A Proposal About The Investigation About The Cell Biology Assignment

Detailed Study on Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cell Structures and Functions.

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A Proposal About The Investigation About The Cell Biology Assignment

1.0 Introduction

The research proposal is about the investigation and study of cell biology. The proposal would examine the structure of prokaryotic, eukaryotic cells. The study will also examine the formation of cells. It will also evaluate the functions of different structures and components of the cell regarding the sustainability of the cells for living. The synthesis of nucleic acids, proteins will also be discussed. And, the importance of cell division will also be discussed. Besides that, the function of different components of the cell during the cell division will also be analysed. The methodology that will be followed is the secondary one, which will be based on the assessment of previously published literature.

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2.0 Background

The cells are the basic component of life on Earth. There are different types of cells present, which ultimately helps to form a species or organism. The cells were generally of two types in nature, prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. In this research proposal, the structures of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells will be discussed. The anthropologic structures of the cell and the function of the components of the cells will also be discussed (Krüger-Genge, et al., 2019). As it is known, that the detailed understanding of the structures and functions of cells had lead to advancement in the field of medicine and the biotechnology. In this proposal structures and organelles of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells will be discussed. Also, the functions of them will be analysed. The cell division process will be discussed. And, DNA and protein synthesis mechanisms, cell metabolism will be analysed. There would also be a comparison between the normal and cancer cells.

3.0 Research Aim

The aim of the research proposal was to evaluate and analyse the structures and functions of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Also, to study the synthesis mechanisms of DNA and proteins. Another aim is to evaluate and understand the process of cell division.

4.0 Research Objectives

  • The objectives of the research is given below.
  • To study the characteristics of a living cell.
  • To study the sub-cellular structures and their functions of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
  • To discuss the synthesis mechanisms of DNA, RNA and proteins.
  • To analyse the structures of DNA, RNA and proteins (Bahney, et al., 2019).
  • To Study the respiration and metabolic processes within the cellular organelles.
  • To study the mechanism of cell division and different processes which were employed for the division of cells.
  • To compare normal and cancer cells.

5.0 Literature Review

According to Rost et al. (2020) investigated 8 model systems to measure central carbon metabolism. In their journal paper, they discussed the presence of a core carbon metabolite in the cytoplasm of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, however, the amount of this metabolite varies depending on the species and other factors (Rost et al., 2020). They examined the Eight model systems with some organisms. After that examination, the concentration of the metabolite was determined by them that was to be specific for 1.18 mM in E. coli and 0.83 mM in S. cerevisiae. The results also offer a baseline of data that may be applied to future studies on the tested species' optimised metabolism.

According to Nardi, et al, (2021) due to their numerous physiological functions, humic substances (HS), which are complex natural macromolecules found in soils, sediments, and humic fluids, have received much research in recent years. With aliphatic, hydroaromatic, aromatic, inorganic, and organic acids among their oligomeric and polymeric constituents, they form a dynamic pool. As they are involved in a wide range of chemical interactions and physical properties that determine the availability of water and other nutrients, as well as the composition and dynamics of microorganisms and plant communities, HS represent a key factor in the structure and function of terrestrial ecosystems (Nardi, et al, 2021). The effects of HS on plant development and production have been established, and in some circumstances, their chemical makeup enables them to encourage the regeneration of vegetal leftovers, boost yields, and shield the plants from specific illnesses. Chemically, some heavy metals and contaminants can bind to HS, reducing their bioavailability in soil. Regarding their biological action, HS promotes various natural processes that are vital for plant growth and development, such nitrogen fixation and stem elongation.

According to Carlton, et al. (2020), The inticate process of cell division necessitates the separation and reorganisation of many organelles and membrane fragments, among other cellular constituents. The nuclear envelope and the membranes enclosing other organelles disassemble during mitosis' prophase and then reform towards the conclusion of telophase. During prophase, the actin and microtubule networks that connect the cell cortex to the nucleus are also broken down. Prometaphase is characterised by the attachment of organelles and vesicles to the microtubule spindle and the centrosome's migration to the poles (Carlton, et al., 2020). Organelles, vesicles, and other cytoplasmic elements are pushed towards the polar regions when the spindle develops during metaphase. Organelles reassemble into two new daughter cells at the conclusion of telophase. A cleavage furrow is created during cytokinesis, which finally causes the two daughter cells to squeeze apart. A contractile ring can enter the cell cortex and assist the division of the two daughter cells thanks to the polarisation of the membrane and actin networks. In order to enable efficient cell division, dynamic changes in the structure of the organelles and membranes are therefore essential.

