Role Of Patient Education In The Promotion Assignment Sample

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Introduction Of The Role Of Patient Education In The Promotion Of Vaccination In Children

1.1 Background

Vaccination is important for children because of the immunity and growth of children but in the UK vaccine hesitancy can be seen. Vaccination promotion can be useful for increasing knowledge about the efficiency of vaccines in children's health (Chadwick et al. 2021). Patient education reflects an impact on vaccination promotion because patients decide the requirements of vaccines for children. Children can be easily affected by any disease or virus because of their low immunity and their growth can also be affected and for that, vaccination is important. As per patients' opinion children get vaccines and for that, the immunity and growth of children can be affected. Patient education in the UK in 2022 is 74% with high education and 57% with medium education (, 2022). The rate indicates that patients are educated and they can be used for minimizing vaccine hesitancy in children's vaccination processes. Patients can analyze the utility of vaccination for children and promotion can be done but the patients who have low education have to face difficulties in understanding the efficiency of vaccination.

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Figure 1.1: Patient Education in the UK

Patient Education in the UK

(Source:, 2022)

1.2 Rationale

Vaccine hesitancy is the refusal of taking vaccines for any disease or virus and it can be seen due to a lack of knowledge about the vaccine and its efficiency. Vaccination promotion for children indicates the process to give information about vaccines and their requirements for children's health (Obohwemu et al. 2022). Patient education is important for maintaining vaccination programs because patients can understand the utility easily but lack of education is causing issues in children's health. In the UK, the immunization rate of children is 92.2% and that is effective in improving children's health (Stewart, 2022). There are some children who are able to get vaccines due to poor understanding and the analysis is helpful to determine the importance of patient education in vaccination for children. The process of minimizing the issues in patient education and increasing vaccination promotion should be known and this research can be effective in improving the vaccination rate of the UK. Improvement in patients' knowledge and vaccination can be done with the help of the analysis in the research.

1.3 Research Aim & Objectives


The aim of the research is to analyze vaccine hesitancy and the role of patient education in the promotion of vaccination in children of the UK.


  • To understand the impacts of vaccine hesitancy on children's immunity and growth
  • To examine the role of patient education in children vaccination promotion in the UK
  • To analyze the challenges in improving patient education about vaccination and its efficiency
  • To suggest recommendations for increasing the patient education system and vaccination process

1.4 Research Questions

RQ1: What are the impacts of vaccine hesitancy on children's immunity and growth?

RQ2: What is the role of patient education in children's vaccination promotion in the UK?

RQ3: What are the challenges in improving patient education about vaccination and its efficiency?

RQ4: What are the recommendations for increasing the patient education system and vaccination process?

1.5 Significance of Study

The research is based on vaccine hesitancy and the role of patient education in vaccination promotion and it is important for analysis because proper knowledge about vaccines can be gathered. Requirements of vaccination for children can be known and it can reflect an impact on immunity and growth of children (Obohwemu et al. 2022). Vaccine hesitancy can be seen in the UK due to patient education but with development in patient education vaccination promotion can be done by them and children's health can be improved. The analysis of the research is effective for improving the vaccination process and better medical facilities can be maintained.

1.6 Structure of Dissertation

Figure 1.2: Structure of Dissertation

Structure of Dissertation

(Source: Created by the Researcher)

1.7 Summary

The importance of vaccination and its impact on children's health can be known and it is effective in improving the patient education process. Immunity and growth of children are dependent on the vaccination and lack of patient education is causing vaccine hesitancy. The analysis of the importance and impact of patient education on children's health can be useful for minimizing vaccine hesitancy and it can be useful for minimizing vaccination issues. The aim & objectives, research questions, significance, rationale, and overall concept of vaccination are discussed for understanding the efficiency of the research. The usefulness of the vaccination and the role of patient education can be known by fulfilling the objectives and proper information can be gathered through the research.

CHAPTER 2: Methodology

2.1 Introduction

The methodology is an essential part of the research because it helps to maintain a smooth, effective, and manageable process in the research. It provides legitimacy in the research and sound and accurate findings can be gathered with methodology. Proper techniques and procedures can be selected and their efficiency of them can also be known. Data collection and its analysis process can be selected as per the requirements of the research and it is useful for increasing the quality of the research.

