TH70077E Researching Luxury Organisations Assignment Sample

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1. Introduction Of Researching Luxury Organisations Assignment Sample

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1.1. Overview of the research

The research work elaborative addresses the suitable understanding of assessing the impact of employee benefits and incentives on the work performance of the employees working or associated with MARRIOTT UK. The research in this respect provides for the specific aims and objectives related to the subject matter (Schepers, 2015). Apart from that, the research also addresses a critical evaluation of the subject matter with the views and opinions of the various authors so as to gain a better understanding. The research work also addresses the application of the appropriate methodology structure enabling the authorities to make the apt judgment.

1.2. Understanding of the subject matter

As per the views of De Simone (2015), motivating employees are the key factor that assists in the success of the organization. For the purpose of motivating the employees, it is quite necessary that the authorities provide suitable benefits and incentives to the employees in accordance with the set standards. With this aspect, the company concern can also make an overview on the working operation leading to better performance on part of all the employees. In addition, the authorities must also command on each activity on a continuous basis so as to integrate the personal as well as the organizational objectives in an effective manner (De Simone, 2015).

In accordance with the words of Osabiya (2015), employee benefits and incentives are the factors that will enhance the performance and creates a positive atmosphere in the organization. However, the authorities are required to set suitable standards in this respect to managing with the performance. Also, the authorities are required to make an overview of the needs of the employees so as to manage the performance in an accordance manner (Osabiya, 2015).

1.3. The rationale of the research

The main reason for the selection of the subject matter is to address the need to provide benefits and incentives to the employees of MARRIOTT UK so as to enhance their performance level. Further provided, the research work is conducted to analyze the impact of such a move. Further provided, another reason for the selection of the research is to attain suitable growth and success with the analysis of the customer needs that can be addressed only with the motivated and good workforce (Schepers, 2015). Also, the reduction of employee turnover is also one of the aspects that are considered for the research work.

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1.4. Aims and Objectives

Aim: The main aim of the research work is to have a good assessment of the impact of the employee benefit and incentives on performance in MARRIOTT UK.


The various objectives that are associated with the research work majorly and primarily include:

  • To assess the performance of the employees after providing suitable benefits in MARRIOTT UK.
  • To formulate a strategy so as to manage with the performance level of the employees. Also, to formulate strategy to enhance the effectiveness of the poor dignity of the employee benefits.
  • To formulate a systematic pattern that can address the employee benefits and incentives in accordance with the organization's terms and conditions.
  • To critically evaluate the various parameters associated with the subject matter so as to make a suitable and apt decision

2. Literature Review

2.1. Understanding of the impact of the employee benefits and incentives on employee performance

As per the words of Shahzadi, et. al (2014), there are series of the complexities and issues in the work operation due to series of variations taking place in the external environment. Such complexities tend to affect the work operation and the growth prospects of the concern in a great manner. To manage such complexities one of the major factors that are to be considered to ensure smooth operation is a motivated workforce that can manage the terms of the external environment (Shahzadi, et. al., 2014) The author further address and elaborates that in the current context taking due care of the employees is very significant in order to perform with the hard work in order to attain the organizational goals. The author also elaborates that in hospitality organizations such as MARRIOTT UK, there are series of the activities involved. For such an industry addressing of the customer needs is a matter of prime concern (Anitha, 2014). This aspect can be attained with a motivated workforce who can perform towards the working patterns in the best optimal manner.

2.2. Benefits that can be gained by the authorities’ by addressing the subject matter

 In the views of Suryanarayanan, et. al (2021), employee benefits and incentives are the factors that play a major and effective role in motivating the employees and enhance their level of performance in an effective manner. The author further address that many hospitality organizations are taking care of the employee well-being by providing compensation and benefits in terms of remuneration, allowance, promotion, and also incentive (Anitha, 2014). However, the author addresses that compensation and benefits are given to the employee on the basis of the performance. The author embarks that the main motive of providing employee benefits and incentives is to enhance the employee productivity and performance (Suryanarayanan, et. al., 2021).

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Employees are one of the most essential and valuable resources of the organization as they are the prime element that assists in the providing of good quality (Spisakova, 2019). However, it has been observed that one of the major responsibilities of the employees is to address the needs of the consumer. The author in this respect elaborates that to address the needs of the consumer; employees must make proper use of skills and must be dedicated to the organization. For the purpose, to make the employees committed towards the work operation of the organization, it is necessary that the authorities provide appropriate incentives so that their personal benefits can also be attained (Suryanarayanan, et. al., 2021). This will play a major role in creating a positive impact on the performance.

2.3. Strategies that can be used to address the employee benefits and incentives to enhance the performance

As per the views of Laundon, et. al (2019), there are various strategies that provide suitable assistance to the authority concern particularly of the hospitality organization in addressing employee benefits. These strategies can play a major role in a smooth and systematic operation. However, the author further addresses that these strategies are required to be properly analyzed in accordance with the needs and requirements of the employees as well as the overall organization. In addition, the strategies must be properly and effectively applied in order to gain the maximum benefits (Laundon, et. al., 2019)

One of the major strategies that can be addressed or applied in the hospitality organization is taking a proactive approach to employee benefits. The author addresses that the application of the concerned approach will assist in the addressing the needs of the employee and aligning them with the external environment (Dunderdale, 2018). This will assist the employees in enriching their skills and this prospect motivates them to perform well. As such this factor can act as a major employee benefit that can lead to effective growth and success. However, the application of the concerned strategy requires a lot of time that leads to delay in the work operation.

