Plc Marketing And Management Essay Sample

PLC Marketing and Management Essay: Strategies and Solutions for Academic Success

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Introduction Of Plc's Marketing, Management

In today's competitive business environment, companies require to adopt efficient strategies to stay competitive and achieve their goals. One vital aspect of any firm's success is its supervision and human resources practice. This essay will inspect Interserve Plc which is a leading construction and hold up Services Corporation in the UK, and travel around its marketing mix, management structure, and human resource practices.

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Figure 1 Interserve Sells Off Shares to Health JV

Interserve Sells Off Shares to Health JV

(Source:, 2019)

This essay's purpose is to provide a synopsis of the case company's marketing tactics, organizational structure, and HR policies and procedures. Management, marketing, and staffing/development policies will all be covered in this essay (Anwar and Abdullah 2021). The article is structured to quickly introduce the reader to the company and its activities. The management structure of the organization and its role in achieving the company's strategic goals will also be discussed. In this article, we'll take a close look at how the company uses product, pricing, place, and promotion as part of its marketing mix and strategies. Human resource policies and procedures, such as hiring and promotion policies, training programs, and communication structures are between management and employees. The purpose of this is to shed light on the management techniques used by a successful UK-based company and highlight the importance of good management and HR techniques in propelling managerial success.

Background of an organization

Company overview

Interserve Plc is a UK-based group that provides a variety of carry services to public and private sector clients internationally. They operate in a range of sectors, including construction, protection, facilities management, healthcare, and education.

Company's construction division is accountable for delivering a wide range of construction projects, including commercial, infrastructure, and residential buildings (Úbeda-García, et. al. 2021). The firm's facilities management division provides a range of services, including security, cleaning, catering, and protection, to help clients manage and continue their facilities.

The company also has a strong presence in the defense sector, providing support services to the Ministry of Defense in the UK and abroad. The company's healthcare division provides support services to the NHS, including cleaning, catering, and pottering, while its education division provides maintain services to schools and universities across the UK (Yong, et. al. 2020). In 2019, the company reported revenue of £2.8 billion and a pre-tax loss of £110 million. The company employs over 49,000 people wide-reaching and has operations in over 35 countries.

The case company has a strong commitment to sustainability and has set determined targets to reduce its carbon footprint and encourage sustainable practices across its operation. The company has launched several initiatives to reduce waste, boost recycling, and endorse energy competence in its buildings. The company was also acquired by a consortium of lenders, following a financial restructuring. The acquisition enables the business to reduce its debt and improve its financial position, allow it to focus on deliver high-quality services to its customers. Company's construction division is accountable for delivering a wide variety of projects, including commercial, infrastructure, and residential buildings (Collings, et. al. 2021). The division has a strong track record in the delivery of multifaceted projects, including the building of hospitals, airports, and sports facilities.

Firm's facilities management division provides a range of services, including security, cleaning, catering, and safeguarding, to help customers manage and maintain their facilities. The division has a strong focus on innovation and has developed several digital solutions to advance the efficiency and efficiency of its services.

Reason for choosing this organization

The rationale for choosing this company is, as its leading contributor of support services to public and private sector customers internationally. Company's education division provides support services to schools and universities across the UK. The firm has a strong focus on sustainability and has developed several initiatives to lessen energy usage and promote sustainable practices in the education sector. The company has a strong occurrence in several sectors, including facilities management, construction, defense, healthcare and education (Hamadamin and Atan, 2019). With its focus on sustainability and promise to delivering high-quality services, the business is well-positioned to carry on its achievement in the years to come.

State the management structure of Interserve Plc

Converse the management structure

The business has a management structure that is planned to provide strategic direction, oversight, and governance across its operation. The business is led by a Board of Directors, which is responsible for setting the company's monitoring performance, strategy, and ensures that the corporation complies with legal and regulatory requirements. The Board of Directors is chaired by a Non-Executive Chairman, who is answerable for leading the Board and ensuring that it operate competently. The Board also includes Non-Executive Directors, who carry a diversity of skills and proficiency to the company, and Executive Directors, who are responsible for the day-to-day association of the company.