According to Church et al. (2020) in their literature, discussed Muscle development, protein turnover, and healthy body composition all depend on essential amino acids (EAAs), which are the fundamental building blocks of protein synthesis. (Church et al. 2020) have investigated the potential to maximise the body's reaction to food, as well as the association between dietary EAAs and muscle and whole-body protein synthesis (Church et al., 2020). Leucine in particular boosted net whole-body protein synthesis and muscle protein synthesis, the investigators discovered. These effects were dose-dependent. Additionally, they offered proof that consuming EAAs during mealtimes may aid to enhance the body's whole response to nutrition. These findings imply that the timing of consumption with meals and an adequate intake of EAAs are essential components of optimum nutrition practises.

6.0 Methodology

6.1 Research Philosophy

The philosophy of the research that will be followed is “interpretivism”. Since, the research will be completely based on secondary methodology, and reviewing of previously published literature. In this type of philosophy, generally, researchers had taken a relatively small number of samples for the completion of the research (Bebber, et al., 2020). The researchers also conduct a thorough investigation into their subject of interest and prepare a report. In the preparation of the report, they will collect materials about these topics from a relatively few sources. They will use the study materials provided by the university.

6.2 Research Design

The design of the research which will be followed by the researchers is based on the secondary or “qualitative analysis” method. In this process, the researchers will collect a number of samples, primarily previously published research articles and other literature. After the collection of those, they will evaluate the collected materials (Hur, et al., 2020). In this case, the researcher will collect writing about the detailed structures of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, the synthesis of DNA, RNA and proteins, the cell division mechanisms, and the formation of cancer cells, the metabolic mechanisms among others.

6.3 Research approach

The research approach is of the secondary nature. In this approach, the researchers will study and analyse relevant data, and sources that are based on the tried and tested previously. In general, the researchers had collected the samples which were reviewed by third-party analysis. The data collected is then customized by the researchers before further progression. In this case, the researchers had followed the brief and analysis regarding cellular biology, which were collected by them from the university.

6.4 Data Collection

The collection of data will be completed by the researchers through the use of the literature which talked about different topics of cell biology. They will collect the relevant data from the different sources that talks about the characteristics and structures of living prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, the different organelles of the cells. Also, the mechanism of the cell membrane in regulating the metabolic and respiratory mechanisms, the synthesis of vital components like DNA, RNA and proteins inside the cell, a detailed study about the cell division process, a detailed analysis of the processes like mitosis and meiosis and molecular mechanisms of cell division (De Luca, et al., 2019). The researchers will also collect data and relevant information about the comparison between a cancer and a normal cell, regarding the formation of the cancer cell as a result of the defective molecular mechanism of the cell division.

Since the research proposal is based solely on the collection of data from the university sources, the data collection method is also secondary in nature. In general, in this method the researchers had collected data from different previously published sources. The process is relatively fast, since all the data regarding the completion of the research is already available.

The structure of the protein

Figure 1: The structure of the protein

(Source: https://biologydictionary.net)

6.5 Data Analysis

For the analysis of data, the reserachers had studied the collected materials that talks about the topic of interest of them regarding cell biology. The researchers have reviewed the processes of DNA, RNA and protein synthesis, the structures of proteins. The structures of protein is at four different levels. Those levels are primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures. The synthesis of a protein structure involves the folding of different peptide strands through the use of bonds like “disulfide bond (S-S)”, “hydrogen bonds”, and “hydrophobic interactions” among others (Matthews, et al., 2022). The peptide strands were also folded into secondary structures like α-helix and β-sheets. The synthesis of RNA from DNA involves a process known as “transcription”. The process happens within the nucleus of an eukaryotic cell. The process involves the function of “RNA polymerase”.

