Online Advertising And Customer Experience Assignment Sample

Impact of Online Advertising & Customer Experience in the Digital Retail Sector

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Introduction To Online Advertising And Customer Experience In The Digital Age In The Retail Industry

The business issue and the purpose of the study

The primary business issue has been addressed in this study that has been revolving around understanding and optimising the dynamic online advertising and customer experience in the retail industry in the digital age (Lee and Lee, 2020). Furthermore, as the retail sector increasingly shifts to digital platforms and therefore, retailers have been challenged to effectively harness online advertising techniques and unable to attract consumers (Briedis et al., 2020).

Background and the importance of the study

The retail industry has been junder gone with the having of the effective transformational approaches of marketing and gaining the sustainable goal in the business market territory (Hoyer et al., 2020). Hence, it has been noted that the shift from traditional brick-and-mortar setups to digital platforms has not only altered consumer behaviour but also revolutionised the way retailers approach marketing and customer engagement (Holmlund et al., 2020).

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Research Objectives

  • To assessing the impacts of the online advertisements on the consumer acquisition and the retention in the retail industry.
  • To examined the influences of the different types of the online advertising on the consumer engagements in online environments.
  • To evaluated the role of the personalization to enhancing the consumer experiences in the online retail business context.

Research question(s)

  • To what extent does the effectiveness of online advertisement impact customer acquisition and retention in the retail industry in the digital age?
  • How do different types of online advertising influence customer perception and engagement in the online retail environment?
  • What does personalisation play in enhancing customer experience in online retail?

Research Gap

There has been found the research gap in the context of the research paper and it would be helping in the future insight of the research paper. Furthermore, it has been noted that the key concerns of the research gap in the context of the research proposal has bene found in terms of the limited attention given to the challenges and opportunities faced by the retail business.

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Structure of the remainder of the proposal

The structure of the remainder of the proposal on "Online Advertising and Customer Experience in the Digital Age in the Retail Industry" indicates the meticulously designed subject. Furthermore, the LR has been focusing to increasing the existing research and demonstrating the key findings and the gaps have been highlighted in this research proposal.

Literature review

Critical evaluation of the literature

Businesses are leveraging big data to gain an intricate understanding of what their customers want, how they behave, and their emotional leanings through providing insights into these aspects (Mariani and Fosso Wamba, 2020). Hence, it has been noted that the global standard and the exceptional standards have been found as the baseline in order to perform the task effectively. Customers nowadays expect services that are not just high quality, but also personalised, aligning with their individual preferences, requirements, and ways of life (Alzoubi, 2022). Furthermore, it has been noted that the advancement of technology has been Advances in technology are enabling the creation of such bespoke services. Examples of this include Netflix which has been allowing subscribers to view their choice of movies anytime without the worry of additional fees, and car rental firms that have streamlined the rental process with seamless online and offline systems (Dash, Kiefer and Paul, 2021).

Customer experience

Significant work was done to create ways to measure how customers experience brands during this time. The concept of customer experience encompasses all aspects of a customer's interaction with a product or service, from the beginning to the end of their buying journey. It involves a customer's thought processes, emotions, actions, and interactions within their social circles as they relate to their interactions with a brand (Dash, Kiefer and Paul, 2021) .It is generally seen as a complex construct that captures a customer's total reaction, mental, emotional, physical, and social to a company's offerings throughout their entire purchasing process.

Customer experience management (CXM)

CX has been explored from both the perspective of organisations and customers. The core of understanding CX lies in mapping out the customer journey that has included various interaction points between customers and the organisation, similar to service encounters (Mostaghel et al., 2022). Customers experience a range of reactions at these points of contact, including cognitive, emotional, behavioural, sensory, and social responses. Hence, it could be stated that the business framework has been integrated with the havings of the approaches developed by the CXM.

Organisations are increasingly shifting focus from managing individual interaction points to overseeing the complete customer journey (McKinsey & Company, 2019). This approach has bene fostering the Customer Experience Management (CXM) involves orchestrating a dynamic experience throughout the entire process of purchasing or using a service (Dwivedi et al., 2022). Hence, it could be state that the effective CXM requires simultaneous management of many interaction points. Moreover, identifying and addressing crucial moments that can significantly influence the customer experience (Becker and Jaakkola, 2020).

