Relationship Between Eco Hotels And Local Communities

Highlighting how eco-hotels can support and preserve local cultures

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Table of Contents
66 Pages 16536 Words

Chapter 1: Introduction Of Relationship Between Eco - Hotels And Local Communities

1.1 Background OF Growth and boost of the economic activity are involved by tourism which is improving the brand image of the company.

Ecotourism refers to the travelling concept around natural areas in a specific touristic country. Tourism is boosting the revenue of economy and develop common infrastructure of the country. Growth and boost of economic activity are involved by the tourism which is improving the brand image of the company. As per the view of Kalayaan et al. (2021), Eco-tourism also conserves the natural environment by complying with proper techniques and resources.

Opening eco-hotel in those areas will increase many opportunities to the local community as it provides employment opportunities though which standard of living may increase. Economic benefits provided by the travellers enhance the productivity and sustainability of the local community as they get both financial and physical support from the travelling organizations such as hotels and resorts. Environmentally friendly conservation is involving sustainable concept which is attract numerous travellers to the eco-tourism industry. The tourism factor has created a draws parallels between risk and choosing the hazards of self-employment, financial insecurity, and potential business death over the relative safety of waged employment. In these chapters, the research will demonstrate the importance and requirement of eco-hotels in the economic zones to attract more travellers and to enhance the local community standards. As stated by Sanchez et al. (2021), improving the lifestyle can increase the livelihood of the people to make various changes in their current lifestyle. Symbiotic relationship refers to the near and long-term interaction between two parties or two different biological organisms. The local community has differed from social entrepreneurs by maintaining an economic rather than a social mission. Ethics, tourism and risks are the key concepts of the eco-tourism. Entrepreneurship in eco-tourism has largely focused on the small business performance.

The relationship between the rural communities and the eco hotels shows a symbiotic relationship where both are dependent on each other. As stated by Agag and Colmekcioglu (2020), if travellers don't travel to those natural areas, then the local community will not grow. The key concepts regarding the establishment of eco-hotel in the eco areas show the non-toxic elements that help on growing. A smoke-free environment, usage of renewable energies, 100% organic products and chemical free substances are used. Here the research study is organized to make the reader understand sustainable development and the future work. As mentioned by Seraphin and Thanh (2020), eco hotels are also known as green hotels which are mainly made to make the areas more environmentally friendly and to adopt energy conservation measures. In order to embrace the sustainability concept, these hotels are made to attract travellers to the eco-tourism industry.

The case study of Alila Fort and Bishangarh deals with the eco-friendly and the local communities. It defines the sustainability of the eco-friendly hotels that are made to support the nature. The sustainability of the eco-friendly hotels provides many opportunities for the society to grow and sustain. The case study deals with the nature-oriented hotels that is most suitable for every person. This creates the job opportunity for the people and also gives wider employment scope in the society. According to the ethical perspective monetary risks which has related to the entrepreneur’s fiduciary responsibilities. Sometimes natural resources are related to the sustainability which is clearly reflects the core elements which is elaborate sustainable development of the research. Local community is the major difficulties as a competitor which is disconnects huge connections between the natural zone and organization. The changes in eco destinations or the eco travelling showing a beneficial impact on the behaviours of the individual are also reflected through this. The connection between environmental sustainability and eco-tourism can be ascertained through this research. The research also provides a suitable solution to combat the challenges faced in this tourism sector.

1.2 Aim and objectives


Sustainable development of Eco-hotel is focusing on the sustainable development which is necessary to identify different features of eco hotels. Ecotourism helps local community by providing alternate sources to the locality which is more sustainable. This is important as it help in reducing the toxic emissions in the society. It also helps in improving the performance that effects the stakeholders in context of the eco-friendly hotels and local communities. The m aim of the stakeholder here is to meet all the strategic objectives that is contributed with the help of experience and perspective of the project.

The main aim of the study is to understand the relationship between eco-hotels and local communities, and how this helps sustainable development in terms of eco-tourism.


  1. To investigate levels of community stakeholder engagement with the case study.
  2. To explore the benefits provided between Eco-hotels and the Local community.
  3. To explore challenges in Eco-Hotels and community.
  4. To provide recommendations for healthy and sustainable relations between Eco-hotels and local communities.

1.3 Proposed methodology

The methodology is the overarching strategy to illustrate the research study.

Interpretivism Research philosophy” is used to analyse the collected data in an efficient way. As stated by Yakovenko et al. (2021), the phenomenon of the research can be visible by its selected philosophy. For the research approach inductive research is used by the researcher to accomplish the research objectives. “ Explanatory research design” is being used by the researcher to comprehend the stated subject of the research. This research design approach shows how a specific phenomenon rises while doing research in the tourism industry to showcase sustainability development. In order to make predictions for the future, this research approach is required because it makes a clear conception of the detailed results (Machnik 2021). For the data collection technique “ primary qualitative data and secondary qualitative data ” are elevated with thematic analysis regarding the topic. The primary data is collected by the researcher for the specific ad particular use in the study. The researchhave been made by the researcher ajnd all the information a have been gathered by the researcher themselves.

The descriptive analysis method is used for the analysis process of the researched data. The “ non-probability sampling method” is used to collect the data and to present in the secondary qualitative method. As per the view of Yang and Duan (2020), in order to get a satisfactory outcome from the research paper, it can be stated that the abovementioned approaches, techniques and design can bring favourable outcomes from this study. The analysis may affect the knowledge of the researcher as well as the learners. The above-written aim and objectives can be fulfilled by drawing these techniques for the research. The proposed methodology reflects the accurate techniques to complete the whole research study in a systematic way. The outcomes after applying these methodologies can bring favourable changes to the eco-spots and destinations that mainly influence the native and indigenous communities to enhance their lifestyle.

Eco hotels are fully integrated in the environment without hampering the environment, and also participate in some path to develop and progress the local communities. Eco hotels help local communities through revenue, enhanced tax, capital investment, promotion, tourism related improvement and also sponsorship and charitable contribution. It helps travellers to study the local people, their culture and their environments and also how to live eco-friendly. Eco friendly hotels are adapted to a sustainable path and product to protect the environment. Aila Fort is an eco-hotel located in Bishangarh village in Jaipur district. Eco hotels are mostly more affordable, when these hotels apply eco-friendly ideas, they cut off the budget. These hotels are healthier than other hotels, and also bring smoke control areas. Fiduciary responsibilities are created on trust and long-term strong commitment. The breakdown of trust is the greatest threat to business success and trust can only be established through ethical behaviour. It helps to explains that the creation of the profit optimization and it can build a strong bridge between the ethical behaviour and monetary risks.

Chapter 2: Literature review

2.1. Introduction

This chapter is going to explore literature relating to the symbiotic relationship between eco-hotels and the local community. The advantages of eco-hotels will explore the impact on the local community. Eco-tourism is a futuristic tourism approach for improvising the environmental conditions. The topic is going to be analysed firstly through primary data. Hence, the literature review is the crucial section that covers all previous researches about the research topic. The main outcome will be to create a newjob opportunity, which is going to determine the research topic with various angles for further progress of research.

