Portfolio of 3 Reflective Writings: Contemporary Social Problems in Modern Society

In-Depth Reflections on Suicide, Poverty, and Homelessness Amidst Modern Challenges

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Portfolio of 3 Reflective Writings: Contemporary Social Problems in Modern Society


This reflective study will demonstrate a discussion considering three different topics. Suicide in modern society has now increased on a wide scale. Considering the UK data report on suicide cases will develop a self-reflective report. On the other hand, poverty in the UK arises due to increased unemployment activity and lack of education in the economic culture. Regarding the effect of COVID-19, more than 24% of people have faced multiple issues and obstacles, and as a result, it increased dissimilar disproportionate rates in economic development. Based on the three different topics this study will provide guidance that will come up with an adverse outcome and transmission at the end of the study.

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Reflection 1: Suicide and modern society

Complexity in arising case of suicide from 1870-2010 in the UK

Figure 1: Complexity in arising case of suicide from 1870-2010 in the UK

(Source: Condorelli, 2016)

What - Suicide in modern society contains additional tragedy that assisted to create an effect on the cultural community, families and entire countries. According to multiple survey reports it can state that, in the UK every year more than 7,03,000 people have taken their own life and people have attempted suicide (Forbes, 2022). In this reflective piece, I hope to investigate the "what, so what, and now what" features of suicide in our modern society. A recent survey report has stated that cases of suicide not only just occur in high-income societies hence, it is considered a global effect in the natural phenomenon that covered a preventable situation in the open economic developed country all over the world. As I consider the topic of suicide along with its relationship to modern society, I am overcome with a range of emotions. It is a delicate subject that necessitates our empathy and understanding, compelling us to delve more profound into its complexities.

In the case of considering the effectiveness of suicide in modern society all over the UK economy, it can be realized that it is quite tragic. An individual intentionally taking their own life is a deeply distressing act. As per the suicide record presented by WHO, in recent years suicide awareness has increased by more than 24% compared to the death rate of 2014 (WHO, 2023). However, as I investigate the link between suicide and modern society, I realise it is not an isolated occurrence. It is influenced instead by the unique challenges and pressures the fact our modern world presents. As per the observation of Goldsmith et al. (2002), it is estimated that more than 20% of global suicide occur due to self-poisoning.

So What - We are dealing with higher social isolation, economic uncertainty, and the relentless pursuit of success in this fast-paced, hyper connected era. These factors contribute to the deterioration of our mental health, frequently resulting in feelings of dismay, hopelessness, and inadequacy. As I consider the implications of suicide in today's society, I am struck by the far-reaching consequences. It has an impact on families, friends, communities, along with society as a whole. Suicide has significant economic costs in addition to personal expenses. Lost productivity, healthcare costs, and the long-term consequences on survivors' mental well-being considered a burden upon society as a whole (Forbes, 2022). It is a stark illustration that we must not ignore the underlying issues that attract people to such desperate measures.

Now What - Regarding the effective reason for suicide in modern society it is necessary to justify the economic status. Finding out the interpersonal control and extremely corresponded by the context must be referred to the concept of "sociopolitical control" to reduce the rate of suicide in the UK economy. In this context, the suicide mortality rate suggested a reduction of 3.4% through "Sustainable Development Goals" by the end of 2030. The major goal of this strategy will be to reduce 10% by the end of 2030 (WHO, 2023). It has been profound that, the reduced factor of death ceremony contains a leading suicide and is responsible for 48,000 death in 2021.

Reflection 2: Poverty-Causes

Causes of poverty in the UK

Figure 2: Causes of poverty in the UK

(Source: Slideplayer, 2022)

What - Major causes of poverty in the UK contain unemployment and low paid remuneration to engaged workers. Around 20% of the population in the UK economy was in poverty in 2020-2021 (Jrf.org, 2023). Considering a wide range of data in the UK economy it can be stated that, data sources and insight furnished a negative outcome that affects the challenging trend in the UK economy. Poverty is a complicated problem that, despite having a developed country, persists in the UK. Understanding the underlying causes is critical for effectively addressing this pressing social issue. Poverty in the UK is caused by several factors, including economic inequalities, low wages, insufficient systems of social support, and educational disparities. Single work holds an income score suggesting an amount of £276 while the minimum income standard in the UK economy reveals a report of £253 (Trust for London, 2022). Another report stated that in the age of couple working "Income Standard - Inner London (AHC)" as of 2020 was £379 while, "UK poverty line - After Housing Costs, 2020" suggested a sum of £244 (Trust for London, 2022). Economic inequality is the first major cause of poverty in the UK. The wealth gap has grown wider over time, resulting in a disproportionate amount of wealth.

So What - Inadequate social support mechanisms also contribute to poverty's persistence. The welfare system, while intended to help, frequently falls short of meeting the basic requirements of those living in poverty. I have acknowledged that a lack of employment in the UK is considered one of the major reasons that have unassisted to increase the rate of poverty. Benefit cuts, constrained access to affordable housing, as well as bureaucratic stumbling blocks, can leave individuals and families unable to escape poverty (Malheiro, 2019). On the other hand, the lack of education culture in the UK is also considered one of the leading issues for increasing the culture of poverty. I feel like understanding the underlying causes of poverty in the UK is critical hence, it allows us to identify the systemic issues that exacerbate the problem.

