Organizational Culture, Team Working And Motivation Assignment Sample

Exploring the Dynamics of Power, Politics, and Culture in Organizational Behavior

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Introduction Organizational Culture, Team Working And Motivation

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Organizational behavior is an observation of a person's performance and figuring out how employees respond to other members of the organization. Many elements affect and influence the behavior of employees such as organizational culture, organizational structure, and behavior of everyone. Every organization has the objective to build a team of employees who are motivated and loyal to the organization, it will help to survive business for a longer period (Hoyos de la Garza, 2020). Organizational behavior helps in forecasting the potential behavior of a person and understanding factors that impact the working capacity of a particular employee.

This report gives an understanding of culture, politics, and power on the behavior of the employees in the organization. These three are the main element that affects organizational behavior and the report presented the positive as well negative impact of culture, power, and politics (Williams Jr 2018). The report also includes a study on how to motivate individuals and teams so that organizational goals can be attained. For this purpose, the report includes various motivational theories and their application in the organization. Group development theories with their relevance in an organization are also explained in the report. To understand all the above-stated concepts BBC Company is taken as a case company.

Company Background

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), with headquarters in Broadcasting House in London, England, is the country's official broadcaster. It is the largest broadcaster in the world and the oldest national broadcaster in the world. It employs over 22,000 people overall, with about 19,000 of them working in public-sector broadcasting. A royal charter founded the BBC, and it is governed by a contract it has with the secretary of state for digital, culture, media, and sport to carry out its operations. All British families, businesses, and organizations that use any kind of equipment to receive or record live television broadcasts and iPlayer catch-up are required to pay an annual television licencing fee, which is the main source of funding for the organization's activity. The British government determines the fee, which Parliament approves, and it is used to support the BBC's radio, television, and online programmes that serve the UK's various regions and countries. Since 1 April 2014, it has also provided funding for the BBC World Service, which first broadcast in 1932 under the name BBC Empire Service and offers extensive TV, radio, and internet services in Arabic and Persian.

The organizational culture, Politics, and power influencing individual and team behavior and performance

Organization culture

Organizational culture consists of the organization's plan, rules, policy, and regulations; it is a part of the internal environment of the organization. Organizational culture also includes various aspects of the staff's behavior and performance in the organization (Smircich, 2017). It also includes the power and politics present in the organization and how much they affect the organization in both negative and positive ways. In simple words, organizational culture is the way things are done in the organization.

There are four types of organizational culture according to Handy’s model

  • Power culture: In this type of culture, only top-level managers have the power of decision-making in the organization. The top level management includes senior-level executives in the organization such as the chief executive officer, president, chief financial officer, etc. the lower-level employees and subordinate does not have the authority or power to take a decision, they have to adhere to all decisions taken by superiors or top level managers (Wright and Davies, 2017). In this type of culture, power is in the hand of top-level persons, so sometimes they can make decisions that are negative for employees. Here, if the superiors do not acknowledge the efforts put in by the subordinates, employees will feel demoralize and demotivated. If higher-level managers are talented they can make policies and other decisions that contribute to the welfare of the employees in the organization.
  • Task culture: In this type of organizational culture, employees are given jobs according to their knowledge and skills. The groups are made based on qualifications acquired by the employees to accomplish the organizational objectives. Teams are created by considering the target needs to achieve the solutions to the problem that needs to be solved. This kind of culture improves both individual and group performance in the organization. The task is assigned based on specialization, which means an employee gets the job or task according to a match between the employee's skill and the work that needs to be done. Task culture makes a positive environment in the organization and it enhances employees' confidence which further improves their performance. Motivated people also work more efficiently in the team. They can influence other behavior by sharing their knowledge and experience with the team members.
  • Person culture: In this kind of organizational culture, every employee works separately. Each one of them has the authority and power to take decisions to accomplish their individual personal goals. Employees feel motivated in this type of culture because they have the power to take a decision. This further enhances employees’ morale and overall performance (Lubis and Hanum, 2020). In this culture, employees feel confident and superior but less supervision can decrease the quality of performance.
  • Role culture: In this type of organizational culture, employees gets tasks according to their qualifications as well as interest. The performance of the individual employee as well as the whole team is increased because everyone knows about a task they had given. Employees work independently and accomplish organizational as well as personal objectives. Every person gets different roles and responsibilities in role culture.