This chapter is going to focus on research and cover all the issues and the impact of the symbiotic relationship between eco-hotels and the local community. The literature review section is also going to explore an effective comparison of the historical context of eco-hotels. Additionally, eco-hotels are related to different information like advantages and challenges to establishing an eco-friendly hotel in the tourism industry (Yadegaridehkordi et al. 2021). This chapter adds a more informative analysis regarding stakeholders that would explore another prospect related to eco-hotels. Stakeholders as a community would explore the impact on the community by eco-hotels that will pursue the importance of this research (Bolívar Díaz et al. 2021). Symbiotic Relations will be described by Symbiosis Theory, which is going to present benefits in eco-hotel and community relations. Another prospect is challenging regarding eco-hotel and the community would be presented to describe the different angles of research.

In this case study, the above-stated symbiotic relationship is addressed by the researcher between the eco-hotel and the local community. As opined by Abdou et al. (2022), environmental suitability is very important to conserve the natural resources were conserving the inhabitants, and natural areas can bring the livelihood close to nature. Obsolescence of natural resources hindering various things such as climate changes, pollution, temperature, disasters and wind energies. Functional risks that are relates to the ability of the perform or any function and it also constitutes a practical risk which enables to perform as required. In order to reduce these issues, the sustainability concept is introduced by the ecotourism organizations’ where the implementation of a green hotel can bring vast changes (Kocabulut et al. 2019). This bilateral relationship shows effective results which can be shown by enhancing the tours and people mindset.

2.2. Eco-hotels

2.2.1 Definition

Continuous awareness regarding improvement of the environment quality creates such activity that is not harmful to the environment as well as society. Considering this factor, the hotel industry shifted to eco-friendly hotels that reduce the toxic impact on the environment. The feature of an eco-hotel is providing a harmless impact on the environment, which is improvising the quality of the environment. Through the implementation of a green approach in hotels develops the environment quality by air (Aksu et al. 2021). In the hotel industry, consumption and wastage of water create a lack of water supply to the local community, where eco-hotels are preserving water to reduce the waste quantity of water (Nasser et al. 2021). Eco-hotels focus on using green energy in hotel premises that improvise the use of energy resources as per requirement. Meanwhile, using resources with managerial activity improvises waste management-related operations in eco-hotels. Additionally, benefits are being used by adopting different strategic resource management to reduce the cost of resources along with attracting tourists for more revenue gain (Medina Córdoba et al. 2019). The traditional hotel industry’s activity influences the local community. Through, eco-hotels natural resource management, and positive impact on the local community improvise natural balance.

Eco-hotels focus on environment quality development where operational activities operate for less harmful impact on the environment. Based on the operational activity of eco-hotels, they are presenting different structural activities to manage waste and improve the quality of service to tourists. The ecotourism industry is focusing on environmental activity to improve quality of natural resources. The prospect of an eco-hotel maintains the progress of the eco-friendly movement along with the further prospect of development in environmental activity. Control does not equal to ownership of the tourism company and many tourism entrepreneurs has considered a family progression of the business within the family throughout the generations. Perception of the functional risks has also appeared a high risks among the tourism entrepreneurs. Additionally, the activity of eco-hotels is focused on environmental growth that would deliver a positive impact on the local community. The hotels are focusing on using green energy in hotel premises that improvise the use of energy resources as per requirement. Meanwhile, using resources with managerial activity improvises waste management-related operations in eco-hotels. Eco-tourism growth is dependent on less impact on the environment through the adoption of eco-friendly activities (Said et al. 2021). Hence, the use of natural resources in a limited way contributes to social responsibility to the local community. Water pollution by traditional tourism activity is around 45%, which is impacting the local community as water shortage and greater use of high-volume water (Cui and Mengting, 2018). According to water shortage activity in tourism, activity has been developed by an eco-hotels operation where water shortage has been resolved by reuse of wastewater operations.

2.2.2 Key characteristics

Characteristics of eco-hotels are being conducted with different approaches and elements, which improvise a positive impact to nature (Astuti and Ermawati, 2020). The quality of eco-hotels is providing different characteristics which are evaluated below with proper analysis (Singh, 2022).Housekeeping activities of eco-hotels use non-toxic clearing agents to reduce environmental impact. Another laundry-related operation creates water and soil pollution, where using organic elements for laundry activity improves soil quality. Using renewable energy in hotel premises is another characteristic of eco-hotel, which saves natural resources. Through this activity, the eco-hotel contributes harmless activity to the local community. Waste management activity in eco-hotels performing through using of recycling bins and reuse of wastage by recycling activity. Although, using resources like water use by implementing reuses activity in hotel operations. Although, the prospect of an eco-hotel maintains the progress of the eco-friendly movement along with the further prospect of development in environmental activity.Onsite transportation activity by green vehicles, this activity reduces carbon emissions and also delivers a carbon-free environment to the local community. Less carbon emission in transportation of active foods improves the air quality of the environment. Serving organic foods to tourists in hotels to improvise local economic conditions. Fresh air system exchange activity improves the quality of air by distributing fresh air to the local community (Bagheri et al. 2020). Energy efficient lighting use in organization operation improvise energy serving activity by eco-hotels. Although, the prospect of an eco-hotel maintains the progress of the eco-friendly movement along with the further prospect of development in environmental activity. Non-disposable elements used in hotel operation improvise the quality of waste management along with reducing the different toxic impacts on the local community.

Newspaper recycling programs operated by eco-hotels to improve the environment quality and recycling of newspapers are also used as a resource for further operation. Although, the productivity of eco-hotel gets benefited by reducing expenditure on waste management. The most important characteristic of eco-hotel is not giving permission for smoking, which makes awareness regarding environmental quality improvement. Due to tourist infiltration in hotels increased carbon emission creation through smoking habits. In eco-hotels smoking, prohibited rules are strictly followed to maintain air quality. Psychological risk which has consisted of the consists of the affiliations and status and the entrepreneurship has assumed the responsibility for the tourism action. To reduce soil pollution, eco-hotel uses organic soap and amenities instead of chemical contained soaps for tourists. Although, the prospect of an eco-hotel is to improvise activity to produce fewer toxic elements for the environment (Rawashdeh and Al-Ababneh, 2021). Based on the previous activity of resource reuse through resource management, not only contributing positive results to the environment as well as contributing to the local community has been incurred. Meanwhile, organic food products serving tourists develop the health quality of the community with economic benefits to the hotel industry.Awareness regarding environmental quality is a prime matter for tourists where eco-hotel activities attract customers by natural features. Plantation of trees on hotel premises improves the quality of air and green percentage on hotel premises (Iosifidis, 2020). Through this activity, eco-hotels become the most admirable hotel for tourists. Although, increasing the percentage of green in eco-hotels improves environmental quality and contributes fresh air to the local community.

2.3. Community relations

Community relation with eco-tourism depends on the activity or operations of hotels where the impact of these operations determining the relationship with the local community. Although, contribution to the local community is dependent on the activity of eco-hotel that improve the quality of service to tourists. Additionally, the eco-friendly activity of eco-hotels impacts the local community through environmental growth (Aristizábal Gaviria et al. 2020). Using green energy and water management activities develops water supply to the local communities, which also reduces water shortage issues in the local community. Community relations consist of stakeholders involved with the ecotourism industry, which means positive and negative impacts on those stakeholders (Salem et al. 2022). According to the prospect, eco-hotels would be developed by adopting new strategic activities to improve the environmental condition of the local community. Additionally, environment-related activity considers productivity in environment quality by adopting new technologies for environmental growth.

