Personal And Professional Development Assignment Sample

Explore the Significance of CPD and Its Role in Enhancing Skills for Workplace Success

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Introduction Of The Personal And Professional Development Assignment

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A collection of methods, concepts, and strategies known as continuing professional development (CPD) is intended to assist people to manage their learning and development (Ngenzi, Scott and Mars, 2021). Continued Professional Development (CPD) is essential for individuals since it brings refreshment in their thinking regarding their relevant skills and increases their motivation to complete tasks. By appropriate CPD planning, individuals can enhance their training in the workplace. Students are also able to complete their tasks or fulfill their gaps. In this module, a personal reflective journal will be discussed which contributes to the achievement of employability and study skills. Based on the study skills the reflection model will be demonstrated. The study skills such as, communication skills, research skills, use of ICT, networking, and Teamworking which are necessary for individuals in workplaces. In this module, Kolb’s Reflective Cycle will be considered and a detailed CPD plan will be provided for becoming an HR manager of an individual.

Evaluating the significance of CPD and the way it helps individuals in learning and growth

Continued Professional Development or CPD is short-term and utilized to demonstrate the learning and undertake it professionally. CPD assists individuals to increase their abilities and efficiency in academics for a better experience and workplace individuals can provide its services effectively (Bwanga, 2020). There is much more to it than just learning. CPD makes learning strategic and proactive rather than passive and reactive in order to enhance personal skills for use in the workplace. In addition, a number of strategies are employed, including as seminars, conferences, and online courses or e-learning. People can increase their skills through CPD, which can help students in their professions. CPD not only expands people's abilities but also gives them the flexibility to adjust to changes in the workplace. Participating in CPD may assist students in being ready for the occupations of the future while also demonstrating their dedication to professional development and self-improvement in a world that is always changing (Lune, Scott and Mars, 2020). There are several advantages of Continued Professional Development (CPD),

  • Competitive edge: If employees are effective in providing their services within the company, the firm will have a competitive edge.
  • Cost efficiency: By preparing CPD in an effective way individuals are able to be cost-effective and organizations are also minimizing cost (Bono et al., 2019).
  • Performance measurement: Individuals are able to measure performance by the CPD plan.
  • Analysis skills: CPD offers the chance to evaluate an organization's or an individual's success-related competencies and confidence (Mlambo, Silén and McGrath, 2021).
  • Increases growth: The organization's growth depends on its talented and effective employees. The advancement of employees' skill sets can be enhanced through professional development.

Personal reflective journal

I have demonstrated the Continued Professional Development plan which is essential for my academic life. I think developing a CPD plan has a great advantage in the academic sector which will enhance my productivity in workplaces. There are several skills that I can develop to boost my efficiency. Well, I can practice my skills in the classroom during lectures from teachers and several activities. The academic skills are based on “communication skills: verbal and written”, “research skills”, “the use of ICTs”, “Teamwork and networking”, “Time and self-management”, and “problem-solving skills” (Marshall et al., 2022).

