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Introduction of Partnership Working In Health And Social Care Assignment
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Health care organisations provide medical facilities to the patients, and they are transforming at an alarming rate to provide proper clinical facilities for the growing population. Proper partnership collaboration in the health and social care centre can be beneficial for a large group of people. This organisation delivers the different resources and services required to fulfill the needs of the target people. In this assignment, a thorough discussion will be done on the partnership of the NHS organisation based in the UK. The essay will also discuss the key elements of partnership, its importance, and discuss the mitigating strategies to overcome the conflicts in the working culture.
Partnership diagram for NHS Organisation
The organisational structure of NHS Healthcare has been modified over time. Rimmer and Watter (2020) has pointed out that the partnership structure of the organisation is basically a tripartite system. The UK government is basically responsible for funding the organisation. The Transformation and Sustainability Partnership brings together the commissioner, service providers, and local authorities to deal with the service plan to attain the long-term goals. The Integrated Care System is responsible for collaboration of the technological tools in the organisation and it makes use of different types of updated software and technology in their system. The NHS healthcare centre makes use of software and technology like hospital costing system, booking and appointment system, patient administration system and management of the laboratory information system (Heron et al. 2019). This helps to maintain the record of the patients in chronological order. This can also be beneficial for keeping the track record of the patient's history.
The Clinical Commissioning Groups help in making collaboration with the medical facility service including the resources to the patients. In order to effectively run a healthcare organisation it is important that the different partners collaborate in a proper way. NHS mainly involves a multidisciplinary partnership structure. The TGS Medical Suppliers are the main partners of the NHS Healthcare organisation, responsible for satisfying the medicinal requirement of the centre. This supply chain provides the different drugs, tablets, syrups and medicines to the NHS and it has collaborated with the Point-of-Care Medical for its pathological tests (Heath-Kelly. and Strausz, 2019). NHS is a giant healthcare organisation, it deals with a huge number of target patients on a regular basis. So it is important that the patients get proper access to the laboratory for their routine blood tests. The Cure Care Technology provides various remedial medical equipment to the organisation. The various equipments include syringes, test tubes, footprinters, cotton, towel, gloves, resuscitation wheels, stainless medical equipments, Suction catheters, bandage, disinfectants, cotton swabs, aspirators, blood collection equipments, amnicots, amnihooks, pregnancy wheel, kits and so on.
The Cascade Services is responsible for the supply, management and services of the different instruments present in the NHS Healthcare organisation. It supplies and maintains the X-ray machines, the USG machines, the ECG and EEG machines. Thorlby and Arora (2018) have mentioned that the organisation also has hi-tech CT scan and MRI machines which are maintained by the Cascade Services on contractual basis. The medical practitioners, doctors, nurses, midwives and others are recruited by the Board of directors by means of an examination system. They are also interviewed and given preferences based on their work experience. The various external organisations help the NHS Healthcare to provide proper medical facilities to the patients (Jackson and Doleyres, 2020). The Alliance Medical is another collaborative laboratory partner of the organisation that deals with the different biopsy tests of the patients related to surgery.
The organisation provides services related to consultation with the nurse and it also provides treatment facilities in the case of both major and minor accidents. Binnicker (2020) has mentioned that the services related to contraception, maternity ward and sexual health services are also available in this healthcare organisation. Specialists for psychological counselling are also available in the NHS; it also has good surgeons and great surgical facilities. The NHS has many ambulances but during the COVID pandemic crisis it collaborated with another organisation to boost its ambulance and sanitation facility in the healthcare premises. The Rioteer Group is responsible for providing the ambulance, food, and sanitation and service facility to the organisation. Failure of any of the partners can jeopardise the working of the entire healthcare system. Hence, it is important to minutely observe their working procedure and keep a check on their efficiency rate.
