Preparing For a Professional Career Assignment Sample

Strategies for Preparing for a Professional Career: Skills, Planning, and Development

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Introduction Of Preparing For A Professional Career

The principles of ethics and morality of a certain construction organisation are examined in this document together with its corporate governance and corporate social responsibility initiatives. Additionally, it examines how professional practice in the construction industry relates to current business practices surrounding professional qualifications. The article that follows looks into the codes of conduct and ethics noticed by the exemplary construction company Milestone Infrastructure. The goal is to demonstrate the agency's experience in corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies, corporate governance, and ethical business practices (Kitto and Knight, 2019). The construction sector, where Milestone Infrastructure operates, is known for its difficult demands and ethical issues.

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The building industry plays an essential part in the development of civilizations and has a significant impact on the local environment, economy & society. The investigation will go deep into the moral principles and guiding principles of Milestone Infrastructure. It will examine the organization's corporate governance practices, which focus on how they ensure the openness, accountability, and equality of its organisational structure and decision-making procedures (Zamora-Polo and Sánchez-Martín, 2019). This report will analyse the relationship between professional practice and contemporary business practice, focusing on how Milestone Infrastructure's dedication to professional qualifications correlates with more standard business procedures.

Overview Of The Organisation And The Type Of Business

Organisation's practices and its type

Examination of the organization's structures - Milestones Infrastructure:

Milestone Infrastructure is a leading creator of projects, specialising in everything from building construction to building infrastructure. The business engages in a wide range of operations related to the construction and maintenance of its infrastructure as part of the rapidly evolving and diversified construction industry.

Milestone Infrastructure participates at every stage of a construction project's lifetime as a production company. This entails preliminary analysis of feasibility, conceptualization preparation, materials and equipment acquisition, objective implementation and continuing challenge management (Ulnicane, 2020). Their projects cover a wide range, including the construction of roads, bridges, highways, airports, offices, residential buildings, industrial hubs and various infrastructure trends. General contractor work or construction development is the type of business Milestone infrastructure typically contributes. As the sole contractor, they engage in innovations while supervising and organising all aspects of production.

Defining the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders

Milestone Infrastructure interacts with a variety of stakeholders who are crucial to the continued success and viability of their commercial operation throughout the construction industry. Among the parties involved are:

  • Clients: The projects and their owners that Milestone Infrastructure often works with are government institutions, private organisations, or individuals. Clients provide the projects along with the specifications, and they rely on the Milestone infrastructure to deliver the project as per their needs, within the prescribed time frame & budget.
  • Employees: The workforce at Milestone Infrastructure consists of a wide range of professionals, including architects, professionals in engineering, project supervisors, skilled labourers, office staff, and others (Verweij, Loomans and Leendertse, 2020).
  • Stakeholders: Owners of the Milestone infrastructure and protectors of corporate equity are the shareholders. They have the responsibility of providing resources and financing for the employer's growth and success.

Figure 1 Milestone Infrastructure

Milestone Infrastructure

(Source: Milestone Infrastructure, 2023)

Moral And Ethical Responsibility

Stating the moral obligations of the organisation

The Ethical and moral responsibility of Milestone Infrastructure are enumerated below:

As a construction company, Milestone Infrastructure has important moral responsibilities to a wide range of stakeholders and the general population as a whole. The responsibilities result from a commitment to uphold ethical standards and subscribe to a set of ethical standards that guide their actions and decision-making processes. Promoting safety in all aspects of their activities constitutes a single of Milestone Infrastructure's ethical obligations. Organisations commit it to their employees, suppliers, and others who might be impacted by the result of their attempts to establish a safe working environment (Huising, and Silbey, 2021). This involves the enforcement of strong safety laws, offering appropriate instruction, and ensuring commitment to safety regulations.