2.3.1 Stakeholder Theory and Stakeholder Involvement

Stakeholder theory focuses on internal and external stakeholders where internal and external stakeholders influenced by the specific organization would be discussed for evaluation of stakeholders' involvement (Freeman et al. 2021). According to stakeholder theory, internal stakeholders of eco-hotel would be identified as employees, management, and owners. On the other side external stakeholders are the local community, government, society, shareholders, and customers. The stakeholder’s theory determines the ultimate aims of the corporation and also determines the activity of the mangers, entrepreneurs. This is beneficial as it generates higher productivity by gaining the satisfaction of the employees. The entrepreneur has taken a risky business and the tourism industry has completely related with entrepreneurial activity. The main principle of this theory ids to seek and maximize true value for the shareholders. The manini principles are to acknowledge, monitor and also communicate. The stakeholders are important to enhance the decision making power in the company and the hotel.

The main role of the stakeholder is to meet the strategic objective with the help of the experience and perspective in the entire project. It helps in monitoring the activities of the business and also determining the Prices and also in creating basic expectation in services. Internal stakeholders of eco-hotels are employees, managers, and owners, where employees are adopting new activities to improve environmental quality. Adopting new activities like the use of minimal natural resources improvise environmental quality. A more effective approach in operational activity would be implemented by resource management activity (AgudeloGiraldo and Márquez Arabia, 2022). Adoption of activity to improve environmental quality in hotel premises improvise activity of employees. Additionally, the profitability of eco-hotels would be evaluated by more tourism acquisitions, which provide positivity to employees. Survival intelligence can be defined as the coping machines which has completely based on the relationships with other stakeholders and it helps to gain mutual, survival forms a crucial, long-term viability. The increment of tourists in eco-hotel demand is continuously growing in recent years, which is creating more employment in the hotel industry. Additionally, the management of eco-hotel is looking forward to portability by revenue growth, where adopting eco-friendly activity makes revenue growth at a higher level (Aleksandrovna et al. 2021). Through, revenue percentage increment management aims to achieve and secondly long-term prospect of this industry signing more growth in the future. As per the view of management, net profitability should be raised after deduction of all expenditures where adoption of renewable energy saves the cost of operation. Indirectly net profitability increases by adopting environment-friendly activity.

Analysis of the prospect of owners in the eco-hotel industry, implantation of new activity has oriented with cost consumption and investment of large amounts for operation continuation. According to the prospect, owners are focusing on profitability by more tourist acquisition, where an eco-friendly approach in business operation develops resource management related activity (Torres Alfonso, 2022). Although, productivity and operation of eco-hotel reduce the cost of operation that helps to gain more profitability by adopting renewable energy. Although, using the reusable element in operation indirectly saves the expenditure of eco-hotels that would impact profitability. Along with less consumption of energy-related elements are providing less expenditure in tourism management, which acts as expenditure reduce activity.

External stakeholders

External stakeholders of eco-hotels consider suppliers and society, government, creditors, and the local community. Considering the influence of eco-hotel on society provides an impact on societal factors. In eco-hotels use of waste management impacts positively and improves the quality of social factors. According to corporate social responsibility, organizations are a part of society, which needs to play an important role in the development of societal factors. In addition, eco-friendly activities are operated by eco-hotel, which provide benefits in the water supply as well as maintain the quality of air. Through positive factors, eco-hotels perform corporate social responsibility (CSR) by controlling the wastage of natural resources. Another prospect is the use of renewable energy, which impacts a positive society where energy could be supplied to the local community as per the requirements.

Another external stakeholder is shareholders, who are the primary source of financial resources. According to the increasing demand for eco-tourism investors invest their funds for wealth creation. Adopting eco-friendly activities like less use of natural resources, less consumption of water, and planting of trees attract tourists which leads to more profit from organizational activity. Shareholders' stake has been remaining consonant by adopting new eco-friendly activities in the eco-hotel industry (Giao et al. 2021). The food quality of eco hotels is being maintained by the use of organic elements that provide a healthy diet to tourists, which indirectly attracts new tourists. Meanwhile, year-on-year growth in revenue continuously increases the wealth of stakeholders.

The local community is the important external stakeholder for eco-hotels, which leads to eco-hotels influence on the local community. According to eco-hotels, features are providing less harmful activity for environmental growth. Hence, in some of the economical regions based on the tourism industry where the environmental crisis has been identified due to over use of natural resources (Rahmawati et al. 2021). For example, hotels are operating daily activities by using extreme volumes of water to make a crisis in the water supply for the local community. Adopting reuse activity in eco-hotels makes the supply of water at a normal level in the local community. Establishing a business in a specific region also influences the economic factors of the local community through indirect participation in sales growth. Adult awareness regarding tourism provides a more effective decision-making activity for eco-tourism would help to attract potential tourists.

2.3.2 The Community as a Stakeholder

Community as a stakeholder has been defined as the responsibility of eco-hotel to the local community. Although operating hotels activity considering eco-friendly activity would implement an effective approach to make availability of resources to the local community. Additionally, the result is that proper management techniques are being followed by eco-hotels that reduce the overuse of major factors in tourism management (Yulianeu et al. 2021). Community relation with eco-tourism can also help to enhance the performances of local people, which can identify sustainability in its operating positions. Therefore, local communities can generate beneficial aspects in terms of applying these procedures in the operational activities.

The communities can enhance the supply of requirements of the tourists so that local people and the major tourists can enjoy the services of these hotels. Additionally, less use of toxic products in cleaning activity prevents soil pollution that enhances the quality of the soil. The plantation of trees on hotel premises generates more oxygen for the environment, which helps to maintain environmental balance(Aleksandrovna et al. 2021). Although, using natural resource management techniques in hotel operation improvise the quality of the environment, which is presenting a positive influence on the local community. Hence, environmental growth-oriented activities in eco-hotel develop the local community's social and environmental development.

2.4 Symbiotic Relations between Eco-hotel and Community

2.4.1 The Symbiosis Theory

The symbiotic relationship is the interaction between the two or more different parties that is long-term and provides biological organisms. The relationship between the eco hotels and the rural communities are dependent on each other. The travellers are the one who needs to travel to the local community and the natural areas in order to grow the community. As prescribed by Stangel et al. ( 2021), the symbiotic relationship is well known between the local community and the eco-hotel that has been provided by the researcher. Sustainability is important to protect the natural resources and the inhabitants. Natural resources tend to protect the environment by reducing the pollution, disasters, climate changes and also the wind energies.

The symbiotic theory helps with the evolution of stakeholders that is examined. The evolution of the stakeholders is analysed by using the method of analysis and the theory of evolution. This is a kind of graphical representation that helps the evolution process to the stakeholders and this is reflected by models of the theory as well as it also benefits the model of the symbiosis. As mentioned by Sanchez (2021), the symbiosis theory describes the approach in the exchange of materials, services and energy. The theory is important in corporate sustainability as it help in mitigating the risk and footprint in the firms.

