Reflective Essay on Communication Assignment Sample

Developing Communication Skills: A Reflective Essay

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Introduction - How Communication Shapes Effective Social Work Practice

Enhancing Communication Skills Through Group Interaction

In the present situation the work was done in a group activity which was named gold fish bowl. Within this activity student were provided with the opportunity for building of the communication skills and try to expand over it. It included the opportunity to develop the speaking and learning skills. In this activity one student will be the speaker and other student will be the listener. In the present case I performed the role of both the listener and the speaker but I was working effectively as a listener. Within the role of listener the speaker discuss about her sister who is suffering from seizures. In addition to this speaker was also having poor relationship with her mother and it impacted the working to a great extent. While working as the listener my communication skill was improved effectively. I am being as a social worker to increase the awareness of the peoples who suffering from distress. With the help of my effective communication skill I was capable to communicate with the variety of peoples effectively. It is crucial for the social workers to have effective communication skills from which they are capable to communication with the peoples who are suffering from distress (Bobkina and Domínguez Romero, 2022). Attending the session based on improving the communication skill was beneficial for me because it helps me determine mind set and emotional state of the peoples. With the help of effective communication I was capable to know about the challenges that they are faced from distress. Attending the seminar is impacts significantly on my engagement to communicate with the peoples. My effective communication skills helps me improve the thinking skills from which I capable to found innovative and better solutions for the peoples who suffer from great pain and difficulty. Through my effective communication skill I was able to provide immediate responses to people’s challenges and then take corrective actions to redress them.

For improving my emotional status and the mind set I attended the session and it enhanced my knowledge relating to the effective listening and communication skills. Thus, it is very necessary for the person to have good listening skills so that the overall working efficiency can be improved. By listening to the incident of the speaker the immediate response was to improve the relationship with the mother. This is particularly because of the reason that when the relationship with the mother will be cordial then they both will effectively try to manage the health of the sister. Hence, this incident was significant for me to understand the importance of a good relation between the family members. In case the relation and communication between the members of the family will not be effective then it will be impacting the well being of the person to a great extent.

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In the past as well some similar incident took place where in I was provided the opportunity to communicate with the other people. With help of this the communication skill improved and as a result of this the current situation also assisted me in developing the effective communication skills (Khasawneh, 2021). Moreover with this incident I evaluated at the communication skill is very important to be present within the person. The reason underlying the fact is that when the person will be in position to effectively communicating with others then it will help them to improve the working efficiency. Thus, as a result of this the overall working capability of the person will enhance and it will help in improving the communication skills well.

From the session I learned about the physical intelligence which helped me in detect and actively manage the key chemicals in the individual’s bodies who suffered from distress. With the help of my effective communication skill I was capable to perform all the duties and responsibilities of social worker properly. Attending the module was advantageous for me because it helps me improve my understanding regarding how I determine emotional state and mind set of the peoples with the help of efficient communication skill. Before attending the module I was not aware about how to conveyance the peoples throughinteract with them. After attending the module, my communication skill improved and I felt confident to provide quick responses to the individuals who suffered from distress.

In the present case of Goldfish bowl the communication skill was selected. This was particularly because of the reason that the communication skill is very necessary to be followed. In case the person will not be having good and effective communication skills than it will be impacting the overall working (Al-Sheikhly, Östlundh and Arayssi, 2020). Thus it is very necessary for the person to have good communication skills. The compliance with the gold fish bowl assisted in analyzing the use and importance of communication skill. With help of this incident it was evaluated that being a good listener is also very necessary for the effective communication. The reason behind this fact is that when the communication skill will not be present then the effective listening will also not be implemented. Hence, for the effective working it is very necessary that the proper listening and communication skills are present within the person. In case it is not there then it will be impact in the overall working efficiency of the person.

I reflect my learning experience as a social worker while communicating to peoples who suffer from distress with the help of Gibb’s model of reflection.

Description: Enhancing Communication Skills Through Training

I attended the sessions which are based on the improving the communication skill. I was there because of being social worker and it is significant for me to enhance my communication skills because I have to communicate or interact with the peoples suffered from distress. The result of the situation was positive because it learned wide range of ways in order to improve my communication skills which will be beneficial for me. After attending the session, I was capable to communicate with the peoples within the society and find out their reasons or causes regarding distress which are faced by them. With the help of my effective communication I was easily interact with them and develop the strong relationships with them from which they were follow my all direction to recover.

