Operation Management And Project Life Cycle Assignment Sample

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Introduction Of Operation Management And Project Life Cycle

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Improvement plan refer to the process of developing strategies and plan so that the company and organization can achieve their business objective and goals. Improvement plan helps in identification of the issues company facing so that they can develop a proper plan to increase performance. ASDA is one of the leading retailers in the UK market; it is a supermarket chain with the Headquarters in Leeds, UK. ASDA was founded in 1949 on 19th February by Peter and Fred Asquith. ASDA works in 623 locations worldwide and works in the products of grocery, mobiles, general merchandise etc. Revenue of ASDA till 2019 is £22,899.2 million. ASDA is rapidly increasing its store in other countries and getting great response through its quality services in market. The report will explain about operation and operation, also the implementation of the principles of operation management in organization. Further the report will explain on improvement plan with operation management principle in organization.


An explanation of operation vs operations management





Operations are the Task done to create the product(Abbondatiand et.al., 2020). It is the process which includes the organizing, planning, directing, supervision to help in the controlling of all activities involved in production of services & goods.

Operation management is process of managing all the business operation, it involves field of study including design and controlling of operations. The main operation is to enhance the quality and standard of business operations.


Objective is to provide the best quality product and goods with right quantity and quality at right time.

This works on the customer satisfaction by utilizing of resources and extend possible customer satisfaction(Wells, 2019).


It occurs the outputs after the manufacturing process are raised to the market.

It occurs with the inputs on the manufacturing of goods and services by organization.


The decision making of operations are according to the production.

Decision making of operation management is totally related with the activities of business.


Operation requires more capital as they need capital at the beginning and end as the labor are also required.

Operation management require less capital than the operations, it works on the immediate outcomes.


Operation is found in every organization at production place where product is undertaken(Bentham, 2018).

Operation management is found in hospitals, companies, agencies, Banks etc.

Key different aspects of operation and operation management

  • Operations works on the process of manufacturing production and they also work in organization to work in raw material to finish goods. On the other operation management works in the design of product and service of customers.
  • Operations of production are only worked in the companies where the productions of goods are made on the other hand the operation management can be found in any organization.
  • Operations are worked to increase the use of material to provide the best quality product and services on the other hand operation management works in the design of product and works on customer satisfaction.
  • Both operation and operation management are very crucial for the business to get results and it is crucial for the business to improve their operation to get better production which further help in increase of good product and services(Walsh, 2020). This will help in better operation management in business.

Review of operations management principles

Reality: Operation management should always focus on the reality and on problems, not techniques because it is crucial for understanding and there are no tools for every problem. ASDA need to undemand those universal solutions are not possible for every problem so the manager needs to develop strategies for ASDA(Wang, 2020).

Organization: the organization manufacturing is connected to the entire business and it is important element to predict and consistent to achieve outcome profit. They need to work on the manufacturing and production.

Fundamentals: Manager needs to work on the fundamentals of ASDA so that they can improve the production success in business and increase the overall profit of organizational business.

Accountability: working in ASDA it is essential for the manager to show accountability to the organization to develop rules and business matrix.

Causality: Causality to be market by the manager to develop better efforts in business. The manager needs to work on regular checks and find the root for causality(Yangand et.al., 2021).

Managed passion:Operation management manager need to focus on the motivation of the employee and keep them motivated towards the working so that they can improve ontheir performance and help the organization in increase performance and results.

Success:It is important for the operation management to make people aware about what success actually stand for. Success is calculated when the business is developing and the ASDA is getting the result which they set as target.

Change: the adaptation of the changes is crucial as it is important for the business to develop the overall understanding between the employee and management to adapt the changes in workplace for development(Liao, 2021).

Implementation of operations management principles within ASDA

Operation management of ASDA works with all the management principle at the workplace so that they can impact the overall working to increase business. ASDA operation manager always help their people with motivation and allow them to follow theirskills and knowledge that they get motivated. This also help in theirperformance by employee as motivated employee performance better and ASDA can develop their result and achieve objective(Zhouand et.al., 2018). Working on the training and development of organization also cost ASDA with huge investment which is a major factor for operation manager to work on. This is crucial for the ASDA to maintain the expenses to increase saving of profit. ASDA developed process of management in their operation by increasing in accountability and working on reality of business. This helped ASDA in increase and solving the issues or Problem ASDA was facing, and also developed in development of employee performance through regular checking and working on roots of the organization. ASDA always focus in increasing workplace improvement and operation management of company is helping them to gain much better results in business.