2.4.2 benefits in eco-hotel and community relations

The benefits of staying in an eco-hotel are that it is environmentally friendly. The hotels are cheaper as compared to the other hotels. It is affordable as well as eco-friendly. It is known to be a green hotel and can reduce the budget. It also helps in reducing the footprint. These are the green hotels that are healthier in nature. Beside this the hotel also has areas of smoke control to protect nature. As stated by Tissera et al . (2021), the benefits of the local community are that it increases the health of the community economically and it also has the ability to boost up employment. The local community has a base of loyal customers in their organization. It increases the bodies of the local government. The local communities are specially run by the small business. The utilization of soil and water can create a better development of the societal aspects. On the other hand, the satisfactory supply of water in the hotel rooms can attract tourists. Moreover, implementing better quality of soil can help to plant more trees in the garden area. It can increase the beauty of the eco-hotel and decoration of entire hotel can be improved. Hence, developing the quality of soil can help to build more hotels around the major hotel areas. Moreover, it can also develop services of required water in the hotel rooms. However, entire service facilities can visibly be enhanced in this factor.

The mutual benefit in between the eco hotel and the local community is that it provides employment and increases the job in the locality by providing employment to many people. Besides having this mutual benefit from their eco hotel and the community location also mitigates the impact of the environment and supporters the community. It provides the benefits to the people to invest in the community in future. As opined by Ajoon (2021), the mutual benefit is that the tax that is being allocated is for goods use, to benefit the society and also using the public services in comparison with the owned stores. In both the aspects the community can get the better services which should be actually provided to the people to earn the profit. This describes the sustainability of the organization. The benefits that both the community is having are the limit of wasting the water.

2.4.3 Challenges in eco-hotel and community relationssta

Besides having the opportunity, the common challenges that are being faced by the eco hotels are the challenges in data security. As opined by Qiu (2020), the technology can never be broken and the use of the technology has the benefit of attracting the customers, keeping one step away from the competitors and also to provide the customers with the best services. The growth of the tourism industry shows the potential for future growth where the eco-hotels model would help to expand business with more tourist acquisition. There are various challenges that have been faced by the community itself. The problem of education, unemployment, crime and the violence are the main issues that have been reflected largely. The problems that have been faced by the community are the problem of the power dynamics and also the lack of incentives. The time and money are also a major factor. The hotel is trying to find out growth of the tourism industry shows the potential for future growth where the eco-hotels model would help to expand business with more tourist acquisition.

Furthermore, there are vicarious problems that have been faced by the co-hotels and the community relation. Threatening the indigenous cultures is the major problem. The economy is being used and the risk that is being faced by the perception of the customers. Both the communities are facing the problem of the new regulation that has been applied to both the industries. Moreover, the community is also facing the problem of discrimination, as there are many high communities that are providing better services as that of the small communities. The growth of the tourism industry shows the potential for future growth where the eco-hotels model would help to expand business with more tourist acquisition. The small communities are not growing as they are facing the problem of funds. As described by Agag (2020), the limitation of diversity as well as the development in the economy and the problem of education is the major problem that has been faced by the local community. Furthermore, the major problem that has been faced by the community is that they are not eco-friendly and are affecting the environment. This is the major reason the tourists are not attracted.

2.5 Conclusion

The above discussion regarding eco-hotel impact on the local community helps to conclude that the potentiality of ecotourism depends on the local community. Additionally, awareness regarding environmental improvement and eco-hotels are playing a massive role to improve the condition of the environment. Relation between eco-hotel and local community has established inclusive factors are involved between two entities. The growth of the tourism industry shows the potential for future growth where the eco-hotels model would help to expand business with more tourist acquisition. Additionally, most of the potential customers are belongs to the 20 to 30 age group, where the positive image of hotels toward the local community is important. According to resource management activity of eco-hotels improvise the quality of the environment by adopting new activities. Although, environmental quality is developing through adopting waste management activities along with the development of the new activity to improvise local community development. Psychological risks that have to `manifest themselves in various forms of ethical tourism that can be expressed a sense of unknown ethical tourism entrepreneurship. This research thus has clear implications for the literature, which suggested that monetary risk for tourism entrepreneurs was low, while functional and social risks were deemed as high.

Chapter 3: Methodology

3.1. Research approach and design

The researcher is going to adopt “Interpretivism Research philosophy” to analyze the different factors of the research topic. The collection of data would be effective and relevant to the research topic to identify different analysis results. Along with that, the research approach would be an “inductive approach” to pursue the research objectives (Dankers et al. 2019). Through, an inductive approach would be sure to qualify the research result according to collective data from different sources. Although the prospect of adopting a qualitative design would be used to determine essential information-related results. Also, it helps to provide a different informative approach for further progress in the research process. the descriptive analysis method is chosen by the researcher to explore the collective approach to the research for evaluating the relation of the local community with eco-hotels. Hence, this research design would be followed by researchers to produce relevant results for the research in a large manner. A sort of data collection technique called semi-structured interviews uses questionnaires to elicit replies from candidates. These are a mixture of structured and unstructured interviews that may be quickly identified with the aid of the participants' inherent viewpoints. Simply by categorizing the qualitative features of the company, the questions may be simply created. These are a mixture of structured and unstructured interviews that may be quickly identified with the aid of the participants' inherent viewpoints. Simply by categorizing the qualitative features of the company, the questions may be simply created.

3.2. Data collection

The data collection method has been chosen by the researcher's approach to the research, where primary and secondary data would be going to be used in this research. Through primary data collecting interviews, the strategy would be followed for further analysis of different facts and result for further analysis of each angle of the research topic. Another approach for data collection would secondary qualitative approach to determine effective results by analysis. A secondary qualitative technique would be another way to collect data and evaluate successful results through analysis. To decide how to proceed with the study issue, it is necessary to identify the data gathering activity.

The researcher will use the "Interpretivism Research philosophy" to examine the many aspects of the research question. To identify various analysis outcomes, the data collecting would be efficient and pertinent to the research issue. However, the possibility of using a qualitative design would be used to decide on crucial information-related outcomes. In order to advance the study process, it also helps to offer a distinct enlightening method. The method would be applied to distinct facts and results from the main data collection survey in order to further analyse each perspective of the study topic. Secondary qualitative approaches to identify effective results through analysis would be another method for gathering data. Data collection activity is need to be determined to identify the further approach to the research topic. Primary and secondary data collection methods would be conducted in this research to identify research potentiality to discuss the research topic (Pandey and Pandey, 2021). Furthermore, data collection activity is used in this research to conduct an analysis of the data set with proper analysis.

3.2.1 Secondary data

Secondary data would be collected from articles and journals and websites to provide current information regarding this topic. Although, previous journals would be used to determine previous analysis to present the current analysis. Additionally, different authentic websites would be used to provide information about eco-hotels important in the tourism industry. Along with that, web sites related information would be used to project the actual growth of the tourism industry by adopting the eco-hotel model. Hence, the relation and influence of eco-hotel to the local community would be described by critical analysis. In this chapter the method that will be used to conduct the research has been evaluated. Secondary method has been contemplated vas the effective method for this research and the thematic analysis has been done to analyse the collected data.