As per the opinion of Holton, et. al (2016), another strategy that can be used by the management of the hospitality organization is providing rewards and recognition in terms of incentives. With the aid of the concerned strategy, the employees can gain recognition that acts as a positive factor in motivating the employees. As such the authorities must focus on the setting of the suitable standards and measure them against the performance. The concerned strategy is highly useful and supports the gaining of the effective insights leading to the attainment of the aims and objectives associated with the research work (Holton, et. al., 2016).

In accordance with the views of Galanaki, (2019), another strategy that can be used by the authorities in relation to the enhancement of the performance related to the employee benefits is the application of the digital strategy. The author further addresses that transforming the work operation from a manual to a digital basis plays an extensive role in motivating the workforce and ensuring their optimal contribution. However, the authorities are required to make a proper analysis of the consumer needs to effectively meet the external variations (Galanaki, 2019).

2.4. Recommendations related to the subject matter

As per the views of Thiriku and Were (2016), benefits to the employees must be taken into priority by the business organization in an effective manner. This is because it is a major factor that contributes to creating a positive and optimistic environment. Also, it has been recommended that the incentives and benefits to the employees must be based and formulated by setting suitable standards. This will assist the authorities in overview the performance of all the employees leading to better and systematic working operations. In addition, it has also been recommended that the authority concern make a proper application of the strategies related to the subject matter (Thiriku and Were, 2016). This is because it assists in the alignment of the activities both internal and external in an effective manner.

In accordance with the words of Shahzadi, et. al (2014), it has also been addressed and suggested that the authorities of the hospitality organization must analyze and evaluate the various strategies in an appropriate manner so that to gain useful insights. Such insights or suggestions can be used for future reference leading to better and effective decisions.

2.5. Research gap

While addressing the research work series of the limitations are addressed with respect to the subject matter Such limitations are of major consideration and must be taken due care. One of the major limitations that are addressed in the concerned research includes that information gathered is used in different perspectives (Kim, et. al., 2012). This leads to series of the issues in understanding the subject matter. Another limitation that is addressed in the research work is the type of methodology that is used in the research work. The methodology used is qualitative that does not support the making of suitable comparisons. As such an adequate decision cannot be taken. (Kim, et. al., 2012).

3. Methodology

As per the views of Collumbien, et. al (2012), research methodology is a process or technique that is used by the authorities to identify, select, process, and analyze the related information about the subject matter. The application of the suitable methodology will assist the readers or the users in the evaluation of the factors and attaining validity and reliability. In the context of the current research work, proper addressing of the methods has been made. Also, consideration of the population and sample size is overviewed (Collumbien, et. al., 2012).

3.1. Methods

To analyze and address the factors and significance of the subject matter the information has been gathered from both the qualitative and quantitative approaches. Qualitative approach assists in gathering of theoretical data that thereby enables the authorities in gaining in-depth information about the subject matter. Also, the concerned approach supports in gaining the views and opinions of the various authors leading to a better decision. Also, a quantitative approach has been used to make a suitable comparison of the requisite data. These aspects assist in addressing the current needs as well as the forecasting of future needs. The quantitative approach is quite useful but requires a lot of time and cost in the assortment of the data.

In the context of the current research work, a mixed methodology has been used so as to attain a broader command that can address the aims and objectives in an effective manner. Apart from that, it has been addressed in the current research work that the data is assorted taking into consideration both the primary and secondary methods of data collection. The primary method assists in the collection of the first-hand information that can be taken with the help of questionnaires, interviews, etc. The data obtained with this method provides for a suitable level of reliability and accountability (Cope, 2014). However, making use of the method leads to delay in the decision-making process as it involves a lot of time. On the other hand, the secondary data provides for the theoretical perspective and the views and opinions of the various authors. However, this method can provide less reliable outcomes due to bias judgment.

In this respect, it has been recommended to the authorities concern of Marriott UK to analyze and evaluate various perspectives so as to gain the pros and cons leading to better judgment (Wahyuni, 2012).

3.2. Population

The data in the context of the current research work is assorted from the key parties that are associated with Marriott UK. It involves the Board of Directors, a panel of experts, employers, Chief executive officer, etc. The selection is made to gain a broader perspective leading to suitable changes. This will also assist in the attainment of the objectives (Bhattacherjee, 2012).

3.3. Sampling technique

There are various types of techniques that are related to sampling and can be of major use to the organization. However, it is required that proper facts are considered by the authorities to select the best one. In the context of the current research work the sampling technique that is used involves systematic sampling. Systematic sampling enables the authorities to select the individuals at regular intervals from the sampling frame. The concerned technique is quite useful as it supports the conduct of the operations in a proper manner (Cope, 2014)

3.4. Sample size

The sample size for the current research work involves 50 members that include key parties associated with the hospitality industry (Marriot UK). Also, the consideration of the employees is also involved for a better understanding of the subject matter.

3.5. Time plan


Opening Date

Closing Date


Identification of the subject matter

April 1, 2021

April 2, 2021

2 Days

Formulation of the aims and objectives

April 3, 2021

April 9, 2021

7 Days

Overview of the Literature

April 10, 2021

April 19, 2021

10 Days

Selection of the methodology

April 20, 2021

April 24, 2021

5 Days

Analysis and evaluation

April 25, 2021

April 28, 2021

4 Days

Addressing the outcomes

April 29, 2021

April 29, 2021


Recommendations and suggestions

April 30, 2021

April 30, 2021


3.6. Gantt chart

4. References

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