The Executive committee is responsible for the operational management of the business. It is chaired by the chief executive officer and includes the head of each of the company's business units, and also the chief financial officer and other senior executives. The executive committee is accountable for implementing the company's strategy, managing risk, and ensures that the business delivers high-class services to its customers (Chams and García-Blandón, 2019). Each of company's business units has a management team that is accountable for the day-to-day operation of the unit. The management team includes a managing director, who is dependable for the general performance of the unit, as well as other senior executives who are responsible for specific functions, such as operations, finance, and business development.

How does this structure help the company achieve its goals?

The case company has a strong focus on corporate governance and has well-known several committees to make sure that the company operates in a principled and transparent manner. These committees include the remuneration committee, the audit committee, and the nomination committee, which are accountable for overseeing executive remuneration, financial reporting, and Board appointments, respectively.

Company has a management structure that is intended to provide oversight, strategic direction, and supremacy across its operations. The corporation is led by a Board of Directors and an Executive Committee, which are accountable for setting the company's plan and managing its operations (Stahl, et. al. 2020). The business also has strong corporate governance measures in place, which are intended to ensure that the corporation operates in an transparent and ethical manner.

State how the management structure benefits the company. Bring out the advantages and disadvantages of the organization's structure.

The management structure of the case company provides several benefits to the organization, including:

  • Clear lines of accountability: the structure ensures that each level of the organization has clear lines of accountability, which helps to get better decision-making and make sure that the company is able to deliver high-quality services to its customers.
  • Efficient communication: The structure facilitates competent communication across the organization, allowing information to flow effortlessly between diverse levels of management and ensuring that everybody is working towards the same goals.
  • Strong corporate governance: structure ensures that the company operates in a moral and transparent way, which helps to build faith with customers, investors, and other stakeholders.
  • Effective risk management: this helps to recognize and deal with risks across the organization, ensuring that the corporation is able to mitigate potential risks and respond quickly to any issues that occur (Donthu, al. 2023).

There are also some potential disadvantages to company's management structure, including:

  • Slow decision-making: The structure may result in slow decision-making, as decision may require to be approved by multiple levels of management before they can be implementing.
  • Hierarchical culture: The structure may create a hierarchical culture within the organization, which can lead to a need of creativity and innovation and stifle ideas from lower-level workers.
  • Limited autonomy: management structure may limit the independence of lower-level employees, as they may be necessary to follow strict strategy and procedures.
  • Siloed departments: The management structure may result in siloed departments that do not converse effectively with each other, which can lead to a lack of teamwork and management across the organization (Marcial, 2021).

The management structure of Plc provides clear benefits in terms of communication, accountability, corporate governance, and risk management. Though, there are also potential disadvantages in terms of hierarchical culture, slow decision-making, limited autonomy, and siloed departments. The business will need to continually evaluate and become accustomed its management structure to ensure that it is best positioned to meet its strategic goals and deliver value to its stakeholders.

Briefly discuss the 4Ps of the Marketing Mix in relation to Interserve

Define what Marketing Mix is and briefly state the 4Ps

Marketing Mix refers to a set of convenient tactical marketing tools and variables that a company uses to control the demand for its products or services in the target market. The Marketing Mix is also known as the 4 Ps of Marketing, which includes:

  • Product: this represents the offering that a corporation provides to its customers. This includes the quality, design, features, branding, packaging, and other aspect of the product that make it attractive to clientele.
  • Price: this refers to the amount that a client pays to acquire the product or service (Murray, al. 2019). This includes the discounts, list price, promotions, and other factors that have an effect on the final price that customers pay.
  • Place: this refers to the channels or allocation networks used to make the product or service available to the target customers. This includes online stores, physical locations, and other distribution channels that are used to arrive at the target market.
  • Promotion: this includes all the activities that are used to endorse the product or service to the target market (Shahriari, al. 2019). This includes personal selling, advertising, sales promotions, public relations, and other promotional tools that are used to create awareness and demand for the product or service.