Research Onion was founded by Saunders in 2007 and it is a methodology tool that helps to select different factors in the research for gathering proper information (Saunders et al. 2007). There are different layers in the tool for maintaining research philosophy, approach, method, strategy, data collection, and data analysis process. The research is maintained through research onion and as per the tool all parts are selected and implemented. Accuracy and efficiency of the data are dependent on these parts and to maintain effective findings this tool is very useful.

Figure 2.1: Research Onion

Research Onion

(Source: Saunders et al. 2007)

2.2 Research Design

Research question: What is the role of patient education in the promotion of vaccination in children?

Framework items Outcomes
P (problems of patients) Vaccination of children is important for healthy growth but the education of patients is affecting the impact on the understanding importance of vaccines in children's health.
I (Intervention) Proper knowledge of patients on vaccines can be helpful to promote the vaccination process for children and the efficiency of vaccines can be known to all.
C (control) Vaccine hesitancy can be minimized with the help of educated patients and their support in the vaccination process.
O (outcomes) Required vaccines can be given to children and healthy growth can be improved and no vaccine hesitancy can be seen.

Table 1: PICO discussion

(Source: Created by the Researcher)

2.3 Research Philosophy

Interpretivism research philosophy is important for the research because it helps to maintain an effective process of data analysis and useful findings can be gathered. Valid and essential information about vaccine hesitancy and the role of patient education can be gathered with this philosophy and it is beneficial for the research. Different aspects of vaccine promotion of children can be discussed properly and it can increase the quality of the research information. An in-depth analysis of collected information is required for increasing effectivity of the research and interpretivism helps to maintain the analysis process properly and effectively (Alharahsheh and Pius, 2020). Proper development of the research quality and accurate information collection can be done with this philosophy and effective findings can be gathered for the research.

2.4 Research Approach

The inductive research approach is effective for the research because it is useful in modifying techniques and processes as per the collected data. It can increase the efficiency of the data analysis and accurate information can be identified for in-depth discussion (Walter and Ophir, 2019). Vaccine hesitancy is very effective for children and to minimize the issues the role of patient education can be analyzed with this approach properly because of its methods of data collection. Observation, pattern, hypothesis, and theory are the processes of the inductive approach, and detailed information about vaccination and its promotion can be gathered and analyzed. All data are observed, the pattern is identified, and hypotheses and theories are analyzed on the basis of collected data.

2.5 Research Method

A qualitative research method is maintained in the research because it helps to gather information by asking how and why questions for deeper understanding. Detailed knowledge about vaccine hesitancy and patient education can be gathered through this method (Johnson et al. 2020). Ethnographic, grounded theory, narrative, phenomenological, and action research can be maintained by qualitative research methods. Vaccine hesitancy is effective for children and it can be improved with patient education and related accurate data can be collected properly with the method. Greater knowledge about vaccine hesitancy and promotion can be gathered with qualitative methods and appropriate findings can be maintained.

2.6 Research Strategy

A systematic Literature Review is maintained in the research because it helps to gather information through accurate articles and journals. It helps to identify, evaluate, and synthesize all gathered data, and proper discussion can be done for better understanding (Paul et al. 2021). The articles and journals for SLR are selected on the basis of appropriate keywords and it is useful for the research.

Factors And Or
Impact of vaccine hesitancy Factors of vaccine hesitancy Advantages and disadvantages of vaccine hesitancy
Importance of patient education Impact of patients' education on the treatment of children Promotion of vaccines by patients
Role of patients in children's treatment Importance of vaccines for children The efficiency of the vaccine in children's Growth
Table 2: Boolean table

(Source: Create by the Researcher)

2.7 Data Collection

Eligibility criteria

Date All articles and journals are within the last 5 years, which means articles from 2018 to the current year are selected
Geography The research is mainly based on the UK
Participants Articles based on different criteria for vaccine hesitancy and patient education about vaccines are used in the research
Setting The research has maintained the settings for the medical sector of the UK
Study design Articles, journals, and information from newspapers and articles are used for better understanding
Publication Type Peer-reviewed articles are used for collecting accurate data for the research
Language UK English language is properly maintained in the research
Table 3: Search criteria of the research