3.2.2 Sampling strategy

Sampling strategy refers to the techniques through which a large group is classified by choosing one alternative from the group. There are various methods that are used in sampling methods are “non-probability random sampling, Stratified sampling, Cluster sampling, and stratified sampling”. In the context of the research of eco hotels must be chosen by the research (Agag and Colmekcioglu, 2022). (Pandey and Pandey, 2021). This sampling strategy can show a possible outcome where Favourable feedback can bring more visitors to the eco-hotels.The term "sampling strategy" describes the methods used to categories a big group by selecting one option from the group. Non-probability random sampling, Stratified sampling, Cluster sampling, and stratified sampling are some of the approaches that are utilized in sampling. The researcher can easily quantify this non-random procedure because it requires a huge number of evaluations. As a result, the sample method is mostly developed using convenience sampling. The sampling strategy has been readilyintegrated for the interview participants in which 21 are the sample size. The interview participants will be choosing by using the non profanity samplings through using online method.

3.2.3 Semi-structured interviews

Semi-structured interviews are a type of data collection method where the researcher applies questionnaires to get responses from the candidates. This is also stated that this method is one of the better methods that are used in the following research report. This is basically a type of thematic analysis which reflects the qualitative aspect of the researcher. These are the mix of structured and non-structured interviews that re easily determined with the help of intrinsic views of the participants. The questions are easily made just by classifying the qualitative aspects of the firm. Open-ended interview questions are asked to the participants where the flexibility and usage of these techniques are easily determined. In this, the questions are used that are going to be asked to the participants (Pandey and Pandey, 2021). The goal of the research study is to ascertained the approach through this semi-structured method. This system of taking interviews is more attractive and authentic for the users because it shows accurate results and it can be fulfilled in a short span of time. Therefore, many researchers use this method to gain competence and results in a fair way. The interviews are in the form of face-to-face interview that includes the surveys from more the 150 people. Moreover, the secondary data have also been used that includes the collection of the information from the journal, newspaper and many more.

3.2.4 Thematic analysis

The conduct of thematic analysis is further deemed to be an important aspect of the research methodology. Usage and application of thematic analysis is generally conducted to facilitate fruitful analysis of qualitative primary data (Flemming, 2021). Therefore, by applying thematic analysis, characteristics and detailed nuances of data obtained from sampling strategies. Thematic analysis can be further segregated based on key stages involving familiarization, generating themes, defining themes and providing detailed discussion on thematic analysis and reviews. Therefore, by strategically implementing a thematic analysis a wide range of qualitative methods can be further employed by a researcher to meet the destined objectives and outcomes of the conducted research. In the context of the research study the eco hotels and the visitors to the destined places are clearly shown through these reviews. In the thematic analysis, the views and feedback of the visitors are accessed to a great extent. It can be stated that the application of the above methods and techniques can bring effective results to the research users. The challenges of the operational issues and changing of the trends integrates within the markets daily and the dynamics (Dankers et al. 2019). The major challenge that has been faced by the eco hotel is the problem of the housekeeping and the cash flow that can be irregular often. Moreover, the influx in the economy can be the major problem that can be faced by the eco-hotel. The labour storage is the second most important challenge faced by the hotel and its retaining quality. Furthermore, the technological demand is the part that is the major challenge.

3.3 Ethical considerations and conclusion

In this research the secondary qualitative method has been used to collect information. Thus, thematic analysis could be contemplated as the appropriate strategy to collect and evaluate data to draw the conclusion. Previously done articles will need to be collected and analyzed and the ethical consideration in mandatory for these processes. The major reason is that, articles of other researchers will need to be used with proper citation, as the data could not be represented as the own data. This is the main ethical consideration of the organization. Apart from that, the secondary data has been collected from the authentic site, as the reliability and validity of the data must be maintained. As the thematic analysis has been done through collecting authentic data, thus, the conclusion will be resulted in proper analysis.

In this chapter the method that will be used to conduct the research has been evaluated. Secondary method has been contemplated as the effective method for this research and the thematic analysis has been done to analyses the collected data. A sort of data collection technique called semi-structured interviews uses questionnaires to elicit replies from candidates. These are a mixture of structured and unstructured interviews that may be quickly identified with the aid of the participants' inherent viewpoints. Simply by categorising the qualitative features of the company, the questions may be simply created. These are a mixture of structured and unstructured interviews that may be quickly identified with the aid of the participants' inherent viewpoints. Simply by categorising the qualitative features of the company, the questions may be simply created.


Based on the above context, the thematic analysis is done to showcase the qualitative values that are used in this research paper for the eco-hotels. As the hotel groups need all those elements to incorporate their views in managing the strategies that can be adopted to enhance the hotel operations. The main aim of the hotels is listed with an assumption that in case of high demand the revenue is generated to a great extent, but in case of less demand or pandemic, the losses can create many hurdles that change the lives of the inhabitants and the resident living on that zone. It is also stated that the involvement of stakeholders in managing all their duties and right to increase the effectiveness of the eco-hotels are predictable.

On a general note, it can be stated that the owners evaluate all the conditions and the issues to mitigate them and imply more resources to the firm to mitigate them. The targets that are stated by the owners are reached by the hotel group within the time, by applying the stated theories and models. This show the effectiveness of the hotel group in managing all business functions by clearly and critically evaluating all its responsibilities.

Chapter 4: Case Study

4.1 Introduction Of local communities and the eco-hotels

The chapter is going to explain the relationship between the local communities and the eco-hotels. This part will explain the sustainability of the hotels by creating green jobs. Moreover, the part will also explain the need for globalization where the Alila Fort Bishangarh will be benefited with such steps. Globalization is important for the hotels to grow as it attracts more customers from all parts of the world which preserves it and also increases economic growth. Globalization is extremely important as it can help the business to grow as well as to maximize the profit for the expansion of the organization. Furthermore, corporate responsibility is the most important in which the hotels are creating more jobs for the local communities with providing satisfaction for the employees as well as the customers as well. This corporate responsibility is the process and is most important as it creates more jobs and reduces poverty as well.

4.2 Sustainability promoted by Alila Fort Bishangarh

The case study highlights the benefits of sustainability for restoring the environment which explains the benefits of it in the corporate sectors. The development helps in reducing the pollution as well as provides fresh air for sustainability and green jobs. Eco system is protected as well as reduced with the green jobs with various new customers (Walter, 2021). This is basically to attract the customers from all parties of the owls and creates sustainability for the Alila Fort Bishangarh. The benefit of sustainability can be achieved in various ways such as reducing pollution by recycling waste and taking care of the green environment.

The steps taken by the Alila Fort Bishangarh for the green job can be a better option as it provides the best standard of living and also a better quality of life. Furthermore, it manages the water from the rainwater for various purposes especially the toilet cleaning and rooftop plantation. Natural environment can be preserved as well as it can maintain green jobs with the help of economic growth and making better decisions for the future for sustainability. Besides having this opportunity, it cleans the air and is eco-friendly at the same time and ensures sustainability and development. The eco-hotels are helpful as it boosts the models and helpful in making various innovations for the Alila Fort Bishangarh. The hotels are readily maintaining a positive relationship with the local community which is leading to create benefits in making development and promotion for the future. Beside this, it has been also seen that hotels are creating an employment opportunity for the people of Bishangarh with integrating a better standard of living. It is also generating substantial direct and indirect revenues for local and regional economies.

4.3 Globalization integrated by the Alila Fort Bishangarh

Globalization is the most important part of any business or organization as it helps the organization to grow, attract the customers and make more profit. This can also provide sustainability to the Alila Fort Bishangarh. Furthermore, this is important as it provides the opportunity to the business to grow by attracting many customers from all over the world. It is also important in changing the nations and the perspective of the business to sustain in the market (Purvis et al, 2021). Besides having all this also changes the nature of economics and increases the cash flow for the business and most importantly is beneficial in reducing the piece of the goods that is provided to the customers.