The function of ribosome

Figure 2: The function of ribosome

(Source: www.beckman.com)

Within the cell, there are three types of RNA present, each have distinct functions for the process of “translation”, which involves the synthesis of protein from mRNA. The three types of RNA are mRNA, t-RNA, and r-RNA. The genetic materials, that is genomic DNA and plasmid DNA forms the chromosome in the cell. The DNA is present within the cell in a double helical structure. [Refer to appendix 1]

The structure of DNA

Figure 3: The structure of DNA

(Source: www.technologynetworks.com)

There are also different characteristics of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. The prokaryotic cells generally form the bacteria, and other simple organisms. They multiple by binary fission. The cells will require a conducive environment to survive. Eukaryotic cells were generally lead to the formation of complex species, like humans, animals and plants. Individual structures within the cells were called as “organelles”. Those include, “Golgi body”, “ribosomes”, “Endoplasmic reticulum”, “Mitochondria”, “Nucleus”, “Lysosomes”, “Vacuoles”, “Chloroplast”, “Centrioles” and others. The eukaryotic cells were generally surrounded by a cell membrane. The membrane contains a bilayer of a phospholipid, with embedded glycoproteins within it. This is called as “fluid-mosaic structure”. Besides the general prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, there are the presence of viruses, which depends on the living host cells to survive (Lundberg and Borner, 2019). The main function of the cell membrane is to regulate the entry and exit of external molecules like proteins and other nutrients, metabolic products and minerals. They regulate through the process of “osmosis”, “facilitated diffusion”, “active transport”, and “lipid diffusion” among others.

The structure of an eukaryotic cell

Figure 4: The structure of an eukaryotic cell

(Source: www.news-medical.net)

The reproduction of cell is also a complex process. Cells like blood cells, stem cells of different organs, and embryonic stem cells are reproduced through the use of processes like cell division. The process of cell division is one of the most crucial factors for the formation of new cells. Prokaryotic cells generally reproduced and divided through the process of “Meiosis”. In meiosis, the genetic material is completely replicated and passed on to the daughter cells from the parent cell. But, the eukaryotic cells are reproduced through the process of “mitosis’. This is a complex process, where the genetic material is divided into two halves, which are then passed into the daughter cells (ldatom.epearl.co.uk, 2021). Because, as the daughter cells will mate, the complete genetic material will be restored. There are five different phases of mitosis, which are the “interphase”, “prophase”, “metaphase”, “anaphase”, and “telophase”.

At the molecular level the cell division is at the core of these mitosis and meiosis processes. The cell division generally happens in a cyclical phase, which is called as the “cell cycle”. The cell cycle has four different phases. Those are the G1 (growth) phase, S (synthesis) phase, G2 phase and the “mitotic phase”. [Refer to appendix 2]

6.6 Research Ethics

Research ethics is the rules and regulations that involve the application of the different ethical principles that are standardised to be followed by the researchers. This involves the design of the research, respecting of the opinion of the scientists, among others. Also, the use of verifiable and peer-reviewed articles among others.

6.7 Research limitations

The limitations of the research proposal is given below.

  • The research proposal uses the materials that are published after 2019, and thus has the risk of missing any crucial information published before the year.
  • The research will be conducted in such a topic that is thoroughly researched and has already been published in different publications previously.
  • The proposal has been designed in such a manner that does not talk in detail about the each topic.
  • The researchers had used few resources for their research.

7.0 Recommendations

  • The researchers should conduct an analysis of the topics which are conducive to the understanding of the general public.
  • The researchers should conduct the research using the primary method.
  • The researchers should also study the evolution of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

8.0 Time plan

Gantt chart

Figure 5: Gantt chart

(Source: Self-created in MS Project)

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9.0 Conclusion

In conclusion, it can be said that the study of the cellular mechanisms, and understanding of the mechanisms will be helpful for further progression in the field of medicine and physiological treatment. The understanding of the organelles of a cell, and their functions are important for the creation of the a compact environment regarding treatment and understanding. The research will also study the structures of DNA, RNA and proteins, and their functions, which are crucial for the understanding of the metabolism. The research will also study the function and structure of the cell membrane. Researchers will also study the process of cell division and cell cycle. Thus, it can be said that the research proposal will help the people to understand the processes of cell functions and its structures in a complete way.



(Pollard, et al., 2022) Cell Biology. Available at: https://www.elsevier.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=mXiiEAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=cell+biology&ots=8N7VuP-EXo&sig=C_uWfOMKhKYVoMZQsFXs5rVtAD8&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=cell%20biology&f=false [Accessed on: 31/05/2023]


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