(Source: Create by researcher) Database

Database search Search terms Date assessed The number of studies identified The number of studies excluded Selected studies for more elaboration Limit to the number of years and language
PubMed “Vaccine hesitancy”, “Importance of vaccine” 55 53 2 Up to 5 years
Google Scholar “Role of patient education”, “impact of vaccine promotion” 67 62 5 Up to 5 years
ProQuest “Importance of patients' education for children”, “Impact of vaccines on children's health” 23 22 1 Up to 5 years
Websites “Patient education for children vaccine”, “Requirements of vaccine promotion” 15 14 1 Up to 5 years
Newspaper “Rate of vaccine hesitancy”, “Impact on vaccine hesitancy on children” 18 17 1 Up to 5 years
Table 4: Data Reviewing Table

(Source: Created by Researcher)

PRISMA Framework

The framework is used for collecting articles and journals from different sources such as Google Scholar, newspapers, and others. 178 articles are collected and among them, 10 articles are used after rejecting all inappropriate articles.

Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

“Inclusion” “Exclusion”
  • Articles and journals of the 5 years are selected
  • Full-accessed PDFs and non-paid journals are chosen
  • Only the UK English language is maintained
  • The presence of authors' and publication names is strictly followed
  • Newspapers and magazines are used
  • Articles beyond the last 5 years are rejected
  • Unauthorized, biased, or review articles and journals are eliminated
  • Other languages except UK English are not selected
  • Un-valuable publications or authors' names of journals are rejected
  • Blogs or other random websites are not used
Table 5: Inclusion and Exclusion criteria

(Source: Created by the Researcher)

CASP Framework

Article name Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10
Chadwick et al. (2021) Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y N
Obohwemu et al. (2022) Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Lazarus et al. (2020) Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y
Stewart, (2022) Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y
Table 6: CASP result

(Source: created by the researcher)

2.8 Data Analysis Method

Thematic analysis is maintained in the research because it helps to analyze all gathered information properly and in-depth discussion can be done for better understanding. 178 articles are selected for the research to analyze vaccine hesitancy and vaccination promotion and after deducting repeat and inappropriate articles, the most effective 10 articles are used for analysis. The usefulness of thematic analysis is high flexibility and it helps to achieve results from the collected data and which is important for increasing research quality (Braun and Clarke, 2022). Identification of themes and analyzing important factors are effective in gathering proper findings and more knowledge can be gathered. Thematic analysis is most effective in analyzing and gathering information about people's opinions, knowledge, experience, and views of values through qualitative methods (Campbell et al. 2021). The research can identify the main factors in vaccine hesitancy and vaccination promotion in the UK and the utility of patient education in vaccination can be known through thematic analysis. The efficiency of the report can be increased by providing the most accurate and important information and fulfillment of objectives can be done with the analysis (Morgan, 2022). Thematic analysis is helpful to describe the data by maintaining patterns and themes for better understanding and the efficiency of the research can be increased.

2.9 Ethical Consideration

Articles and journals are collected on vaccine hesitancy, vaccination promotion, and patient education and the use of articles is properly maintained in the research. Information from articles is used only for analyzing the research questions and fulfilling objectives. Data protection act, 2018 (, 2018) is properly followed for maintaining the ethical factors of the research and it is important for securing the articles and journals from any misuse. Biases are not maintained while selecting the articles and it helps to increase the quality of the research. Appropriate information from articles is used in the research but security and maintenance are done for controlling any issues in ethical factors and for avoiding any misuse of information.

2.10 Summary

Methodology is important for tracking the whole data collection and analysis process and it is important for maintaining a smooth and effective process. Interpretivism philosophy, inductive approach, qualitative method, SLR strategy, and thematic analysis method are used for increasing the efficiency of the research. A proper understanding of vaccine hesitancy and vaccination promotion in the UK can be gathered through the collected data. Articles and journals are used for gathering information and for selecting articles, PICO framework, eligibility criteria, inclusion & exclusion criteria, PRISMA framework, CASP framework, and data review table are maintained. Criteria, keywords, and resources of articles are analyzed for increasing the accuracy of gathered information. Manageable and smooth process research can be maintained with appropriate methodology and for that, all important factors can be analyzed and it is useful for the research.

CHAPTER 3: Findings

3.1 Introduction

Findings are an essential part of the research because it helps to gather data for getting answers to research questions and detailed knowledge about the role of patient education can be collected. The accuracy and efficiency of gathered information can be analyzed with findings and for discussion, the most appropriate data can be maintained.