The hotels may be costly for providing the services as very low hotels like Alila Fort Bishangarh provide the green hotel services. The green hotels provide the best goods as it is used for collaboration as well as sharing resources. This provides the chances of quick technological advances with the help of globalization. Moreover, this is important in spreading knowledge and technology as it designs better products at lower prices. Globalization is able to increase the quality of the products as well as to decrease the cost of the products. Various companies such as Nike, Adidas and many more companies have opted for globalization to attract customers and maximize profits and increase the ravine for the particular year. Hence the hotel is improving the quality of life of the local communities with maintain well being of the people through spreading awareness in relation to make sustainability and eco-friendly environment. Hence it is also boosting the local economies with contributing improvement of the local infrastructure through following the main drivers of growth by raising sustainable products.

4.4 Corporate responsibility to create more jobs in Alila Fort Bishangarh

The benefits of corporate responsibility are to create a level of satisfaction for the employees and the customers. According to the case study, it is helpful for the purpose of creating more job opportunities and reducing unemployment. Moreover, this is also beneficial in reducing the things which are against the environment such as the plastic bags to save and protect the environment. Various initiatives are taken for the reduction of the plastic bags to keep the environment clean and safe as well (Tissera et al, 2021). The responsibility includes social, legal, economical responsibility for the people. The employees maintain a high position and can adversely affect the branch as well. It creates the opportunities for reducing the risk of losing all the suppliers and the closure of branches.

The most important function is to create safety and give heart to all the employees working for Alila Fort Bishangarh. Besides having this, the more responsibility creates risk and also for the suppliers to get closure of losing the branches. Natural environment can be preserved as well as it can maintain green jobs with the help of economic growth and making better decisions for the future for sustainability. Globalization is important for the hotels to grow as it attracts more customers from all parts of the world which preserves it and also increases economic growth.

4.5 Wider scope of employment within Alila Fort Bishangarh

The most important part is the wider employment with the help of green hotels that can reduce the impact of environmental sustainability. This is a major part and can also give services to support nature by providing services that are affordable by the customers. The green hotels are the most affordable part and can be cheaper as compared to all other hotels. The hotels are always accepted by the society as it supports nature. The green hotels can be deeply accepted by the company and can create a positive impact on the company (Kalaitan et al, 2021). The services provided here are related to the nature that controls smoking and green hotels are considered to be the happiest hotels.

The impact of the green hotels like Alila Fort Bishangarh creates the eco-friendly nature for the company and can also improve the quality of air. This is basically important for reducing the temperature in the air and can also provide insulation for their building too. The Eco-friendly nature is so important for the environment that it reduces 50% to 75% waste in the air. In order to reduce the impact of the local communities from the society the steps that can be taken into account by the hotel are the recycling incentives, reusing towels and also the ditched bottle water. These are the options that can be applied for improving the quality of air and providing a lower temperature for the air temperature.

4.6 View of corporate citizenship in the Alila Fort Bishangarh

The corporate citizenship puts the level up for all the employees and is important for building the strong communication for all the communities and supporting the customers. One of the major parts of the perspective is increasing and boosting up all the team members. This is the major part and is helpful for the company to play the role of politics for the team members. It is also helpful for playing the role of politics as it can create accountability in the corporate world. Furthermore, this can also be helpful in providing better sustainability to the hotel and also in favor of corporate accountability. This understands corporate accountability as well as it is important for holding the challenges related to globalization. Globalization is important for the hotels to grow as it attracts more customers from all parts of the world which preserves it and also increases economic growth. The benefits of good citizenship are recognizable and also provide a better and positive reputation for the brand itself. The benefit of the corporate citizenship is to make a positive reputation for the brand and also be loyal to the customers to make them attract towards their company. This determines better growth by increasing sales and maximizing profit. The implementation of various resources can be useful and also includes the process of reuse, recycle and recycling as well.

4.7 Steps taken by the Alila Fort Bishangarh for sustainable development

The process is essential as it determines the growth and sustainability of the business as well as increasing the sustainability and mobility. The increase in the demand of the customers determines the growth and sustainability of the company and is also important in eco-labeling. Eco system is protected as well as reduced with the green jobs with various new customers. This is a major part and can also give services to support nature by providing services that are affordable by the customers. Natural environment can be preserved as well as it can maintain green jobs with the help of economic growth and making better decisions for the future for sustainability. The properties that are adopted and the products are effective to protect the whole environment. Sustainable consumption is the most important and is also important for green energy investment.

Sustainable consumption includes all the investment and can be useful for green energy ( Nasser et al, 2021). The major point is the implementation of 3R that is the process of Recycle, Reuse and also Reduce. The hotels can be effective and can also make harvesting with the help of rainwater. These are the most important parts as it can help determine the sustainability of the Alila Fort Bishangarh. The hotels are most vital and cause less damage to nature as well where it determines reducing spending. Furthermore, this is important as it provides the opportunity to the business to grow by attracting many customers from all over the world. The eco-hotels cause less damage to nature and also showcase the reputation.

4.8 Global climate change legislation and business responses

Global climate changes and makes the worst working conditions for the employers including the hotels. Business plays an important role in the change of the climate. The climate change can be increasing the frequency and can be because of the severity of the weather events. The companies should reduce the paper waste and allow telecommunication in the conversation of culture. Furthermore, corporate responsibility is the most important to create more jobs as it can give satisfaction for the employees as well as the customers as well. This can be useful and allows hotels to be eco-friendly. According to the case study, it determines the variable success and can be a coalition that can be disbanded. This is useful as it already reduces legislation for the emissions of carbon and also examines the action plan.

The other issue that can be faced is switching the plans for the company if the company does not benefit from it. This can cause the lack of water and can be the major issue for the growth of trees and plants (Lane et al , 2021). The global marketing market creates volatility for the rice and wheat for the operational changes and efficiencies for the company. This is a major part and can also give services to support nature by providing services that are affordable by the customers. Furthermore, this can also be helpful in providing better sustainability to the hotel and also in favor of corporate accountability.

4.9 Summary

The overall chapter is based on the sustainability of the local communities and eco-hotels. Moreover, the part will also explain the need for globalization where the Alila Fort Bishangarh will be benefited with such steps. This corporate responsibility is the process and is most important as it creates more jobs and reduces poverty as well. Eco system is protected as well as reduced with the green jobs with various new customers. Besides having all this also changes the nature of economics and increases the cash flow for the business and most importantly is beneficial in reducing the piece of the goods that is provided to the customers. Furthermore, it manages the water from the rainwater for various purposes especially the toilet cleaning and rooftop plantation. These are the options that can be applied for improving the quality of air and providing a lower temperature for the air temperature.

Chapter 5: Findings and analysis

5.1 Introduction

The main concept of ecotourism refers to traveling in the natural areas of a specific tourist place. Eco-tourism represents responsible travel to natural areas and it helps in community development by improving the alternate source of livelihood for the local community which is more sustainable. Eco hotels also increase many opportunities for the local community as it provides better employment opportunities though they maintain their standard of living. In the community of the eco-hotel, the green hotels are also included that are healthier and more affordable than the other hotels. There in the study it has been discussed about the secondary data by using interview questions. Different qualitative data has been collected from the social media platform, journals, Google scholar etc. Hence the informative data has been taken from the Alila fort of Bushranger which is situated at Jaipur, Rajasthan.

