10 Pages
2530 Words
Introduction To Personal Development Plan: A Step-by-Step Guide to Success
Self evaluation is important for every individual that will help in determine its strengths and weakness. This report is based on creating personal development plan which will help in identify suitable course of action after determining strength and weakness. This report will also cover objective which I want to achieve in my life. Gibbs’ model of reflection will used to share my experience related to achievement of objectives. This report will include various advantages of achieving objectives and how this help in my overall development.
Self evaluation:
Every individual should focuses on the identifying its strengths and weakness based on which objective should be selected (Julia and Isrokatun, 2019). After self evaluation I have identified my strengths which are as follows:
Strength 1 |
Strength 2 |
Strength 3 |
From evaluation I have identified that my communication skills are effective which will help in better understanding of things. This helps in getting my doubts clear form others and help in clearly defining my ideas and view. This skill helps me in improving my learning and enhances my confidence level. |
After self evaluation, I have determined that I have effective time management skills which will help in completing my task in particular time period. This helps me in reducing my stress and burden at lost time. This skill helps me in completing my assignment at time and provides extra time in which I could focus on development of other skill. |
My critical thinking skills are effective and efficient which will help in improving appropriate decision. This skill has helped me in taking decision throughout my life after evaluating every positive and negative impact of particular decision. My problem solving skill as been enhanced as I could identify all possible aspect of the problem before taking any decision. |
B. Future learning objective
Development plan provides high level of assistance in determining the goals and objective which an individual want to achieve by undertaking significant activities or actions (Ali et al, 2021). My personal development plan which will help in overall growth is as follows:
Objectives |
Current position |
Future aspiration |
Action plan |
Time required |
My goal is to develop my researching and evaluation skill. As this will help in understanding the concept more accurately and helps in determining the reliability of information which has been gathered. |
From self evaluation I have identified that my researching skills are not appropriate as I faced difficult in identifying the accuracy of sources form where information has been collected. During my previous assignment I was asked to provide information regarding UK economy. I have search On Google and take information from the suites which came first. I have made all my assignment based on that information. I did not focus on evaluating the sources which has provided the data which later on creates problem. I am not assignment good mark as the information provided in the assignment was not accurate. This helps in understanding the importance of good research and evaluation skill for students. |
After learning these skills, my knowledge level will be improved and more accurate information will be gathered. It will help in improving my confidence level while communicating as I will have complete and reliable information about the topic (Importance of Research and evaluation skills, 2023). This skill will assist in forming effective strategies and policy that helpful in the achievement of objective. |
For improving skill I will focus on effectively understanding the topic which will assist in identifying actual topics on which I need to carry out further research? I will focus on searching for same topic form various sites. This will help in understanding all possible aspect of the topic before taking any decision. I will also aim at evaluating the sources form where the information has been gathered. This will lead to identify the accuracy and reliability of the information been collected. I will also focus on improving my researching skill which will help in creating self awareness. This will help in effective evaluation the information which has been collected and eventually lead to improving my researching skills. |
2-4 moths |
I have focused on developing my problem solving skill which will help in overcoming all obstacles in life. This helps in taking appropriate decision after evaluating every aspect of the issue. |
During exam of first semester, I faced challenge in managing time for completion of course. Rather than taking stress I should have focused on my time management skills by which I could solve the problem. From this experience I have understood that my problem solving skills should be enhanced which will help in effectively overcoming all obstacles. |
Developing problem solving skills will help in enhancing my creativity level as I will be able to think more critically on the issue. This will help in generating more accurate solution. These skills will help in adequate forecasting the impact of particular decision and identify the best alternative for solving issue (Alsaleh, 2020.). Developing this skill will help in identify the solution at the earliest which will help in effective time management. These skills help in identify appropriate opportunity by solving all obstacles which are coming in the path of success. |
For developing this skill I will focuses on identifying all potential causes behind the issue. This will help in getting better insight into the problem. I will focus on solving various puzzle and games which will improve my skills. I will take part in the problem solving competitions which involve identify all potential solution for problem within 1 min. This will help in improving my critical thinking skill and lead to indentify better solution for the issue. I will take problem solving skill training which help in enhancing my skill. This program involves session of skilled person who share their experiences with others. |
3-5 months |
I aim at improving my team building skill as this will help in effective communication and enhancing trust among team members. This will eventually help in timely and efficiently completion of all tasks. |
I need to focus on developing my team building skill as this will help in effective completion of goals. During group project I was leader of the group which requires me to effectively manage work of every individual in the team. I have divided total work and allot tasks to each individual without understanding their strength in completion of particular task. I did not focus on taking feedback from them and did not communicate on regular basis to identify the work which has been completed. This results in incompletion of project at the time of submission. This helps me in understanding that in team work proper coordination and communication is required which will help in effective completion of the work (Kyaw et al, 2019). |
Generating this skill will help in improving my knowledge level as I will able to communicate with other which will help in gaining deeper understanding of the topics. By working as a team I will able to understand point of view of different individual which will help in taking effective decision after consulting with others. This skill will also help in developing my leadership skills as it creates coordination and cooperation among team members (Simamora and Saragih, 2019). |
I will focus on improving my communication skills which will help in effective sharing my views and understanding opinion and view of other members. These will lead to reducing the scope for conflict within team. I will focus on participating in team building games such as brainstorming session, scavenger hunt etc. For effective team building I will focus on developing good relationship with other team members. I will focus on developing my critical thinking skill by which strengths and weakness of the individual could be identified and task will be allotted accordingly. This will help in improving coordination within team. |
4-7 months |
TASK 2 : Reflection On Personal Development Plan
Personal development plans helps in identifying suitable objective for the individual that lead to overall growth and development. This essay is based on the advantages of personal development plan in my life. Gibbs’ model of reflection will be used to express my experience related to developing all the skills (Gibbs’s Reflective cycle, 2020).