By putting safety first, Milestone Infrastructure displays its moral dedication to safeguarding the health and existence of all involved in its projects. Responsible environmental management serves as one of the milestone infrastructure's other moral obligations. Formation operations have the potential to damage the environment through environmental damage, ecosystem interruption, and utilisation of resources (Roša and Lobanova, 2022). Milestone Infrastructure needs to make environmental impact reduction efforts as a moral creation venture. These can include using eco-friendly materials, applying waste management techniques and sustainable development practices to minimise adverse effects on the environment.

Defining the significance of ethical behaviour

Ethical behaviour is crucial for Milestone Infrastructure, not just from an ethical point of view but also for maintaining its good reputation and long-term profitability. Establishing reliability as well as confidence among stakeholders like customers, employees, suppliers, governmental organisations, and the vast majority involves acting morally. It develops Milestone infrastructure as a reputable, accountable, and morally upright company.

A strong reputation for ethical conduct can undoubtedly influence commercial interactions and reach potential clients who appreciate carrying out business with moral organisations. Clients frequently look for suppliers who exhibit high standards of ethics as they are interested in knowing that their projects will be completed with accessibility, equality, and under trustworthy and legal regulations (Peek, 2020). By consistently exhibiting ethical behaviour, Milestone infrastructure enhances its competitive edge within the marketplace and establishes long-term associations.

Furthermore, responsible behaviour might help with employee satisfaction and loyalty. Employees are glad to be associated with the organisation since they recognise its commitment to ethical conduct. It promotes a healthy work environment, boosts morale among staff members, and attracts qualified experts who share the company's values. This kind of work environment promotes creativity, teamwork, and dedication to greatness.

Figure 2 Ethical Decisions and Socially Responsible Business

Ethical Decisions and Socially Responsible Business

(Source: Ethical Decisions and Socially Responsible Business, 2023)

Leadership And Corporate Governance

Presenting the importance of strong leadership and corporate governance within an organisation

Leadership and company governance at Milestone Infrastructure: The organisation must prioritise having strong management, and efficient corporate governance. The aforementioned elements help organisations succeed and maintain sustainable and ethical company practices. Effective leadership gives the organisation direction, a plan, and a vision. It establishes an atmosphere for the entire workforce and promotes an organisational attitude of honesty, responsibility and transparency. Strong leaders throughout the milestone infrastructure support and motivate employees, ensuring that moral behaviour becomes established in the business at a certain point in time (Islam, Faisal and Khan, 2021). Organisations establish forward specific goals and visions, express expectations, and create an atmosphere that supports moral decision-making.

Corporate governance comprises the system of rules, procedures, and controls that an organisation uses to be managed, held accountable, and governed. Effective corporate governance ensures that there are adequate mechanisms for oversight in place that promote accountability, equality, and moral behaviour. Milestone Infrastructure's well-founded governance architecture and strategic practices support exemplary corporate governance (Ulnicane, 2020). A committee of administration for the organisation manages and guides important decision-making procedures. The governing body is made up of qualified professionals from many different kinds of backgrounds, ensuring a wide range of viewpoints and knowledge.

Defining how selected organisations contribute to good corporate governance

The structure/strategy should be addressed: The management's Periodic board meetings during which executives review and analyse the company's performance, strategies, and risk management procedures are part of the Milestone Infrastructure. By doing this, efficient management and consistency with organisational goals are ensured (Sergeeva, 2020). A straightforward standard of behaviour and ethical coverage, detailing the expected behaviours and moral standards for all workers, is also maintained by Milestone Infrastructure. The code of conduct acts as a guide for decision-making, emphasizing courtesy, honesty, and compliance with legislation and regulations.

By effectively communicating these objectives, Milestone Infrastructure encourages a culture of ethical behaviour inside the organisation. To acknowledge and reduce operational risks, the commercial company has also put in place strong internal governance and risk mitigation mechanisms (Ahmed, 2023). The aforementioned supports the overall corporate governance system by ensuring responsibility, openness, and effective possibility and risk management.

