Quantitative Research Methods For Social Scientists Case Study

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Introduction of Quantitative Research Methods For Social Scientists Assignment

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Various type of vacation has been developed and provides them authority for use against the covid 19 and provides it to globally in various countries. The perception in the community, their knowledge and acceptance toward the vaccine is different. Hence, the study will be focused and investigate the perception, knowledge and attitude of the common community against the covid 19 and regarding the covid 29 vaccine in the United Kingdom. The vaccine of copvid 19 is available for control and preventing the pandemic. At least 75 % of the population should have immunity against the covid 19 virus for the vaccine to be effective. The population should accept the covid 19 vaccine and use3 it on a large basis. Through this, the aim of the study is to explore the vaccine acceptability in people, and attitude according to the covid19 vaccine to safeguard the people for pandemic.


The common reported programs with the vaccine are expected some side effects like muscle pain and joint pain, headache, fever, shills, and pain at the position of injection. The regulators approve only if they determine that the potential benefit is higher in comparison of potential risk.

Aim of the research

The aim of the study is to investigate the common people's perception regarding the covid 19 vaccine. Also focus the knowledge and attitude regarding the covid 19 vaccination of people of the United Kingdom, also the acceptability of covid 19 vaccines in common people.

Research Questions

  • Question 1: What is the common people perception regarding covid 19?
  • Question 2: What are the knowledge and attitude of social scientists regarding persecution of pandemic and vaccination?

Literature review

Knowledge and Attitude Regarding Covid-19 Vaccination

Since the outbreak of covid 19 has increased rapidly in the current world. The safety and efficiency of the covid 19 vaccine is the main public concern for usage. In order to safeguard the vaccine, the Food and Drug Authorities has made a strict policy for licenser of vaccines and strict surveillance to ensure the safety of the vaccine. The aim of literature review is to describe the vaccine physiology and how the protein uses to target the independent immune system in humans. Further, the overview strategies, side effects and efficiency of the vaccine discussed for the covid 19 vaccine. In order, lots of vaccines have been developed such as BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca, SinoVac, and many more.

The Pfizer has developed the BNT162b2. Which is a liquid RNA vaccine that encodes a SARS CoV 2 spike protein? This is the first vaccine, which is approved by the US, and also it has been approved in various countries. This vaccine requires very cold temperatures for storage and shipping. -70 degree Celsius is required to maintain the stability of the liquid. It has been identified which it has a milder side effect with a similar antibody.

The mRNA 127 covid 19 vaccine has been developed by the Moderna, which is based on the mRNA technologies to encode the SARS CoV 2. This second that approved by the US. This vaccine receives the emergency approval. The vaccine requires the temperature for long term usage -25 degree to -15 degree Celsius. This vaccine can be used for the age of 18 to older.

The Oxford and AstraZeneca vaccine has developed the “CHAdOx1” which is a genetic sequence of a spike protein. This vaccine requires the 2 degree to 8 degree of the long-term usages. This vaccine is 88 % effective on the age within 18 to 55.


Methods used and rationale

The methods and rationale for this report has a cross sectional study which is Quantitative research methods which mean the process of collecting and analyzing information. It can be used to test the relationship, to make predictions and simplify the result. Also the rapport was face to face interview and survey in between march April 2022 and the data collected from the 50 individuals whose age between 18 to 50. This interview determined the acceptance and issues manipulating the covid 19 vaccine. Investigation and population based survey was carried out in 50 people's overall 50 % female and 50 % male whose age between 18 to 50. The interview was carried out using reported and structured questions, containing three sections, demography, attitude and knowledge (Khoo-Lattimore et al. 2019).

Sampling and rationale

In The sampling and Rationale for the study, the random sampling was used for Quantitative research methods. The total 50 individuals were participants for random sampling whose age within 18 to 50 where each individual had equal possibility of being chosen. All the individuals have an equal opportunity of being chosen as all the individuals chosen to be part of the survey were selected randomly. An unbiased random sample is important for conducting the unbiased conclusion (Rahman. 2020)

Research process

The research for Quantitative Research Methods for Social Scientists has been conducted by following the positivist approach. The positivist approach can help to understand the research and its objectives. The researcher for research areas has applied the positivist philosophy. The implementation of positivism philosophy is an advantage that would help to analyze the factors. The researchers have used the positivist approach to enhance the solving aspect. The philosophical research area helps to collect the evidence that supports the research. The positivist approach can help the researcher to overcome its negative inspection on covid 19 vaccine. 

Ethical considerations

In order to conduct the research, ethical consideration has followed when conducting the research. Proper consent and permission have been generated from the individual of research. Also, the data protection act of transparency 2018 has been followed by the researcher for conducting the research. The aspect of data security can play a major role in conducting the research. The data has been collected from the individuals, which are relevant to the research. The information regarding the research analysis is true to their resource, also the security and dignity of individuals who participated in the research has been maintained properly (Hofman. Et al.2021).


