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7390 Words
Introduction Of Organisational Behaviour
Organizational behaviour is scholastic learning that how people interact with each other in groups. The sources of the study of organizational behaviour are worked firstly to make attempts in business more appropriately, it helps to contain in various fields like amendment in the job accomplishment, extension meant of job gratification, advancing innovation, and spiriting leadership of an organization. Organizational behaviour is the study of human behaviour and how a person behaves in the management of the organization and it is described how the power, politics and culture of an organization give a strong impact on that person's behaviour. It also helps that person to achieve his organizational goals. Organizational power, politics and culture are the significant elements of the product, which help to inducement of the team members in the direction of the business actions and performances.
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1.Reflection of personality and perceptions to address individual differences impact on management approaches
1.1 Impact ofpersonality traits and attributes in contrast to a negative or positive impact on company performanceand management approaches
Figure 1: Personality test report
![Personality test report Personality test report]()
(Source: 123test.com)
According to the personality test, 5 core areas of personality traits have been noticed with different levels of scores. Thus, the scores of "Openness to experience",Natural reactions,Agreeableness,Extraversion andConscientiousness have projected both positive and negative aspects of personality traits. The area of openness to experience has reflected a low-level score thusdown-to-earth,conservative and traditional attributes have been noticed. Therefore, it can be stated that a negative perspective on the managerial approach has been reflected in themanagement approaches that have been made (123test.com, 2023). Besides that, due to such type of personality attribute non-flexible approach towards the managerial practice have raised diverse impact on the productivity of the organization.Managerial perceptions help employees to enhance their ability in the workplace and enhance their activities in the workplace (Zheng et al. 2020). The importance of perception and personality is to create an effective relationship between the employees and management department.
However, the conscientiousness or work ethic segments of personality tests have projected a middle-level score. Thus, avoiding precise details, preference for flexible plans and spontaneous nature of personality attributes have been recognised. In contrast to those traits, it can be stated that a major advantage in terms of leading a team with trust has been performed. Along with that employees of the organization have been empowered and motivated in terms of accurate compilation of their respective job roles. The company TESCO can improve their managerial relationship by providing dependable communication skills and effective decision-making skills to the employees of TESCO. As a result, organizational productivity increased and faith and trust among the team have been generated and autonomy also has been provided.
Besides that, the extraversion segment of the personality test has projected a high-level score thus friendly, assertive, enjoys direct leadership and working in team prospects have been recognised. Due to such type of personality traits, an easy connection with employees and team members has been practised. Therefore, accurate leadership in terms of communication and guidance have robustly promoted a healthy work culture in the organization. On the other hand, the segment of agreeableness has been projected to have a low-level score according to the personality test. Thus, sceptical, competitive, proud and hard-headedness have been coined with respect to the personality traits (Curcuruto et al. 2019). However, it can be stated that due toscepticaland hard-headedness, employees might have felt discomfort for some time. Despite that, the competitive trait of personality helped a lot to achieve the organizational goal and objective. The management department of the company TESCO has to follow the managerial perceptions to maintain the behaviours of the employees in the workplace.
A middle-level score in the segment ofnatural reactions of personality test has been noticed thusresilience and calmness has been recognised as critical personality traits. Those traits have helped a lot in terms of accurate decision-making and precise team management. However, being disorganised,sceptical and hard-headedness is the core negative traits of personality and sometimes brought a negative impact on the managerial aspect. Thus, those need to be overcome by the adoption and practice of needed theories and contents of personality development.
1.2 Importance of perception and personality in terms of effective managerial relationships
The perception and personality have been recognised as core pursuits of maintaining and managing an effective and accurate managerial relationship. Those two pursuits play a major significant role in terms of relating with individuals or employees of any organization. The perception has been derived from the process of retaining the surrounding factors with respect to theexternal reaction. On the other hand, personality has been comprised ofpsychological andsocial factors that lead to the outcome of behaviour attributes.
Therefore, personality and perception have a critical role in terms of dealing with a crisis, conflict and mitigation of any issues within an organization. A team of an organization have been composed of diversified nature of values, commitments, beliefs and attitudes among the team individuals. Thus, a rigid exploration of personality and perception helps to coin out the issues that lied with managerial aspects. Based on that, effective intervention with respect to crisis, conflict and mitigation of any issues can be performed. It helps the company to control good behaviour in the workplace. According to the investigation of the author named Sanny et al. (2020), managerial perceptions can help the company to improve the appearance and the choices of their employees that can attract new consumers. Another side, personality and perception help an individual in terms understanding effective leadership roles and organizational needs too (Stone et al. 2020). Depending upon the organizational need, leaders or managers of any organization can perform their behaviour aspects to the employees.