The BBC Company previously used power culture; it had strong functional areas which are managed by a small team of top-level managers. At present company follows a role culture for the organization. This helps in creating a positive and friendly work culture in the workplace where no conflicts arise among employees (Zaragoza Fuster and García Avilés, 2022). Everyone in the organization works independently to attain BBC’s organizational goal as a whole. This improves employees' performance and also clarifies their roles and responsibility in the organization working. Team members work in harmony and there are fewer chances of conflict between the top-level and the lower or middle-level managers.

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Critically analyze the culture, Politics, and power influencing individual and team behavior and performance

Culture difference awareness

This awareness is very necessary for the organization to understand the increased difference in the organization. The difference can be based on culture, ethnic or racial teams at the workplace. Employees need to be aware of the different cultures so that they can understand the perspective of different persons working in the organization.

Cultural diversity is supported in the BBC organization and encourages the employees to present their idea to improve their contribution to the success of the company. Cultural diversity awareness is very important among the employees in the organization this will help to understand each other views and perspectives while working together (Hart 2019). This will also enhance the team performance and create a positive relationship between employees who came from diverse backgrounds. It will further decrease the confusion and conflict in the work environment.

Power and politics

Shortly, power and politics are the critical needs of every employee and team in the organization. Every employee concentrates on using power to accomplish their personal needs and achieve success (Allen 2016). The organization uses politics and power to control employees and achieve organizational objectives and goals.

Power refers to the authority of a person to influence other people in the workplace. Power can be used positively as well as negatively. Top-level managers can use power in a positive sense, by treating all employees without any discrimination and giving them chance to grow. On the other hand, higher level managers use power to allow favorite members, it comes under negative use of power.

Politics refers to different activities linked with influence tactics for individual or business interests. Top-level managers use power to change organizational culture which is considered as politics in the workplace. Politics can be used for personal gain or organizational gain. For using politics in the work environment managers should possess controlling power and behavior over their subordinates.

Influence of politics

Positive influence

If higher-level managers don't use politics and treat everyone fairly based on their work performance is known as positive influence of politics. This type of politics positively impacts the organization as a whole and motivates employees (Buchanan and Badham, 2020). This will enhance the stratification level of the employees which results in more loyalty for Google Company.

Negative influence

If top-level managers use favoritism for promotions and reward giving, this will negatively impact employee mindset toward the company. This kind of environment cannot retain good employees for a longer period.

Influence of power

Positive influence

If BBC's higher level authority positively uses their authority they can create a healthy work culture. It will improve teamwork by building trust among the team members. It will enhance team and individual performance by giving delegating power to subordinates.

Negative influence

If BBC's managers negatively use their authority to not give incentives, demote, or related to transfers of their staff. It will decrease the satisfaction level of the employees and will increase their grievances. This will result in the demoralization of employees and will decrease the personal and professional performance of the employed persons.

Theories of motivation and motivational techniques

Motivation originated from the word 'motive', motive means a person's desires, needs, and wants. It isthe method of motivating persons to initiate action to attain an objective. The psychological component fueling group's performance in the context of work objectives might contain a need for money. There are two types of motivation as follows:

  • INTRINSIC MOTIVATION: These are inside requirements to execute a particular action or job. People perform some specific actions because they receive pleasure by doing them. It can be related to developing a specific skill or it can be the moral duty of a person.
  • EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION: These are external expectations that influence the performance of the person. It can be monetary or non-monetary. For instance, monetary may be a bonus, increment in salary, and non-monetary gifts and appreciation awards.

Behavioral Motivation Theories

Behavioral motivation theories are consisting of two types of theories that are content theories and process theories (Gopalan 2017). Content theories pay attention to the needs that all individuals have in common, on the other hand, process theories concentrate on the cognitive dissimilarity among persons.

