Statistical Process Control Assignment Sample

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Statistical Process Control Assignment 

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1. Introduction Statistical Process Control Assignment Sample

In this report on the statistical process control, the main discussion point will be on the statistical process control, and they will be based on the Waterside Leather Limited. SPC was developed by Walter Shewhart in the year 1920, where he developed a control chart in the year 1924 and established the idea of SPC. This will assist the organization in reducing the variation process, resulting in a higher quality of organization. This report will also discuss the SPC and its usefulness in the different sectors along with the tannery production for the organization Waterside Leather Limited with the process of quality management.

2. Literature review on the statistical process control

According to the researchers Ahmad et al (2012), the term SPC contains three different terms, where the first term refers to statistics, which is the science dealing with the collection and summarization of the data along with the analysis and the drawing of information from the collected data. The second term of this SPC refers to the term process, where it converts the input resources into the desired outputs such as services and goods with a combination of materials, people, machines, and measurements. The third term of this SPC refers to the term control, where the procedures, system, and policies are in place of overall outputs that will meet the requirements. SPC mainly defines the usage of statistical techniques for controlling the production process or the production method. Tools and the procedures of the SPC are the beneficial factors for monitoring the process behaviour, discovering the different issues in the internal systems, and finding the solutions for the issues of production. SPC can be utilized as a mediator for monitoring business performance and the elements of quality management. SPC aids in the improvement of company performance in both small and large enterprises. This selected research article investigated in the statistical process control assignment identified the historical component of SPC (Ahmad et al. 2012). SPC is a quality indicator that can be used to assess the quality of corporate activities. In a simple word, SPC refers to the process that measures the output related to the standard to tackle action in the time of discrepancies. The control process of SPC is the efforts of quality control that mainly occurs during the organizational production.

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According to the researcher Qiu (2013), there are seven steps for setting up the SPC on the organization production process, where they will help the organization to measure the product quality and control the product quality through gathering the data for monitoring the process of organizational production. It allows the organizational factors to increase the highest category of the organizational operating process and sets a foundation for the organizational continuous improvement. The first step of the SPC for the organization production process is the selection of CTQ product characteristics, the second step of the SPC for the organization production process is the selection of the critical processes, the third step of the SPC for the organization production process is the determining the machine's calculations by themselves. The fourth step of the SPC for the organization production process is the gathering of data and the process of knowledge in relation to their impacts on the outputs of the process. The fifth step of the SPC for the organization production process is the controlling of independent variables that will have a sizable impact on the output process (Qiu, 2013). The sixth step of the SPC for the organization production process is looking for different ways to reduce the variation, and the seven steps of the SPC for the organization production process are keeping up in the process for the long term. With these different steps of the SPC, the organization will be able to reduce the cost of the products and reduce the scarp of the organization.

According to the researcher Rogalewicz (2012), SPC has mainly used in the area of the organizational production process or the organizational manufacturing process, and it helps to measure the consistency of the product platform in relation to its specification of the design. Through achieving consistent performance and quality there will be some benefits of the organization, where they will be able to reduce the scarp of the organizational production process. The main aim of the SPC is to establish a properly controlled process for organizational manufacturing through the usage of statistical techniques and tools. This will help the organization to reduce the variation process, where this variation will lead the organization to a better quality of the organizational production, and the lower cost of the product. SPC is mainly based on statistical data analysis, where the first step is for deciding the data to be collected for analysis (Rogalewicz, 2012). There are two main categories for controlling the chart that will be distinguished through the help of different types of data that will be used such as variables and attributes.

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3. Data analysis

This section will mainly discuss the statistical data that contains historic data recording the temperature of combined effluent discharge by the fictional tannery called Waterside Leather Limited. This discussion will help to visualize the performance of the effluent control process through an analytical approach in detail, where this will be based on the data of this organization contains the data of four continuous months that will help to understand the present situation of the organization in relation to the temperature of combined effluent discharge by the organization (Vilardi et al. 2018). Though the normal control range for tannery discharge belongs between 25oC to 35oC, that can be extended maximum to the 40oC. There are four subsections that discuss four different graphs containing the statistical data of the four different months, where the first graph refers to the first month's data, the second graph refers to the second month's data, the third graph refers to the third month's data, and four graphs refer to the fourth month's data.

Temperature data of effluent treatment for 1st month

The above graph contains the statistical data about the first month's result of the performance of the effluent control process by the fictional tannery called Waterside Leather Limited. According to this organizational statistical data, the first day of the efficient control process refers to the 30.0152, where the other days of this week contain the temperature of 35.6972, 32.5721, 32.5174, 30.1547, 34.9936, and 26.6309 (Deghles and Kurt, 2016). Performance of this week refers to the proper management of the effluent in the organization as it is about 35, where on the last day of the week they have reduced the temperature to 26. According to the statistical data of the first months' second week, the temperature was 29.0189, 36.4819, 28.3499, 34.1057, 30.4511, 37.2593, and 33.5711. Performance of this week refers to the improper management of the effluent in the organization as it is more than 35, where on the last day of the week they have increased the temperature to 33. According to the statistical data of the first months' second week, the temperature was 35.7589, 34.1057, 35.3513, 27.7575, 28.8963, 27.0084, and 30.5041. Performance of this week refers to the improper management of the effluent in the organization as it is more than 35, where on the last day of the week they have reduced the temperature to 30 (Weese et al. 2016). According to the statistical data of the first months' second week, the temperature was 31.9666, 30.7394, 34.2632, 26.2741, 30.1507, 25.5777, 27.3543, 26.2633, and 27.8651. Performance of this week refers to the proper management of the effluent in the organization as it is not more than 35, where on the last day of the week they have increased the temperature to 27. 

