Organizational Policies And People Management Assignment Sample

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Organizational Policies And People Management Assignment Sample

Introduction of Organizational Policies And People Management Assignment

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AC 1.3 Impact of organizational policies and procedures

Management of the people is very important for an organization. This is very helpful for maintaining the work process of the organization. An organization has different staff with different job roles; hence, management of the people is very important for the smooth functioning of their job. This is also very helpful for time management. However, management of the people is not limited to this. In this process, the management looks into the well-being of the staff as well (Jyoti, 2019).

Talent management

The aim of talent management is to enhance performance, create a sustainable organization as well as achieve operational goals and strategies. Several positive impacts of effective organizational policies on employees as well as the organization can be seen. This may include Engagement, Performance, Retention and Agility. Development of p[roper strategies, finding of proper talent, management of the performance of the employees, and providing compensation can be some factors related to talent management of an organization. Talent management team of Tesco works very well for the development of the organization.

Workforce development

This can be considered as the long-term method or strategy for the development of the skills of the employees. This refers to a continuous education process for the employees. Several benefits of Workforce development may include, increasing employees’ job satisfaction, lower rate of turnover, increasing the efficiency of the employees, increased productivity of the organization, and encouraging the innovative thinking of the employees. Proper training, building relationships, conducting educational programmes are some factors related to the Workforce development. For example, Tesco has developed long-term strategies to develop their workforce.

Community engagement

It refers to the steps or procedures taken by the organization for building a proper relationship for the well-being of the employees. There are several benefits of Community engagement. Those are,

  • Clarity of the employees to do the right things, this can increase the demand of local talent,
  • "Community in the front, business in the rear" is another approach of Community engagement
  • This is also very helpful for improvement in collaboration with different experts of the organization and
  • The Community engagement helps to maintain the morality of the organization.

Community engagement in Tesco is very helpful to management the employees in the organization.

Environmental responsibility

It is also known as “Corporate Environmental Responsibility'' or CER. It refers to the use of resources in a very effective way and efficiently. However, it differs from “Corporate Social Responsibility” or CSR as it includes a wider range of actions, such as charity. Roles of “Corporate Environmental Responsibility” may include, saving, management of waste, effective transportation for the organization, maintaining sustainability, management of environment and so on. There are several factors, on which the management should focus, such as,

  • Use of energy,
  • Use of water
  • Management of waste
  • Recycling and so on

In Tesco the organizational responsibility for the for environment can be seen. This is the main factor for sustainability.

Working practices

It refers to flexible working. For example, the flexibility to meet the personal needs of the employees, reduction of time for commuting, marinating the working schedules, flexible timing and so on. In Tesco, the flexibility in work helps the employees to perform better.

Equality, diversity and inclusion

Diversity in hiring is very important. An organization has different departments. The employees of the department have different jobs to do. Hence, experts from different backgrounds are needed to run the organization smoothly.

The concept of inclusion is very helpful to engage the employees in the organization. This is also very important to develop a sense of belonging. This engagement is significant for the inclusion of new talent in the organization. The environment of the organization must be diverse. In Tesco, inclusion of the employees can be seen. It is very helpful for the growth of the company and management of the talent.

Incentives and rewards

This is very helpful for motivating the employees. In this case, the employees must be rewarded with intensives and provide rewards for the good work. This can be very helpful for the employees to achieve their goals efficiently. This can be very helpful for the organization to grow, as the performance of the employees is the most important factor for an organization. Tesco provides rewards and incentives to the employees to maintain their motivation.

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In most cases, the organizational policies may have a great impact on the performance of the organization. Generally, this has a negative effect on the organization. Hence, this should be dealt with great care.

AC 2.1 Approaches to maintain the performances of individuals in an organization

Management of the performance of the staff of an organization is very important. It is necessary to maintain the performance of the staff as it helps to function the company smoothly. This will help the organization to grow faster (Ciricet al., 2019). The management of the people of the organization is a collaborative process. It needs planning and techniques. Several performance management techniques for the management of the people of an organization may include,

