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Python Program For Foundation Year Assignment
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This system could want to implement the factors in the manufacturer company. They want to develop a car simulation system that would show the details of the gearing process, acceleration process of the car. This also detects the speed, acceleration, speed and braking process of the system. This could include the different processes for completing the task in time. The simulation system works in different processes and helps the engineers in enabling the innovations to do the work faster and helps in delivering the model very fast. It helps in innovating the process in a different way so that it could be used for completing the stimulation process. The system would work and give the output as the given form in the stimulation process for showing the actions like ACCELERATION, BRAKE, LIGHT, LEFT, BRAKE, and FORWARD. The car simulation system helps in checking the reliability of the production and helps in checking the validation process. It also enhances the quality of the product that could help in checking the visibility of the system.
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Figure 1: code
This kind of driving car simulator has been developed in order to emulate the diving process with the real vehicle. This particular driving simulator has measured motion in order to provide the visualization of the status of cars as per the driving conditions.
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Figure 2: Output
The implementation has been performed on the PyCharm platform in order to extract the speed of the car along with the acceleration (Lin, Yen. and Wang, 2018.). As illustrated by the above picture, it has been showcased that the simulation of the system has been structured along with the specified direction and the predefined gear and the mood of driving like “Accelerating, Breaking”. This car simulator model has become cost reducing as well as the powerful simulator which can incorporate the speed adaptation and the street changing functionalities by assigning the direction with controlling the acceleration. The acceleration rate has been evaluated depending on the speed control system of the simulator with the premium quality of services of the car simulator (Mourtzis, 2020). This simulator can have the ability to control the travel time as well as the delay of the cars while driving by defining the flow and the speed.
In this car simulation system, it has been seen that the system works basically on the simulated text format that is given in the report. This system works on the process of different simulated methods like REVERSE, ACCELERATE, LEFT, RIGHT, FORWARD. The system identifies the speed of the car based on the acceleration and the gear system which can provide a glimpse of the motion system of the car. Apart from this, it has been depicted that the direction at the time of driving has been managed with this car simulator efficiently based on the specification of the street. This modern application can provide a piece of sound knowledge about the car simulator and frame a transparent concept about the simulation process of the car by improvising the important parameters of the driving simulator like speed, acceleration, direction control, gear changing. Moreover, it has been concluded that this car simulator has been successfully implemented with all possible required functionalities of the care system.
Lin, H.H., Yen, W.C. and Wang, Y.S., 2018. Investigating the effect of the learning method and motivation on learning performance in a business simulation system context: An experimental study. Computers & Education, 127, pp.30-40.
Mourtzis, D., 2020. Simulation in the design and operation of manufacturing systems: state of the art and new trends. International Journal of Production Research, 58(7), pp.1927-1949.