Operation management principles are crucial and ASDA use them to control thew issues they can face or are facing in process of its production and services. The increase training and development help in better quality product and services to offer to client which also increases the buyer satisfaction.ASDA works to develop the increase of its product and services in market and the main aim of ASDA is to increase the customer satisfaction in market. Working as a retailer there are huge competition in market and focus in giving the best of quality product to its customer to increase customer attraction and also develop business profit.

Operations management requirements

The operation management of the ASDA requires a redesigning of the product and services in the business so that they can impact the new customer as well into new market where they can expand their business. It is very crucial for the ASDA to work on new supervision on their working so that they can control the conflicts at workplace and also improve the working of their production and services. Working as a retailer there are a lot of products and services which are need to be analyzed and ASDA operation management works to develop there inhouse strategies to increase overall business. It is crucial for the company to work on their operations so that they can create a better organizing and controlling on production to make it better quality to reach customer satisfaction. There are several changes which the operation teams have made in workplace. ASDA known for its changes and quality working, Operation management of the ASDA has changed few strategies to increase the production unit through the technologies and also the change which are crucial for business. The manager made employee understand that it is very important for them to develop more of change habits to reach towards the best of working.Performance is also increase through change method as the company is working in trend and pReferences product of customer to increase productivity and profitability.

Operation manager works to develop their employee through training and development so that they can improve their performance and also can develop the self confidence in workplace so that they can improve in business performance and quality working. ASDA also improved their business through customer satisfaction and retaining of best candidates in workplace. As the pandemic is going in market company working in their operations with help of manager to increase the productivity to control market shortage. They are developing more of production and also making the product delivered through online deliveries to maintain social distancing. The operation manager is increasing there working and also taking decision for ASDA to work on online and also develop necessary protocols in the pandemic to control the infection and make people and employee safe. Operation management also involve in present situation and focus on the issues ASDA are facing which need to be eliminated so that they can improve there working and also develop in new product and services for their customers.

Discussion of continuous improvement as a philosophy and describe the Lean principles.

KAIZEN philosophy of continuous development

Kaizen philosophy of continues development is translated from the Japanese work “changer to become good”. It is a philosophy of its own but it includes different factor which are:

Teamwork’s: Teamwork is very crucial for ASDA and philosophy of Kaizen explained that it is important of operation management develop the teamwork in the business so that they can improve in performance which can help in continuous development ofbusiness (Zhaoand et.al., 2020).

Personal Discipline: Personaldiscipline refers to the process of staying motivated and discipline towards the work. It is important for ASDAto work with discipline and operation manager follow process of accountability of workplace. The accountability of the management helps in better performance and also the workplace discipline is crucial to get better results in the ASDA.

Improved morale: Confidence and self-morale are crucial for every manager and management at workplace. ASDA make sure that they are developing major in their motivation training so that the people working for ASDA stay motivated which can help in increasing of confidence and develop performance (Symons and Skydmore, 2017).

Quality Circles: Quality circles to provide the best of working in performance through the qualities product and service they are offering to their customer.

Continuous improvement Lean principle

Eliminate waste: ASDA need to work on eliminating their waste to increase the development in business. It is essential to eliminate the unnecessary transportation, over production, motion, defective pieces, waiting period for stock etc. it is essential for them to develop a process where they eliminate things which are in no use and are making issues for ASDA(Solaimani, Talab and van der Rhee, 2019).

Build in quality: ASDA working in development through there pair programing quality and also by increasing their test drive product to find the best response from market before launching official of product. This can help in saving a huge amount for the company and can help ASDA to minimize cost(Aliand et.al., 2020).

Create knowledge: ASDA also need to make sure that they are making people aware about their product and services and making sure to provide the knowledge to people.

Defer commitment: defer commitments and increasing the planning is crucial for the business which ASDA increased by committing to its product range and quality services.

Deliver fast: ASDA planned to develop there working in business which help them in increasing the deliver fast idea. This refers to development in performance and also looking for the future of brand in market.

Respect people: People are important for ASDA weather they are the employee or the customer. The company always increase the respect for their employee as well as customer because they are the people who are helping ASDA in increase of goodwill and market value.

Optimize whole: software development and increasing of technologies to develop working in their business strategy.