  • Monitoring performance: performance of the staff of the organization should be monitored on a regular basis. This will help to stress the performance of the staff in Tesco. Meetings are most important to discuss this topic. Besides, check-ins can also play an important role.
  • Progress checks: the organizational management should check the progress of every employee. This is very helpful to have knowledge about the efficiency of the staff. Reviews and summaries are properly maintained regarding the performance of the staff in Tesco.
  • Setting expectations: the goals of the organization should be clear to the employees. Besides, a clear discussion should be done with the employees regarding the process of achieving the goals (Nuaket al., 2019).In Tesco, the goals are discussed with the employees by conducting conferences and meetings.
  • Offering incentives: incentives, rewards and other related t5hings are very important for maintaining the motivation of the employees. If the employees are motivated, the work efficiency will increase. Hence, by following this method, Tescohas been growing faster.
  • Professional development: development is very important to maintain and increase the efficiency of the employees. This development process should be continuous. Coaching, conferences and so on can be very helpful to maintain the development of the performance of the staff in Tesco.
  • Feedback: Feedback from the staff is very important for the company. Feedbacks help the company to understand the problems of the employees. This can be helpful to identify if the employees are working in the organization happily. The company can take action against the problems of the staff (Sun, et al., 2021). Hence, the feedback from the employees is important for the performance of the organizations like Tesco.
  • Inclusion: the concept is very helpful to engage the employees in the organization. This is also very important to develop a sense of belonging. This engagement is significant for the inclusion of new talent in the organization. The environment of the organization must be diverse. This is very helpful to achieve inclusive employment in the company (Athaydeand Silva-Lugo, 2018). Hence, the impacts of an inclusive environment are diversity, belonging and engagement of the employees with the organization is also very important for creating authenticity in the organization.

AC 2.2 Steps needed to maintain effective team

Several steps are involved in the management of the people in an organization, those are,

  • Establishing goals: the goal for every staff of the organization should be defined and clear. This will help the staff to do their work. In Tesco, a clear discussion with the employees are done regarding maintain the aim of the company.
  • Plan development: the execution of the work to achieve the goals needs a proper plan. The staff will follow the plan while working. The entire planning for achieving the goals is done with care in Tesco.
  • Taking action: after planning, it is very important to take action according to the plan. This is very helpful to achieve the goals (Yonget al., 2020). After deciding the aim the employees of Tesco are motivated enough to take action in order to achieve the aim or the goal.
  • Assess performance: Analysing the performance of the staff and feedback from the staff is very important to improve the performance of the organization. In Tesco, the management always intended to evaluate the performance of the employees.
  • Provide rewards: when the goals are achieved, the employees are to provide rewards. Monetary or non-monetary rewards are provided to the employees of Tesco in order to motivate them.

Hence, from the above discussion, it can be said that the management of people in an organization is very important for the growth of an organization. The approaches and techniques have also been discussed.

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People management also includes the hiring of the people, training, employment discipline maintenance and so on. Hence, it can be said that the role of people management is much wider. The impact of organizational policiescan be seen on the work efficiency of an organization like Tesco. Hence, it is very important to manage organizational politics to smooth the functioning of the company (Pambreniet al., 2019). People management should be done by applying proper techniques and strategies to make it efficient.

Theory X and Y

Theory X and Y were given by McGregor. These theories have been described below,

Theory X refers to the negative theory. The followings are the assumptions of the theory X,

  • Generally, the employees do not like to work. They tend to escape.
  • The employees must be warned as they do not want to work.
  • Employees do not like responsibility.
  • Employees like job security. They do not have ambition.
  • Generally, the employees want direction to do work.

From the above discussion, it can be said that theory X refers to the negative theory.

Theory Y refers to the management of participant style (Climentet al., 2020). According to this theory, managers assume self-directed employees. The employees are also self-motivated to achieve the objective of the organization. According to this, the management can achieve the maximum output against minimum efforts. The assumptions of the theory have been described below,

  • Human beings generally like to do work and humans are creative and self-motivated.
  • Employees of the organizations are self-directed. Hence, punishment is not necessary.
  • The commitment to achieving the objective of the organization is related to the rewards. In this case, the4 most important reward includes ego.
  • Generally, human beings are ambitious and thieves are very eager to take responsibility.

From the above discussion, it can be said that the human theories X and theory Y are just the opposite from each other. Implementation of these theories can make the better performance of Tesco.

Tuckman's theory

  • Forming: This is very helpful in creating the structure of the team of the organization.
  • Storming: this refers to the organization of the tasks. This is related to interpersonal conflict.
  • Norming: the members of the team find new ways to do a job together (Utami, et al., 2020).
  • Performing: in this stage, the interdependence of the team is very important. Those members should work together.
  • Adjourning: the team members leave in order to make changes in the structure of the team. Hence, this stage includes change. 

Application of this theory can be very helpful for growth of Tesco.