5.2 Secondary qualitative thematic analysis

Interview Transcript


Response from Local peoples

Can you explain the importance of this hotel in your community?

Through this hotel, the cities have known about the village of Bishangarh as well as they know about local village peoples.

Can you explain the major changes you have seen in your community because of this hotel?

Establishment of this hotel, the village peoples are getting electricity and roads. The village is situated in rural area. Through this hotel the village has been developed.

How is your relationship with hotel staff?

The relationship with the hotel staff and local peoples is very goods. The staff are very humble to the local peoples.

Can you explain what different kinds of help are provided by hotel to this community?

The village is situated in rural area. Therefore, the hotels are providing education towards the child of the village.

What are the different kinds of employment are provided by hotel to the local people?

The hotels will employee the village people on their qualification and behavior. Such as waiter and receptionist.

What are the different kinds of activities are done by the hotel which involves the presence of local people?

The hotels staff is thoroughly involved with the local peoples. Such as celebrating independence days and festivals together

What are the challenges faced by local people?

Some village peoples are facing employment issues in the hotels. Some of them are not qualified so they are not select in employment. This challenge is faced by some local people.


Response from hotel staffs

What are the different types of help hotel staff is getting from local people?

The hotel is situated is outside of the city. The hotels staff is getting the fresh things form the local firms and local diaries such as milks, fresh vegetables and fruits etc.In the village there have a “Daya ki rasoi” which is running by two women. The hotel staff is visited there with the guest in order to experience the village foods. If the hotel staffs are going to the city for any kind of purpose the local peoples are helping to get the public transportation for reach to the city.

How is the behavior of local people towards hotel staff and guests?

The local peoples are also inviting the hotel staffs and guests are in their special occasion and living like a family with the guest and local staffs. The local people are always helpful towards the guest and the employees. Some local peoples have a room which isnotoccupied, so they are providing the rooms to the hotel staff for living. So, the behavior of local people towards the hotel staff and guest is really good.

What is the different activities hotel organizing for the guests that involve local people?

The maximum guest is from the metro cities and the hotel is situated in report location. Therefore, they are arranging different kind of activities for the guest. In the village there is couple of artists so the hotels will hire them and performance for the guest. In the village there have a “Daya ki rasoi” which is running by two women. The hotel staff is visited there with the guest in order to experience the village foods. The hotels members are arranging excursion in which they took the guest near the local house and then enjoy the local dishes with the local peoples for a pie village taste. Also, the hotels staffs are convinced the guest to visit the village diary. In order provide experience the milk processing. Therefore, these types of activities hotel is organizing for the guest that involves the local peoples.

What are the different types of business hotel is providing to the local community?

The hotels have couple of excursion feature for the guest. They are taking the guest to the excursion on the village and they will pay the amount of cash to the local peoples. The hotels have bussed vegetable, fruits form the local village firms. The hotels are empowering the local peoples. The villages peoples are lot of firms the hotel staffs are directly purchase the fresh products from the local people.

What is the different things hotel is doing to stay active in local society?

The hotels will run a campaign regarding the awareness which is related to the diseases, bold donation camps for the local peoples. Also, they are providing education to the village peoples in order to maintain the relationship between the hotels and local peoples. Therefore, these things are done by the hotel in order to stay active in the local society. There has a School near to the hotel village. So, the hotel staffs will provide educational staffs towards the village children. Also, they are providing knowledge on their hotels and also

Can you explain some of the challenges that you are facing from local community or local people?

The hotels are facing a challenge in terms of employment. Because the village peoples have certain limitations as per their qualification. The hotel did not all the employment to the local peoples. Because They did not serve the guest as per the standards. Therefore, this thing is only faced by the customer. They did not get the entire hotel requirement from the village. Also, the hotels staffs are facing the challenge such as procumbent that they need.

Relationship between the eco hotels and the local community

A green hotel is an environmentally sustainable accommodation which is very important for an eco-friendly environment and also it helps to improve the structure of the environment. As per the view of Hughes and Scheyvens, ( 2020 ) moreover, the local community is defended as a group of interacting people who are living in a common location. Therefore, the relationship between the hotels and local community shows a symbiotic relationship where both are dependable on each other. Although, the travelers are not interested in traveling in natural areas, the local community will not grow and increase its profitability on a large basis.

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As per the view of Nwokorie and Obiora, ( 2018 ) t he main key factors regarding establishing the hotels in the natural areas which present the nontoxic elements that are developing are more effective on the health of the travelers and also provide a free environment for the travelers. Additionally, the community is protected as a collection of socially active individuals who share a common space. Hence the hotels are creating a positive impact on the local communities with improving the culture and environment through eco-friendly habits.

Importance of the hotel Alila in the village community of Bishangarh

The Bishangarh is a very small village which is situated in Jaipur, Rajasthan. The establishment of the Alila hotel is developing a larger impact on the people of Bishangarh. As per the view of Ramayah et al . (2018) t he hotel is well known and very famous. Therefore, the outsider people and the Jaipur cities people also know about the village and the local people.

Benefits received by the hotel staff

The Alila hotel is basically situated outside the city of Jaipur. Therefore, the hotel staff gets the fresh things from the local diaries and local firms such as fresh vegetables, milks and fruits etc. In the village, there is a “Daya ki rasoi” which is run by the two women. Therefore, the hotel staff visited the rasoi with their guest in order to experience the village foods. As per the view of González-Rodríguez et al . (2019) i f the hotel staff is going to the city for any kind of purpose, the local people help them to get public transportation to reach the city.

Behavior of local people towards hotel staff and guests

The local people of the village are always inviting the hotel staff's guests on their special occasions. Therefore, they are always living like a family with hotel staff and guests. Thus , the local people are always helpful to the hotel staff and guests. Some people have a room which is not occupied, so they are providing these rooms to the hotel staff for living. Therefore, the behavior of local people towards the guest and hotel staff is really good.

Different types of business provided by hotels to the local community

The Al il a hotel has organized a couple of excursion features for the guest. Therefore, the hotel staff is taking the guest on an excursion to the village and they will pay the amount of cash to the local people. The hotels have bussed vegetables, and fruits from the local village firms. Therefore, the hotel is empowering the local people. Additionally, it has been noticed that the village people have a lot of firms and diaries. Therefore, the hotel staff directly purchases the fresh foods from the local people (Flori?i?, 2020).

Findings on the eco-friendly features of Alila fort bishangarh

The Alila fort is situated in Jaipur, Rajasthan in the curry of India. Therefore, the fort has represented the heritage and old culture. Moreover, the fort is also known for its blend of Hindu elements and Rajput. As per the view of Kalaitan et al . (2021) t he Alila fort bishangarh is mainly designed in harmony with the environment and conserving the extraordinary beauty of nature in the village area. The main goal of this fort is to minimize the impact on the environment as well as comprehensive policies of environmental sustainability.

Therefore, this also minimizes the emission of greenhouse gas, energy consumption, and pollution. Beyond the environmental responsibility their aim is to preserve the local way of life and traditions which is also benefiting the local community. Therefore, this fort utilizes the external areas in order to reduce the heat from the sun ( Ampofo, 2020 ) . Moreover, they are also engaged in social responsibility and corporate social responsibility. Therefore, this engagement helps to encourage the local communities in order to participate in a responsible tourism based program.

