieve its strategic goals successfully.

Task 2 – Report

The relationship between leadership and change agents in transformational change

Leadership and change agents play a critical role in assist transformational change in a business. Transformational change is a procedure that involves important and complete changes in an organization's operations, ethnicity, and strategy. In this background, leadership refers to the persons who are accountable for guide the organization through the transformational change procedure (Grillitsch and Sotarauta, 2020). Change agents, on the other hand, are the persons or teams accountable for implement the change initiative. In the case of GPDOCS, the leadership group would be accountable for setting the direction of the company's strategic change plan and providing leadership to the change agents. The leadership team would also be accountable for creating a intellect of importance and a vision for the change, gaining sustain from stakeholders, and providing the essential resources to put into practice the change plan.

The change agents would be accountable for implementing the change initiative and ensure that the company's workers are trained and prepared to handle the changes. Change agents would also be accountable for monitoring the progress of the change initiatives, identifying and addressing any issues that take place and ensure that the change plan stay on track (Farahnak, et. al. 2020). The relationship between change agents and leadership in transformational change is significant. Effective collaboration, communication, and management between the two are required to ensure the accomplishment of the change procedure. The leadership team must offer the necessary maintain, guidance, and resources to the change agents to make sure that the change initiatives are implement successfully. The change agents, in turn, must be able to converse the development and challenges of the change initiatives to the leadership team to make sure that the change plan stays on track.

Characteristics and attribute of change agents

Change agents are persons or teams accountable for implementing change initiatives within an organization. They own precise characteristics and attributes that make them effectual in facilitating change. Some key characteristics and attributes of effectual change agents:

  • Visionary: they have a clear vision of the preferred outcome of the change initiative. They can eloquent this vision in a forceful way that motivates others to hold up the change.
  • Innovative: they are creative and quick-witted in finding new ways to attain the desired change outcome. They are not frightened to challenge the status quo and suggest new ideas and approaches.
  • Resilient: they are insistent and flexible in the face of hold up and confrontation to change. They are able to acclimatize to unanticipated challenges and find ways to overcome obstacles (Oreg and Berson, 2019).
  • Communicative: they are brilliant communicators who can eloquent the need for change and engage stakeholders in the change procedure. They listen energetically and react appropriately to concern and feedback.
  • Collaborative: they are team players who work collaboratively with others to accomplish the preferred change outcome. They build relations with stakeholders and look for input and hold up from others.
  • Data-driven: they use data and analytics to notify their decisions and assess the progress of the change initiative. They are able to examine and understand data to recognize areas for development.
  • Adaptable: they are malleable and supple in their approach to change. They are open to feedback and are eager to adjust their strategies and plans as desirable to attain the desired outcome.

Relative significance of change agents and their role

Change agents play a critical role in facilitate organizational change. Their responsibility is to drive the change procedure and make sure that it is productively implemented across the organization. Some of the key reason why change agents are so significant:

  • Mobilizing support: they are responsible for mobilize support for the change proposal. They work personally with stakeholders to make sure that they appreciate the need for change and are willing to support the change procedure.
  • Overcoming resistance: they play a critical role in overcoming resistance to change. They are able to foresee and address concerns and objection that stakeholders may have about the change proposal (Hanelt, al. 2021).
  • Driving the change process: they are responsible for driving the change procedure forward. They are able to build up and implement strategies that facilitate the organization to accomplish the desired change result.
  • Managing complexity: Change initiative can be compound and challenging. Change agents are able to direct the difficulty of the change procedure and ensure that all essential steps are taken to attain the desired result.
  • Ensuring sustainability: they are responsible for ensure that the change initiative is sustainable over the enduring (Tronvoll, al. 2020). They are able to put in place structure and process that facilitate the organization to carry on achieving the preferred outcomes beyond the initial accomplishment point.

Advantages and disadvantages of using external consultants as change agents

Using external consultant as change agents has both advantages and disadvantages.


  • Expertise: External consultants characteristically bring a wealth of information and knowledge to the table. They are able to offer expert leadership and hold up to the organization all through the change process.
  • Objectivity: External consultant can provide an object viewpoint on the change initiative. They are not expressively attached to the association or the people concerned, which allows them to provide impartial advice and response.
  • Flexibility: they are typically more flexible than internal change agents. They can be bring in on a project basis and are able to change their approach based on the requirements of the organization (Reinholz and Andrews, 2020).
  • Focus: External consultant is able to focus exclusively on the change initiative. They are not unfocused by day-to-day operations and can dedicate all of their attention to the change procedure.


  • Cost: External consultant can be exclusive. The organization will require assigning funds to pay for their services, which can be a significant expense.
  • Lack of understanding: they may not fully appreciate the culture and dynamics of the organization. This can lead to disconnect between the consultant's recommendations and the company's realism.
  • Limited knowledge transfer: When external consultants depart the organization, their knowledge and knowledge go with them. This can limit the company's capability to maintain to drive change initiatives on its own (Jolly, al.2020).
  • Resistance: they may face confrontation from internal stakeholders who outlook them as outsiders. This can make it more complex for them to expand buy-in and hold up for the change initiative.


The report is concluded with the planned change plan developed for GPDOCS using the ADKAR change managing model with SMART development metrics is designed to address the key issues and challenge facing the association. Through a stakeholder analysis, it was resolute that there is important resistance to change within the association, and a change management model that focuses on individual adoption and strengthening of the change, like ADKAR, was selected as the most appropriate.

The report has also discussed on the participation of practical area in rising the modify plan was vital to ensure that the plan is realistic, viable, and aligned with the organization's vision and goals. The leadership team and change agent will play a crucial role in motivating the change process, and their management and communication skills will be key in gaining buy-in and hold up from all stakeholders. Using external consultants as change agents has both advantages and disadvantages, and the result to connect them should be made based on the precise needs and situation of the organization. The strategic change plan developed for GPDOCS is intended to ensure that the association can adapt to the changing healthcare background and carry on to provide high-quality, patient-centered care to its registered patients. The completion of this plan will involve a sustained attempt over the next 12 months, with usual monitoring of development against the SMART progression metrics outline in the plan. Throughout collaborative approaches that engage all stakeholders, GPDOCS can productively navigate the change procedure and appear as a stronger and more flexible organization.


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