Reflective Report On The Development Of Delegation As A Necessary Skill

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Reflective Report On The Development Of Delegation As A Necessary Skill 

Introduction of The Development Of Delegation As A Necessary Skill Assignment Sample

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1. Introduction 

Delegation skills are extensively used by human resources managers to enhance connection with the higher authority, employees as well as stakeholders for organizational development. The management and staff must make better decisions based on complex situations. Communication allows one to express one's perspectives as well as the point of view of others based on the situation.

Continuing professional development becomes more significant for HR professionals as the changes in the workplace like declining manufacturing and growth of knowledge industries and fewer employees having jobs in their life. Being an HR, delegation skills are very important as it empowers a team, build trust and also assist them in professional development. In this way, I can say that identifying who is best suited for tackling tasks and might enhance profitability delegation is important. It is a perfect way that can assess all the staff in an appropriate and consistent direction. For example, having delegation skills and individuals can teach staff within workplace innovative skills and by this, they can expertise to be more self-reliant and more productive as well. In my perspective delegation is not about giving orders to a team member it needs careful thought to succeed.

In this way, I assume that taking the help of effective communication skills such as active listening, critical thinking, and empathy. Moreover, professional development skills like organising and planning, having a positive attitude and having a service mindset are essential to creating a better workplace environment. The study highlights the importance of professional skills development of a leader and being a student is necessary for future betterment. In this context, there are several theories and approaches which are crucial for the professional life of the. The context covers major techniques which might help students to develop skill analysis.

The report is based on the importance of communication skills and necessary skills for HR professionals. The HR professional tries to increase employed dedication so that they can give their better performance to increase the higher revenue of the business. The study also shows the analysis of the skill development that helps to make effective collaboration between the management and staff to enhance positive work environment. Moreover effective communication skills is essential for professionals to generate thoughts and knowledge in business practice for the overall success of the business.

2. Skill Development Analysis 

The professional skill that is chosen is delegation and maintaining human resources in the right way and the right position development of skill is needed. For example, in the field of healthcare, nurse managers have a lot of pressure on their time and for this, they must use an effective key of delegation of success. It saves time for the management process and increases production and helps in employee responsibility and accountability. Moreover, to ensure effective delegation some key analysis of skills needs to develop. As stated by Mazurchenko and Maršíková (2019), many HR professionals find themselves following some effective principles and which can lead to poor decision-making in their business. Providing all the narratives of ways to believe skill fits the CIPD professional maps helps me a lot in getting all the information and encourages me as well in observing all the ways which might beneficial for business perspective. This way, therefore, managers need to adopt intrinsic leadership qualities to delegate to a team in an effective way. Keeping up with changes in the workplace it is necessary to bring subject knowledge with the help of learning and training. The main barriers identified in order to adopt this skill for leaders are personal attitudes, fear of loss of power, and lack of ability to direct well. For this reason, I can say that establishing a clear communication channel within a workplace for a team is one of the ways for improving delegation skills to a leader. The HR professionals always try to enhance employee motivation as they can give better performance within an organisation and which can help an organisation to get a good profit.

The HR team acts as a bridge between all employees and senior leadership for establishing key decisions and policies that ensure challenges. Being an HR manager in any field I must build collaboration with all the employees briefly explaining the job responsibilities and I will follow the CIPD professional map used in the delegation. Developing and managing human resource management strategies and incorporating both internal and external fit is necessary. Through the CIPD I might also be able to find my future skill which can observe a different range of people's practising and digital working. Maintaining a collective identity along with different industry standards guiding all in the profession delegating skills and professional values is necessary. CIPD breaks down professional value mainly into three categories, principles-led, outcome-driven and evidence-based (, 2022).

Additionally, the HR manager should emphasize effective communication between the staff and higher authorities to generate several approaches and make the appropriate decision in a complex situation. I believe as a manager with the highest delegation capabilities that Matt helps to reassign the duty to the other employee to increase the efficiency of a business for the overall success of the business. Delegation as a professional skill for HR managers helps for saving time, increases productivity, ensuring the employability of individual employees for the overall success of the business. As a result of the analysis, I have been trying to develop interpersonal skills that help to make better communication with others for future betterment. The team leaders are responsible to provide proper guidance to each team member that helps tampons make bonds with the team to increase productivity for organizational development.