3.2 Findings (SLR)

Author's Name Title Aim & Objectives Methodology Findings
Obohwemu et al. (2020) “Parental childhood vaccine hesitancy and predicting uptake of vaccinations: a systematic review” To analyze parental vaccine hesitancy and to give suggestions for improving parental knowledge Secondary resources such as 34 journal articles are used The research shows that vaccine hesitancy is effective in improving the health condition of children. Immunity, safety, diseases, and other health issues can be seen in children due to not getting proper vaccination programs. Literacy and knowledge of vaccines are required for maintaining confidence in the efficiency of vaccination. Parents can get proper information from healthcare professionals about vaccination and it can be helpful in improving the knowledge of parents and vaccine hesitancy can be minimized. Donuts can be effective for increasing hesitancy and increasing confidence in the efficiency of vaccines can be done by maintaining communication with healthcare professionals.
Paterson et al. (2018) “Reasons for non-vaccination: Parental vaccine hesitancy and the childhood influenza vaccination school pilot program in England” To identify the reasons for influenza vaccine the hesitancy of parents Primary resources such as interviews of 25 participants are used The research shows that three-fourths of parents think that the influenza vaccine is not required for maintaining the immunization of children. In schools, the vaccination programs are done but the parents have not vaccinated their children due to the unclear concept of vaccination. Some parents are concerned about the safety and side effects of influenza vaccines. Vaccine hesitancy is increasing the number of influenza-infected children and it is effective for their health and growth. Parents should maintain their idea about vaccination because it helps to understand the efficiency and its impact on children's health. Children can increase their immunity through influenza vaccines and parents should maintain the vaccination program for health improvement.
Gori et al. (2021) “Mass Immunization and Vaccine Hesitancy in Children and Their Families: A Long and Winding Road Ahead to Address without a Second Thought” To analyze the importance of immunization and the impact of vaccine hesitancy Secondary resources are used The research shows that immunization is important for increasing the health condition of children through vaccination programs and it should be maintained properly because it helps to increase the capacity of the body in preventing diseases. Parents are facing vaccine hesitancy and it is effective for maintaining vaccination programs because children are not vaccinated for parents' doubts about efficiency and side effects of vaccines. Proper understanding of vaccines can be maintained by improving the knowledge of parents and the benefits and requirements of vaccines can be understood by parents.
Shen and Dubey, (2019) “Addressing vaccine hesitancy” To provide guidance addressing vaccine hesitancy of parents Secondary resources such as articles from the last 10 years are used The research shows that vaccination hesitancy is very effective for maintaining the immunity of children because parents are not vaccinated their children due to a lack of confidence in vaccines' efficiency. Parents should get information from healthcare professionals about the requirements of vaccination programs and their benefits in maintaining children's health properly. Literacy of parents about health and medical factors should be maintained because it helps to minimize vaccine hesitancy. Parents have doubts about the immunization process through vaccination and for that, they are vaccinated and it should be changed for maintaining the healthy growth of children.
Troiano and Nardi, (2021) “Vaccine hesitancy in the era of COVID-19” To examine vaccine hesitancy toward covid-19 vaccine Secondary resources such as journals and articles are used The research shows that a lack of knowledge about medical factors can cause major issues in health maintenance. Parents have doubts about vaccination requirements and their impact on children's health and as a result, they are following proper vaccination programs for children. Covid-19 is very effective in causing issues in the immunity of children and for that, children are facing issues in maintaining their healthy growth. Discussion with healthcare professionals should be maintained because it helps to gather information about the efficiency of vaccines and their impact on health conditions can be maintained. Children can be easily affected by covid-19 and for that, vaccination is important and parents should understand the efficiency.
Thompson et al. (2023) “Mitigating Vaccine Hesitancy and Building Trust to Prevent Future Measles Outbreaks in England” To analyze MMR vaccine hesitancy and to provide interventions for improvements Secondary resources such as important journals and articles are used The research shows that measles, mumps, and rubella is very effective for children's health and it can be minimized with the help of MMR vaccination programs. Parents are not vaccinating their children with this MMR vaccine because of their lack of understanding. MMR vaccines help to increase immunity in children's bodies and chances of getting infected by these diseases can be minimized. The efficiency of the MMR vaccine should be known by parents because vaccine hesitancy is decreasing the immunization process of children and they can get sick easily.
Nuwarda et al. (2022) “Vaccine Hesitancy: Contemporary Issues and Historical Background” To identify various issues surrounding vaccine hesitancy Secondary resources are used The research shows that vaccination hesitancy is increasing health issues among children because the immunity of children can be increased with vaccination. Parents are not convinced to maintain the vaccination process due to their lack of medical knowledge and their doubts about the impact of vaccines on children's health. Parents should understand the importance of vaccines and as per the vaccination programs, children should be vaccinated. Disability. Low immunity, infections, and other health issues can be seen among children and it can be minimized with vaccination programs. Parents should improve their knowledge about vaccination to minimize vaccine hesitancy and children's health can be improved.
Zhang et al. (2023) “The effects of parent's health literacy and health beliefs on vaccine hesitancy” To investigate the impact of parent health literacy on children's vaccination programs Primary resources such as survey responses of 346 participants are used The research shows that children's vaccination program is dependent on the literacy of parents because vaccine hesitancy can be seen as a lack of literacy. Immunity of children is not maintained properly because parents are not convinced in vaccinated their children. Side effects and importance of vaccines are not clear to parents and for that, children are facing issues in healthy growth maintenance. Health literacy of parents can be improved by maintaining communication with healthcare professionals and it is important for vaccination program development.