Thus, it can be stated that team members or other surrounding members can be equally addressed and work culture or ethics can be accurately performed. Besides that, 3 major areas that can be accurately addressed with effectivepersonality and perception of leaders areemployee values,personalities andbehaviour. The understanding of employee values is essential in terms of their decision-making attires,perceptiveness and actual behaviour (Curcuruto et al. 2019). This assists through the better management of the team members with respect to the allocation of tasks and assigning any operations.
Besides that, personality has major capability in terms of encompassingthoughts,stable feelings and patterns ofbehaviour practice. Thus, the value of perception and personality guides through the precognition of the differentiated nature of employees in an organization. In contrast to the scenario, a concrete idea with respect to the situational behaviour of employees can be profoundly gathered. The managerial perceptions will help the company to thrill the existing consumers with a variety of approaches and good behaviour and also attract new customers to their supermarket. On the other side, behaviour aspects help by interpreting the environment and accurateresponses of the employees of an organization (Cote, 2019). Hence, it can be stated that values ofperception and personality have a critical role in terms of performing or formulatingmanagerial relationships.
1.3Challenge with own perspectives and individualattributes and traits to improve andinfluence managerial relationships.
The core 5 regions of personality traits have coined by performing the personality test and based on the outcome low attributes have been challenged toimprove managerial relationships. Thus, a rigid exploration of those traits and needful improvement with respect to effectivemanagerial relationships has been discussed below.
Openness to experience
It has been observed that the traditionalist nature has coined a negative prospect in the field of management and leadership. Due to thetraditionalist nature, adoption and appreciation of new cultures or practice might be hampered. Nowadays, several transformations can be recognised with respect to the managerial aspects of the organization. Thosetransformations have been purely performed to engage and increase the productivity of the employees and organization too (Sharma and Foropon, 2019). Thus, there has a need of overcoming the hardtraditionalist nature and this can help to achieve improve managerial relationships.
Theprecise detailing of nature has been recognised within this segment of personality traits according to personality test reports. Thus, it can be stated thatprecise detailing is good for managing operations from the perspective of planning, implementation and monitoring. This helps through the maintenance of accuracy with respect to the operations of any organization. However, too muchprecise detailing might hamper the spirit of the team and a negative relationship with team members. Thus, a balanced approach overprecise detailing needs to be retained in order to improve managerial relationships.
This segment has projected the nature of enjoyingdirect leadership roles and sometimes this might hurt the morale of the team. Therefore, a notable opportunity for the eligible team members needs to be given in terms of reflecting autonomy. This can help to generate trust and faith with respect to the employees and leads to enhancedmanagerial relationships.
The major issues relied on a segment of agreeableness have comprised sceptical and hard-headedness have been reported. Therefore, during issues of conflict and hard situations team members have to suffer and productivity is compromised. In terms of mitigation of such issues, eagerness to please andgood nature need to be inherited in terms of promoting effectivemanagerial relationships.
Natural reactions
This trait segment of personality has projectedprone to worry nature according to the personality test report. Due to such nature, decision-making approaches are merely hampered and the chances of occurrence of conflict rise. Thus, this type of perception of personality needs to be replaced by the adoption ofresilient nature.
2. Application ofcontent and process theories of motivation to develop and maintain a workforce efficiently
2.1 Application ofcontent theories of motivation for increasing and maintaining an organisational workforceefficiently
It has been observed that multiple content theories are available in terms of motivation those are "Maslow's hierarchy of needs", "Alderfer's ERG model" and "McClelland's need for achievement". However, it has been observed that "Maslow's hierarchy of needs"have an acute role in terms of the generation of motivation with respect to the management of the organizational workforce.
It has been explored thatMaslow developed the content theory based on thehierarchical nature of needs thus apyramid shape depending uponbasic needs can be recognised. Along with that core motivation of any person has relied upon reaching higher-level needs. Thus, the hierarchy of needs has been designed with the perspective of flowing from the bottom level to the upwards direction. The different five levels of the pyramid have comprised of different levels and natures of needs (Simplypsychology.org, 2022). It has been found that the first 4 levels from the bottom line of the pyramid have projecteddeficiency needs and the top level is associated withgrowth needs.