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Content theories

The content motivation theory focused on the internal needs of an individual, they direct a person's behavior. Universally, these kinds of theories consider motivation as the result of inner forces that require a human being to take action or move in the direction of need satisfaction. Needs are shortages that trigger behaviors to please those needs. A person has many kinds of needs such as physiological needs, safety needs, esteem needs, etc. At different points in life different kinds of needs emerge, sometimes it's about food and shelter and sometimes it's about social recognition (Sahito and Vaisanen, 2017). Generally, social needs remain unfulfilled; Unfulfilled needs generate tension that makes a person find paths to satisfy those social needs. The stronger a person’s needs, the more motivated a person will feel and try to satisfy them. On the contrary, an already satisfied need will not motivate a person. Some of the chief content theories are as follows:

  • Maslow theory
  • Herzberg theory
  • Alderfer theory

Process theories

Process theories of motivation spotlight the "how” of behavioral processes. This theory does not focus on the needs of the people; it focuses on the behavioral and psychological processes that perform by human beings. By considering all the actions and processes which are feasible to recognize the events, interactions, and circumstances that motivate persons’ behaviors. Process theories of motivation are based on the thought processes of the individual which influence behavior (Schjoedt and Shaver, 2020). It explains why workers behave in a particular manner, and what motivated them to perform these actions. The chief process theories of motivation are as follows:

  • Vroom theory
  • Adam’s equity theory
  • Skinner’s reinforcement theory
  • Locke's goal-setting theory

Application of behavioral motivation theories to influence the behavior within the BBC

Previously BBC was following a bureaucratic management system in its organizational culture, this system does not give much importance to the needs of the employees. That leads to a decrease in team spirit and loyalty towards the organization (Kalogiannakis 2021). The application of behavioral motivation theories can help in increasing the loyalty and satisfaction level of the employees in the organization.

Both content and process theories can be used in such a manner that will increase the productivity of the employees. This will also enhance the confidence and trust among the staff members at BBC.

BBC used some motivational theories in its work environment including Maslow's hierarchy need theory and two-factor theories. By using these theories company developed emotional intelligence in the organization. This also included situational leadership and empowerment of job satisfaction. By implying these theories in the work environment company created a positive work environment that is very motivating and supportive (Dwyer, 2016). All these actions helped BBC to achieve its objective of increasing loyalty and enthusiasm in the employees. These changes can be seen in the performance of the employees, now employees are more efficient and effective in their work.

Group development theories

The development of groups is a continuous process because the composition of the group may persistently change. The new associates may connect and the old associates may depart from the group. There are several stages in developing a group and every member has to pass through these stages to be a part of a group (Mackenzie, 2018). This report discusses the general theories of group development.

Group is created as an outcome of communications and the influence of associates who attempt to achieve a general goal. After the creation of the groups, it takes time to transition from strangers to a team that works for a mutual goal. In this development process, the members of the team try to recognize behavior and realize what is appropriate or not, and this whole process also has clear roles performed by every member of the group (Taylor, 2016). A group is not formed merely by announcing some persons as a group, to make a team some group development theories are developed after a lot of research on group formation. Names of commonly known theories on group development are given below: Bennis & Shepard, 1956, Bion, 1961, Gibb, 1964, Schutz, 1958, 1982, Tuckman, 1965, Tuckman & Jensen, 1977, Yalom, 1970, Kormanski & Mozenter, 1987.