  • Communication skills: I needed to develop communication skills including verbal and written communication skills. Information transfer from one location to another is the most basic form of communication. I am skilled in communicating verbally, in writing, and visually using logos, maps, charts, or graphs, as well as nonverbally using body language, gestures, and voice tone and pitch. In reality, it frequently combines a few of them. Good communication also leads me to have good interaction skills. In workplaces, I can be an effective communicator where I can guide teams and interact with each other. Communication has two primary different forms such as verbal and written. I have gathered several communication skills that may enhance my employability skills (Gutiérrez-Puertas et al., 2020).
  • Research skills: A skill that may be learned is how to find a solution to a problem or an answer to a question. To support a solution, I need to be able to research a topic, learn about it, and then evaluate and understand its intricacies. Well, I think by having good research skills is essential to increase the productivity of my career as it is related to my ability to enhance inspiration. I can identify, examine, and come to a judgment using a variety of different skills, which are together to as research skills (Lee et al., 2020).
  • The use of ICTs: The usage of ICT in education has considerably increased in recent years. I sincerely recognize the role of emerging technologies in our day-to-day lives. If I had to define ICT, I can say that it is a collection of methods and gadgets based on modern technical advancement and several information and communication supports and channels. I think I can add something to this process like storing, processing, obtaining, and transmitting data in a digital way. Since ICT is used so frequently in society, schools should not utilize it less and must make sure to benefit from what it may provide. However, youngsters must be taught how to use them responsibly and thoughtfully. During covid-19 pandemic ICT has been used in an effective way. Modernizing teaching methods and using cutting-edge educational resources are made possible by ICT, which increases student involvement and encourages concurrent technology skill learning. ICTs also greatly assist in the growth of discernment (Myna?íková and Novotný, 2020).
  • Teamwork and networking: A team is made up of several people, each with unique strengths and limitations, who cooperate to accomplish a shared objective. Additionally, each team member contributes a unique set of knowledge, expertise, and perspectives. Teamwork is essential as it is a combination of different abilities which varies people to person. Teamworking skills increase the productivity of a team which can be beneficial for the group of people to achieve certain goals and objectives. To build better team working skills I have to acquire the qualities of teamwork and communication or interaction skills. Working as a team will enable me to succeed more quickly and easily than if I tried to do it alone. Team members help each other out, encourage one another, and brainstorm fresh concepts together. Along with this, via networking, I can exchange data or information between the group of people and team members. Through networking, I may also get to know other translators and get a lot of knowledge from them to improve my career (Reeves, Xyrichis and Zwarenstein, 2018).
  • Time and self-management: In order to maintain control over our environment, time management has changed and adapted along with civilization. New techniques, technology, and work habits have been added at each step. I have gained time management skills in several ways. During classes and several lectures, I have gained this skill. By managing time in an appropriate way, I can self-manage myself and prioritize my work. It allows me to have positivity and I can have less stress during speaking or managing any tasks. I have gained time management skills in several ways like as setting limits to my daily tasks, taking breaks from the work I used to engage in, and I used to schedule tasks and trying to complete the tasks before the deadline (Van Smoorenburg et al., 2019).
  • Problem-solving skills: Problem-solving skills include all three of these steps: solution analysis, solution identification, and solution implementation. An employee with problem-solving skills is both a self-starter and helpful team member; they take initiative to find the root of a problem and work with others to assess a range of options before deciding how to proceed. Building problem-solving skill is necessary for me to develop my productivity in the workplace. It is essential to become a person who is a good problem solver. To have good problem-solving skills it is necessary to have good research skills, analytical skills, and decision-making skills.

Kolb’s Reflective cycle

Kolb's reflective paradigm is characterized by experiential learning. In three steps, the model is deliberately inspected, examined, and evaluated. When this cycle is finished, a new one will be built on top of the recent experiences (Adeani, Febriani and Syafryadin, 2020).

  • Concrete experience: In this stage, individuals become aware of the need for systematic reflection in order to acquire something new or to enhance their current practices and abilities when they are mindful of and physically feel a situation. People will now simply describe what they observe, experience, and think while noting the specific scenario (Morris, 2020).
  • Reflective observation: It's time to think more carefully about what emerged in that situation after recording the experience's description in writing (Morris, 2020). Individuals should consider the following: what was successful? What sputtered? What caused the predicament to occur?
  • Abstract conceptualization: What might have been done better or differently? which comes after the inquiries from the introspective observation stage, is the overall query for this stage. How might pupils advance? At first, people look for alternative tactics for handling the circumstance and come up with plans for the next time they encounter something similar. Additionally, at this point, individuals should consult colleagues and books to increase new knowledge and ideas (Morris, 2020).
  • Active conceptualization: This stage entails putting the freshly acquired theoretical information into practice. People test out the new strategies in their daily job and implement the theories together with their own reflections and proposals for changes. Since some of them will succeed while others won't, this becomes the cycle's usual beginning point. Since the new “experience” are the "concrete experiences" that were had during the active experimentation stage (Morris, 2020).

Detailed CDP plan for HR manager by learning cycle theory:

Continued professional development (CPD) inside an organization is beneficial for people. Gibb's reflective cycle can be used to construct the CPD plan (Giridharan, 2022). An effective CPD plan is aided by the learning cycle idea. In a company that drives a firm toward sustainability, it is crucial for new assistant managers. The CPD plan also helps business organizations expand and develop successfully and enhances the work skills required for a certain profession.