Figure 2: Maslow's hierarchy of needs
![Maslow's hierarchy of needs]()
(Source: 123test.com)
Therefore, in the field of workforce management or leadership aspects of an organization motivation of any individual need to be grown at the pick level of the pyramid. Thus, the individual must reach the level of self-actualization in terms of being enriched with growth needs only. Besides that, a person needs to be uplifted from the category of deficiency need in terms of better decision-making and managerial approaches (Guptaet al. 2019). It helps through the identification of issues associated with organizations and management approaches based on contrasting stakeholder interests and organizational objectives.
Due to self-actualization, an individual or leader of any organization can accept the employees and them self with their existing qualities. Thus, an equal treatment approach across the organization has been performed thus no biasness can be noticed and organizational culture will be proliferated. The giant of groceries TESCO can utilize “Maslow's hierarchy of needs” theory in their management policies. The implementation of this theory can help the management of the TESCO to provide “the employees physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem and self-actualization” benefits to the employees. Besides that, a problem-centred nature can be noticed despite self-centredness thus, leaders focus on resolving the issues of the organization. On the other hand, a strong level of ethical standards in terms of organizational operations and work practice have been maintained (Cheema et al. 2020). According to the investigation of the author named Numonjonovich, (2022), it can be stated that “Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs” theory helps an organisation to maintain a pleasant relationship between employers and employees. Hence, it can be stated that thecontent theories of motivation have a major role in terms of maintaining and enhancing an accurateorganisational workforce.
2.2.Critically evaluation of employee motivation for increased and maintained managerial approach in contrast to theories of motivation
It has been observed that employee motivation has been both positively and negatively driven by numerous factors. Thus, the ineffective practice of employee recognition and reward, leadership and work culture has a major role in terms of the de-motivation of employees. However, it has been observed that fair practice of leadership driven by the content theories of motivation has a major role in terms of the generation of motivation among employees. In contrast to the scenario, it can be stated that an organization must be filled with dedicated, compassionate and hard-working employees (Guoet al. 2019). They play a critical role in terms of meeting the organization's goals in the short and long term. However, a lack of recognising of their hard work and biased practice of reward might result in de-motivation among employees.
Therefore, it can be stated that the growing needs of the content theory of motivation have a major role in terms of developing of leadership personality with non-biased and acknowledging nature. As a result of this scenario, a fair practice of employee recognition and reward has been performed within an organization thus employee motivation increases. On the other hand, due to the self-actualization prospects of the leaders, democratic attitudes and ethical standards can be accurately maintained in an organization (Maan et al. 2020). Due to such type of practice, the occurrence of conflict, nepotism and favouritism have been not practised across the organization. This plays a major significant role in terms of delivering robust motivation to the employees of any organization.
Besides that, organisational culture and work environment also have a major role in terms of infusing the state of both motivation and demonization across employees. As per the scanning by Zheng et al. (2020), “Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs” theory will help the UK-based supermarket giant TESCO to provide high-standard benefits to employees and as a result, generate a high volume of revenue. Thus, it can be stated that the self-actualized leaders or managers of any organization have an essential role in terms of addressing workplace issues with respect to ensuring positive work culture. It has been observed that those types of leaders have a major concern towards the welfare of humanity and the stakeholders of the organization (Abbas, 2020). Those types of approaches driven by the content theory of motivation among leaders have a major role in terms of delivering motivation among the employees of any particular organization.
2.3 Transformation of personality traits for the improvement of employee motivation and development of an effective workforce
In terms of the establishment of an effective and dedicated workforce with respect to any organization, a transformation of personality traits and delivering motivation is critical. Based on the context, a few practices need to be adopted with respect to the development of personality attributes which are discussed below.
Development of personality
It has been observed that a few negative natures with respect to the core five areas of personality traits have been recognised. Those characteristics of personality might influence the effective practice of leadership thus eliminating such characteristics need to be performed. Therefore, a personal development plan needs to be brought into practice with the formulation of goals and objectives. Besides that, the evaluation of the outcome of the personal development plan needs to be performed (Hale et al. 2019). The application of “Power and culture theory” can help the TESCO organization to enhance the ideas and communal perceptions of the management department. It will help the company to provide a positive point of view and a good perception strategy. Due to such an approach, perception and personality will be improved and effective leadership can be performed and motivation among employees can be delivered and help to develop an effective workforce.