Feelings: Overcoming Anxiety and Gaining Confidence

Before attending the session I wasfeel nervous and anxiety to communicate with the peoples within the society due to lack of my communication skills. But after sometime I was feel happy and confident because I improved my communication skill. The biggest strength that I was effectively improved their interaction with me. It is vital for the social worker to have effective communication skill in order to building trust and strong relationships with them (Tidmarsh,et al. 2022). Through effective communication skill I was capable to conveyance the peoples to take corrective measures to enhance their health and well-being. However, sometimes I was constantly communicated with the patients rather than listen their concerns. So I will need to focus on improving my active listening skills. Due to lack of communication skills I was unable to provide better services to the peoples within the society which directly impacts their health. Due to lack of communication skill I was capable to provide effective treatment to the patients from which they feel dissatisfied.

Evaluation: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Key Takeaways

It has been evaluated; my overall experience was combination of good and bad. I actively attend the sessions which helps me in improve my communication skills which will be useful for me in developing my future as a social worker. My experience was good because I was capable to encourage them to recover from the distress. Firstly I checked all the past medical reports of the people who suffer from distress and then corrective action to improve them. Another biggest strength is demonstrating the understanding of the peoples who suffered from distress. With the help of effective communication skill I was capable to determine the solutions to common challengesof distress. Good communication skill helps the social workers to express their current issues (Bobkinaand Domínguez Romero, 2022). Apart from this, I was incapable to build trust with the individuals which are my biggest weakness and I will require improvingthis area in order to provide better services to them.

Analysis: The Role of Emotional and Cognitive Intelligence in Communication

It has been analyzed that, due to my effective communication I was capable to understand the emotional intelligence of the peoples which helps me to determine their emotions in order to manage the stress. By understanding their emotional intelligence develops strong relationships with them and offer better services to them. Through my effective communication I was capable to conveyance them to progress muscle relaxation, mindfulness meditation and regular exercise to recover from distress. Along with this, I also faced the challenge while communication the wide range of individuals to ensure good practice because I was not able to build confidence among them. From the session I learned about the cognitive intelligence of the peoples from which I was able to understand the human’s mental capability and develop the understanding through senses, thinking and experiences. It is vital for the social workers to improve the cognitive intelligence through effective communication because it helps in generating their knowledge by using accessible information (Otero, Salgadoand Moscoso, 2022).


From the above reflection it has been concluded, attending the session regarding communication skill was beneficial for me because it helps me gained lot of knowledge and develop the various aspects relevant to communication. With the help of my effective communication I was capable to perform my roles and responsibilities as a social worker in effective way. Through my potential communication skill I was conveyance and encourage them to take corrective actions and follow my directions to recover from distress.On the other hand, sometimes my experience was bad because I fail to build strong relationships and trust with them. It has been also summarized that, with the help my effective communication skill I was capable to improve their interaction with me, increase their satisfaction and decrease complaints.Due to lack of communication skills I was unable to provide better services to the peoples within the society which directly impacts their health.

I can also use wide of different methods in order to communicate with the peoples as a social workers to recover from distress. I can communicate differently with the peoples who suffer from distress by providing the several examples. This communication method can be useful for the peoples to understand about their challenges, causes and solutions. With the help of examples they are easily conveyance to follow all the directions to recover from the distress.Providing the examples of others helps the social workers to communicate differently because it helps in increase trust, improves engagement and build relationships from which they are likely to take more services (Servaes, 2022).

Apart from this, I can also communicate effectively or differently by using any visualization tool that helps them to understand in better way. With the help of visualization communization I can deliver the information regarding the distress more directly to the peoples. This way of communicating is different from the verbal communication. Visualization communication tool helps the learners to conveyance easily to take the corrective measures to recover from the distress. Visualization communication tool significant impact on the audience and it is useful tool for the social workers to influence the people.

It will be crucial for the social workers to take corrective actions to address the weakness areas for development and build the strengths for the personal and professional development.