Description of key elements of Partnership
A successful partnership requires the significant thought and commitment of the various partners involved in the healthcare system. Ho, Chee and Ho (2020) have stated that in case certain critical or vital cases get missed it can be frustrating so proper care must be taken to deal with the collaboration of the partners. The NHS organisation also tries to provide proper facilities to the different external organisations which are involved with it in terms of partnership. They get the main support of financial assistance from the healthcare centre and facilities related to the distribution or channelisation of the various capital investments. Development of the proper business strategies are done with the discussion between the management team and the hierarchy of the external organisation (Cisotto, Casarin and Tomasin, 2020). The partners have previously also collaborated with other healthcare organisations as a result they can also make suggestions to the NHS Organisation regarding the deployment of the various strategies related to its marketing schemes.
The external organisations collaborate with the NHS Organisation in a proper way which is mainly established by proper division of the profit earned. Williams and cooper (2019) has suggested that the partnership legal deeds must be signed beforehand to comprehend the profit ratio division between the partners. External organisations like Rioteer group and Cascade Services have done the mediclaims of their employees from this concerned healthcare organisation. The collaborative mindset is important for the purpose of skill setting in terms of efficiency. Mutual benefit is always rendered in positive partnership and its results are often measurable in terms of revenue or profit output (Liu et al. 2019). The Clinical commissioning group is responsible for maintaining good quality medical tests which are prerequisite for any healthcare organisation.
The patients of the NHS Healthcare Organisation get good quality medical treatment facilities from the concerned organisation so that they have a positive impact regarding the healthcare facility. Zegeye (2021) has pointed out that positive healthcare service has enabled the family members of the patients to enroll themselves in the same healthcare institute during their medical crisis situations. The concerned organisation also provides mediclaims in return for the different health cards owned by the customers. A proper shared vision in the team collaboration helps to negate out the different conflicts in the organisation which hampers the efficiency of the working class. Effective communication between the external organisation with the healthcare centre helps in proper interpretation of the diagnosis of the patients (Williams and Cooper, 2019). Various medical and technical issues get sorted out by proper team collaboration of the concerned organisation with the external ones. The various leadership styles and management issues also get modified according to the demand of the situation.
The colleagues of the NHS Organisation also face serious challenges in team collaboration with the other departments. Acknowledging works of the colleagues and employees boost their moral support. The accessibility to proper information helps to solve different problems that arise in the partnership collaboration (Bird et al. 2020). The employees and staff members of the concerned organisation get ESI facilities and free treatment in case of major injury. The organisation also provides medical facilities for the family members of the employees of NHS Healthcare centre. Particularly the spouse and the children of the employees of this organisation get free healthcare checkups and vaccines. The sharing of the authentic information is important to establish the proper team collaboration to accelerate the facilities provided to the patients of the concerned organisation. The centre provides a positive ambience for the colleagues and the employees which enhance their working efficiency (Jeste et al. 2020). The leaders leading the organisation must follow the ethical business considerations to reach the zenith of success.
In case any conflict takes place between the patient party and the doctor the management team dives in to find a proper solution to the problem. Darwish et al. (2019) has pointed out that the establishment of proper communication between the different partners can solve the various conflicting issues; hence, a root cause analysis must be done to reach into the actual root of the conflicts. Implementation of proper measures and strategies can be beneficial to sort the medical confusions. The families of the patients are also treated very well by the organisation. They are not harassed or made to wait in long queues during the visiting hours of the health care centres. The Family of the patients are personally communicated by the management system of the NHS Organisation. During the pandemic crises when the families were not allowed to physically visit the patients the organisation informed the family members about their health updates (Alloghani et al. 2018). They also arranged for video calls and phone calls between the patients and their family members. The sanitation and cleanliness facility of the concerned organisation is also very good.
Importance of Partnership
Proper collaboration in the partnership of the NHS healthcare centre helps the organisation to realise its goals and thus achieve success in its working operations. Merging the different managerial clinical services in the social care society has established effective partnership. Albahri (2018) has suggested that establishing a strong communication system is important to achieve its strategic goals and objectives. Proper implication and adaption of the strategies related to the various organisations, virtual and co-locating staff and the steering group can be helpful to realise the objective. Inside the healthcare premises, taking care of the safety and security of the patients is the utmost important work. At times the healthcare organisation alone fails to satisfy the various service needs of the patients (Jeste et al. 2020). The NHS caters to the needs of more than two millions of patients every year, so it is important that it establishes stable collaboration with its partners.