Reaching onself-actualization stage
According to the theory of"Maslow's hierarchy of needs", reaching theself-actualization level and exposure to growth needs can be met. This has a major role in terms of meeting the organizational objectives and stakeholder interests. According to the investigation of the author named Biddlestone et al. (2020), the implementation of “Power and culture theory” into the management policies of the company can help the supermarket company to enhance its productivity rate. Due to such an approach, an effective team or workforce can be developed with positive, flexible and value-based organizational culture.
The fair practice of power, authority, and behaviour
It has been observed that managers or leaders of any organization have been entitled to a huge level of authority. Thus, the fair and impartial practice of such power helps through employee motivation and reorganization (Davidescu et al. 2020). Therefore, employee-driven motivation delivers an explicit level of dedication and a strongly effective workforce can be developed.
3.Participate in a group team activity for business situation to demonstrate effective team skills
3.1 Management of effective team working
In an organizational structure, teamwork plays an important role in its growth and development. The team leader avoids problems, which every organization are used to with, does managing the team. As stated byJacox (2019), management helps in maintaining unity while performing a task with the same goal to be achieved. It also encourages negotiations within the workplace where an employer and employee negotiate their ideas with logical reasoning and critical thinking to complete their work effectively and efficiently. It will help the company to provide the consumers with more offers and opportunities that can help the company to enhance its rate of revenue (Sanny et al. 2020). This management of teamwork boosts the communication skills of employees with the employer directly and both are bound to listen to one another's points that can be helpful as per the market demand. A manager must serve as well rather than managing without having assumptions that he is always right. Translucency should be there for all projects so that the employees can understand their work better. A manager should provide on-the-job training for improving the skill set of an employee and provide a positive workplace for employee satisfaction. A manager must not hesitate to change plans as per requirement and must appreciate the growth of the team.
3.2 Team theory in organizational behaviour
Taking into consideration scientific management theory, a team leader must be known the facts before making a team. As stated by Guillén (2020), a manager must study the task carefully and understand it well before the team distribution so that there will a possibility of performing the task in the best possible way. After this, workers should be carefully selected and proper training should be provided to them so that they will be aware of the outcomes of the project. Worker selection will define the work of the team as a whole as well as the organization. Cooperation must be there among team members and the team leader to avoid waste of time and resources. Although the team leader allots the work done by the team members, the outcome will be the result of the team members and the team leader must appreciate the work done. This will help in maintaining ahealthy relationship within the organization. The scenario is explained inthe flow diagram mentioned below:
3.3 Contribution to group behaviour and dynamics
Group dynamics states the personality, power, ideas and behaviour of team members in a group while performing a task. Here we will get to know the key points for the creation and maintenance of a constructive and fruitful outlook in a group. As argued by Lyons et al. (2019), firstly a team leader must not be harsh to the team to have control over them instead he can set deadlines with proper guidelines to achieve the desired goal. Introducing training and development sessions before starting the work, the team will come up with some new ideas to implement in the task. With this, a manager can assign different roles of the same project to different members so that they will be engaged in their work with dedication. However, the division of work must be done with proper discussion and understanding of the ability and skill set of each person to be best fitted for the role. The “Power and culture theory” can help the grocery giant TESCO to offer various opportunities to the employees of the company and also to the consumers of the company. It can help the company to provide various offers to the customers such as coupons, tour plan tickets offer in some products and many more. As per my suggestion, the manager should look after the work of the team from time to time. This will help to reduce conflicts as ideas sometimes clash giving rise to conflicts and ensure that the points are relevant to achieve the specific goal without any distraction. If any information is needed meanwhile then the team must communicate to the team leader before coming up with an outcome to have a smooth flow of work and effective productivity.
3.4 Recommendations for improvement of an effectiveteam
First and foremost, a team leader must form a team having different types of creative ideas with a common goal. So that at times of need new ideas can be implemented to make the task innovative and creative. Secondly, a team leader conducts meeting for providing guidance and allot work to the team members according to their ability and skill set and encourage their point of view. This will attract employees towards work. Making decisions along with the employees will be beneficial for a team leader, as it will reduce conflicts as no one can blame anyone after that. Encourage employees to attend every meeting to enhance their skills. If any employee is unable to meet the demand of a team leader then a new employee should be hired at that place to increase productivity effectively and efficiently. The most important is the environment. A team leader must be aware of the fact that all team members should be provided with a positive environment for serving better (Dirks, 2019).
