Organizational Change And Management Q&A Sample

Insights into Organizational Change and Management: Q&A Sample

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Introduction Of Organizational Change And Management

The report will discuss on critical evaluation on importance of team function in Linde plc. Linde plc is an global industrial gases and manufacturing corporation that was formed in 2018 by the amalgamation of Linde AG and Praxair, Inc. The report will also emphasize on leadership theories in terms of its worth in today’s organizational surroundings learning through the research of Hanelt, et. al, (2021). The corporation operates in more than 99 countries around the globe and has over 80,000 employees. The company is headquartered in Guildford, UK and has its operational headquarters in Munich, Germany. Their engineering services include the construction, design, and operation of industrial plants such as chemical and petrochemical facilities.

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Question 1

Critically evaluate the main elements that make a team function effectively in the perspective of work and the organization

Effective cooperation is a crucial component of any successful organization. In the framework of Linde plc, there are several key elements that provide to the well-organized functioning of a team in the workplace (Lewis, 2019, p. 407). The company is committed to sustainability and has set determined targets to decrease its greenhouse gas emissions, improve its use of renewable energy, and progress the energy competence of its operations. The business is also alert on promoting assortment and enclosure within its workers and has situate targets to boost the symbol of women and other underrepresented groups in leadership positions.

These include:

  • Clear goals and objectives: the company operates in a complex and rapidly changing industry, which can make it challenging to set clear and reachable goals for teams. It is possible that some teams may not have a clear considerate of what they are working towards, or may not have the essential resources to achieve their goals. Teams must have a clear perceptive of what they are operating towards, and what outcomes they are expected to attain. This helps to align individual efforts and ensures that everybody is working towards the same end objective.
  • Roles and responsibilities: the case company is a large, multinational association with many different teams and departments. It is possible that some team members may not have a clear considerate of their roles and responsibilities within the broader context of the organization Rakova, al. (2021). This can lead to confusion, duplication of effort, and a lack of accountability. Each group member must have a clear understanding of their responsibilities and role within the team. This helps to avoid ambiguity, duplication of effort, and make sure that everybody is contributing to the team's achievement.
  • Effective communication: this is critical for effective teamwork, but it can be challenging in a large, intricate organization. There may be barriers to effectual communication, such as cultural differences, language differences, or physical distance between group members. Some group members may not experience easy sharing information or feedback with their colleagues, which can hinder collaboration and innovation Iqbal, al. (2021). Good communication is significant for effectual teamwork. Teams must be able to share information, ideas, and feedback with each other overtly and honestly. This helps to build trust, encourage collaboration, and ensure that everyone is on the same page.
  • Trust and respect: these are the foundation of any successful team. Team members must feel certain that their colleagues are reliable, dependable, and committed to the team's success. Respect for each other's ideas, opinions, and contributions are also necessary for building a positive team dynamic. Building trust and respect can be difficult in an organization as large and diverse as Linde Belani, al. (2019, p. 253). It is possible that some team members may not feel confident in the abilities or commitments of their colleagues, or may not feel that their own contributions are appreciated or respected. This can escort to a lack of low morale, motivation, and high turnover.
  • Diversity and inclusion: the company has a commitment to diversity and enclosure, but it can be challenging to accomplish this goal in practice. There may be barriers to full contribution for team members who come from different backgrounds, have different perspectives, or have diverse communication styles. Teams that embrace diversity and inclusion are more creative, innovative, and productive Afsar, al. (2020). The company should ensure that teams are composed of individuals with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. This helps to carry a wide variety of thoughts and approaches to analytic and decision-making.
  • Effective leadership: it is vital for building and underneath high-performing team, but it can be difficult in a large and complicated organization. There may be a lack of constancy in leadership styles and approaches across diverse teams or departments, which can lead to confusion and frustration for team members Parker, al. (2022). Effective leadership is critical for building and sustaining high-performing teams. Leaders must set clear prospect, provide guidance and support, and hold team members accountable for their performance. Good leaders also promote a culture of trust, admiration, and open communication within the team.
  • Continuous learning and development: the organization has a commitment to continuous learning and growth, but it can be challenging to offer these opportunities to all team members. There may be limited resources or time available for training and development, which can lead to a lack of necessary skills or knowledge for some team members. Team members may not feel that they have the essential support or encouragement from their leaders to pursue learning and development opportunities. Teams that constantly learn and develop new skills and knowledge are more flexible and resilient Larson, al. (2020). The company should invest in training and development opportunities for its teams to make sure that they have the skills and knowledge desired to meet the evolving demands of the organization.

Question 2

Critically appraisal of one of the leadership theories in provisions of its worth in today’s organizational environment

According to Anselmann & Mulder, (2020) Leaders play a critical role in today's organizational environment for several reasons. Leaders are accountable for setting the mission, vision, and goals of the organization. This is mainly significant in today’s fast-paced and complex business surroundings, where companies require to continually adapting to changing market conditions, technological advances, and evolving customer needs. Effective leaders are able to expect these changes and set a clear direction for the organization that enables it to remain competitive and relevant. Leaders are accountable for create a culture of innovation and learning within the organization. In today's economy, innovation is a key driver of enlargement and competitiveness. Leaders who promote a culture of innovation and learning are able to support employees to think creatively, take calculated risks, and continually improve the organization's products, services, and processes.