Time frame

Active listening

To improve the area of active listening within my communication skill I will need to stay focused and ask questions as well as provide feedback.

Within two months

Emotional intelligence

To build this strength more effectively I will require practicing active listening, communicating clearly and being open-minded.

Within five months


To improve my understanding skill I will need to focus on reading books, eliminate distraction, developing reading skills and use active listening strategies.

Within six months


To develop this weak area in will need to develop questioning skills, focus on my strengths and kill negative thoughts.

Within eight months


To build this strength effectively I will need to speak clearly, improve active listening and practice interpersonal communication.

Within twelve months

Along with this, it will be crucial for the social workers to take the corrective actions in order to enhance their communication skills. The social workers have to communicate wide range of people to ensure good practice. For the effective communication skill it will significant for the individuals to have active listening skill. To improve the active listening skill the social worker will require asking the probing questions and providing feedback to others (Fanget al. 2022). To develop the area of active listening in communication skill the social worker need to take lyrics training, listen notes and read allowed . With the help of active listening skills the social workers will actively listen the concerns of the peoples who suffered from distress. Along with this, emotional intelligence is considered as one of the significant aspect of the communication skill. With the help of this aspect, I was capable to determine the emotions of the peoples in order to manage the stress. But I think it will be crucial for me to take actions to build this strength more effectively from which I capable to provide better services to them as compare to before. It will be vital to have better understanding while communicating with the individuals. Without having understanding skill it is impossible for social workers to conveyance and influences the public in order to recover from distress.

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Along with this, understanding is regard as one of the crucial aspect of the communication skill. To enhance the understanding skill I will need to focus on reading books, eliminate distraction, developing reading skills and use active listening strategies. With the help of efficient understanding skill I will be capable to understand the major causes of distress and provide effective and better solution to the peoples for the recovery. It will be essential for the social workers to build confident among the people from which they feel motivate and encourage to take preventive measures for recovery. With the help of clarity, the social workers will be capable to provide all the information in a concise and reliable manner to the peoples.

In the end it is concluded that having the communication skill is very necessary for the successful working of the person. The reason underlying the fact is that when the communication skill will not be effective than it will be impacting the overall working efficiency. Thus, in order to overcome any kind of the situation particularly in the present case of not communicating with mother and sister facing the issue of seizures, the communication is very necessary (Orcajada Munoz and, 2020). This is particularly because of the reason that the communication is the only key for assisting the sister in overcoming the disease. In addition to this with help of the good and effective communication only the better relation with mother can be created. Thus, as a result of this it can be stated that having good communication skill is very necessary for the successful working of the person both personally and professionally.


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  • Bobkina, J. and Domínguez Romero, E., 2022. Exploring the perceived benefits of self-produced videos for developing oracy skills in digital media environments. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 35(7), pp.1384-1406.
  • Fang, J.T., Chen, S.Y., Yang, L.Y., Liao, K.C., Lin, C.H., Fujimori, M. and Tang, W.R., 2022.Improving transitional care through online communication skills training. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 34(12), pp.3063-3071.
  • Khasawneh, M.A.S., 2021. The degree of practicing effective communication skills among teachers of learning disabilities in English language from their point of view. Journal Educational Verkenning, 2(2), pp.1-9.
  • Orcajada Munoz, I., Amo Setien, F.J., Diaz Agea, J.L., Hernandez Ruiperez, T., Adanez Martinez, M.D.G. and Leal Costa, C., 2020. The communication skills and quality perceived in an emergency department: the patient's perspective. International journal of nursing practice, 26(3), p.e12831.
  • Otero, I., Salgado, J.F. and Moscoso, S., 2022. Cognitive reflection, cognitive intelligence, and cognitive abilities: A meta-analysis. Intelligence, 90, p.101614.
  • Servaes, J., 2022. Communication for development and social change.In The Routledge Handbook of Nonprofit Communication (pp. 23-31).Routledge.
  • Tidmarsh, G., Whiting, R., Thompson, J.L. and Cumming, J., 2022. Assessing the fidelity of delivery style of a mental skills training programme for young people experiencing homelessness. Evaluation and Program Planning, 94, p.102150.
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