Partnership with various organisations has helped NHS healthcare organisations to improve its service provision towards the customers. Liu et al. (2019) have mentioned that it has also helped the concerned organisation to improve the skills involved in the workplace and associate it with the different public agencies. Collaboration of the different partners like Alliance Medical, Rioteer Group, Cascade services, Cure Care technology and Point-of-care Medical to provide accountable services to the patients by strengthening the communication system. The different managerial staff of NHS healthcare centers are prepared and trained to act in the critical circumstances and to meet the various financial challenges at any cost. Proper team collaboration in the NHS has boosted the morale of the different employees and staff (Thorlby and Arora, 2018). The provision of the latest services by incorporation of the hi-tech software has helped the concerned organisation to acquire new customers while retaining the old ones.
The executive management team plays a key role in the team collaboration between the partners by providing new opportunities by means of shared learning. The concept of partnership in the healthcare centre became more popular during the pandemic crisis. Jackson and Doleyres (2020) has opined that lack of proper awareness about the disease and the virus led to huge spread of the contagious disease among the people overnight. This resulted in the breakdown of the healthcare machinery of the country; many hospitals were overnight changed into COVID hospitals. The NHS organisation also failed to comply with the demands of the patients and decided to collaborate with various medical units for convenience. The concerned organisation also works for protecting the vulnerable sections of the society, as this helps in the channelising of the capital investment in a multidimensional way (Rimmer and Watter, 2020). Failure of one partner to meet the demands can be easily replaced by the other supply management chain or else it will hamper the total system.
Proper collaboration of the partners has helped NHS healthcare centres to gain mutual benefits while providing the healthcare facilities to the masses. NHS has made use of low margin strategy, which has helped the concerned organisation to gain competitive advantage over the other rival organisations. The Integrated Care System has helped the institute to get access to a large number of innovative and latest technologies so that the institute can provide better and efficient health service to the patients. The families of the patients also get benefitted in various ways by the concerned organisation. The positive atmosphere at the healthcare centre evokes empathy of the patient party. The Board of Directors and the executive management take the major decisions regarding the renewal or expiry of the contracts associated with the partners (Cisotto, Casarin and Tomasin, 2020). The external organisations also get benefitted in this process as they get access to easy mediclaim facilities from the NHS healthcare organisation. The external organisation also earns fame and goodwill as it collaborates against healthcare centers. The positive collaboration has helped the contractual organisations in the process of its brand building.
The strategic partnership has helped the NHS Organisation to realise its long-term goals by measuring the economic scale. Bright and Kuper (2018) have suggested that it has helped the concerned organisation to achieve operational cost efficiency. Proper partnership collaboration has helped the NHS to comprehend the priorities and achieve the mission. The various latest methodologies have helped to gauge the optimisation process in the implementation of the goals. The conflicts and clashes between the different vertical and horizontal zones or forces have helped the concerned institute to penetrate its goals among the target population. The NHS Healthcare also provides medical facilities for its colleagues and employees, covered under the mediclaim facilities. These people get free treatment in the case of minor injuries or treatment. They get the facility of free family checkup once every six months, the mediclaim policies of the employees and colleagues also get auto renewed (Bird et al. 2020). Emotional intelligence, confidence, and arrogance help to shape the intellectual capacity of the concerned organisation.
Ways to overcome Barriers in Partnership
Partnership in healthcare services involves certain issues in partnerships such as communication issues, lack of cooperation, and collaboration with partners and others. As per views of Kvarnström et al. (2018), barriers in partnership can be eradicated by taking certain preventive measures in healthcare services. Partnership issues must be identified to overcome barriers regarding partnership in healthcare services. Common factors that can create barriers in partnership in NHS and its partners are mainly limited resources, time constraints, limited training for medical service providers, heavy caseloads, and others. Additionally, management issues and leadership styles in healthcare systems can also create barriers in healthcare partnerships in UK. Ineffective support from authorities, shortage of flexibility in work schedules, and inadequate access to services can facilitate partnership issues.