As a student, I must develop my oral as well as communication skills for communication improvisation, which is an essential skill as an HR professional. Improvement of communication skills helps to develop self-confidence as well as self-awareness to deal with difficult situations for personal development as well as professional development. Emphasizing effective communication skills in the workplace environment helps to find out potential risk and also help to generate different ideas to make a better decision in a complex situation. As an HR manager of an organization, I must build collaboration with the employees to briefly explain their job responsibility so the individual followers must give their best to increase productivity for the overall success of the business. In this aspect, professional maps as well as communication which are crucial for change management may help to ensure proficient support to creating employer bonds to build a strong team for organizational development. I assume that continuing professional development is crucial for the workplace environment to manage the staff in the organization for smooth procurement of the business. In continuing, the professional development map shows the importance of communication skills for an HR professional to build strong tea for the growth of the business, communication is a major element that helps to make bonding with others as well as helps to generate different perspectives and thoughts to deliberately finish the work to objectify the organizational goals for a longer time. As commented by McGunagle and Zizka (2021), delegation skills are important for the team leaders that hope to manage the larger team as well as help to inspire all the employees that they can give better performance to improve organizational performance.

3. Aims of Development 

There were two rationales for this research the first one is to choose the right place for the right person and which benefits the coaching of the coach and in this way delegation skills are necessary for them. Secondly, human resource manager needs soft communication skill process which can make the process easier for them (Thompson, 2019). Fulfilling all the gaps while enhancing the workplace better I am going to use the Dreyfus model which helps me in effecting efficient skills acquisition as well as create a better work environment to improve organizational development in getting overall success within a business. The main aim of developing delegation in a workplace is for HR to effectively save time within a workplace and that might help to inspire all the employees by that they can perform in a better way. Balance of authority is very important in commanding and defining the limits of authority that are necessary for effective delegation.

4. Reflection

 Dreyfus Model of Skills Acquisition on the development of delegation skill

(Source: Self developed)

Using the Dreyfus model, I am now a beginner or Novice in Delegation and I am doing my best for improving all my skills for delegation. As an HR professional s for delivering the right person to the right place at least, I need to be proficient. Transfer of all the authority is not always implied by the delegation it needs to follow some steps as well. In the Novice phase of the Derefous model of skill acquisition, I need to follow some strict rules, direct orders and procedures as I do not have any background in that relevant task or job. As everything is new for me and chances are comparatively low I need to be more creative to reach the expert or proficient phase. As it is referred to in the appendix part I am not quite comfortable working with a team and for this reason, in starting days it will be quite tough for me to go on to the next stage. To improve this problem I have to engage more with a team while developing some soft communication skills and need to work on my body language as well. An advanced beginner will be the next phase for me and in this; I need to deal with different scenarios that are important for recognising all the previous scenarios. As I have obtained some background in that relevant task or job and that provides me confidence in treating separately each member with equal importance.

For example, in the health care sector, HR always face difficulties in hiring the right people as they do not have personal experience but after spending some time in the field they became proficient in 2-3 years. Deliberating planning and formulating strategies are the next phase for me to become competent. For example, to become a competent surgeon in the healthcare sector a professional needs to adopt more skills and knowledge in the next three years.

Another essential element I need to be aware of sense of responsibility and always thinking about the solutions that business faces in the current time. As my main purpose of mine is to be proficient in using delegation skills and for this I need to know all the boundaries as it often happens sometimes those particular situations remain unclear. For example, after completing all the phases using delegation skills nurses are proficient in their job and can be made all the decisions.

 Kolb’s learning cycle on the development of delegation skill

(Source: Self developed)

As per the concrete experience, I am able to learn the fact that emotional un-comfortability, as well as un-comfortability in the team works, is my core weakness [Refer to appendix 1]. Focusing on my previous workplace experience, I am quite sure about these weak areas. In my workplace, we were assigned to conduct group work. However, from the initial context, I was not much able to make myself accustomed to others, and as a result, we were not able to fulfill the activities within time. I have undertaken the “Dreyfus Model of Skills Acquisition” to conduct the gap analysis accurately (Morris, 2020). Delegation requires effective communication skills as well and as per my reflection on the experience, it can be stated that I have appropriate verbal communication skills. However, due to my inability to adopt teamwork easily, I was not able to use my communication skills properly as well [Refer to appendix 2]. I am also able to learn the fact that I have to develop an action plan in this regard to mitigate my lack areas completely [Refer to appendix 5]. The existence of appropriate objectives, ways to achieve them, and the presence of appropriate time frames are most beneficial in this plan to mitigate my lack areas properly. The main professional skill that has been chosen by me is the development of delegation and in which Kolb's learning model will be beneficial as an HR professional. To improve my written communication skill I target different and that are assimilated with implications for action. As the model states comprehending strategies is important for HR professionals and the first component is all about the concrete experience. These are completely beginning experiences on the job where delegation skills are not considered by a job seeker at all. For this reason, I need to view all the learning opportunities that can bring all the people in a team and chances growth within a business in quick succession based on my skill (Davitadze et al. 2022). The second phase is a reflective observation which is important for me while getting the delegation as successive HR professionals need to do. It is very vital for me as a leader as it consistently reflects upon the experiences and makes critical organisational decisions for a team as well as for my future development as well. For example, in an organisation, if any employees fail to complete a certain task then he or she can reflect on existing approaches to accomplishing a certain target. This way, I can accomplish the target while developing certain strategies and using the CPD plan I can help my team in future and can succeed next time in my business. Active experimentation will be the next step of mine using this model to develop the existing ideas and create some new experiences while assessing delegation skills on my part. It also allows me to connect all the strategic planning that must be applicable in all situations.