Continuous improvement plan

Plan refers to the process of strategy and method which companies use to increase the development and improvement in business for product and services. Continuous improvement plan refers to the Plan-Do-Check-Act process where the method plan explains to plan the performance, do commitments, check strategy and act on process(Vermaand et.al., 2017).

PerformanceMeasure: To increase the chances of improvement it is essential for ASDA to develop and understand their performance from past. Working in retail sector with international platform it is essential for the business of ASDA to be checked and performance to be calculated so that the ASDA. ASDA changes to know about the workplacedevelopment and also get to know about what changes company getting and what are still required. Working in management process and operation management to develop the understanding and create more information about company performance in market where they are working(Iwao, 2017).

Commitments: Commitments are important as the people and customer of company demands commitments from the ASDA to get better performance and quality product and services. This is crucial for them to know about their customer and work on the commitments they made for their product. The goals they shared and the compelling awareness about ASDA in market (Gonzalez-Aleu and et.al.,2018).

Strategy: Strategy of the company is that they need to check the process of working in ASDA and understand vision and mission. The ASDA is working to increase their deliveries in market(Burbanoand et.al., 2018).

Process: Process for continuous development refer to the mapping and analysis of company overall operation of working and strategy to achieve the business objective.

Plan Do Check Act (PDCA) cycle: it is the process of carrying out the changes and understanding the working on how the changes can impact on the development of business. It is a part of philosophy of lean manufacturing as a key prerequisite for improvement of people process.This process is an approach which will provide an organization to systematically test various solutions for solving the issue assess the result of each test and implement the one which will show positive result. This PDCA cycle a continuous improvement process. In case of ASDA this process can provide them to test various solutions for enhancing the quality of the products and help the customers to maintaining a very healthy lifestyle and analyze the results of the tests and implement that change approach which will bring effective results for the organization.

Plan: At the stage of Plan, it is the process where the planning for the change take place and work accordingly. It is essential for the ASDA to plan the best of strategies to increase the overall process of development in strategies of improvement. It helps in finding as what are the problems or does it need to be solved, what resources are to be found etc.At this stage ASDA will collect the information about the number of staff who are moving out of the workplace premises on a regular basis and keep a check on them and the collection of the relevant data is very effective for ASDA at stage. Here, the organization will also collect the relevant data related to the way through which the staff members lead their lives. For the purpose of the continuous improvement ASDA will develop hypotheses which will provide the one positive and negative impact of both the issues and test which one to assess first.

Do: Do process is second after the plan and it works on the plans after the plans are made its time for the action to be taken on the process to increase efficiency of development.In case of ASDA for continuous improvement this stage is very essential for the organization as at this stage the organization will develop the most relevant solution for the issue. On the basis of the analysis of the issue at the first stage the organization can monitor the health of each of the staff members everyday which is a part of CSR and can help the organization to reduce the staff absenteeism for a long period of time by understanding the issues staffs are facing. This stage will also assist ASDA to test the potential solution and measure if it is highly applicable or not.

Check: Working on the checking on the changes or the cycle of PDCA it is essential and vital stage where the checking is done to understand where the change and improvement are going.ASDA will analyze the before and after data and compare it in an effective manner at this stage for understanding the effectiveness of the hypothesis and analyze whether it is correct or not.

Act: At this stage the actions are taken place for the continues development and help in getting the perfect management in change.The results of the study conducted by ASDA are needed to be documented for effective analysis in the future as well. This is the reason this stage is process is called as the continuous improvement process as this will help ASDA to keep acquiring changes which can enhance the operations of the organization. At this stage ASDA will inform everyone about the changes like the everyday monitoring of the health of the staff members and the regulations on the staff movement outside the workplace. This stage will also make recommendations for the future PDCA cycles and repeat the PDCA cycle again when required for continuous improvement.

Recommendation on analysis

  • To recommend it is essential for the ASDA to know where they lack and what are the issuesthey are facing in their workplace. The operation principle explains about reality and it is essential for the company to develop understanding of problems to increase performance in business. By increasing the working on development of people working ASDA can help ASDA with better results. ASDA need to work on the international strategy of expanding by educating their operational team to plan about expansion in new place to improve working,
  • To recommend it is essential for the ASDA to increase in technologies to increase their operation and its management in workplace. Utilization of technologies in operation will help the employee works faster as well it will allow operation management to create fast design and structure on ASDA production.



