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Introduction: HRM Obstacles in Training and Development for Future Work
The HRM principles are identified as using human resources in the best manner to achieve the objectives of effective organizational performance. It is about the organizational functions which focus on the management, training and development with the directing the company. This process brings the people together with the need to fulfil the goals. The HRM department has to deal with the benefits with the employees, reward and performance management. There are numerous of principles of the HRM, such as learning and development, succession planning, Human resources information system, HR data analytics, performance management, recruitment and selection. For the report, the chosen area is training and development, it report will shed light on the issues related to training and development.
Discussing An Area of HRM and Related Challenges about Future Work
By using HRM policies and practices needs to perform the routines of HRM strategies in the organization such as staff development, performance management, development of the staffs, by encouraging the workers decisions. It is the practices of the planning, scheduling, allocation of work. Within the HRM, it can defined as policies and practices perform first work to assign the duties in the organization, second is sharing of knowledge, achievement of the individuals, benefits of the training and development.
- Training and development (T&D): In accordance to the Rodolfa and Schaffer 2019. The training and development are the activities which are related to the education within the organization. This can improve the performance in the job of the group and individuals. These kinds of programs include the knowledge of the workers enhance the skills, which enhance the job performance. Training programs can be organized by the leaning administration system; the trainings can develop the goals of long term development. Training practices involves the lectures in classroom, role playing, simulations, case studies and training which is computer based by involving the e- learning. Number of the training and development programs employed by the HRD function of the organization. These parts can be divided in the two parts:
- Employee training and development: This is a strategic tool to improve the outcomes of the business by implement of the internal programs which is educational; this can help in enhancement of retention and growth. By giving employees training they can work in better ways with the use skills and this can fulfil the educational needs. The
- Management training and development: This is the practice of understating the employees which are growing in the managers into effective leaders though continues improve of knowledge, abilities and skills. By giving training to the management, who are about to become the managers and need to improve their skills to improve the work efficiency (Macke and Genari, 2019). The managers can work effectively with the use of their developing skills through the training and development sessions.
The training and development increase the work performance of the employees, which can be beneficial for achieve the organizational goals. The organizational performance is about the work performance of the employees within the originations to identify the needs; these needs can be fulfilled by the T&D sessions. T&D is the key to improve the performance of the workers to identify the needs of the work, this sessions can be organised by the HR department for improve the performance of the worker.
Challenges Regarding Training and Development
- Determining training needs: In accordance with Liu, Zha and He (2019), While implementation of Training programs, the company need to determine the particular knowledge and skills which workers have to accomplish by their jobs on the bases of ability. The training programs have to discourse with the needs of both learners and organizational as entire. The needs of company and individual are not evaluated; this can create waste in the resources and training unusable. Organization should focus on overcome the challenge, which can be gained by clear understanding about the competencies which are required for the each role and support with the skill gap of the employee.
- Allocating resources: By ensuring the high excellence training involvement, Company needs to provide the crucial resources. Delivering and designing programs of development can be high in costs and the company need to focus on the planning the effects to make sure about the balance among requirement and quality about the training. This can make challenges for both kinds of organization small to medium in the size which can deal in the budget which is restricted. By assigning resources to the areas and can it consider as training initiatives in the organization.
- Identifying the best training method: A ccording to Bin Othayman, et al, (2022) the limitation in the resources can be considered by identification of best kind of training tactic for the programs of training and development. Companies have to give attention to the particular demand of the employees. There are numerous types of methods such as training on the job, training in-person and e-learning and online, every worker reacts according to their leaning styles. To overcome this challenge worker need to focus on the research and find out the available and different method (Bhattacharyya and Nair 2019). They can have conversation with the co-workers about the previous programs and some poor experiences. Companies should need to experiment with the training activities and can find the effective options for the needs.
- Keeping employee engaged: In accordance to the Allam and Martin, 2021. Engagement commonly measured as a big challenge in the corporate training. By management of daily duties, busy schedules, accountabilities and workers can find out the challenges to start with the complete trainings. The workers can become disconnected, when the training is not effective and not according to the learning style. By overcoming the issue, workers may consider time duration within employees day and week to spend for the training sessions. Due to this the employees will have enough time to up skill them. For example interactive quizzes and webinars can be helpful in engaging the leaners engagement.