3.2 Summary

The analysis of articles is effective in gathering knowledge about vaccine hesitancy and its impact on children's health. Parents' literacy and concept about the importance of vaccines can be useful for increasing vaccination programs and the articles help gather accurate information for research quality maintenance.

CHAPTER 4: Discussion

4.1 Introduction

Discussion of gathered knowledge about the role of patient education in children's vaccination programs is important for the research because it helps to fulfill research objectives. The significance of the findings can be described in the discussion and thematic analysis of objectives are helpful for increasing the efficiency of the research. Themes are effective in analyzing the objectives and as a result, fulfillment of objectives can be maintained.

4.2 Linking with Objectives

Objective 1: “To understand the impacts of vaccine hesitancy on children's immunity and growth”

The analysis of the impact of vaccine hesitancy on children's immunity and growth is effective for maintaining the health condition of children. Vaccination programs are maintained for increasing immunity but hesitancy in getting vaccines can cause diseases and it is effective for growth. Vaccine hesitancy indicates refusal of getting vaccines and for children vaccination is the most important factor. As opined by Nuwarda et al. (2022), parents are not convinced about getting vaccines for children and it is causing issues in children's health such as infections, low immunity, diseases, and other health problems. Parents should gather knowledge about the importance of vaccination because of their inability to understand the benefits of vaccines, and children have to face issues in their health. Issues in body functioning and proper growth can be seen among children and it can be improved by getting proper vaccines. As stated by Hudson and Montelpare, (2021), hesitancy in getting vaccines can be seen due to a lack of knowledge and education of parents and it can be rectified by improving the parent education process. Children's growth and immunity is dependent on vaccination programs because they can be helpful to prevent diseases and healthy growth of children can be maintained.

Theme 1: The vaccination program helps to boost the immunity of children's bodies

The vaccination program is important for increasing the immunity of children because the prevention capacity of diseases can be increased with the help of vaccination. The body of children needs external help for maintaining healthy growth and vaccines provide that support. As opined by Fernandes et al. (2021), different diseases such as measles, whopping cough, Hib, and disability can also be seen due to lack of vaccination. The frequency of getting sick can be observed among children because the basic capacity to prevent diseases are not present in children's body. Starting from birth, children should get vaccines for different diseases and according to the age of the children, the doses or types of vaccines can be changed. As stated by Soares et al. (2021), parents should focus on maintaining the vaccination program properly and it is important for improving the health condition. Children can be able to maintain a healthy life with the help of vaccines and parents must understand the importance of vaccines to improve children's immunity and growth through external support. Immunity can be boosted with proper vaccination process and it is important for children's health condition development.