Overview of the Case Study

Case study explains about the information about the manufacturing organization. The organization is a large manufacturing organization in the Midlands. They are having more than 1250 employee on there one of the sites. There are different of employee working on various roles and different segments of workplace. The segmentation is divided according to the people and their knowledge they are employed for. The offices of organization are on the extensive site in various building. Currently there are no cafeterias and catering for the employee to go and have lunch or any catering facilities(Jinand et.al., 2019). It is crucial as a line manager to make sure to provide best of services to the people working in business and helping to achieve business. Due to a lot of people working on the sites and they are taking lunch breaks which are causing a conjunction in the local areas as there are schools and other business which are getting issues with this.

Working on the development of the healthy life cycle for their people in business is important for the manufacturing unit to get best out of performance in people so that they can help them in achieving the business goals they are setting as target. It is crucial for the company as they work in CSR project which include the responsibility of company to provide the sustainability projects for business. It is crucial for the business organization to manage and create a catering facility for the employee so they do not go out for their lunch and cause issues or problem to local areas(Linand et.al., 2019).


 Project life cycle refer to the process when an organization make a project to increase or develop business which also include changes and creating new ways of doing things. It is high level process by the organization to deliver successful project. It is very important for the business manager to understand PLC methods and stages. This crucial for the manager to increase the understanding about their project and what project cost them. There are hundreds of companies which put a lot on their working(Linand et.al., 2018).

The manufacturing organization of Midlands are making the project for their catering issues and the project planning for their development in business so that they can generate more business and control the issues which the local people are facing due to the sites. Working as an manufacturing unit they are having a lot of employee working on one site and it is essential for them to make sure they are providing them with catering and other amenities to use and work better(Pervoukhin and et.al., 2020).

The project plan of the manufacturing organization is that they are working on the development of facilities so that the employee work better and also increases the overall business performance at workplace. Working on the project plan it is essential to understand the concept of employee working and maintain a fix time for their lunch so that it gets easier to control the conjunction in local areas. Creating a better catering facility for employee and also making sure to arrange the amenities for them so that they do not leave the premises of manufacturing organization. Also, the management can control the conjunction of local areas in business. While working on the project plan it is essential for the management to develop a better place of food and provide the employee a good diet and food products so that they stay healthy and company can get better performance from them. It is crucial for them to work on the manufacturing sites with full energy and motivation, for that the company need to provide them good healthy food as a part of their CSR project so that they can create a better and healthy staff at workplace.

The project life cycle is divided into 4 stages which are:

Project Initiation: Working on any project it is crucial and vital to identify the project on which the company need to plan and develop a project. This is first stage of the project life cycle where the identification of problem, opportunity and Brainstorm are meeting to achieve target. During the stage of initiation, the manufacturing unit gets to know about these issues and objective which they want to achieve. At the stage of initiation, the study of the feasibility is discussed on the objective es of the manufacturing organizations of Midlands.

Large manufacturing organization of Midlands is focusing on the objectives which are involving the CSR activities of business and it is essential for the manager and to the leader to control their issues of unnecessary conflicts of local. The project initiation is focusing on the identification of problem, the problem is from the catering and employee issues with the company for their lunch, social issues are also need to be rectified by the organization so that no social problem get rise in market because of company employee. Initiation of project helps in understanding the problem for manufacturing organization and working with such huge employee it is important for the manufacturing organization of Midlands to develop strategies and understand employee issues. To increase the understanding of the staff healthy lifestyle and working on development of their basic fitness and in providing facilities to them. This is crucial for the management to plan a procedure where they work on nutrition of employee so that they can provide a better process of increased performance through there good health. Healthy working condition and lifestyle aid employee work better for the organization and it also increase in development which further helps business in increased act.

Project Planning: Once the project initiation and when the project is being finalised the company moves forward to the process of planning on the project to complete it. The project which is made on the business case of manufacturing organization of Midlands need to be work on planning of project. During this phase of Project Life Cycle, it is important to focus on the criteria’s of developing the planning on business case. The objective and case of company is to develop the proper lifestyle of their staff which include a process of developing important details of the business and making the right decision accordingly. Planning includes different stages where the management of company works on the project plan, estimating budget, anticipating risk, project kick off meeting etc.