Effective communication
Efficient communication among healthcare professionals needs to be precise, timely, and clear. NHS experiences inefficient communication with its medical partners that decrease its efficiency in providing medical treatment. As opined by Southby and Gamsu (2018), communication in healthcare services is essential not only to ensure effective management in health organisations but also to assure patient safety. Effective communication is required to make proper diagnoses and assurance of effective services is provided to patients. About 54.1% of respondents have suggested that effective communication is required in healthcare services (Journal-imab-bg, 2018). Healthcare service givers need to interpret information about patients to their partners such as Alliance medical to get appropriate medicines and other healthcare-related equipment. Additionally, partners of NHS need to understand requirements of the organisation to provide appropriate services and products. Effective communication in health services includes a capability of expressing complex and technical medical terms to other professionals and partners and it also includes bidirectional communication.
Medical professionals have to face several challenges in workplaces that need to be accepted by them. NHS in the UK faces challenges such as shortage of medical staff, lack of access to obtain expert advice. Healthcare challenges must be accepted by healthcare professionals to overcome barriers in case of partnership. Communication challenges and lack of staff create a barrier in case of partnership in healthcare services that need to be overcome (Ncbi, 2018). Challenges and hurdles in workplaces in healthcare services must be accepted by service providers to maintain a suitable partnership. Challenges such as lack of effective communication can be overcome by implementing effective communication technologies such as ICT and IT. ICT is used for the electronic storage of medical information.
Acknowledgment of expertise of coworkers
Healthcare professionals and even patients with long-term illnesses obtain a high degree of wisdom and expertise. Long-term medical situations and organisations can facilitate partnerships between patients, healthcare partners, and healthcare professionals. As per study of Boivin et al. (2018), partnerships need to appreciate and acknowledge the expertise of other partners. NHS has partnered with certain healthcare service systems thus; the organisation needs to maintain acknowledgment of expertise of partners. On the other hand, medical partners of the organisation need to appreciate and support expertise of NHS and work cooperatively with NHS. This measure can help both partners and NHS to maintain a healthy and suitable partnership that in return assists to overcome barriers in partnerships.
Providing accessible information
Lack of information and data can create a barrier in areas of partnerships in healthcare services. Accessibility to accurate information is efficient to overcome barriers in partnerships in health services. According to Charles et al. (2018), lack of accessibility to the information and data facilitates communication issues and affects efficiency of healthcare service givers. NHS in UK and other healthcare services face issues in providing access to accurate and adequate patient information to their medical partners. As a result, poor productivity, low profitability, ineffective, and even wrong treatment to patients can be experienced. The situation in return affects efficiency of healthcare systems by creating an adverse situation for medical partners of organisations. NHS also faced similar types of issues in the areas of partnership with its medical partners and it can overcome the situation by providing accessibility to authentic information to its medical partners.
Respectful to cultural differences
NHS includes different types of medical teams and healthcare professionals that are from different cultural backgrounds. As stated by Southby and Gamsu (2018), cultural differences in workplaces of health care systems in maximum cases facilitate workplace conflicts. Additionally, barriers in partnership can be influenced by cultural differences in healthcare services. Healthcare professionals, medical staff, and partners of health organisations need to be respectful towards cultural differences of people. According to Milagre and Burcharth (2019), respectfulness to cultural differences in workplaces can generate diverse knowledge and information and creative measures that can be utilised by medical partners and the organisation. Cultural differences can be used as positive factors from those medical teams get information. NHS can mitigate issues in partnerships by including respectfulness towards cultural differences among its partners.
Ways to deal with conflicts in Partnership
Partnership in healthcare systems in UK includes certain issues as well as conflicts that result in ineffectiveness of medical service providers. According to Farrellet al. (2019), disagreements between medical partners give rise to conflicts between partners and results in disruptive partnership among medical partners and healthcare organisations. Ways of dealing with issues and problematic conditions with medical partners can detect the type of relationship among partners. Conflicts among partners and organisations such as NHS can be mitigated with certain effective measures taken by both medical partners and organisations. Medical service providers of the UK face conflicts between partners and health organisations that lower their efficiency.