- Measuring the impact of training: By measuring the influence on the training can be a major challenge for the company in the context of Haugen et. al, 2019. This consider as a difficulty of the quantification about the benefits of the training programs and support the outcomes of business. It is crucial to measure the effects of the training as it allows the organization to value the stakeholders and can make decision about the data driven to minimise the necessity. In order to solve the challenge, company need to focus on defining the clear outcomes and goals of the training programs. By using the SMART goals are the best way to know the ideal outcomes by specification of the goals. Company should use the information and track the programs through metrics. There are various areas where the success may have the measurement, this can emphasis about the performance of the workers and team.
- Encouraging employee feedback: Main aspect of the successful training is determination of the engagement level of the workers. The organization can't adjust the programs of training without knowing the need of leaners. Even they don't know about the thinking of employees regarding the training sessions. By having feedback from the workers through the training sessions and know the changes needed by the employees. However, by regular feedbacks can be challenging if workers feel uncomfortable so they can give negative feedbacks if they will not feel changes positively (The Top 10 Challenges of Training and Development of Professionals [& Solutions], 2023). In the context of overcoming the issue, company should raise a culture of communicating openly, by doing this worker feel comfortable through providing the feedbacks and their opinions. The organization just need to make sure that every employee should feel heard.
- Sustaining employee development: To make sure about the impactful and long run outcomes of training, it need to go ahead of sessions about the one and done. The company need to have long term results of training prior along with the short term goals which can be short term. The solution for the development of the employees lies in encouragement of the learning culture. In context to the Worley et al 2020 Company should focus on the adoption of the leaning approaches. This help in enhancing the opportunities for the workers with the on-going learning. This help in additional offering online platforms like creating the mentorship, Coursera.
- Managing resistance to change: The common challenge which can be faced by the implementation of training programs while handling the resistance to changes from workers. It occurs due to numerous reasons, employees are unknown about it, they don't have the knowledge about the changes and workers can be worried about the changes in their daily tasks. Uddin (2021) identified that the solution of the challenge, organization needs to focus on open communication, proactive in benefits of the employee, accommodations for the leaning programs. The company need to listen actively the employees while the on-going programs and make adjustment according to the analysis.
- Actioning applied knowledge: According to research that average employees forget about what they have learnt in the 24 hours after training sessions. This is “Forgetting curve” and it provides the per cent of decreasing knowledge after trainings. According to Delubom, Marongwe and Buka (2020), this is the main challenge in the education and training; it needs some strategies to help the employees to recollect the knowledge. To reduce the challenge organization need to make sure the workers have the space to relate the new knowledge at the workplace. For example, by creating experimental plans and conveying task to the employees so they can use their new skills in the projects.
- Awarding employee development: The organization has to face the necessary challenges about the giving reward to the employee on their successes. The organization need to provide the reward according to the level of outcomes. For instance, the reward for the professional development can be done by certificating them which can be recipient in their resume and portfolio. By professional development workers receive bonuses and promotions. With the certification of completion costs for each award which is being issues, once these in the hand of recipients, it only offers little return. (The Top 10 Learning and Development Challenges and How to Solve Them, 2023) The solution for the challenge is organization should focus on utilisation of multipurpose digital credentials. It includes digital certificates, digital badges. Due to this employee can share their digital badge to network of social media. This allows them to show their achievement meanwhile it increase the visibility of the training opportunities.
- Provide the training which needed by the workers: Workers prefer soft value skills more than hard skills after the Covid- 19 pandemic. The training can be providing of choice of the workers and their needs. If the training sessions can be taken according to the organization, this is the waste of money. Author stated that, Zha et al, (2023), the workers know their needs and issues within the work. Due to the training session customise according to the organization, it is totally waste of money and time.
- Remote working: During covid-19 pandemic it was easy to organise the training development sessions by online platform, which creates low cost. Now the remote work has been stopped by the companies due to some reasons. Traditional T&D sessions are expensive to get the team on the specific place and time.
- Ineffective training methods: It is not possible that all learning techniques are equal and effective. For instance, traditional training tactics like in person workshops can't be the best route for the every employee; it is possible that they can be more comfortable in having the visual trainings. In accordance with Anselmann, Harm and Faßhauer (2022), it is crucial to find out the actual type of training which is needed by the team. The sessions can be chosen according to their roles and responsibilities.