AC 3.1 Training and Development approaches

Training and other approaches to improve individuals and teams in an organization

Individual improvement

Several approaches to improve the performance of individuals are as follows,

  • Training: proper training is very important for increasing the efficiency of the employees. This is very helpful for the employees to get the job done. This is very helpful for “Self-actualization” and “developing potential”.
  • “Personal Development Plans” or PDP: this can be considered a plan. This is completely based on the reflection of the performance of an individual employee and the needs of the employee. This is very helpful to set goals for the future performance of the employees. Proper training is needed in this action plan to enrich the performance of the employee (Olsonet al., 2018).
  • Performance Appraisals: This is the most used technique for managing the performance of the individual employee. With the help of this technique, the goals of the individual and the strategies taken by the individual to achieve the goal can be aligned. The appraisal of the individual should be regular, honest, and fair. Hence, the two-way conversation between the manager and the employee should be done.
  • Utilize Feedback: sometimes, the employees are not aware of their performance. Hence, they must be informed about their performance. If they are underperforming, the employees must know about the performance, hence, he or they can improve their performance.
  • “Management by Objectives” or MBO: this includes the management of the objective and in this technique; the approaches to achieving the objective are discussed. This indicates doing work once at a time in every state. This is very important if the employees are aiming to achieve a common goal (Shaturaev, 2022).

Organizational improvement

  • Balanced Scorecards: this can be considered one of the best management techniques in terms of organizational improvement. This is very helpful for the organization in the following ways,
  1. This is very helpful to clarify the strategies and the objectives of the organization
  2. This is very helpful to monitor the progress of the work. The priority of objectives is the focus of monitoring the progress.
  3. This is also very helpful to manage action plans for the organization. Henec, the profit may increase.
  • “360-Degree Feedback”: this is also known as Peer Reviews. This is very helpful to provide constructive and positive feedback. This is the individual review based on other people around that individual. This is very helpful in the growth of the individual being a part of a team or group. Hence, it can be said that the process is maintained by the team members of the individual (Vrchota and ?eho?, P., 2019). In this case, the feedback from other employees is important along with the feedback from the manager.
  • “Key Performance Indicators” or KPIs and Metrics: this technique helps to measure the performance of the employees. This measurement is based on the strategies taken by the individuals and the objective of their work. The proper alignment with the objectives and the strategies is very important for improving the performance of the individuals.

Types of training and development

Internal training: it is also known as in-house training. In this training process, the employees are starting in the organization with the help of the resources of the organization.This method of trainingcan be seen in Tesco.

External training: this is training outside the organization. It refers to the training conducted by the organization and led by the experts. This is very helpful for the employees to improve their skills (Zahran and Prihadini, 2020). External training of Tesco is very helpful for the employees to develop their skills

“Corporate training”: refers to the development of the skills of the employees that are very helpful to improve the performance of the employees in the job. This is the most important factors for theemployees of a large organization like Tesco.

Open training: In this training process, the employees from different companies are trained together. This type of training can be seen in Tesco.

“Soft skills training”: soft skills refer to the personal attributes of the employees. Training of soft skills may include skills in leadership, communication skills, and skills of presentation and so on. This is very important for improving the performance of the employees in the organization (Anckon, 2020). Tesco focus on the development of the employees’ soft skills as these skills is very helpful in multi-departmental works.

“Specific training”: refers to the training of the employees to develop a specific skill.

“Generic training”: this is opposite to specific training. It refers to the training that can be useful in several fields. For example, this may include developing skills of communication, empathy, active listening and so on. This is very important for growth of Tesco.

Talent management

  • Recruiting talent: the organization must be aware of the recruitment process. However, the process of recruitment not only meets the present need of the company but also the talent recruitment must fulfil the need of the future of the organization.
  • “Developing and retaining talent”: after the identification of talent, it is very important for the organization to implement the talent. Talent management strategies of the organization can be very helpful in developing talent.
  • Deploying talent: After finding talent for the organization, it is very important to deploy the talent (Laing, 2021). The organization must be aware of the capacity of the employees and keep motivating them for the best performance.
  • Succession planning: refers to the planning for business growth. In order to do this, the management must have knowledge of how the employees can fulfil their respective job roles.
  • Mentoring and coaching: after acquisition of talent, it is very important for the organization to provide coaching and mentorship to the employees, thes are very helpful for overall development of the employees.