One leadership theory that has recognized significant concentration in recent years is transformational leadership. Transformational leadership is a theory that emphasizes the significance of motivating and inspiring followers to accomplish their full potential, somewhat than basically managing them to meet specific goals Akdere, & Egan, (2020). The theory is base on the idea that leaders can motivate followers by articulate a compelling vision, representing personal promise and passion, and providing individualized sustain and coaching. Leaders are answerable for developing in addition to retaining top talent within the association. In today's competitive labor market, attract and retain top talent is critical for organizational achievement. Leaders who prioritize worker growth, provide opportunities for career advancement and growth, and construct positive work surroundings are able to attract and maintain the best workers.

In current organizational environment, where rivalry is intense and change is constant, transformational leadership has numerous potential benefits. First, transformational leaders can help to form a sense of shared purpose and individuality among employees, which can improve collaboration and teamwork. This is mainly significant in organizations that are geographically discrete or have a diverse workforce Nam, & Park, (2019). In today's culture, there is increasing pressure on organization to act morally and reliably, both in terms of their impact on the environment and their management of workers and other stakeholders. Leaders who prioritize moral behavior and corporate social responsibility are able to construct trust and credibility with employees, consumers, and other stakeholders, which can lead to long-term accomplishment.

Transformational leaders can assist to foster innovation and inspiration by encouraging employees to take challenge assumptions, risks, and experimentation with new thoughts. This is critical in industries that are quickly evolving or facing disruption from new technologies or competitors. They can help to build a culture of incessant learning and development by providing feedback, coaching, and sustain to employees. This can help to improve worker engagement, job approval, and retention, which are all critical in today's competitive labor marketplace.

Although, there are also some potential drawbacks to transformational leadership, this includes criticism of the theory is that it can guide to an overemphasis on the leader's vision and personality, at the expenditure of other significant factors such as organizational structure, system, and processes Khattak, et. al. (2020). This can consequence in a lack of attention to issues such as control, competence, and risk management, which are important in many organizational contexts.

Another analysis of transformational leadership is that it can be composite to maintain over time, mainly in the face of external pressures or crises. This is for the rationale that the theory places a heavy importance on the leader's ability to motivate and motivate followers, which may be intricate to maintain in the face of setback or challenges.

Communicate analysis to an organizational case study throughout work experience

According to Cortellazzo, et. al. (2019) the case company’s transformational leadership is a applicable theory for the organization. The corporation is a global industrial gases and engineering corporation that operate in a highly competitive and speedily evolving industry. To remain successful, the company needs to continually innovate, adapt to changing market conditions, and build a culture of continuous learning and development. The company’s CEO, Steve Angel, appears to exemplify the characteristics of a transformational leader. In his role, he has demonstrated a strong commitment to sustainability, diversity and inclusion, and innovation. For instance, he has set resolute targets to reduce the company's greenhouse gas emissions and increase its use of renewable energy Paais, & Pattiruhu, (2020). He has also emphasized the importance of range and inclusion within the organization and has set targets to raise the representation of women and other underrepresented groups in leadership positions. In adding up, he has encouraged a culture of innovation within the company, with a focus on developing new products and services to assemble the changing needs of consumers.

Linde plc's focus on innovation is also reflecting in its investment in research and development. The company has several innovation centers around the world, where researchers and engineers work together to develop new technologies and applications for industrial gases Hartinah, et. al. (2020). This emphasis on innovation is reliable with the transformational leadership theory, which emphasizes the importance of inspiring and motivating workers to take risks, challenge assumptions, and experiment with new ideas.

Though, it is also worth noting that transformational leadership is not a cure-all and that there may be boundaries to its efficiency. For example, while Steve Angel has been successful in inspiring and motivating employees at Linde plc, the company may still face challenges related to organizational structure, systems, and processes Guzmán, et. al. (2020). These challenges may require a different approach to leadership, such as a focus on improving operational efficiency or risk management.

Leaders play a critical role in today's organizational environment by setting the direction, fostering a culture of innovation and learning, developing and retaining top talent, managing change, and driving ethical and responsible behavior. Effective leaders are able to navigate the complexities of today's business environment and create organizations that are resilient, competitive, and socially responsible. while transformational leadership appears to be a relevant theory for Linde plc, it is important to recognize that no leadership approach is universally effective. Leaders at Linde plc, and in other organizations, need to carefully consider the context in which they operate and adapt their leadership approach accordingly.


The report is concluded by importance of effective teamwork essential for the success of Linde plc. By prioritizing clear goals and objectives, roles and responsibilities, effective communication, trust and respect, diversity and inclusion, effective leadership, and continuous learning and development, the company can build high-performing teams that can tackle any challenge and achieve their goals. The report has also discussed on transformational leadership with several potential benefits in today's organizational environment, it is not without its drawbacks. Leaders who adopt a transformational approach need to be mindful of the potential limitations of the theory, and ensure that they balance their focus on vision and inspiration with attention to other important organizational factors such as structure, systems, and processes.


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