Paraphrasing vs. Copying: How to Stay Ethical While Seeking Assignment Help
Struggling with preparing original content? This is the problem faced by many students. Other than this, what is paraphrasing? What is copying? How do I present plagiarism-free content? These are all some questions students are confused with. So for you, we have provided a complete guide to help you understand paraphrasing and copying. And how you can avoid them too.
What is Paraphrasing?
When the word paraphrasing is stated, the very first thing that comes to our mind is rewording or rephrasing of any text. But paraphrasing is not just rewording a text; it is presenting someone else's idea in your own way while keeping the original essence intact. When we paraphrase, we present a new version that may exist behind the original text. We do use paraphrasing in our everyday lives. For example, your friend said something to you, and you conveyed the same thing to your mother but in a different way. However, the idea behind both conversations was the same; just different words were being used-that is what exactly paraphrasing is. In addition to this, there are various areas where paraphrasing is used.
- One of the common uses of it is in poems. Since poetic language is often difficult, paraphrasing is done to make the content more understandable and simple for readers.
- Other than this, it is used even in academic writing and note-taking.
If we discuss in simple words what paraphrasing is. It is to state someone's written or spoken words in a short and simple form to easily understand it. Moreover, always keep in mind that if you are using the exact line, use quotations to avoid any further issues.
What is Copying?
Copying is a term generally used in our daily conversations. And mostly, it is said that copying is basically cheating. Is it true? When it comes to academic writing, the answer is yes. If we define what copying is, it is using someone's writing in the exact same way. Or you can say it is a duplication of information without originally generating it. Most of the time, it is done intentionally, and to no one's surprise, copying someone's work in professional places is a punishable offence. As copying is considered an act of dishonesty. Also, it is believed that it is done to gain unfair advantage for your own good from someone else's work. When you imitate or reproduce someone's art, work, design, or writing identically without their consent, it is said to be copying. We encounter copying in our daily lives a lot. For example, one of your colleagues presented the same presentation as you have prepared. It is copying, as he did not get your permission and unethically used your work in his .
Types of Plagiarism
In the above paragraphs, we have already discussed what paraphrasing and copying are. But do you know that these two, without proper attribution, can constitute plagiarism? Discussed below are some different types of plagiarism to make your understanding more clear.
AI-generated Plagiarism
AI-generated plagiarism is very common. It occurs when you present AI content as original work. AI mostly uses the work of others without permission. So, when you simply write content generated by AI tools without checking or editing, it detects plagiarism.
Direct Plagiarism
It is a kind of plagiarism when you copy someone else's work word for word without getting consent. It's something like presenting others' work in your and taking advantage of it. It is very similar to copying.
Self Plagiarism
You will be shocked to know that reusing your own work is also considered plagiarism. For example, you prepared an assignment, and you submitted the same assignment to two different teachers without giving any information about it. This is considered plagiarism. Besides the fact that it is your work only, it is unethical to do so.
Unintentional Plagiarism
Unintentional plagiarism occurs when you forget to cite your project or writing. Moreover, if you forget to give credit or inappropriately cite your work, the intention was not to present it as your work. But still, it will count as plagiarism.
Source-based Plagiarism
It occurs when you use the wrong sources. Or you misinterpret the information of an authentic source. If you cite without changing the data according to your argument or present someone's idea without properly citing the source, it is considered plagiarism.
Difference Between Paraphrasing and Copying
We have already understood that paraphrasing and copying fall under plagiarism. Along with that, what are the different kinds of plagiarism are there. Moving forward, the differences between paraphrasing and copying are described in the table below:
Aspects |
Paraphrasing |
Copying |
Definition |
Rephrasing someone else's idea in your own words without losing the originality. |
Directly rewriting someone's work in the exact same way without their permission. |
Originality |
Rewriting results in uniqueness, presenting individual understanding. |
Not at all original, as the duplication of the initial work is done. |
Structure |
Uses different sentences and vocabulary while presenting the work. |
Consist of identical wording and paragraphs as the original content has. |
Credit/Citation |
Even after rephrasing, the citation is required to give the author credit. |
Fails in providing citations, which causes the issue of plagiarism. |
Intent |
The intent is to expand one's own understanding and present the work in a unique way. |
Here, the purpose is to present someone's work in their. |
Plagiarism |
If the content is properly cited and appropriate credit is given, then no plagiarism is detected. |
In every situation, copying of content falls under plagiarism. |
Example |
- Original sentence: The food at the hostel is never good.
- Paraphrased sentence: The hostel food is always below my expectations.
- Original sentence: The weather is too cold today.
- Copied sentence: The weather is too cold today.
How Does the Online Assignment Help to Avoid Inappropriate Paraphrasing and Copying of Text?
As we know, writing completely plagiarism-free content is a challenging task. Correct paraphrasing, giving references, collecting reliable sources, and so much more are difficult to do. Being a student, it is tough to deal with these many things to maintain the authenticity of the text. In such situations, you can ask for help from a family member or friend who is good at writing. After this, if you find that your content does not satisfy the guidelines, Then you can take online assignment help. Through this, you get the support of experts who have years of experience. They have immense knowledge and the capability of writing unique and original content. So whenever you get stuck, do not hesitate to take help to make your assignment better and original.
Ethical Ways To Use Assignment Help Online
The main issue of plagiarism arises because students do not practice ethical ways to present their work. The authenticity of the work holds a lot of importance, and you lack in presenting original work. That's why we have discussed some of the expert tips through which you can offer an original assignment to your professor.
Always Ensure Uniqueness In Your
To achieve the level of authenticity, always try to keep your work unique and special. For this, use your own words and sentences to develop writing. Gain knowledge from different sources and apply your understanding in preparing an authentic work.
Use Citation
Citation is the best way through which you can achieve originality in your assignment. Giving credit to the author and providing appropriate references ensures plagiarism-free work. Also, it helps to enhance your knowledge and understanding. So, always mention appropriate citations or get expert help.
Develop Strong Research Skills
Writing a good assignment demands time and effort. So goes with the originality of the content. For this, strong research skills are required. Make sure to source your information from reliable resources like journals, articles, academic books, etc.
Use Citation Management Tools
If you feel that you are not able to give appropriate citations, then you can use software to sort all the sources used by you in the research. This software helps with bibliographies and citations. Other than this, it is also used for giving references. Using them will avoid any kind of mistakes that you may make.
We have already discussed what paraphrasing and copying are, along with their differences. Now, you also know some ethical ways through which you can present authentic work to your professor. Along with this, you learned how to give references and how to use software to ensure plagiarism-free content. But even after trying everything, you are still having trouble writing original content. Then you can get expert help. They will support you by giving correct citations and references. Other than this, they are knowledgeable and know better how to rephrase the text without leaving any copying traces. At New Assignment Help UK, we have professionals who are capable of delivering authentic content to you for your assignment. So don't hesitate and use our reliable services today.
Author Bio
Do you also struggle while giving appropriate references to sources in your project? Greetings, students. I am Bishop Willis. I really enjoy assisting students with their assignments. By understanding the importance of avoiding plagiarism in a project, I have written this blog. It will help you to present an ethical assignment to your professor. I have 7+ years of experience in writing. Because of this, I can ensure that this blog will definitely benefit you in your academic journey.