While preparing personal development plan I have understood that identification of strengths and weakness are crucial for the individual. I have understood that self evaluation should be done on the regular basis which will help in assessing the areas which I need to improve. Further, I have identified that my communication, critical thinking and time management skill are effective. This evaluation helped me in setting SMART objectives which will result in my overall development. After determining my strength I have focused on setting objective which I need to achieve during the specific time period. I have conducted various activities which will help in improving my skill and achieving my objective. My Research and evaluation skills have been developed which further contributes in identifying accurate and reliable information related to topic. This skill will help in getting better grades within university as it will help in enhancing my knowledge level and making me more aware about the current issues.
Evaluating sources of information will support in collecting authentic information and help in gaining trust of others. In academic learning, continuous research will help in identifying new opportunity and assist in determining developmental goals. During my job, this skill will help in improving my communication skills as it aid in enhancing my confidence while sharing views and opinions. This will help in gaining trust and reducing confusion of the listeners. There are various problems which every individual face during their life. I have focused on improving my problem solving skills which will help in solving all the issues which arises in the path of success. Developing problem solving skills will help in identifying the best suitable alternative among all potential solutions. This will help in improving my critical thinking skill which will be beneficial for taking effective decision.
After developing these strategies I will be able to form effective strategies and policies for the organization. This in turn further assists me which in fulfilling my job role effectually. Developing this skill will help in reducing my stress and burden as I will be confident enough to solve any problem. These skills will help in doing effective forecasting related to the impact of the solution on the overall working of the organization. It will help me in establishing cause and effect relationship between various factors. This will lead to effective decision making process and facilitates success. Applying this skill on regular basis will help in continuous improvement in my performance and beneficial for my overall development. This skill will help in increasing my creativity level as I would be able to think critically on various aspect of the problem and identifying effective solutions for overcoming the issue. My research and analysis skills will be improved. By this, I would become able to gather authentic and accurate information for improving my knowledge level.
In personal development plan I have focused on developing skill of team building by taking part in various developmental activities. These will help in effectively completion of group assignment and help in better coordination and cooperation among team members. I will be benefited by this skill in my professional life as it helps in enhancing communication skills. This will help in reducing misunderstanding within organization by resolving conflicts among employees. It will also help in boosting my productivity as team building activities involve creation of positive or healthy competition among employees which motivates me to improve overall productivity.
Team building will help me developing the problem solving skill as perspective of different employees will be evaluated. With this, I would become capable in relation to taking most effective decisions. Gaining this skill will help in improving my leadership skills as it helps in motivating others prominently. It has been identified form the easy that personal development plan will help in gaining new skills that will assist in overall development.
It has been concluded from the report that self evaluation is important for setting SMART goals. It has been identified that I have good communication, critical thinking and time management skill. It has been identified that I need to improve my problem solving, team building and research Skills. Developing this skill helps me in improving my academic performances and lead to my overall development.
Books and journals
- Ali, M., Li, Z., Khan, S., Shah, S.J. and Ullah, R., 2021. Linking humble leadership and project success: the moderating role of top management support with mediation of team-building. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 14(3), pp.545-562.
- Alsaleh, N.J., 2020. Teaching Critical Thinking Skills: Literature Review. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET, 19(1), pp.21-39.
- Julia, J. and Isrokatun, I., 2019. Technology literacy and student practice: Lecturing critical evaluation skills. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 18(9), pp.114-130.
- Kyaw, B.M., Posadzki, P., Paddock, S., Car, J., Campbell, J. and Tudor Car, L., 2019. Effectiveness of digital education on communication skills among medical students: systematic review and meta-analysis by the digital health education collaboration. Journal of medical Internet research, 21(8), p.e12967.
- Simamora, R.E. and Saragih, S., 2019. Improving Students' Mathematical Problem Solving Ability and Self-Efficacy through Guided Discovery Learning in Local Culture Context. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 14(1), pp.61-72.
- Online
- Gibbs’s Reflective cycle. 2020. Online Available through :<https://www.ed.ac.uk/reflection/reflectors-toolkit/reflecting-on-experience/gibbs-reflective-cycle>
- Importance of Research and evaluation skills. 2023. Online Available through :< https://au.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/research-skills#:~:text=This%20skill%20is%20essential%20in,manner%20others%20can%20easily%20understand.>