Look at the product the organization is offering

Price: the case company uses a range of approaches, depending on the specific product or service being obtainable and the market conditions. Value-based pricing approach involves setting prices based on the apparent value of the product or service to the customer. The company may use this approach for its capability management services, which are intended to help customers reduce costs and get better the efficiency of their operations (Karim, et. al. 2021). Competitive pricing approach involves setting prices based on the prices of competitor in the market. The company may use this approach for its project organization services, which may be subject to important competition from other providers. In terms of which pricing strategy could advantage company the most, it would depend on the exact product or service being offered and the competitive background in that particular market. For instance, in highly competitive markets, a competitive pricing approach may be more effectual, while in markets where there is a high apparent value for the product or service, a value-based pricing approach may be more suitable.

Eventually, the best pricing strategy for the company will be one that balances the company's require for profitability with the value it delivers to clientele and the competitive dynamics of the market.

Place- the company operates in the business-to-business (B2B) space, providing a range of support services and construction solutions to customers in various sectors, including education, healthcare, government, retail, and profitable (Fenech, et. al. 2019). As such, its distribution channels are first and foremost focused on delivering its services to these B2B customers. The company operates in multiple countries global, with a important presence in the UK, Asia and Middle East. The company's services are frequently delivered on-site, which means that the company wants to have a robust and consistent supply chain in place to ensure that it can meet the needs of its customers. One of the weaknesses of company's supply chain is the potential for disruption in the delivery of materials and tackle to construction sites, which could result in project delays and additional costs (Mahmoud, 2019). To mitigate this risk, company could consider working intimately with its suppliers to expand contingency plans for any possible disruptions and make sure that there is sufficient inventory management in place to convene project needs.

Promotion –company's primarily promotes its products and services through direct sales and marketing efforts targeted at its key client segments. Though, the company may also use a variety of promotional channels to hold up its sales efforts and increase alertness of its brand and offerings. The organization could be present at industry trade shows and events to showcase its offerings and connect with potential customers and partners (Lahtinen, et. al. 2020). They could use targeted direct mail and email marketing campaigns to reach potential customers and promote its services. The business could also use social media platforms like LinkedIn to share industry insights and thought leadership content, engage with potential clientele and partners, and endorse its offerings. Interserve Plc could incentivize its existing clientele to refer new business by offering rewards or discounts for successful referrals.

By leveraging a mix of direct sales and targeted marketing efforts, the company can efficiently promote its offerings and construct its brand in the marketplace.

The summary of HR functions

Define what HR is, what functions comes under it

Human Resources, is the function within an organization that is accountable for managing the people who work for the company. The main goal of HR is to make the most of the productivity and efficiency of the organization's workers, while ensuring fulfillment with applicable laws and regulations.

There are several key functions of HR, including:

  • Performance management: This involves setting performance prospects, providing regular feedback and coaching, and conducting performance evaluations to ensure that employees are convention their goals and contributing to the success of the organization.
  • Employee relations: HR is responsible for handling the relationships between the organization and its employees, including conflict determination, disciplinary actions, and promoting a positive and productive work culture (Atrizka, al. 2020).
  • Compensation and benefits: Setting up and administering competitive, equitable salary and benefits plans that encourage employees to give their best work is the responsibility of HR.
  • Training and development: Providing employees with the resources they require to do their jobs well, grow within the company, and improve professionally is part of this assignment.
  • Recruitment and selection: This includes identifying and inviting qualified candidates for open positions within the association, and then selecting the best appropriate for the role.
  • Compliance: HR is in charge of ensuring compliance with all applicable employment-related laws and regulations, including labour laws, rules for health and safety, and anti-discrimination statutes.