Creating a welcoming environment for effective communication
A welcoming environment for medical partners provides an opportunity for effective and open communication among partners and organisations. As opined by Brouwer et al. (2019), effective communication helps medical organisations including NHS to share authentic accurate information with their medical partners that in return increase efficiency of organisations as well as partners. Patient safety and efficiency of health organisations are highly dependent upon effective communication. Additionally, efficient communication can minimise conflicts among partners that in return enhance patient security and safety. NHS in UK faces conflicts with its medical partners due to inefficient communication between them that in a majority of cases facilitate conflicts in its partnership.
Maintaining calmness and respectfulness in argumentative communication
Argumentative communication among medical partners and NHS in a majority of cases facilitates conflicts in their partnership. The situation creates an adverse effect on the productivity as well as profitability of the organisation. As stated by Farrell et al.(2019), arguments generate misunderstanding and it can result from several issues such as mismatch of ideas, and conceptions among medical partners and NHS. NHS and its partners need to remain calm and respectful to others to eradicate the risk of conflicts in their partnerships. Argumentative communication between partners and NHS can affect the efficiency and working processes of both NHS and its partners. Arguments can generate aggressive behavior of medical partners that can be harmful as patients cannot get proper treatment from NHS and its partners. NHS needs to manage as well as control argumentative behaviour by maintaining calmness and respectfulness during a heated conversation with its partners.
Identifying root causes of issues in healthcare services
Conflict among partners and NHS happens due to certain issues such as less accessibility to authentic information, lack of transparency, misunderstanding, and others. NHS needs to identify root causes to deal with conflict with its medical partners. According to Bygballe and Swärd (2019), identification of root causes can resolve several issues related to partnership conflicts. NHS faces issues to identify root causes that facilitate partnership conflicts among the organisation and its medical partners. NHS can utilise 5 whys in case of identification of root causes in its partnership issues. This measure refers to an interrogative iterative technique that is utilised to explore cause-effect relationships underlying problems.
Identification of root causes underlying partnership conflicts among NHS and its partners can minimise the risk of conflicts. As stated by Gray and Purdy (2018), communication breakdown is considered a common and significant issue that causes conflict between partners and organisations. NHS faces communication issues among its partners that facilitate the risk of conflicts among partners. Identification of root causes can also help to determine effective measures to solve the causes facilitating partnership conflicts in NHS. Communication issues can arise in medical systems and occur between nurses, healthcare teams, patients, physicians, and medical partners of organisations. Root causes of conflict must be identified to implement effective measures to eradicate issues in partnership.
Controlling of arguments during a conversation with medical partners
Interactions between organisations and their partners in healthcare services in majority of cases experience arguments during a conversation. As stated by Warsen et al. (2019), arguments occur during communication due to certain misunderstandings of situations, mismatch of ideas, and conceptions, and others. NHS faces issues due to lack of effective communication among its partners, shortage of transparency, and other issues. All of these factors facilitate the risk of conflicts in its partnership with medical partners such as Alliance Medical and others. Additionally, it can be stated that controlling arguments is effective to minimise conflicts among partners. According to Warsen et al. (2018), controlling arguments help organisations to maintain healthy and suitable relationships with their partners. NHS can implement the technique to maintain a good relationship with its medical partners.
The NHS Healthcare centre primarily focuses on the different collaborative partnership to improve its technical, technological and medical facilities. This collaboration has several benefits as well as disadvantages. The successful collaboration with the individuals, external sources, family and colleagues are discussed in detail. The consolidating healthcare market helps in catalyzing the different partnership arrangements of the regional, local or national scope. The Leaders of NHS organisations must be aware of the various conflicting strategies that may hamper their working process and accordingly must develop the mitigating strategies. Enhancement of the core capabilities and the innovative technology take place by means of partnership collaboration. The potential partners helped to elevate the scope and quality of the NHS Healthcare institute. Proper affiliations and partnerships helped in establishing the complementary and supplementary goals of the organisation.
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