- Varying types of leaners: In the diverse era, many organizations organise the training methods which can't be engaging, consumed by the every team member. When it is about the addressing this kind of people, it is not simple to find the solution which is one-size-fit to all. The trainers need to adapt the training programs in according to the age, learning styles, abilities and skills. In the context to the Scantlebury, et. al (2020) some of the employees prefer the traditional method of learning but some of the employees have more emphasis on the mobile learning or online training. Some of the learner needs the trainings collaboratively so they can talk about their learning and training sessions. It is very tough to find training styles for each of the employee and the cost can be high than any training sessions.
- Digital transformation: Some of the employees have the digital gaps, in the rapidly change technology few of the employees have lower stage of understanding about the technology. Numerous of companies are adopting the technology such as intercom system, conference calls, LMS, Online classrooms, Artificial intelligence. However, in every organization there are some employees who are unfamiliarly with the tools, as result, the employees often can be disengaged.
- Costly training expenses: Organising the training and development sessions can be costly; the sessions can set the direct expenses like instructor fees, hired venues, fees of travel and accommodations fees for the travel, training materials. As author stated that Dehghansai, et.al, 2021, Number of organizations is struggling with recovery of the economic recessions, there is no ROI for the training budget and the organization has to face budget cut. To reduce the expenses of cost, organization should focus on managing the budget and look out for reduction of the expenses to use the digital adoption.
- Geographic limitations: The organization is geographical and multinational; it is hard to offer simultaneous training to the targeted workforce. Despite from the distance, it is hard to carry face to face training, differences in culture. With the particular training programs can successful in one country (Rodolfa and Schaffer 2019). The companies on the global levels spend much more for the training and development of the employees. The costs have been increase as result of E- training cost, language, training sources etc. Company can isolated the workforce from the online platform, by involving in webinars, video and conferences amongst others. By using LMS it can provide the remote workforce in the training, help in tracking learners, communication. LMS helps people to learn from any country.
- Negative company culture: The key motivational factors of the organization are traditions, cultures and values for the work force. This shows the why few organizations such as apple provide lower salaries than other giant industries. The strict cultures of the offices, micromanagement, scrutiny, can develop tension which may put impact on the effect of training. Some practices which can encourage competition among the employees such as competitive bonus, employee of the month, might result in hyper competition in the team. This can create training and development more toxic. In the context to the author Minshew et al, (2021), to reduce the negative company culture searching signs of negative office culture which is impacting the business. Organization should take the deliberate actions to fix the issues without using the norms.
- Lack of employee engagement: The challenging issues to overcome are keeping the workers more engaged in the training and development. This is the toughest task to engage the employees for the sessions because only few employees want to participate on the trainings, which put the negative impact on the trainings in the context to the Frota et.al 2019, these issues can be resolved by the giving the some hours to the each employee of the team, the shorter time of training can be easy and allow the employees to engage more.
- Ineffective measurements of the training impact: The biggest training and development challenges which are faced by the workplace can be measure the impact and effect of the sessions. This is the hard to change the training in quantifiable metric. To overcome the challenge, company should set the clearer learning outcomes, SMART goals of the employee. By completion of the training, easily identify the achieved skills and need of training.
- Lack of communication with the employees: In the company the issue can be occur with not communicating to the employees. This can training can be competently off to the mark, invaluable and untreatable with the risk of time and money is being wasted (9 Critical Employee Training Challenges to Overcome (2024), 2022). The employees need to be asked about their requirement and need of the training. To reduce the challenge, need to focus on casual group meetings, ask their opinions, one-one chats with the each employee, so they can discuss their issues.
- Demonstrating value to leadership: It is challenging for the organization to keep training and development as top priority. It is difficult to understand for the stakeholder, how much leaning can be conducted. How many employees can get the training and how much funds can be granted for the sessions. Due to the issues, it is hard to identify the needs of the training and development. The issue can be resolve by the identifying the challenges, issues and emerging needs, which employees are facing and identify the gap on skills. This can be gathering by the group discussion, surveys and observational data.
- Quantifying training and development challenges effectiveness: Number of L & D professionals look out the quantifiable impacts on the company. By assessment on the quantitative and measurement of the learning initiatives, the leaders of L&D can establish return on the investment. For some of the organizations which have not established the practices, it is challenging to start the measurement the return on the investment (Cho, et.al, 2021). This challenge can be resolve by the seeing the existing KPIs, which can be tied to the trainings. The organization can focus on creating a list of possible measurement concepts, preference of the employees.