Theme 2: Vaccine hesitancy can cause issues in fulfilling requirements of children's health

Vaccine hesitancy of parents can be seen due to a lack of knowledge and it is effective for maintaining the health condition of children. A child's body requires immune capacity, different minerals for growth, and external precautions against diseases for healthy development. As opined by Kirbiš (2023), vaccines help to fulfill the requirements of children and for that, as per the age of children proper vaccination programs should be maintained. Parents need the proper concept of the efficiency and impact of vaccines on children's health because as per their knowledge, children can get their vaccination programs properly. As stated by Reno et al. (2021), the education of parents is important for children's health but the lack of knowledge of parents is increasing vaccine hesitancy. Requirements of children in healthy growth can not be fulfilled without a vaccination program and it is important for increasing immunity and healthy growth of children. Vaccine hesitancy is causing major issues in fulfilling the requirements of children for their immunity development and to minimize vaccine hesitancy parents should gather proper knowledge.

Objective 2: “To examine the role of patient education in children vaccination promotion in the UK”

Children's health is the responsibility of parents and as per their concern and knowledge health decisions are made. Children have low immunity so they can be affected by diseases easily and it can be rectified with external support such as vaccines and medicines. As opined by Torracinta et al. (2021), precautions for different diseases can be maintained through the vaccination process and it should be provided to children as per their age and health conditions. Parents should gather information about the vaccination programs for providing vaccines to children for maintaining immunity and healthy growth. Children are not able to get proper vaccines that can increase their immunity to diseases and their growth can be maintained properly. As stated by García-Toledano et al. (2021), health literacy is important for understanding the importance of the vaccination process but the lack of parents' education is increasing doubts about the requirements and efficiency of vaccines. Proper knowledge of vaccines is required for influencing parents and that can be done with the help of healthcare professionals and any kind of doubts about vaccines can be cleared. Children's vaccination promotion can be done properly by parents because their knowledge development can increase the vaccination process and children can be benefited.

Theme 3: Responsibilities of parents can be maintained properly with health education

Health education is important for maintaining parental responsibilities properly because proper knowledge about vaccines and their efficiency can be gathered. As opined by Lin et al. (2021), parents are responsible for maintaining children's vaccination process and it is important for increasing immunity and health growth of children. Education of parents is useful to analyze the impact of vaccines on health condition maintenance and vaccination programs can be maintained for children's health growth. As stated by Jennings et al. (2021), vaccination promotion is important for children and proper knowledge of health can motivate parents in maintaining the promotion properly. Requirements and efficiency of vaccines can be known by this promotion and parents can maintain their responsibility properly. Diseases can minimize the capacity of the immune system and infections and other health issues have to be faced by children. The responsibility of parents in maintaining children's health can be fulfilled with proper knowledge about the vaccination process and it can be maintained with the help of vaccination promotions and healthcare camps.

Theme 4: Children's vaccination promotion is effective in minimizing children's health issues

Many parents have no knowledge about vaccination programs and for that, children are not vaccinated for improving immunity and growth. As opined by Lassi et al. (2021), vaccination promotions are helpful to increase parents' literacy about vaccines and children can be vaccinated for increasing precaution against infections, and diseases, and immunity can be increased. The importance and impact of vaccines in maintaining children's health can be analyzed and proper knowledge can be gathered through vaccination promotion. As stated by Shiri et al. (2021), parents can clear all doubts about vaccination from healthcare professionals and it is important for children's health development process. Children can get vaccines from responsible parents and vaccination promotion helps to increase the knowledge of parents about vaccines. The benefits of vaccines can be known by parents and children's health can be maintained properly. Vaccination promotion can be effective in providing information about the vaccines and it is beneficial for maintaining the health condition of children by providing health vaccines.

Objective 3: “To analyze the challenges in improving patient education about vaccination and its efficiency”

Improvement of patient health is not easy because there are so many issues in maintaining educational factors. Parents are not interested in maintaining the educational process and for that, doubts about vaccines are not discussed. As opined by Vamos et al. (2020), the participation of parents, facilities of learning, and other issues are minimizing the parent education process and as a result, children are not getting vaccinated properly. Some parents are not able to get health education facilities and as a result, children are not getting required vaccines in proper time. Vaccination is important for children for health development and it can be maintained by educating parents about vaccines and its usefulness. Lack of activity for gathering information about vaccines is causing issues in improving the health literacy of parents and it reflects an impact on children's health condition. As stated by Khorram-Manesh et al. (2021), readability of materials, time consumption, knowledge of patients, and other factors are causing issues in maintaining parent educational factors. Parents can gather knowledge about vaccination with proper readable materials and there is a lack of materials and as a result, they are not able to maintain the vaccination process. Parents have limited time to gather knowledge and it is effective for increasing health literacy.