Working on project plan it required a proper understanding of developing a plan which works on identifying the solution for the project initiation or the topic of issues organization facing. Working on the objective the plan is made on the staff lifestyles and developing a catering so that the employee can access to the facilities and the social issues of company can be solved. After that estimating budget to be made for the business development which is required to create the planning completed and get the result for the final work. It is important for the management to develop understanding of anticipating risk which can be occurred for business. This is crucial for business to know as they need to make sure that working on plans and project need to be worked with full protection so that organization does not face any loss.

Project Execution: Project execution include the process after planning of project where the company make different teams and plans on which the company will work. The execution includes the action on which the company have already worked as plan; working on the execution of plan it is important for the management to make sure that they are developing proper action to increase the chances of result. This also includes making action plans by the people which are included in the project to make sure that they are working in to increase development of project to a success.

Execution includes creating the task and organizing of task to the workflow. It is also important for making sure that none of the employee work over in organization for project. This can cause in quality as overworking makes them tired and it can conflict in quality and satisfaction. Briefings the teams about their task so that they can work on the objective of developing performance. The CSR project of company also help in lifestyle of people to stay healthy. Monitoring of budget is one of the crucial factors of the business case project so that the company does not get short of budget to work on the completion of case.

Project Closure:

Closure is the phase where the work gets complete and the project gets to close and all the calculation and working on the project are being calculated to get better understanding of project life cycle. It helps in analysing the project performance as well as it also allows to understand the team work and analysing the team work presentation. The documentation of the project is made for future used and also increased in documentation to know the facts about plan the company worked on. Also, the accounting for budget which is used and unused could be use for future projects.

Work Breakdown Structure of CSR project



Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Formulating CSR vision



CSR team development




Involvement of the senior management








Working group commitments




CSR business plan




Implementation of CSR business plan




Engage employees




Conduct CSR training




Institutionalizing CSR



Table 1: Gantt chart of the project stages

(Source: Created by self)

Cost benefit analysis of the CSR project

Direct costs involved= £1200

Indirect costs involved= £550

Intangible costs= £250

Total cost involved in the project= £2000

Intangible cost (if the CSR project is conducted by a private agency instead of own developers and managers) = £ 750

This indicates that this project will be able to safeguard almost £200 by conducting the project inside the organization. This project will also bring intangible benefits Like employee wellbeing and health management as well as it will also decrease the employee absenteeism which will increase the productivity of the organization.

Analysis of the project methodologies and tools used

Methodologies: Project management methodologies are used by different factors. There are different types of methodology which works differently on each project of business or business case. It is essential for the organization to manage the understanding and calculate methodology according to business (Cadena and et.al., 2019).

The methodologies work on the factor including the cost and budget of project, team sizes, ability to take risk, flexibility and timeline, stakeholder collaboration etc. Working on the project and finding the right methodology is important, it help in calculating the best way to increase performance and result of project.

The project methodology which can be used by the organization for is the Waterfall methodology which is a project management approach which is used by the organization for solving the delivering the project outcomes with the help of distinct stages (Andrei et al. 2019). The traditional project methodology when added with the software basis approach it is known as the waterfall project management approach. There are five phases which are observe in the waterfall projects.

  • Requirements:In this phase, the organization will analyse the needs of the solution of the issue and document what the software is needed to do. A heart rate monitoring software is one of the most effective software which can be used by the organization in this condition and resolve the issue of the health and life-style monitoring of the employees.
  • Design:At this phase, the organization will choose the technology which is required for the development of the software in an effective manner (Pace, 2019). Here the organization will also create the diagram and plan the software architecture in order to develop the best sort of solution of the project on which the organization is working on.
  • Coding:At this phase, the organization will engage software developers and employees who will be using their coding and software language in order to figure out the solution to the problems and write the codes for the development of the software.
  • Testing:In this phase, the organization will test the codes and the software and make sure that it does the actual work which it is supposed to do without breaking anything or hampering the software (Hamad and Al Fayoumi, 2018).
  • Operations: This is the last phase of the waterfall project management approach where this large manufacturing organization will deploy the code into a production environment and give the required amount of support to the developers for the development of the software which can help them to analyse the lifestyle of the employees and help them to resolve the issues in an effective manner.


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Table 2: Gantt chart for the waterfall project management

(Source: Created by self)

The flow of the activities very much resembles the flow of the water in a waterfall and this is the reason it is stated as the waterfall project management approach.

