Paradise Hill: Analysis Case Study

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Introduction of Paradise Hill: Analysis Case Study

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Section 1

Essay Topic- Considering the current target market and reputation of Paradise Hill how can it reimagine itself to meet the needs of customers in a post-pandemic market?

When the organisation is offering hospitality service then it is important for them to make sure that they are satisfied their customers in an appropriate manner. The case company Paradise Hill is facing a lot of issues related to the customer satisfaction and is not able to meet the customer expectations. Due to this reason the company is facing issues in remaining competitive in the target market. Although the company has started with better sales and performance but currently the company is not doing well in the industry. The major issue faced by Paradise Hill is that they are not following the on-going trends in the industry. It can be said that the company is not understand the customer needs and is unable to meet them in an effective manner.

Now the covid-19 pandemic had changed a lot of things for all the businesses. So the hospitality industry has also been changed and is now focusing on the norms of new normal which can help them in meeting the customer needs in the post pandemic market. Here it can be said that the Paradise Hill also need to focus on employing new technology and strategies to reimagine itself for meeting the customer needs in the post pandemic market (Indrianto et. al. 2020). This essay will explore that in the context of the current situation of Paradise Hill how the company can reimagine for becoming more effective in the post pandemic. In other words it can be said that the major objective of this essay is to explore that how the case company will meet the customer needs in the post pandemic market.

Main Body

On the basis of the case study analysis it can be said that the case company Paradise Hill is facing a lot of issues related to the poor customer service and bad experience of the customers. The company is having lack of management due to which the employees are not working in an effective manner. Along with this there are different organisational issues which are faced by the company includes lack of training, high level of employee turnover, lack of proper leadership, dissatisfied employees and lack of marketing and promotion strategies. All these things are affecting the company position negatively. Due to this reason the company is not able to fight against the higher level of competition. Along with this Paradise Hill is not able to make use of the market trends and technology and innovation for satisfying the customer needs (Wang et. al. 2021). The different incidence mentioned in the case study shows that the customers are not happy with the services offered to them. So it can be said that the current position of the company is not so good from the customer's perspective.

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As per the case study's help it is clear that the company needs to focus on making a lot of changes in their business processes and operation for improving the customer experience. The case company need to focus on the all the different factors of the customer experience theory. The case company needs to focus on five types of experience which includes feeling, emotion, intelligence, body and social interaction. Paradise hill needs to focus on creating a unique value for the customers during the social interaction. The company is lacking in the marketing and promotion. For this the company need to focus on making use of the theory of unique selling elements. This will help them in understanding their unique selling elements and then the company should focus this well for doing marking of the company in an effective manner (Kim et. al. 2021). Not only this, the case company can also focus on the human relations theory. This theory will help them a lot in understanding the customer needs in an appropriate manner. This theory can also help the case company in increasing satisfaction level of employee with the company for reducing the employee turnover and managing the employees in an appropriate manner.

Currently the company is not doing well in the industry and facing a lot of issues. But the recent pandemic has created new opportunities for the case company to bring changes. If Paradise Hill will be focusing on making changes in their organisation then it will help them a lot in managing the customers in an appropriate manner in the post pandemic era. For this the company has to focus on using different technologies, following the covid-19 precautions and guidelines in an appropriate manner. Khan and Hashim, (2020) has stated in their study that for reimagining and resuming the business operations the hospitality sector firms needs to focus on the concept of Buen Vivir model. The authors have stated that this model will allow the hospitality service offering firms to prioritise the wellbeing of the community and human health. This model will help the firm's operating in the hospitality industry to not only focus on profit maximization. The study has concluded that the firm's operating in the hotel industry need to understand the current market trends and the customer demand and should redefine their strategies and business processes for re-establishing themselves effectively in the post pandemic market.

As per the views of Bharwani and Mathews, (2021) in the post pandemic era the hotels need to focus more on the safety and wellbeing of their customers. For this technology can play a major role as it can help a lot in creating safe spaces for the social distance norms, managing the contactless guest interface, offer safe hygiene and ensuring that all the covid-19 related guidelines are well followed. The study has concluded that the hotels brands need to focus on understanding that they have to change their attitudes towards the use of technology in the industry. The hotels need to focus over the tech transformation which can help them a lot in meeting the customer demands in the post pandemic market in an effective manner.