Continued Professional Development (CPD):

Long-term Goal. Professional goal. Requirements of skills. Skills that need to improve. Activities that are necessary to achieve the objectives or aims. Time required to perform the activity.
Promotion as an HR manager. Need to become an Operational head. Possessing strong leadership, planning, and communication abilities. Organizing skills, operational skills, and leadership skills. By establishing efficient team structures and taking online CDP leadership courses. 7 months
To become manager of the team. strong project management, analytical, and leadership abilities. Leadership skills and analytical skills. Via team management and critical thinking for a situation in an organization or through Online project management and presentation courses. 6 months
To become an HR Manager. Successful decision-making, critical thinking, networking, and effective self-management are all crucial. Decision-making and critical thinking ability. Through team management, and decision-making for a short-term purpose, and also by doing online courses regarding critical thinking skills. 6 months

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Individuals should pursue ongoing professional development to keep their minds open, their skills current, and their motivation high. By using CPD individuals are able to maintain and improve skills that allow individuals to perform in an effective way. In this study, a personal reflection has been demonstrated that contributes to the achievements of employability and study skills such as “communication skills, “research skills”, “Teamwork and networking”, and “Problem-solving”. Moreover, Kolb’s Reflective cycle has been discussed and by the use of Gibbs’s reflective cycle Continued Professional Development plan has been provided to become a successful HR manager.


Adeani, I.S., Febriani, R.B. and Syafryadin, S., 2020. USING GIBBS’REFLECTIVE CYCLE IN MAKING REFLECTIONS OF LITERARY ANALYSIS. Indonesian EFL Journal, 6(2), pp.139-148.

Bono, M., Gerevini, A.E., Harabor, D.D. and Stuckey, P.J., 2019, August. Path Planning with CPD Heuristics. In IJCAI (pp. 1199-1205).

Bwanga, O., 2020. Barriers to continuing professional development (CPD) in radiography: a review of literature from Africa. Health Professions Education, 6(4), pp.472-480.


Gutiérrez-Puertas, L., Márquez-Hernández, V.V., Gutiérrez-Puertas, V., Granados-Gámez, G. and Aguilera-Manrique, G., 2020. Educational interventions for nursing students to develop communication skills with patients: a systematic review. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(7), p.2241.

Lee, M.G., Hu, W.C. and Bilszta, J.L., 2020. Determining expected research skills of medical students on graduation: a systematic review. Medical science educator, 30(4), pp.1465-1479.

Lune, N.J., Scott, R.E. and Mars, M., 2020. Information and Communication Technology to enhance Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and Continuing Medical Education (CME) in Rwanda: A Scoping Review of Reviews.

Marshall, T., Keville, S., Cain, A. and Adler, J.R., 2022. Facilitating reflection: a review and synthesis of the factors enabling effective facilitation of reflective practice. Reflective Practice, pp.1-14.

Mlambo, M., Silén, C. and McGrath, C., 2021. Lifelong learning and nurses’ continuing professional development, a metasynthesis of the literature. BMC nursing, 20(1), pp.1-13.

Morris, T.H., 2020. Experiential learning–a systematic review and revision of Kolb’s model. Interactive Learning Environments, 28(8), pp.1064-1077.

Morris, T.H., 2020. Experiential learning–a systematic review and revision of Kolb’s model. Interactive Learning Environments, 28(8), pp.1064-1077.

Myna?íková, L. and Novotný, L., 2020. Knowledge society failure? Barriers in the use of ICTs and further teacher education in the Czech Republic. Sustainability, 12(17), p.6933.

Ngenzi, J.L., Scott, R.E. and Mars, M., 2021. Information and communication technology to enhance continuing professional development (CPD) and continuing medical education (CME) for Rwanda: a scoping review of reviews. BMC Medical Education, 21(1), pp.1-8.

Reeves, S., Xyrichis, A. and Zwarenstein, M., 2018. Teamwork, collaboration, coordination, and networking: Why we need to distinguish between different types of interprofessional practice. Journal of interprofessional care, 32(1), pp.1-3.

Van Smoorenburg, A.N., Hertroijs, D.F., Dekkers, T., Elissen, A.M. and Melles, M., 2019. Patients’ perspective on self-management: type 2 diabetes in daily life. BMC health services research, 19(1), pp.1-8.

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