4. Power, politics and culture influence employee behaviour and accomplish organizational goals
Power role in influencing employee behaviour of an organization
Power is an important aspect to direct employees in the right direction and drive competencies in them. Moreover Jumady and Lilla (2021) states, power enables higher management to set the right code of conduct. This can only help the organizations become better in terms of ethical compliance and performance. Moreover Patil (2022) states, power is efficacious in making employees work together and derive creative ideas from themselves to improve the organization's performance adhere to institutionalism theory. The best example is Tesco group which uses employee unity and creativity to improve their organization performance at a rate of 6% as of business data for the year 2022. Further, power is a tool which enables organizations to make changes to their current mode of operations in case it seems not feasible with global trends by applications of structuralism. Moreover Budur (2020) opines, power helps organizations ally with legal norms and codes while serving the consumers on pan-global business scales.
Figure 1: Decrease in compliance risks in Tesco in consecutive years
![Decrease in compliance risks in Tesco in consecutive years Decrease in compliance risks in Tesco in consecutive years]()
(Source: Statista.com, 2023)
Power moreover helps organizations leverage their quality parameters through the deployment of advanced technologies and AI tools in their supply chains. Further Sandi et al. (2021) states, power help organizations fetch themselves the operations that seem best to the consumers. The best example is the Tesco brand which uses a hierarchical governance model to implement advanced technologies in business processes which in turnhelps in preventions of compliance risks at rate of 14% as of business data for the year 2022. Further Ababneh (2021) say, organizations can use the power to make employee develop their skills and keep themselves up to date. This particular aspect here might assist the employees for delivering better performance and at the same time; develop a cordial relationship with clients that ultimately affect brand value. Tesco uses this concept only to set rules where its employees get promoted in terms of five parameters that are authenticity, smart work, creativity, client interactions and empathy.
Role of politics in driving positive employee behaviour and organization growth
Organizations must also pay a concentric focus on politics for making all employees aware of the common business goals and business operability. Further, politics in organizations can only direct the employee to exchange their thoughts and come up with thoughts that can be helpful for the organization's growth (Nguyen et al. 2020). Politics can also be helpful in making the organizations in alliance buildings and leverage business treaties with other corporate players that can have a supreme impact on the organization's growth.Moreover Nazir et al. (2019) opines, politicscan be a tool which can be used by organizations to decrease their trade taxes and retain a higher amount of funds from authorities to increase its market on a global business scale. Moreover, organizations can use politics only to highlight the way specific products and services seem better in terms of products of other brands operating in related business segments by applications of Institutional Theory (Kucharska and Kowalczyk, 2019). The best example of this is Tesco Group which ensures pay taxation on time and adheres to Lean inventory management and Spunk software to ensure each of its business processes is in alliance with government norms. Moreover, they only ensure highlight the total employability rate growth of 7.97% to obtain the support of the government.
Role of culture planning in enhancing the organization's goals
Culture planning is another major measure that needs to follow up by organizations to meet the organization's goals. Culture planning enables the company to respect all cultures. Further Sabuhari et al. (2020) states, cultural planning helps organizations to participate in events that depict global cultures and make employees feel they come to the best company by alliance with rational choice theory. The best example of this is TESCO which ensures it respects the culture of every employee and provides employee term growth irrespective of their cultural backgrounds. Moreover Azeem et al. (2021), cultural planning only makes TESCO ensure that they participate inRamadan, Diwali, Easter, Yom Kippur, and Christmas at similar rates while operating on the European business territories. This is the major factor which results in a decrease in employee turnover rates to below 35% in year 2020 which seems4% lower than the data of year 2019 (Ali and Anwar, 2021). Furthermore, culture planning enables organizations in line with acculturation, ethnographic descriptions,cohesion and coherence while operating on a global scale by applications of cultural-ecology theory.
Moreover, cultural planning ensures organizations become humorous and open to newer cultural traits. The best example of this is the TESCO Groups which perforates on humor,cohesion,coherenceand ethnography to leverage their brand values at a rate of 7%. Further Qing et al. (2020), cultural planning directs this brand to make their employees come forward during their corporate events to express their cultural values by applications of socio cultural theory. Moreover, TESCO only ensures respect for the traits of other leaders who belong to distinct cultures to increase investor chains. These are the parameters adhered to by this company to increase its overall revenue to 56.404 millions in GBP (Kassem et al. 2019). Further cultural planning only makes TESCO Group understand the cultural thought process and behavior traits of suppliers of specific commodities by applications of “Edward T. Hall Cross Culture Theory”. This is only effective in making them increase their chains of total suppliers at a rate of 6%.