- Improving effectiveness of training: By making sure about the effective learning is the difficult responsibility of L&D Professionals. Since in the sessions there is numerous of topics which can be covered in the limited time duration. Some topics need extra time, unique method of delivery so it need more time, which can put impact on the daily tasks. According to the Neblett, 2019, to solve the issue, firstly need to identify the desired outcome, this can be ready in advance to assist the L&D professionals so they can stay on the tract. Organization should give opportunities to trainees so they can ask questions and discuss about the ideas. Need to consider some alternatives of learning such as lunch and learn, self-direct learning, blended training, micro-learning etc.
- Adaptable training to varied audience: L&D professionals need to anticipate the training will be delivered diversely, multigenerational employees. It is important to take the demands, experience and preferences of audience in the consideration with the training designs and development. This creates a burden on the team of training and development and these can put negative impact on it. To solve the issue, organization can focus on accurate understanding of the broader goals in the training with the need of organizational goals. Organization can make learning objectives which can align with the demand and need of the company. By taking advantages of the diversely experiences in the training sessions, it can encourage the healthy debates.
- Scaling in personalise training and development: Most of the employees want the training which is personalise so on this point they will stay with the company because they need to get invested by the company in their growth. It is not easy to measure the progress of the staff. The training activities are designed for some hundreds, but not for the thousands of the workers. It is challenging when the organization need to roll out the designed programs to involve the employees with the numerous channels and help to build related skills.
- Busy employee finding time for the training sessions: 94% of the employee feels stressful on the workplace; it is difficult for the employees to participate in the training programs. The training and development sessions can enhance the stress of the employees because they will get less time of their daily tasks, it can put impact on the work quality.
- Boring course templates: According to Feng, Chen and de Soto 2021, in the visualising leaning, templates which are not motivate the employees to focus on the main sessions of the trainings. This is big issue in the learning, for engaging the employees the courseware must be interactive. It create a more pressure on the visualising team, due to this it increase the cost of the training and development.
- Information overload: It is important to learner to gain a lot of information, it is not possible to acquire information and knowledge instant. The main goal to conduct the training is employee can learn something by participating. The numbers of companies are adopting numerous strategies for gaining knowledge quickly. This can create stress among the employees, they can't focus on their work and this can affect the work performance. By overcoming these challenges organization should learn about the training needs of the employees and their capacity. For example one should avoid the involvement in preparing homework's in the training sessions; it can help in reducing the information overload.
- Poor feedback: Effective feedback plays a crucial role for the managers and employees, when the managers don't get the positive feedbacks from the employees, they need to improve it. Due to this performance suffers, which is not good for the organization. The employees who don't get the satisfactory feedbacks while training, they might feel confused and demoralized. The organizations that don't receive the positive feedback may provide the ineffective methods. These kinds of training sessions can be waste of time and money.
- Informational security concerns: By making sure about the data about the training can be challenging because through E- learning, it is not possible to secure the privacy and data from others. It creates more challenges for the organizations, which is not good for the company.
- Leadership development: By enhancing the skills of leadership to create an effective base for the future. This need the development efforts and need more time for these kinds of T&D activities. The issues can be resolve by the understanding the needs of the business and the leaders so the company can set the strategies and goals of people planning. Organization should focus on need of leaders about the learning and provide the opportunities to improve the competencies. These provide an idea to customise the learning according to needs of the leaders. Organization should find out the needs of business and the personal goals of the team so the training should focus on both personally inspirational and motivated strategically.
- One-size- fit- all training: The employees oversee their jobs more diversely; one of the challenging things is to make lessons for every leaner. According to the author Delgado, et.al, 2021, for making it, firstly need to understand about the preference of learning and their job position. For accomplishing this need to spend a day with the workers.
- Dealing with the changes: It is difficult to understand the organizational change, directing via changes in regard of the technology, budgets, merges are the top challenges which is cited by the professionals of P&D. To resolve the issue organization can inject the programs with the accurate tone, message and purpose. By analysing need of workers from various perspectives can identify the improvement in changes.
- Delivering the consistent training: The organization that is geographical or globally distributed, this is the most challenging task to provide the training consisting. It includes the limitations geographically, language barriers, increase the cost and virtual training requirements. Organization should focus on resolving the issues by communicating via numerous forms of the media for instance quick messaging, phone calls, email and conferencing via video. To provide the opportunities this can be built from the need of the employees, by having positive feedbacks to know about the performance and training activities. By scheduling the time for meet and talk to every employee, about the team, work and goals of the organization.