Professional Bodies And Codes Of Conduct

Assessing professional bodies and their influence on the construction industry

Professional bodies and codes of behaviour at Milestone Infrastructure: Professional associations and conduct standards at Milestone Infrastructure having skilled professional governance bodies serve an essential part in boosting productivity within organisations at Milestone Infrastructure. These organisations offer guidance, and support, and set standards that encourage excellence, ethical behaviours, and continuous professional progress (Müller, Drouin, and Sankaran, 2020). They have a significant impact on the growth of the industry by ensuring high standards of performance, promoting collaboration, and improving creativity.

The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) is a renowned Professional body within the construction industry. RIBA advocates for architects' professional standards and safeguards their stakeholder's interests. It provides resources, opportunities for learning, and communication for architects to enhance their expertise, abilities, and moral character (Faris, Gaterell and Hutchinson, 2022). By promoting environmentally friendly architectural regulations, promoting top practices, and assuring compliance with statutory and regulatory bodies' criteria, RIBA" regulations help to elevate the competence of architecture within Milestone infrastructure.

The Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) is another significant professional organisation that focuses on promoting professionalism and high standards in the production industry. The CIOB provides its members with specialist credentials, educational opportunities, and a standard of conduct that establishes moral guidelines. Individuals within the Milestone Infrastructure benefit from access to invaluable information, company perspectives, and opportunities for collaboration through CIOB that enhance the competence of their staff and contribute to the general growth of the organisation (Posillico, 2022).

Discussing the significance of the standards down by the professional bodies

By providing an atmosphere that encourages professional reputation and ongoing learning, expert individuals enhance competence inside Milestone Infrastructure. Participation within these organisations indicates a dedication to continuing education and commitment to demanding standards. The standards developed by expert organisations, consisting of RIBA and CIOB, are very important to Milestone Infrastructure (Challender, 2022). Milestone Infrastructure proves its commitment to integrity, morality, and appropriate qualities by upholding these standards.

Explaining the importance of codes of conduct within the organisation

Standards of conduct serve a vital purpose. In establishing a strong moral practice throughout businesses and directing ethical behaviour. Principles explain the standards of conduct, principles, and beliefs that employees must uphold. Codes of conduct in the construction sector address concerns including openness, justice, respect for stakeholders, safety, and accountability for the environment.

Codes of conduct offer guidelines for decision-making and help the organisation avoid unethical practices within the Milestone Infrastructure. It contributes to the identification of the Administration and promotes trust among stakeholders (Cooper, 2019). The organization's reputation is increased, its connections with customers and partners are strengthened, and it attracts employees who share its values when a standard behaviour is followed.

Discussing how codes of conduct(s) and professional standards have been incorporated within the organisation.

Professional standards of conduct and behaviour have been incorporated into Milestone Infrastructure's activities. The company has developed its own set of rules for conduct that correspond to both legal and acceptable industry standards. This code outlines the standards for moral behaviour, honesty, conformity, and professionalism. It is shared with all staff members, and ongoing awareness-raising and instruction programmes are carried out to ensure its applicability.

According to its internal code of conduct, Milestone Infrastructure encourages its employees to join and constructively engage with professional organisations like RIBA and CIOB. The company supports its employees' acquisition of academic certifications, participation at professional conferences, and use of resources made available by the relevant organisations (Fernandhytia and Muslichah, 2020). The organization's internal incorporation with legal norms and codes of behaviour ensures that Milestone Infrastructure preserves high standards of integrity and professionalism, which is advantageous to both the company as well the sector as a whole.

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This report attempted to determine the high ethical and moral standards of a certain industrial organisation, like Milestone Infrastructure, along with its corporate governance, corporate social responsibility initiatives, expert practices, and certifications. Throughout the report, the organization's evaluation, its place within the construction industry, and the respective responsibilities of various involved parties. The study emphasised the moral obligations of Milestone Infrastructure, including the moral obligation to prioritise welfare and environmental sustainability. Ethical behaviour was emphasised as crucial to the organization's credibility and long-term success, relating it to developing belief among participants and attracting prospects who initially value carrying out business with environmentally and socially conscious companies.