Organization can use methodologies for the objective of CSR project and the lifestyle of their employee. It is also essential for the manufacturing organization of Midlands to increase the amenities of catering for employee in which their budget is required from business. The project include budget for their purpose of completing work.

Methodologies used by the Manufacturing organization of Midlands are the Waterfall methodology. It is one of the tradition practiseof project management, the management used this project becausethese procedures used when the project is clearly defined and is not going to change and the large manufacturing organization of Midlands have made a clear objective what they want to achieve. The stakeholders also know what they want to be done in there project so for that the organization is using the methodologyof Waterfall in their project or business case. The documentation is also done properly in the practiseof waterfall as the strategy and consistent of project make it better for documentation (Hu, Cunningham and Gilloran, 2017).

Tools: There are a lot of different tools which are used by the management of organization to calculate the overall analysis of project. It helps in effective planning for the business case and projects. The tools help in making the planning and the collaboration as well as help in the documentation of project with its evaluation.

Network Diagrams: this tool help in analysing the information and also help in creating a better understanding of the project planning. Network Diagram used the networking process of arrows diagram as it consists of different arrows.

Critical path method: this method of calculation of planning on projects are done through the understanding of path as which path is taking a long time and which is the critical path to complete the work. This explains that if there is any delay in any part of project then it can cause in the delay of entire project.

Gantt Charts: the Gantt chart are done to increase the overall process of development of planning and understanding of critical way of doing project. It works on the start and end dates of projects and their task (Ekener and et.al., 2018).

Large manufacturing of Midlands is working on all the tools to find the best of planning process for theirplanned it is helping them in finding the issues and problem calculation which can cause them in future period while working on project.


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Week 11



Analysis of Operation management


Review of operations management principles


Operation Management Requirement


Discussion Continues Improvement and Its Plan


Project Life Cycle


Conclusion and Recommendation


Submission and Final Report


Agile strategy: it is the process of representing the democratization of strategy, in which the leaders set the target or visionary targets. It is the process of setting the target for the ASDA which can improved to find innovationways in solving the problem and contribute towards vision of the business.

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Take Stock: it is helping in understanding of what strategies are to be used.

Identify a vision point: working on the drivers force of change and setting a destination.

Build a high-level Roadmap: creating a map to help in developing a set of working vision towards vision.

Continuously execute: working on the regular development to increase in efficiency.

Effectiveness of the PLC theories and concept

The effectiveness of the PLC is as follows:

  1. Help and provide understanding of required resources.

Working on the project the PLC helps in understanding the required resources which can help in increasing the understanding of project and find solution for them. Planning is crucial and development of resources can help in getting better result from the people. Working on the Project life cycle through models and theories it helps in understanding of the project on in depth level and can help the organization in developing plans to achieve the results. It is very vital for the organization to work on resources so that they can get a better knowledge about what changes and initiation they require to work on the project.

  1. Ability to plan project phase

Project works on different phases and it is vitalfor the large manufacturing of Midlands to develop the methodologies and also work on initiation to make a clear project on which the planning and execution can be worked. This isdominantfor organization to plan the phases where they can arrange new changes and resources which are required to develop business of mission. Project gets effective when the management work with the planning and with concept of PLC.

  1. Ensure continued project viability

Project viability refers to the clarity in the project and the issues or objectives are made. Project need a continuous viability to get the best out of project as a result for which the project is being plan. It is very vital for development of PLC in business to ensure a better management and finds the issues and work on them to develop success.

  1. Sufficient attention is devoted to planning phase

Project gets effective as the planning is done on the project which make the project qualities improved. It helps in getting better result for the project the company is working on. The business case is being calculated and work on so that they can create a better performance for their project and complete the working. Planning phase develop the clarity and work gets improved which also help in developing quality of project at final result.

  1. Progress can be linked directly to phases

Projects helps in creating a wide impact on the workplace and organization need to develop possible changes so that they can create a working platform for those who are making effective planning on there working and teams are made according to the needs of project.


From the above report it can be concluded that Part A of the report conclude that the operation and operation management are very crucial for the ASDA and it is important for them to develop the working of new strategy by the company in their operation and operation management to create an impact on business. Part B of the report concluded that working on the large manufacturing and creating a project plan for their CSR and Staff need to work on proper project life cycle to understand their criticality and also to develop a successful result of project they are working on.



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