Now What - Considering the major issues and rising causes of poverty in the Uk there are multiple processes to reduce the rate of poverty. Inadequacies in the usefulness procedure can also generate poverty shortly. Considering the discussion I have to realize that, the phase of 2008-2014 in the UK was quite different while children's benefits are quite faster rather than the cost of housing and education. Despite working, many people and their loved ones find themselves in poverty. Low-wage jobs, particularly in retail, hospitality, and care giving, make it difficult for people to make ends meet. Comprehensive and multifaceted strategies are required to address poverty in the UK. As per the suggestions of Sowels (2021), in the beginning, economic policies should prioritize reducing wealth disparity through measures such as gradually increasing taxes and more equitable resource distribution. We may establish more targeted and effective solutions for alleviating poverty by identifying the root causes.

Reflection 3: Homelessness has increased due to the Covid-19 pandemic

Rate of homelessness in the UK

Figure 3: Rate of homelessness in the UK

(Source: Cih.org, 2022)

What - The COVID-19 pandemic laid an effective effect on the UK economy hence, people have faced multiple issues and obstacles. For those who remain, the void left by a lost daily life is filled with grief, misunderstandings, and a tangible feeling of guilt. The homeless population has also increased in large numbers which is a rising issue. According to Perri et al. (2020), recognizing the complexities of the Covid-19 pandemic challenges the stigma and misunderstandings associated with it, fostering compassion and unity in society. In the UK among 408 individual experiences, more than 36% of people seem positive due to the attack of corona virus.

So What - The growing homelessness crisis necessitates immediate attention and complete remedies. Homelessness must be prioritized as a critical issue by the government, and adequate resources must be allocated to address it. This includes implementing eviction prevention strategies, providing funding to those at risk of becoming homeless, and ensuring affordable housing availability. As per the suggestions of Rodriguez et al. (2021), Assistance programs and mental health safeguards should be consolidated to meet the unique needs of homeless people. The "US Interagency Council" has reported that due to the effect of COVID-19, more than 250 deaths have arisen in PEH 2020 (Depaul UK, 2021). Considering the effect, more than 900 families are seen as homeless in the UK economy.

Now What - Considering the effect of COVID-19 UK governments have contained multiple steps and procedure to provide them with the additional facility. Communicable sickness epidemics and pandemics create an effective impact through experiencing marginalization and stigmatization. In the future, I believe society must foster a compassionate and all-encompassing approach to homelessness. We must work actively to raise awareness, challenge stereotypes, and advocate for policies that address in question the root causes of becoming homeless. Volunteering while assisting local entities that work with homeless people can make a real difference. Furthermore, creating possibilities for employment and promoting financial wellness will help to prevent homelessness in the long run. We can work together to create a society in which everyone has access to secure and protected housing, especially during times of crisis.

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Condorelli, R. (2016). Social complexity, modernity and suicide: an assessment of Durkheim’s suicide from the perspective of a non-linear analysis of complex social systems. SpringerPlus, 5(1). doi:https://doi.org/10.1186/s40064-016-1799-z.

Depaul UK. (2021). The impact of Covid-19 on young homeless people - Depaul UK. [online] Available at: https://www.depaul.org.uk/news/covid-19-and-youth-homlessness-our-report/ [Accessed 5 Jun. 2023].

Forbes (2022). 20-Year-Old Robinhood Customer Dies By Suicide After Seeing A $730,000 Negative Balance. [Online] Available at: https://www.forbes.com/sites/sergeiklebnikov/2020/06/17/20-year-old-robinhood-customer-dies-by-suicide-after-seeing-a-730000-negative-balance/ [Accessed 5 Jun. 2023].

Goldsmith, S.K., Pellmar, T.C., Kleinman, A.M. and Bunney, W.E. (2002). Society and Culture. [Online] Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK220948/#:~:text=Economic%20conditions%20can%20affect%20suicide [Accessed 5 Jun. 2023].

Jrf.org (2023). UK Poverty 2023: The essential guide to understanding poverty in the UK | JRF. [online] www.jrf.org.uk. Available at: https://www.jrf.org.uk/report/uk-poverty-2023#:~:text=Around%20one%20in%20five%20of [Accessed 5 Jun. 2023].

Malheiro, A.S.S., 2019. Energy Poverty in the European Union and the Role of Poverty Policies: the particular case of Portugal.

Perri, M., Dosani, N. and Hwang, S.W. (2020). COVID-19 and people experiencing homelessness: challenges and mitigation strategies. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 192(26), pp.E716–E719. doi:https://doi.org/10.1503/cmaj.200834.

Rodriguez, N.M., Lahey, A.M., MacNeill, J.J., Martinez, R.G., Teo, N.E. and Ruiz, Y. (2021). Homelessness during COVID-19: challenges, responses, and lessons learned from homeless service providers in Tippecanoe County, Indiana. BMC Public Health, 21(1). doi:https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-021-11687-8.

Slideplayer (2022). Social Issues in the UK Health and Wealth Inequalities National Qualifications. - Ppt Download. [online] slideplayer.com. Available at: https://slideplayer.com/slide/5794240/ [Accessed 5 Jun. 2023].

Sowels, N., 2021. Living together in an age of inequalities: an overview of economic inequalities and poverty in the United Kingdom. Observatoire de la société britannique, (26), pp.149-172.

Trust for London. (2022). Poverty definitions and thresholds. [Online] Available at: https://trustforlondon.org.uk/data/poverty-thresholds/#:~:text=Households%20are%20considered%20to%20be [Accessed 5 Jun. 2023].

WHO (2023). Suicide. [Online] Available at: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/suicide#:~:text=More%20than%20700%20000%20people [Accessed 5 Jun. 2023].

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