According to the views of Shin and Kang, (2020) it is important for the companies to understand that attracting the hotel customers is not an easy task during pandemic and post pandemic era. The study has stated that the hotels need to focus on making use of the technologies which can help them in maintaining social distancing and cleanliness in an appropriate manner. This will help them in meeting the customers satisfied and attracting the customers in an appropriate manner. So it can be said that the case company needs to understand that they have to focus on using the best strategies which can help them in being effective. Along with this the case company should focus on offering effective training to the employees related to the covid-19 and customer relationship management. This will allow the employees in managing the customer in an appropriate manner and offering them effective service.

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It can be recommended that Paradise Hill need to focus on having democratic leadership in the organisation. This will help them in making the employees more valued in the company. Along with this the case company should focus on ensuring that they are having effective management for managing the customer experience in an appropriate manner. Also the company needs to focus on using the latest trends related to the covid-19 pandemic (Kim et. al. 2022). So it can be suggested that for being effective in the market the organisation should focus on managing the day to day business operations with better use of technology. This will help them in being effective in the post pandemic market and doing well.


It can be said that it is important to understand that in the post pandemic era the customer preferences towards the stay and hotel brand will change a lot. So this is the right time for the case company to redefine themselves or recreate their image. For this the company need to understand their customers and meet their demands in an appropriate manner. The company has to focus on understanding that in the post pandemic market meeting the standard related to the covid-19 precautions will be the major concern for the customers.

Not only this the perspective of the customers related to the safety of the spread of the disease, issues related to cleanliness, hygiene factors, no contact payment and other things related to the pandemic will be the major concern for them. So the company has to make alot of change in the way they are offering their services to their customers. If the company is able to adjust themselves into the new normal in an effective manner then it will add great value to the company. So it can be concluded that if the Paradise Hill will focus on some of the critical factors and issues discussed above then it will help them in reimagining itself in the post pandemic market in an effective manner.

Section 2

Essay Topic- Critically evaluate how Paradise Hill, being part of a well-recognised brand, can contribute to improved guest experience.

Managing the market position and brand value in the market is a difficult task. It is important for the businesses to focus on ensuring that they should focus on the quality of the products and services which can help them in managing their brand value (Giglio et. al. 2020). Every single product of the brand is having their own identity and is being recognised from the brand image. Here it is important for the company to focus on ensuring that they should use the brand value and market reputation of the brand in getting benefit over others.

This essay will highlight about the case study of Hotel Paradise Hill which is facing a lot of issues regarding poor guest experience. According to the case study the company is a part of a well-known brand. Initially the company was doing well and is offering excellent services to their customers. This essay will focus on critically evaluating that how Paradise Hill can use their brand value for improving their guest experience with the brand. Along with this the essay will make different recommendations in this context for the case company.

Main Body

Hotel Paradise Hill is being constructed under on doc the world's well known hotel brand. The brand is being well recognised for their effective services and great customer experience. This brand of hotel is meeting the growing needs of the customers in an appropriate manner. During the establishment of the hotel the case company has faced a lot of benefit in the market by having a relationship with a well-established brand name and image. The brand is well known for great customer service, effective guest experience, known for offering high quality products and services and all this is helping the company in having strong brand loyalty among the guests.

The case company is facing a lot of issues related to the service quality and is not able to meet the competition in the industry. This shows that the company is not having continuous efforts for effective marketing of their products and services. Lack of marketing and promotion is one of the major issue which is being identified in the case study report. The Paradise Hill is not focusing on promoting their goods and services. The level of competition in the industry is increasing rapidly as the new properties are being constructed. The hotels operating in the location near Paradise Hill is offering better amenities and services to the customer (Karantza et. al. 2019). In such situations it is important for the companies to emphasize more over the marketing strategies and promoting their hotel over others. But the company is not doing so and due to this reason they are facing issues in attracting, managing and satisfying the customers in an appropriate manner.