Implementation of the training programme in the organization

“Lewin’s Change Management Model”: there are three stages in this model. Those are as follows,

Unfreeze: the first step of this model is to unfreeze the current process. This is very helpful to inform all the employees about the changes in the training process.

Change: after this, the actual change or implementation of the training process can be done. Changes in the training process or implementation of the new training process are very important for the skill development of the organization.

Refreeze: after the implementation of the change, it is very important to refreeze. This is very helpful to get feedback for the employees on the changes in the organization. Hence, it is beneficial to understand how the training process of the company may have an impact on the development of the employees.

This change management model is implemented in Tesco to apply a new training process in the organization. This is very helpful for the company to identify the impact of the training process.

AC 4.1 People management strategies and their impact in TESCO

The chosen organization for the assignment is TESCO. TESCO is a multinational company of the UK. It has a wide market throughout the world. The people management of this company plays a very important role in the growth of the company. Hence, the discussion of the people management of the strategies is very important. Following are some management strategies applied by TCSO,

Working Environment: several aspects of the Working Environment have been described below,

  • Physical environment: this environment refers to the size, location and layout of the workplace. Whether the workplace is indoor or outdoor, furnished or not and so on. The physical environment of Tesco helps the employees to perform better.
  • Company culture: this is the way of working for employees. Hence, it refers to the working culture of their environment. In Tesco, company culture helps the employees to do their jobs efficiently (Biancarelli et al. 2019).
  • Working conditions: it refers to the terms and conditions under which the employees of the company are hired. For example, pay scale, contract of employment and so on. In Tesco, the working conditions of the company are very flexible.

Flexible Working Practices: it provides the employees' freedom to some extinct in order to complete the task. It may include, “Hours of work”, “Patterns of work”, “Locations of work” and so on. In Tesco, it is very helpful for the employees to work at their one pace.

“Organizational Structure and Culture”: it helps the employees to speak and to put their point of view. Hence, in Tesco, “Organizational Structure and Culture” provides more power to the employees and this is very helpful to improve their performance.

Ethical Practices: every organization must have very strong ethical practices. Several ethical practices may include,

  • Providing a detailed manual to the employees
  • Providing training. Especially to the new employees (Climent-Sanz et al. 2020).
  • Maintaining ethical policies
  • Learning from mistakes and not repeating the same mistakes
  • No tolerance

Ethics in Tesco help the employees of the company to be motivated and hence, they perform better.

CSR Agenda: it refers to the social responsibility of the company. It focuses on how a company deals with the economy, environment and social aspects. In Tesco, this plays a great role in maintaining sustainable development.

Staff Development Opportunities: this can be considered the most important people management strategy for an organization. In TESCO, the employees are provided with several training programmes. These programs include on-job training as well as off-job training. In the case of on-job training, the employees learn many things while doing their work in the office (AwadaribandKanwal, 2019). On the other hand, off-job training refers to the tearing of the employees when they are not working in the office. Separate learning programs are organized to provide off-job training to the employees of Tesco. Proper training is provided to both front office and back office staff in Tesco. Proper training is the main reason for the improvement of customer services of Tesco.

AC 4.2 Impact of people management strategies in Tesco

  • “Staff Development Opportunities”: due to proper training, the staff of Tesco have developed their skills and improved work efficiency. 
  • Working Environment: Physical environment, Company culture and flexibility in working conditions help the employees of Tesco to do their jobs efficiently.
  • Flexible Working Practices: as the working practices in Tesco are very flexible, the worker can choose the working shift and working hour and depart according to their need. Hence, they can perform more efficiently (Kar, et al. 2021).
  • Ethical Practices: Tesco maintains its ethical consideration. Ethics in the organization is very important for the employees of Tesco to survive in the office.
  • CSR Agenda: CSR Agenda in Tesco helps to maintain sustainable development. This is very helpful for the environment and the company as well.


People management is the most important for an organization to run smoother. This is very important for the growth of the company. Hence, people management techniques play a very important role in an organization. Organizational politics may have an impact on the performance of an organization. Organizational politics have several negative impacts and some positive impacts on performance. There are different types of organizational politics. Hence, these politics should be maintained properly in order to maintain the efficiency of the organization. Maintaining the performance of individuals is very important for an organization. The HR department applies several techniques to manage the performance of the employees. This is conducted in several stages. Training and several other strategies play a very important role in the management of the performance of an individual employee as well as the organization as a whole. Tesco is a multinational company in the UK. It has a wide speed market throughout the world. People management strategies play a very important role in the growth of Tesco throughout the world.


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