Theme 5: Improvement of patient education can be difficult for lack of participation

Interest and participation of parents are required for improving patient education because the involvement of parents in education is dependent on these factors. As opined by Obohwemu et al. (2022), vaccination promotion is effective for gathering information but parents have not participated in the promotion and proper knowledge can not be gathered. Lack of interest is a major issue in maintaining parent education and as a result, children are not getting vaccines properly. The efficiency of parent education can be increased with the presence of readable materials and time. The vaccine is very important for children's health development but the lack of parents' interest in gathering information is effective for children's health development. As stated by Paterson et al. (2018), improvement of parent education is required for increasing facilities of vaccination but lack of participation is causing major issues and children have to face issues in maintaining immunity and health growth. Parents should get involved with vaccination promotions for knowledge gathering and it is beneficial for increasing health literacy.

Theme 6: The perspective of parents is effective for gathering information about vaccination

The perspective of parents in improving health literacy is important because it helps to maintain the educational process properly. As per parents, immunization is not required for children's health and for that, vaccination is also not required. As opined by Gori et al. (2021), vaccination programs are effective in understanding the importance of vaccines in children's health development but parents are not convinced in getting involved with vaccination programs. Elements of vaccines, side effects, importance, impact, and requirements of vaccines can be known by parents with better understanding and it is provided through vaccination programs. As stated by Shen and Dubey, et al. (2019), the negative perspective of parents is causing major issues in health education. It is important for increasing the ability of parents in fulfilling their responsibilities toward children's health condition improvement. Proper knowledge about vaccines is required for increasing immunity and growth of children and it should be maintained by parents with health literacy.

Objective 4: “To suggest recommendations for increasing the patient education system and vaccination process”

The patient education system can be improved by maintaining some factors such as the help of healthcare professionals, healthcare camps, research about vaccines, and others and it should be maintained by parents for improved health literacy. Parents can gather information about vaccines from healthcare professionals and it is beneficial because they can gather accurate information and it is beneficial for increasing children's vaccination process. As opined by Troiano and Nardi, et al. (2021), doctors, nurses, and other professionals can be helpful to maintain discussions about vaccination and its impact on children. The requirements and efficiency of vaccination should be analyzed by the parents because decisions about children's vaccination are dependent on parents' knowledge. Immunity boosting, precaution against diseases, and growth maintenance vaccines are different and the impact of internal elements on children's health are different. As per children's health condition, the vaccination process is maintained and for that, healthcare professionals can be effective in making decisions about the vaccination process. As stated by Thompson et al. (2023), the usefulness of the vaccination can be maintained if the vaccination process is maintained as per children's health and it can be controlled by parents with health literacy. Schools can be a useful way to maintain the vaccination process because in school important vaccination programs can be provided and parents can gather knowledge about vaccines and its requirement for immunity and disease control.

Theme 7: Participation in healthcare camps is useful for gathering information about vaccines

Healthcare camps are effective for increasing parental education because in these camps detailed information about the vaccination process is discussed. As opined by Nuwarda et al. (2022), healthcare professionals and volunteers can be helpful in providing information about vaccines and parents can understand the importance and impact of vaccines on children's health condition. Healthcare camps are specialized in influencing parents to maintain the vaccination process and it is beneficial for increasing the immunity and growth of children. As stated by Zhang et al. (2023), parents should participate in healthcare camps because they can understand the health condition of children without vaccination, and as per the requirements, vaccination programs can be suggested. Doctors, nurses, and others can help parents for increasing their health literacy and it is important for promoting vaccination programs. Discussion of vaccines can be done properly in healthcare camps and parents can gather accurate information about side effects or other impacts of vaccines on children's health.

Theme 8: Healthcare professionals can be useful in improving patients' health literacy

Health literacy of parents is important for maintaining vaccination programs and children's health condition and it can be improved with the help of healthcare professionals. Doctors and nurses are effective in providing all important and effective information to parents about vaccination and it is beneficial for children. As opined by Rajeh et al. (2023), the health condition of children can be discussed with doctors, and as per the condition and requirements, the vaccination process can be maintained. Immunity can be low for some children and it can be rectified with the help of vaccines and infections, diseases, and other issues can be minimized by vaccines and it is important for parents and children. As stated by Skeens et al. (2022), proper development of health conditions can be maintained with proper health literacy of parents, and communication with healthcare professionals can be beneficial for gathering information. Proper knowledge about elements of vaccines and their impact on children's health can be gathered from healthcare professionals. Parents can increase their efficiency in maintaining vaccination programs with health literacy and it is effective for improving children's health condition.