What are the strategies the company uses in recruiting and selection?

The company uses a range of strategies to employ and select competent candidates for its open positions. Some of the key strategy that the company may use includes:

  • Internal recruitment: may prefer to the company endorse or transfer workers from within the organization to fill open positions. This can help keep talented workers and provide opportunities for career expansion.
  • Job postings: the company may post job openings on its website or on external job boards to attract capable candidates. This can help the business reach a wider audience of potential candidates.
  • Referral programs: the company may offer incentive or bonuses to workers who refer candidates who are hired by the business (Sudari, al. 2019). This can help the company recognize high-quality candidates who may not have applied or else.
  • Campus recruitment: the company may partner with colleges and universities to recruit current graduates for entry-level positions. This can help the business recognize young, motivated candidates with the skills and information needed for the role.
  • Social media recruitment: the company may use social media platforms like LinkedIn to recognize and connect with potential candidate, and to endorse job openings to a wider audience.

Do they only hire skilled workers or mix of both?

Interserve Plc appoints both trained workers and non-trained workers depending on the nature of the occupation and the requirements of the position. The company has a different range of operations, which require a mix of different abilities and capability. For instance, Interserve Plc has operations in construction, engineering, facilities management, and support services. While some of these positions demand specialized training and credentials, others can be entry-level or call for on-the-job training. Inclusion and diversity in the staff are important to the company. To assist create a more imaginative and creative staff, the company aims to recruit and keep workers with a variety of backgrounds and experiences. As a result, the organization might give preference to choosing people that bring a variety of abilities, views, and experiences to the position.

Do they have diverse career paths - apprentice, graduate scheme, and engineering?

The company offers a range of career paths and expansion opportunities to its workers, including: they conduct an apprenticeship program that offers training and development opportunities for young group who are interested in pursuing a career in a variety of sectors, including engineering, construction, and support services. The program provides a combination of on-the-job training and classroom-based learning. This have also introduced graduate program that is designed to help new graduates gain the skills and knowledge desirable to build a successful career in the business (Otoo, 2019). The course offers a diversity of training and expansion opportunities, including on-the-job training, mentoring, and coaching. The company offers a range of engineering roles across it's a variety of business units, including construction, infrastructure, and support services. These roles require a variety of technological skills and knowledge, and the company provides ongoing training and development opportunities to help engineers grow and proceed in their careers.

Do they have employee relation schemes - recognition, appraisals, promotion programmes?

The case company has a range of programs and initiatives in place to promote worker engagement and recognition. The company conducts regular performance appraisals for its employees to provide response on their performance and recognize areas for improvement. These appraisals help workers understand how they are performing and what they necessitate to do to progress in their careers (Wiblen and Marler, 2021). The company has a range of credit programs in place to be familiar with and recompense workers who go above and beyond in their roles. These programs may include award, bonus, or other incentives. The firm offers promotion opportunities for employees who reveal strong performance and potential. The corporation encourages workers to take on new challenges and responsibilities to help them develop and enlarge in their careers.


The essay is concluded that the case company Interserve is a leading construction and sustain services company in the UK with a strong management structure, efficient marketing mix, and robust human resource practices. The firm's management structure is intended to sustain its strategic objectives, with a clear division of responsibilities and a focus on teamwork and innovation. Its marketing mix and strategies are distinct, with a focus on providing value to consumers and remaining competitive in the industry. In addition, the company's human resource practices are geared towards attracting and retain skilled workers and providing career development opportunity to promote employee enlargement and maintenance. Company's success can be qualified to its effectual management practices and its focus on providing value to customers while investing in its workers development. As the company continue to grow and enlarge its operations, it will be critical to maintain its strong management structure, adapt to changing market trends and customer requirements, and continue to invest in its human resources development and growth.


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