Recommendations for utilizing power, and politicsin a positive way to meet organization goals
Recommendation 1: Focus on selecting the right political landscape based on territories
Streamline focus on the political landscape is the principal element to enhance the quality of outputs in outlets while utilizing powers. Further Buchanan and Badham (2020), TESCO needs toperforate the trends that the government is supporting at present days. Moreover, organizations can focus on the eco-friendly parameters and legal parameters that a brand seems to be allied with. Further Al Halbusi et al. (2021) states, political landscape leaning can make TESCOfocus on production and maintenance that not hampers society as a whole. TESCO can perforate on the concepts of political landscapes to perform their transactions completely cashless which can make it comes under the good books of the government. Moreover Jumady and Lilla (2021), TESCO can perforate on this concept to ensure that their grocery wastes that are from vegetables and other organic products are dumped in green bins.
They can moreover ensure the use of blue bins for the disposal of plastic wrappers and other wastes that can have adverse effects on nature. Further perforating on the political landscape it can provide its employee payment in 1st of every month and incentives to the employees who seem to provide extraordinary efforts during their work hours. Further Patil (2022) states, political landscape emphasis only ensure that the brand is able to increase its employability opportunity each year while operating in Europe to help recover from the recession situations. This can help the company become the best in terms of another brand and attract support from the government while operating in the UK.This is the pattern followed by the UK retail industry to grow by 4.7% in year 2022.
Recommendation 2: Accountability for the newer changes in their business structures for streamlining productivity
Accountability is the next major aspect that brands need to focus on while utilization of powers for making positive changes to organizations. Accountability can make the organization focus on newer production principles ofKotler which ensures in line with creativity and uniqueness at the same scale to meet client expectations (Sandi et al. 2021). Further, organizations can focus on keeping adhere to trade treaties while managing relations with global brands to increase brand reach. This can only make the brand TESCO develop competence over other brands such as ALDI and Sainsbury while operating in the UK.
Furthermore Ababneh (2021) says, accountability can make the brand accept the promises made to employees in terms of promotions and growth while leveraging their powers to increase their business markets. Power can moreover be helpful in indulging employees' opinions and ideas while with strategic changes. This particular matter here can assist in the employees achieve an information regarding their value and role in the organization's growth. Moreover, accountability can make this organization ensure they provide whatever they specified in their product packaging (Nguyen et al. 2020). This can help develop positive trust among consumers and gain power among other market players.
Recommendations for enhancing organizational culture to meet the organization's goals
Recommendation 1: Engage employees in teamwork to make them understand each other
The engagement of employees is the foremost thing that an organization needs to focus on for enhancing cultural planning. Engagement of employees in a team for coming up with newer strategies can help them understand each other and determine why specific culture is better. Moreover Kucharska and Kowalczyk (2019), employee engagement in mind games and other contests can be a newer approach by the ALDI to making them familiar with patterns of thinking of specific ethnicity. Later on, the retail organization Tesco necessarily needs to find out that they approach an “end-of-week meetings” where all employee might interact with each other and share their experience. This can help in the development of better employee bonding and positive culture. Moreover Azeem et al. (2021), Tesco can ensure every employee is interacting and they do not face issue relating to communications while working for organizations. This can help develop a culture where every employee are friendly and deliver their best possible outputs.
From this assignment we conclude, the challenges, theories, and recommendations for keeping a healthy relationship while organizing a team. Keeping in mind all the necessary actions to be taken by a team leader to implement those, actions for the benefit of the organization are mentioned here. The personal perspective to improve the effectiveness of team working is also elaborated. Effectiveness is encouraging strong working relationships within the organization to increase productivity within the timeframe. When there is a team with a strong bond starts the work with the desire to achieve a single goal, the result will always be fruitful. Meanwhile, some conflicts will take place but it is the duty of the team leader to resolve those to work efficiently. For the outcome to be cherished well in the market work must be done effectively and efficiently as these two terms are the key to success. Lastly, it is the responsibility of every organization to have a clear concept of customer satisfaction. As with this keyword, they need to frame the team who can think accordingly and serve better.
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