5. Conclusion

After analysing the entire study it is concluded that maintaining people in right place and the right position delegation skills is very important for HR. Communication and managing skills are important in order to hard-working and loyal to all the customers. Through the CIPD professional map, full knowledge about the methods that need to be assessed and what are the major strategies that they need for working in a business are applied. Using the Dreyfus model of skill acquisition resilience on rules, resilience, guidelines and a deep understanding of the professional skills are developed. Focusing on the skill development analysis it has been observed that personal attitudes, fear of loss of power, and lack of ability to direct well are the main gaps that a leader faces while developing delegation skills and fulfilling these gaps one can develop different types of skills and can assess action plan. As it is described in the aim of the development part that necessary of delegation skills is important that is necessary in order to provide support and communication skills as a competence. The new action plan described in the reflection part for indicating I am going to progress with delegation skills. Managing myself and interpersonal relationships I will follow CPD hours as well as LinkedIn courses for improving my interpersonal skills [Refer in appendix 6 and 7].


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Appendix 1: SWOT analysis based on delegation skills of the HR manager 


  • To enhance staff in the firm based on their ability and skills.
  • Reduce times and provide service as per the requirement 


  • Unable to adopt new approaches in a complex situation.
  • Diversified workplace culture creates issues in communication.
  • Emotional uncomfortability 
  • Uncomfortably in group work


  • Interaction with the people to engage staff nationally as well as internationally.
  • Emphasizing opportunities to efficiently manage the team.


  • Negative workplace environments and stress create barriers.
  • Unable to adopt new changes

Table 1: SWOT analysis 

(Source: Self-developed) 

Appendix 2: Skills Audit


Rating (1=Low, 5=High)


Development plan

Working with others

? Are you able to communicate appropriately with the team members?

? Are you able to influence people properly?


I feel uncomfortable enough while working with the team members

I have to engage with group work and workshops more from my area of comfort. 

Existence of a positive attitude

? Are you able to maintain a positive attitude all the time in the workplace?

? Do you easily adopt changes in external circumstances?


I supported the teamwork and motivated them with the help of fluent communication skills while working in the group.

I have to follow the pathways of the successful leaders and follow their strategies as well through which it can be possible to enhance my positive attitude.

Professional Mindset

? Do you have enough experience in the professional work environment?

? Do you have any type of entrepreneurial mindset? 


I am not aware enough of the external changes and I try to avoid them as much as possible.

I have to attain workshops and manage the role of a team leader to deal with changes frequently.

Table 2: Skills Audit

(Source: Self-developed)

Appendix 3: Profession map

(Source: Profession, 2022)

Appendix 4: Action plan based on delegation skills of HR professionals



Potential barriers

Evidence and evaluation for success 


Assigning job-based on skills and knowledge 

Books and journals 

Lack of knowledge 

Provide proper guidance to the team member 

27 th August 2022

Reassigning as well as redistributing the jobs to the other team member 

Feedback and review of senior manager

Time management

Collecting reviews from the client

28 TH August 2022

Table 3: Action plan

(Source: Self-developed) 

Appendix 5: Action plan

Selected skill: Delegation




Evidence of success


Developing the delegation skill to be the skilled HR professional

Engaging with workshops

Support of employer, workshops, training materials

Effective handling of critical situations

Within 2 months

Enhancement of ability areas to mitigate un-comfort ness while working within a team

Engaging with group works

Group works, face-to-face communication with team members

Ability to work with team members without any un-comfortness

Within 1 month

Table 4: Action plan

(Source: Self-developed)

Appendix 6: Action plan based on CPD



Potential barriers to success

Evaluation of success

Review or completion date

Completed “How to be a better HR in a workplace”

LinkedIn course

Time management

LinkedIn Learning certificate

21/December/ 2022

Completed “inspirational delegation skill”

LinkedIn course

Managerial risk

LinkedIn Learning certificate

20/December/ 2022

Completed “workplace change as an employee” 

LinkedIn course

Time management

LinkedIn Learning certificate

20/December/ 2022

Completed “leadership communication skill”

LinkedIn course

Leadership skills

LinkedIn Learning certificate

20/December/ 2022


CPD event 

Time management 


CPD event 

Time management 


CPD event 

Time management 

Appendix 7: 32 hours of CPD

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