The above graph contains the statistical data about the second month's result of the performance of the effluent control process by the fictional tannery called Waterside Leather Limited. According to this organizational statistical data, the second month's effluent control process started with more than 36 temperatures, after which the temperature increased dramatically this month and reached 40. This refers to the improper management of the effluent in the organization. According to the normal control range for tannery discharge, it ranges from 25oC to 35o C, which can be extended maximum to the 40o C, where this reached here to the 40 in this month. Though the temperature limit is extended to 40 in the organizational perspective still this is the warning of the heating temperature (Sixsigmastudyguide, 2021).

The above graph contains the statistical data about the third month's result of the performance of the effluent control process by the fictional tannery called Waterside Leather Limited. According to this organizational statistical data, the third month's effluent control process started with more than 45 temperatures, after which the temperature increased dramatically in this month and reached the highest of 47, where on the last day of the month it contains 31 temperature heat. This refers to the proper management of the effluent in the organization, because though the starting days contain high temperature but later periods they are able to reduce the temperature. According to the normal control range for tannery discharge, it ranges from 25oC to 35o C, which can be extended maximum to the 40o C, where this reached here to the 47 in this month, and their effort to reduce the temperature is visible in the last of the month ( , 2021).

The above graph contains the statistical data about the fourth month's result of the performance of the effluent control process by the fictional tannery called Waterside Leather Limited. According to this organizational statistical data, the fourth month's effluent control process started with more than 31 temperatures, after which the temperature reduced dramatically this month and reached 17 at the lowest. This refers to the proper management of the effluent in the organization because this month's data refers to the low temperature for the organizational process. According to the normal control range for tannery discharge, it ranges from 25oC to 35o C, and the temperature for this month has come down to 20 ( , 2021).

4. Recommendation and conclusion

After discussion of the above sections, it can be said that SPC is one of the essential factors for a plant for monitoring the process of organizational production. SPC helps in the process of monitoring the production quality and production process to derive beneficial results. SPC is mostly employed in the domain of organizational production or manufacturing processes, and it aids in determining the consistency of a product platform in accordance with its design specifications (Amanial, 2016). The data states that the first two months of the organization were consistent with the temperature where the temperature was about 30-35, where the third month is excessive where the temperature reached more than 40, and the last months refers to proper management of the effluent. These implementations of the recommendation will be beneficial for the organization's production process if they can achieve consistent performance and quality, as they will be able to lower the scarp of the organization's manufacturing process. SPC is mostly employed in the domain of organizational production or manufacturing processes, and it aids in determining the consistency of a product platform in accordance with its design specifications. The basic goal of SPC is to use statistical techniques and tools to build an adequately controlled process for organizational manufacturing. There will be certain benefits to the organization if they can achieve consistent performance and quality, as they will be able to lower the scarp of the organization's manufacturing process.

Reference list


Ahmad, M. F., Zakuan, N., Jusoh, A. and Takala, J., 2012. Relationship of TQM and business performance with mediators of SPC, lean production and TPM.Statistical process control assignmentProcedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 65, pp. 186-191.

Amanial, H. R., 2016. Physico Chemical Characterization of Tannery Effluent and Its Impact on the Nearby River. Open Access Library Journal, 3(3), pp. 1-8.

Deghles, A. and Kurt, U., 2016. Treatment of tannery wastewater by a hybrid electrocoagulation/electrodialysis process. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, Volume 104, pp. 43-50.

Qiu, P., 2013. Introduction to statistical process control. s.l.:CRC press. Qiu, P., 2018. Some perspectives on nonparametric statistical process control. Journal of Quality Technology, 50(1), pp. 49-65.

Rogalewicz, M., 2012. Some notes on multivariate statistical process control. Management and Production Engineering Review, Volume 3, pp. 80-86.

Vilardi, G. et al., 2018. Large Laboratory-Plant application for the treatment of a Tannery wastewater by Fenton oxidation: Fe (II) and nZVI catalysts comparison and kinetic modelling. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Volume 117, pp. 629-638.

Weese, M., Martinez, W., Megahed, F. M. & Jones-Farmer, L. A., 2016. Statistical learning methods applied to process monitoring: An overview and perspective. Statistical process control assignmentJournal of Quality Technology, 48(1), pp. 4-24.


Sixsigmastudyguide, 2021 Statistical Process Control (SPC) Available at: , [Accessed on: 12.11.2021] , 2021 Physico Chemical Characterization of Tannery Effluent and Its Impact on the Nearby River Available at: [Accessed on: 12.11.2021] , 2021 Advanced oxidation processes for the treatment of tannery wastewater, Available at: [Accessed on: 12.11.2021]

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