An effective team building at BBC by using tuck man and Jensen’s model of group development

Effective team building at BBC can be described by any team development theories given above, in this report Tuchman and Johnson’s model is used. This theory includes five stages of team development; an explanation of these stages is given below:

  • Forming: This is the foremost stage of tuck man and Johnson’s team development theory. In this stage, the members at BBC try to discover and realize the behavior of the other group members. Efforts are made to understand the hopes and expectations of the group members. In BBC At this stage members behave politely and aim to find out the way to fit in the group.
  • Storming: storming is the second stage in which members starts competing with others for the various things such as status, control, and leadership of the team (Tisocco and Liporace, 2021). In this stage, BBC group members start facing personal conflicts and they also try to solve these conflicts. Members also start facing issues related to the task assigned and problems related to superior-subordinate relations at the workplace. This stage also includes finding and solving issues related to the individual role in the group.
  • Norming:In the third stage of Tuckman and Johnson’s theory, the members are working together continuously in a cohesive manner. At BBC group members in the third stage establishes a sense of balance among different conflicting factors. The group rules and agreement are developed to achieve group and mutual goals and cooperative feelings are developed between the group members.
  • Performing: In the fourth stage all the team members' center of focus is performance, they work as a team by making united efforts to perform team tasks with the achievement of defined objectives (Harvey 2019). At BBC group members developed a well-known pattern of work relations to better coordination and facilitate conflict-solving. Members have faith in each other and expand their assistance and support for the accomplishment of the group objective.

BBC used Tuckman and Johnson's theory very efficiently and effectively in the organization to build an effective group and the groups achieving all objectives with the proper guidance given (Forsyth, 2018). An effective team functioning can be continued as the group members will evaluate the conditions and leaders will guide them according to the process developed by Tuchman and Johnson. Thus BBC Company can ensure the best performance from the team formed in all departments of the organization.

  • Adjourning: every team is made for a specific purpose when the objectives are attained then the team is adjourned. Here, the term adjournment refers to the breaking up of the team, then the team will not work together as a team in the future.

Applying the concept of organizational behavior

To apply the concept and philosophy of organizational behavior, for which the path-goal theory of leadership style is used. This style of leadership helps in improving the productive and performance of the team in the organization. The path-goal leadership style states thata head's character and qualities can straightly affect the motivation and performance of subordinates. In other words, a team's performance and productivity are highly related to the behavior of its leader (Olowoselu 2019). If the leader is capable of taking the right decisions then the team will achieve specifies goals and objectives. In Path goal theory leader chooses the behavior which best suited for the present business environment. There is large number of leadership styles linked with the Path-Goal theory:

  • Success-oriented management
  • Command leadership
  • Participative management
  • encouraging leadership

Success-Oriented Leadership

In Success oriented leadership style, the leader's focal point is encouraging brilliance by deciding challenging targets. Employees are influenced to perform at their best level and the leader has faith in the ability of the group members. The leader supports and encourages the workforce to show outstanding work achievements with continuous performance improvements. This form of management requires employees which possess problem-solving skills and want to work independently.

Command leadership

In this leadership, the leader makes available clear guidelines to employees about the processes and also states the leader's expectations from employees. The leader also gives detailed information about employees can perform the task at the best level (Rolková and Farkašová, 2015). The leadership style aims to reduce ambiguity in functions related to the job and work; this will give clarity to the employees about policies, procedures, and rules. The connection between performance level and incentives is defined very clearly to avoid confusion and ambiguity.

Encouraging leadership

In this leadership style, the leader focuses on the needs and welfare of workers and makes the job satisfying for them. A leader is welcoming and empathetic towards the employees in the organization. Leaders who use this style of leadership treat people with respect and value them by providing support whenever needed by them (Bans-Akutey, 2021). Encouraging leadership is most suitable when employees have personal problems and need a supportive environment to feel motivated.

Participative management

In this leadership style, leaders discuss with their team members before taking any important decision. These decisions may be related to the work, job environment, methods of work, targets, etc. this kind of leadership increase the performance of the employees by applying greater efforts to attain set goals.


From the above report, it is concluded that organizational behavior has a great impact on the success of any organization. Organizational behavior helps to understand the behavior of employees in the workplace and it is very important to motivate people to achieve certain goals.

This study also highlights the influence of power, politics, and culture on the performance of the individual as well as a team. The report concluded that these three elements can use positively or negatively by the managers in the organization. The analysis discusses how motivational theories are useful to influence behavior for the achievement of common goals. This report also concludes that BBC Company can use Tuckman and Johnson's motivation theory to build the motivated and loyal workforce.


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