In the reflexivity of the research, I have played a research role in this research. I have discussed the consequences of covid 19 and the knowledge and attitude regarding the covid 19 vaccine. In conducting the research, I have followed random sampling methods for sampling and rationality. I have conducted a survey in between march and April 2022 in 50 individuals whose age between 18 to 50. In the research approach, I have followed the positivist approach and positivist philosophy. The implementation of positivism philosophy is an advantage that would help to analyze the factors. For ethical and data security, I have followed the Data protection act of transparency 2018. The protection act helps to secure my data, which is related to my research (Hair et al. 2019).


Frequency Distribution per variable

1. What is your age?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 11 55.0 55.0 55.0
2 4 20.0 20.0 75.0
3 3 15.0 15.0 90.0
4 2 10.0 10.0 100.0
Total 20 100.0 100.0

The frequency has been calculated by the age, gender, marital status, academic qualification, ethnicity of the people. The cumulative percent of age and gender is same. where the cumulative percent of age and gender is 55, 75, 90, and 100. The valid percent of age and gender is 55, 20, 10, and 100. In order to calculate the frequency of age and gender, it has been identified that frequency for both is 11, 4, 3, and 2, it total 20 (Umanailo et al. 2021).

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In the calculation of cumulative percent, valid percent and frequency of marital status, it has been evaluated that the frequency is 13,6, and 1 in total 20. The percent is 65, 30, and 5 in total 100. The valid percent of marital status is 65, 30, and 5. In the calculation of cumulative percent, valid percent and frequency of academic qualification, it has been evaluated that the frequency is 9, 6, 4, and 1 in total 20. The percent is 45, 30, 20, and 5 in total 100. The valid percent of marital status is the same as percent. In the calculation of cumulative percent, valid percent and frequency of ethnicity, it has been evaluated that the frequency is 12, 4, 2, and 2 in total 20. The percent is 60, 20, 10, and 10 in total 100. The valid percent of marital status is the same as percent (Basias and Pollalis. 2018).

Graphical presentation of histogram

In the making of graphical histogram of variables, it has been identified that the mean, standard deviation, and N of Age is 1.8, 1.056 and 20 respectively and the frequency is 11. The mean, std. Dev and N of gender are 5.8, 1.056 and 20 respectively. The mean is 9.4, std dev is 0.598 and N is 20 for Marital status, for qualification mean is 12.85, std dev is 0.933 and N is 20.


In the discussion, N, Minimum, Maximum, Mean and standard deviation, has calculated the descriptive statistics. It has been unidentified that the mean of received covid vaccine is higher as compared to the other. On the other hand, the mean of Age is lower where the mean of age is 1.8 and the mean of received covid vaccine is 35.1. The N of every question is the same as 20. The standard deviation of planning to receive the vaccine is higher as compared to the other. Where the standard deviation is 1.392 and standard deviation of vaccine received is 0.81, which is lower as compared to the other (Rutberg and Bouikidis. 2018).

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Chi Square Test and Cramer’s V

In the calculation of Chi Square test and Cramer’s V, the value of Carmer’s V in Symmetric Measure is 0.387 and the value of Chi Square is 9.008.


 The study will be focused and investigate the perception, knowledge and attitude of the common community against the covid 19 and regarding the covid 29 vaccine in the United Kingdom. The vaccine of covid 19 is available for control and preventing the pandemic. At least 75 % of the population should have immunity against the covid 19 virus for the vaccine to be effective


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  • Hair, J.F., Page, M. and Brunsveld, N., 2019. Essentials of business research methods. Routledge.
  • Hofman, J.M., Watts, D.J., Athey, S., Garip, F., Griffiths, T.L., Kleinberg, J., Margetts, H., Mullainathan, S., Salganik, M.J., Vazire, S. and Vespignani, A., 2021. Integrating explanation and prediction in computational social science. Nature, 595(7866), pp.181-188.
  • Khoo-Lattimore, C., Mura, P. and Yung, R., 2019. The time has come: A systematic literature review of mixed methods research in tourism. Current Issues in Tourism, 22(13), pp.1531-1550.
  • Khoo-Lattimore, C., Mura, P. and Yung, R., 2019. The time has come: A systematic literature review of mixed methods research in tourism. Current Issues in Tourism, 22(13), pp.1531-1550.
  • Paul, J. and Criado, A.R., 2020. The art of writing literature review: What do we know and what do we need to know?. International Business Review, 29(4), p.101717.
  • Rahman, M.S., 2020. The advantages and disadvantages of using qualitative and quantitative approaches and methods in language “testing and assessment” research: A literature review.
  • Rutberg, S. and Bouikidis, C.D., 2018. Focusing on the fundamentals: A simplistic differentiation between qualitative and quantitative research. Nephrology Nursing Journal, 45(2), pp.209-213.
  • Umanailo, M.C., Hamid, I., Hamiru, H., Assagaf, S.S.F., Bula, M., Nawawi, M., Pulhehe, S., Yusuf, S. and Bon, A.T., 2019. Utilization of qualitative methods in research universities. Education science, 20.
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