4.3 Summary

The discussion of objectives along with themes are very effective for fulfilling the purpose of the research and detailed knowledge can be gathered from the discussion. A proper understanding of the objectives is required for maintaining the significance of the research and the main elements can be analyzed properly and effectively. Themes help to describe the objectives properly and the discussion is important for increasing the quality of the research. Vaccination programs and patient education are analyzed properly and the fulfillment of objectives is required for gathering important information and analysis of findings can be done properly. Thematic analysis is beneficial for gathering accurate information and it is important for improving the efficiency of the research. Detailed information is mentioned and it is useful for improving parent health education and the vaccination programs for children.

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CHAPTER 5: Conclusion

5.1 Conclusion

The research is based on vaccine hesitancy and the role of patient education in vaccination promotion in the UK and the research shows that knowledge about vaccination is important for increasing vaccination programs. Health education of parents is important for increasing the vaccination process and children can get proper vaccines as per their health condition. Immunity and health growth of children can be maintained by vaccination and it can be maintained by parental education. Vaccine hesitancy can be minimized with proper knowledge of the vaccine and its internal elements and it is beneficial for children's health condition maintenance. Children can be affected by various diseases and it can be minimized by the vaccination process and parents should maintain the efficiency of vaccination. The importance and impact of vaccines can be known by the parents from healthcare professionals and healthcare camps and children's health condition can be maintained properly. Objectives of the research are fulfilled with appropriate articles and journals and it is important for increasing the quality of the research. The efficiency of vaccination in children's health condition can be known from the research and the requirements of parental health education can be identified. Proper analysis of findings and discussion is done for achieving the results and all important and effective information is maintained in the research for better understanding. Vaccine hesitancy should be removed for better children's health conditions and facilities for parents should be provided for increasing the health literacy of parents. The research is effective in maintaining the quality with appropriate information and it can be beneficial for better health management.

5.2 Research Limitations

The research has all the important information about vaccine hesitancy, vaccination programs, and parent education but the implementation of accurate information is difficult. Important data are present in the research but more detailed knowledge can be implemented for better understanding. Primary resources can be more appreciated for the research because information from parents and healthcare sectors can be gathered. The research is dependent on secondary data and that can be effective for increasing the quality of the research.

5.3 Recommendations

The suggested processes can be effective in improving vaccination programs and vaccine hesitancy can be minimized. Parent health education can be improved by these suggestions and the vaccination process can be improved.

  • Motivational interviews: Motivational interviews of doctors or nurses can be useful for improving the parental education process and it is required for minimizing vaccine hesitancy. The importance of vaccines and their impact can be known through the motivational interview and it is effective for children's health condition development (Charles Shapu et al. 2020).
  • Financial intensives: Financial facilities can be effective in influencing parents in maintaining vaccination programs so children can get proper vaccination processes. Low prices of free vaccination facilities should be provided by the government for improving the vaccination process for children.
  • Vaccine facilities: Schools, hospitals, and even in-home vaccination processes should be provided to increase vaccination of children. Vaccine hesitancy can be minimized with these vaccine facilities and for improved vaccination programs parents can use these facilities (Agdal et al. 2019).
  • Minimizing misinformation: Parents get confused with different information about vaccination and it is effective for improving children's health. Proper knowledge about the vaccine should be provided to parents and misinformation should be minimized for better vaccination program maintenance.

These recommended strategies are useful for increasing the vaccination process and improving the parent health education process. Vaccine hesitancy can be eliminated with these strategies and children can be able to maintain proper health conditions.

5.4 Future Scope

The research can be more effective if primary resources such as a survey or interview can be done for gathering information. The accuracy of data can be increased by the resources and a better understanding of vaccine hesitancy and patient education can be gathered through the research. The research can increase its efficiency by focusing more on a particular age group of children for analysis because the health condition and requirements can be known accurately by age specification. The importance of vaccination can be discussed more effectively with specific age groups of children and it can be useful for research.


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