5.3 Analysis of Alila Fort Bishangarh

The Alila Fort Bishangarh reminds the old culture and heritage that develop the resident culture and attract more visitors. In recent times, the fort has extracted many new developed places where the different people have started. Therefore, the fort has developed different types of sports activities in order to attract tourists. Although, the side scenario of this fort mainly attracts the view and people thinking in order to visit there once in a lifetime. It has been stated that there are different influential elements which gain most of the game in order to increase the tourist rate. As per the view of Hughesand Scheyvens, ( 2020 ) t he villagers of Bishangarh have created a natural environment in order to attract the Alila Fort tourists.

Moreover, this attractive element has created a huge scope in order to earn profitability without paying the tax to the government. Although, the fort employs an average package or salary is estimated around 3.8 lakh INR. The villagers have been provided more beneficial work in order to earn money through the traditional services. Therefore, this fort is operating business by customer accusation which has improvised the business operation by the process of customer acquisition. As per the view of Kala and Bagri, ( 2018 ) this diversified factor of this fort will attract the people easily. Therefore, this improves the business operations and service with high productivity in the village.

5.4 Summary

It has been summarized in this study that the relationship between the local community and eco hotels will provide a positive impact on the environment. Therefore, the Alia for Bishangarh also provides the better services to the customers and guests. Therefore, this impact will minimize the impact on the environment on the environment. Ecotourism is helping the local community by providing alternative sources to the locality. Therefore, this impact is more suitable for this village. Moreover, the secondary data is also analyzed in this study also this fort is utilizing the external area in order to reduce the heat from the sun in a large basis.

6. Conclusion

6.1 Conclusion

It has been concluded from the above study which stands on the relationship between eco hotel Alila Fort and local communities of Bishangarh. The eco hotel educates the traveler, brings funds for conservation, directly helps the economic improvement and political development to local communities, respect for various cultures and for human rights. Alila Fort helps Bishangarh through funds for conservation, support to the economic development of Bishangarh. The Alila Fort respect for the culture of Bishangarh and also respect for human rights of Bishangarh. This eco hotel is designed as it does not harm the environment. As an eco-hotel the Alila hotel helps the local community of Bishangarh to develop through bringing alternative livelihood to the local community which is more sustainable.

6.2. Linking with research questions

6.2.1 Linking with symbiotic Relations between Eco-hotel and Community

The eco hotels or green hotels are environmentally sustainable which is most important for an ecofriendlyenvironment. It helps to develop the environment structure of local communities. And also, eco hotels define a team of interacting people who are living in the same location. Relationships between eco hotel and local communities brings a symbiotic relationship where both elements are dependent on each other. If the travelers do not agree to visit in natural areas, then the local community will not grow and will not enhance their profitability on a large basis. The symbiotic relationship between eco hotels an\d local communities provide a lot of opportunity for the society to enhance and sustain.

6.2.2 Linking with mutual benefits in eco-hotel and community relations

The good sides of staying in an eco-friendly hotel are that it does not have a bad effect on t5he environment, it is environmentally friendly. Eco hotels, also known as green hotels, can decrease the budget. It helps to reduce carbon footprint. These are eco-friendly hotels which are healthier in nature than other hotels. A positive side of this type of hotel is it has areas of smoke control to protect nature. Advantages of eco hotels are they also develop the economic stability of local communities of an eco-hotel. Through the small business the local communities are specially run. The mutual advantage between eco hotel and local community is that it brings employment and also enhances jobs in the locality through giving employment to many people.

6.2.3 Linking with challenges in eco-hotel and community relations

Having all the opportunities, some common challenges which are faced by the eco hotels are challenges in data security. The technology will never be broken and use of the technology has the benefit of attracting the customer and also providing best service to the consumer and keep one step up from the competitor. There are different problems that have been faced by the local community itself. The problem of crime, violence,and unemployment are the common problems that reflect largely. The eco hotels are trying to find out the development of the tourism industry and also show the future growth where the eco hotels model supports the expanding business.

6.2.4 Linking with the Stakeholder Involvement for maximizing true value

The theory of stakeholder focuses on external and internal stakeholder where internal stakeholders influence through specific organization would discuss involvement of stakeholder. Internal stakeholders of eco hotel would identify as management, owners and employees. On the other hand, external stakeholders are the government, local community, society, customers and shareholders (Cahyanto et al . 2021). The main object of the theory is to maximize the true value for the shareholder. The stakeholders are very much important to improve the decision-making power in the eco hotel and company. The major role of stakeholder in eco hotel to meet the strategic object of the company with the help of perspective and experience in the full project.

6.2 Recommendations

Based on the challenges in the relationship between eco hotel and local communication it has been suggested that the eco hotel could maintain energy conservation and also promote sustainable means of transportation. The hotels can reduce the wastage of food, energy and increase the efficiency among the staff. They choose wisely cleaning products with very minimum impact on the environment. Also, the holes must focus on selection of local food at the hotel restaurant. Through eco-friendly ideas such as creating a green team, targeting low hanging fruit to start and guest service, friendly hotels became sustainable. It is suggested to the hotels to choose biological food, go for grocery shopping from local markets, choose ecological cleaning products, use energy saving lamps, set up separate collections, promote soft mobility for building a more sustainable relationship between eco hotel and local community. Also, the hotel choose 100% clean energy, also uses solar panels t5o have hot water. The hotels can offer to the guests a vegetarian and vegan menu and also ask guests to help reduce wastes. Finally, the hotels ccan collect rainwater (?uri? et al. 2018). The hotels can follow green ideas like turn off lights and turn down heating (Sewwandi et al. 2019). Install a renewable energy system to reduce water use consider using rainwater, greywater systems.

6.3 Limitations and future research

6.3.1 Limitations

In the time of primary collection of primary qualitative, proper targets, methods researchers cannot be easily found. It is a highly required effort to find the methods, then select platforms and then choose participants. The research deals with a sustainable approach to the business organization, especially for small business firms. If accrued information cannot be generated, considerate outcomes can never be expected. During the collection of data participants are reluctant to bring the right information and refuse to highlight the flaws of their respective organization (Abiola 2019). The information which is gathered is crucial for defining the outcomes. In most cases theories are improved a long time ago of which their present relevance is difficult to find.

6.3.2 Future Research

The above research will be very helpful to hotel resorts to maintain sustainability in the relationship between eco hotel and local community. The hotel will create eco inspiration, green integrations, reduce the use of plastic, maintain a limit in use of water, and switch to energy efficient lighting. The hotel will start a rooftop garden, ecofriendly changes in washroom, ecofriendly cleaning supplies and many more. If a hotel wants to become an eco-hotel,then the hotel must meet the important things that are dependent on the natural environment, ecological sustainability, provision of environmental training programme, proven contribution to conservation, provision of an economic return to the local community and incorporation of cultural consideration. Eco resorts generally promise to preserve their surrounding and carbon zero existence. There are many steps a hotel can take to move toward ecofriendly. Some of them are replacement of HVAC system, major capital expenditure, easy implementation and also low cost.

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Chapter 1: Introduction Of Relationship Between Eco - Hotels And Local Communities

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