The report discussed the value of effective leadership and efficient governance practices inside Milestone Infrastructure. The concept of transparency, accountability, and ethical behaviour is supported by the corporate enterprise's well-established governance structure, clear code of conduct, controls within the organisation, and risk management processes. Additionally, the study examined the value of professional organisations and their standards of conduct in enhancing competence throughout an organisation. Professional groups like RIBA and CIBO"s participation improve competence, ongoing learning, and networking opportunities. Following these guidelines ensures moral, impressive and consistent conduct within Milestone Infrastructure.


Books and Journals

  • Ahmed, M.M.A., 2023. The relationship between corporate governance mechanisms and integrated reporting practices and their impact on sustainable development goals: evidence from South Africa. Meditari Accountancy Research.
  • Challender, J., 2022. Professional Ethics in Construction and Engineering. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Cooper, T., 2019. Handbook of administrative ethics.
  • Faris, H., Gaterell, M. and Hutchinson, D., 2022. Developing a collaborative framework for construction projects in emerging economies. Smart and Sustainable Built Environment.
  • Fernandhytia, F. and Muslichah, M., 2020. The effect of internal control, individual morality and ethical value on accounting fraud tendency. Media Ekonomi Dan Manajemen. 35(1). pp.112-127.
  • Huising, R. and Silbey, S.S., 2021. Accountability infrastructures: Pragmatic compliance inside organizations. Regulation & Governance. 15. pp. S40-S62.
  • Islam, M.S., Faisal, S.I. and Khan, S., 2021. Development and strengthening of the nuclear and radiation safety infrastructure for the nuclear power program of Bangladesh. Nuclear Engineering and Technology. 53(5). pp.1705-1716.
  • Kitto, K. and Knight, S., 2019. Practical ethics for building learning analytics. British Journal of Educational Technology. 50(6). pp.2855-2870.
  • Müller, R., Drouin, N. and Sankaran, S., 2020. Governance of organizational project management and megaprojects using the viable project governance model. Handbook of Systems Sciences, pp.1-27.
  • Peek, L., Tobin, J., Adams, R.M., Wu, H. and Mathews, M.C., 2020. A framework for convergence research in the hazards and disaster field: The natural hazards engineering research infrastructure CONVERGE facility. Frontiers in Built Environment. 6. p.110.
  • Posillico, J.J., Edwards, D.J., Roberts, C. and Shelbourn, M., 2022. Curriculum development in the higher education literature: A synthesis focusing on construction management programmes. Industry and Higher Education. 36(4). pp.456-470.
  • Roša, A. and Lobanova, L., 2022. Ethical Responsibility of a Company in the Context of Digital Transformation of Work: Conceptual Model. Sustainability. 14(18). p.11365.
  • Sergeeva, N., 2020. Towards a more flexible approach to governance to allow innovation: the case of UK infrastructure. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business. 13(1). pp.1-19.
  • Ulnicane, I., 2020. Ever-changing Big Science and Research Infrastructures: Evolving European Union policy. Big Science and Research Infrastructures in Europe. p.76.
  • Verweij, S., Loomans, O. and Leendertse, W., 2020. The role of the public partner in innovation in transport infrastructure PPPs: A qualitative comparative analysis of nine Dutch DBFM projects. Public Works Management & Policy. 25(1). pp.5-32.
  • Zamora-Polo, F. and Sánchez-Martín, J., 2019. Teaching for a better world. Sustainability and sustainable development goals in the construction of a change-maker university. Sustainability. 11(15). p.4224.


  • Ethical Decisions and Socially Responsible Business. 2023. Online). Available through: <> Accessed on 10th July 2023.
  • Milestone Infrastructure. 2023. (Online). Available through: <> Accessed on 10th July 2023.
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