- Instilling conflict management skills: By successfully handling the conflicts can be hard; managing the conflict is crucial skill, which can't be overlooked. Most of the employees experience conflicts at the workplace. The unresolved conflicts can increase the rate of turnover; decrease the moral of the employee, affect the well-being and longevity of the business. Organization should explore the reason about situation and resolve the conflicts, by discussing with the team and check on them. By taking help of the employees and idenfy the solution and work on them to solve the conflicts.
- Learning in the flow of work: Employees, who attend the training and development activities, forget what they have learned in the sessions. Due to the balance between work flow and the L&D. This can create a heavy burden on the employees to make balance between both of them.
- ROI/ Learning impact/ more with less: By giving fewer budgets for the training and development, this trick is to rationalise the work more intelligently. The low budget T&D can't be that much effective, this can create barriers between the employees and training and development.
- Employee roadblocks: After offering the training to the employees, if the pain point of the employees not being addressed, the productivity can be compromised; the return on the investment can be negative. The company can't find out the exact place where the employees are suffering, this can goes everything downhill.
- Reskilling and up skilling for digital workplace: A remote work is the companies and norms go via digital transformation. The need of up skill and reskill workers, it can stay in the cutting edge and understand the requirement of their jobs. The numbers of the organizations have to disguise training programs for the huge number of the workforce.
- Changes in industry: Organizations are changing rapidly with the trends, cooperate with the particular skills can't possible. The changes in the industry come up with the new working criteria, so the skills need to change as well. For the changes it leads to create difficulties in the T&D, which creates failure of the activities.
- Eco-friendly sustainable training: According to the Beši?, Fóti and Vasileva 2022, By considering the eco-friendly practices of work and align with the eco-friendly practices with the training programs can be more challenging. This can create impact on the work life balance of the employees.
- Emotional intelligence: By the development of the emotional intelligence (EI), it is crucial for the employees. Outlining the effective areas is considered as challenge. This can create an effective knowledge in the employees through training and development but it comes with the challenges.
- Multi generation work force: The workforce which is multigenerational is the rule, it is not allowance. The benefits of the normally far balance the challenges, in these considerations can be arise. For example, workers who are from one generation can have more knowledge for the apps and soft wares. They prefer more AI driven learning and gamification (6 Most Common L&D Challenges [How to Solve them], 2023). The young generation of employees choose to use numerous training delivery applications. They also have some hectic home life which prevents them from more and more time on leaning and coursework.
- Dispersed workforce: It is challenging to keep employees engage along with the corporate training initiatives with dispersed employees. This is for the companies which are based on international levels, with the combination of remote and on-site workers. Different schedules, time zones and the main languages can be hurdles in the traditional trainings.
- Lack of time: The expectation from the employees to participate in trainings during the time off, may make them disappointed, Employees also have the personal and professional obligations. This put negative pressure on employees to participate in the trainings.
- Difficulties in understating the content: One of main reason is employees can disengage with the programs about the trainings. Since the training challenges is about the languages which can be technical. When the learning is complicated, by using technical language it can be described to decrease the comprehension. This can be more problematic to understand the technical language, every employee can't understand, it so typical to for trainers to give particular leaning to everyone.
- Generically training programs: Everyone needs specific role and skills to do the work, only specific training can't work well. The generic training can use to strain leaners patience and time by engaging them with the simple and irrelevant training activities.
- The boring and lonely training process: The self-hybrid training may be tough; these kinds of work environment have increased the isolation in the employees. By giving trainings it is tough for the employees to understand in this situation. So the training should focus on the making it more socialise.
- Running on tight budget: In the low budget training sessions can be not that much effective and it is not appropriate as well. This is the biggest challenge, which is lack of training budget. Moreover with the online training by removing the costs, it needs software, videos and some equipment as well.
By summing up the report it has delve into the challenges in area of HRM, The chosen area is training and development. The training and development have numerous of challenges within the organization. Some of the main challenges are like know the best training for the each employees, it is the tough task to know the needs of the each employee and fulfil it. It is not possible for the organization to customize the trainings according to everyone in the company. The second challenge, the training and development is costly than other activities, the cost is high because in the process organization need to bring instructor, fees for the travelling, material for training etc. The report put deeper insight into, the training procedure every employee need to have time to attend the training sessions, they have to manage daily tasks and trainings together, it enhance the stress in the employees because it is not possible to manage both together. There are numerous of the challenges which are faced by the organization but organization should take initiatives to mitigate the challenges. Numerous of organization is facing issues and some of them are working on it to resolve the challenges.
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