It can be said that the company is enjoying the benefits due to the affiliated brand big they are not effective in using the brand identity in an appropriate manner. The company is not using the brand image for promoting themselves in the local and the international market in an appropriate manner. Along with this the Paradise hill is not at all focusing over the market trends related to the marketing and promotion which is affecting their brand value and making them less effective in attracting the customers in an effective manner. It is important for the Paradise hill to understand that they really need to work hard over their branding and marketing. If the company focuses on using the effective brand identity and value of their parent company then it will help them a lot. The customers are having an positive perspective towards the brand and if the company use this as an strength then it will help them a lot in restoring their Hotel position in the market and can help them in improving the guest experience with the brand.

As per the views of Ebrahim, et. al. (2016) the brand preference is highly affecting the customer experience. The study has suggested that the businesses should focus on creating a positive image among the customers for the brand and services offered by them. This will help them a lot in influencing the customer purchase decision. Along with this it will help the businesses in improving the overall experience of the customer with the brand in an effective manner. From this it can be said that the case company should focus on providing the customers with their brand knowledge and offering better experience according to the brand value. This will help them a lot in improving the overall experience of the customer.

According to Airpova, (2021) branding is having a major role to play for the firms operating in the hospitality industry. Branding is being considered as one of the most important tool which is having the ability to change the views of the customers towards the hotel brand. If the hospitality service offering firm is able to invest better capital in branding then it will help them in attracting the potential customers in an appropriate manner. Along with this branding is also important as it offering competitive advantage to the businesses over other firms operating in the same industry. From this it can be well understood that if the Paradise hill also focus on branding then it can help them a lot in managing the increasing competition in the industry.

Hotel Paradise need to focus on making appropriate use of the strength that they are a part of the well-recognised brand. If the company focuses on using this in an appropriate manner then it will help them in improving the guest experience. Salakhiddinovna, (2022) has stated that the hotels need to work effectively for improving the tourism organisations branding in an appropriate manner. This can help them in managing competitive and offering better customer experience to the customers when they come in contact with the brand initially. Here it can be said that the Paradise Hill also need to understand that the first experience of the customer with the brand is affected by branding and marketing efforts. So the case company need to invest a lot in branding and making use of the brand identity of the well-known brand to which they are connected. This will allow them a lot in offering better customer experience and improving the overall experience of the customer with the brand.


It can be suggested that the Paradise Hill should invest better capital in their marketing strategies and practices. For the hospitality firms it is important to focus on attracting the customers in an appropriate manner. For this the company need to focus on applying different marketing strategies related to the online and offline marketing strategies. Digital marketing is the latest trend which is being followed by the businesses for attracting the customers in an appropriate manner.

So hotel Paradise Hill need to focus on using different social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Google and many more for attracting the customers in an appropriate manner (Dick, 2019). Along with this while promoting their services offered at the hotel they should use video and images which can help the customers in having a remote view of the hotel. For the firms’ influencer marketing is also an important trends which can help them a lot in attracting the customers. Also while promoting the Hotel the management need to focus on reflecting the name of the affiliated brand in an appropriate manner. This will help them in changing the perspective of the customers toward the hotel will help them in developing positive branding of the case company. It can be recommended that the case company just focus on using the brand value of their affiliated brand in right manner for their marketing purpose. This will help them a lot in addressing the issues related to the poor customer experience with the brand in an appropriate manner.


From the above mentioned discussion it can be said that businesses need to focus on ensuring that they make continuous efforts for remaining competitive in the industry. Marketing and promotional activities of the company are having an major role to play for the company as it helps them in fighting the competition in an appropriate manner. Along with this the significance of branding is also well understood this report. The case company Paradise hill is facing issues related to increased competition and lack of use of branding by the hotel. So it can be suggested that the company need to focus on ensuring that they are making appropriate use of the brand identity of the brand to which they are affiliated. Along with this Paradise hill needs to invest a lot in branding, marketing and promotion. This will help them addressing the issues related to competition and improving customer experience in an effective manner.


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