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Hemnce, it has been noted that the CX has been performed the task effectively and developed the consumer retention strategies. CX is affected by factors that go beyond the designed customer journey, necessitating a broader understanding of the organisational and surrounding ecosystem (Deloitte, 2022). CXM has been utilising data from a variety of sources including those controlled by partners, customers, and other external entities across digital, physical, and social spaces (Dwivedi et al., 2022).

Online consumer reviews and user-generated content as a source of business intelligence for CGCs in the digital age

Research in marketing and management has delved into how consumers generate and engage with online customer reviews (OCRs). Furthermore, it could be stated that the influences factors is one of the major determinants with the havings of the proper evaluation of the consumer journey. influence these reviews have on consumer behaviour and business outcomes (Dwivedi et al., 2022).

Furthermore, the studies has been examining the precursors to OCRs have highlighted attributes that boost their perceived trustworthiness and credibility that has been including the quality of the reviews and reviewers and the transparency of reviewer identities. Moreover, the accumulation of positive ratings on past reviews and the number of reviews written (Deloitte, 2022). Furthermore, other research has concentrated on identifying specific factors that have been including the positive or negative nature of reviews, the sheer number of reviews, emotional tone, clarity, detail, the order in which negative reviews are listed, the ratio of useful votes, and the type of device used for submission.

Theoretical framework

The theoretical framework for the study on "Online Advertising and Customer Experience in the Digital Age in the Retail Industry" has been found as a intricate of various theories that underpin consumer behaviour advertising effectiveness, service quality, and digital communication. Furthermore, the framework of this theory has been defined with the having of special determinants and the specific requirements of consumers' online purchasing decisions, influenced by attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived control (Peña-García et al., 2020). The technological acceptance model and consumer engagement has been affected by the having of idnetfying the shopping behaviour (Peña-García et al., 2020). The AIDA and Elaboration Likelihood Models provide a deeper insight into how online advertisements capture customer attention and persuade them through different processing routes (Miller, 2020). Additionally, the SERVQUAL model's adaptation to the digital context is pivotal for assessing online service quality and customer satisfaction.



Hypothesis 1

  • Null Hypothesis (H0): The effectiveness of online advertising does not significantly impact customer acquisition in the retail industry.
  • Alternative Hypothesis (H1): The effectiveness of online advertising significantly impacts customer acquisition in the retail industry.

Hypothesis 2

  • Null Hypothesis (H0): The effectiveness of online advertising does not significantly impact customer retention in the retail industry.
  • Alternative Hypothesis (H1): The effectiveness of online advertising significantly impacts customer retention in the retail industry.

Hypothesis 3

  • Null Hypothesis (H0): Personalization in online retail has no significant impact on customer engagement, satisfaction, or conversion rates. Any observed differences in these metrics are due to random chance.
  • Alternative Hypothesis (H1): Personalization in online retail has a significant impact on customer engagement, satisfaction, or conversion rates.


In this research paper, a positivist research philosophy will be adopted and for this, the consumer experience behaviour can be promoted through this. Furthermore, through this hypothesis testing can also be possible. For this, it is also identified that positivist research aims for the generalizability of findings to a broader population or context (Mishra and Alok, 2022). Furthermore, in this research study deductive research approach will be adopted and it will also help to identify the research requirements. In this research, statistical analysis will be performed for this, practical recommendations can also be provided. Furthermore, it is also to be stated that the survey will be conducted in order to collect the data for this, and the positivism philosophy has been promoted.

Data collection and the presentation

Data collection will be carried out by means of an online questionnaire survey form utilising either Qualtrics or Questionnaire Star. Both Qualtrics and Questionnaire Star are software applications that enable individuals to create and analyse surveys without requiring programming expertise. However, they differ in terms of their functionality and user preferences. Furthermore, the questionnaire would be consisting the sevral question rleted to the rsearch and taking the survey from the societies. The survey will utilise a Likert scale, ranging from one to five points, to enable respondents to indicate their level of agreement or disagreement with specific statements. Furthermore, the SPSS would be used in order to agtehring the relevant data and methods would be using in the research paper. In addition, it ought to be noted that quantitative data collection techniques will involve the utilisation of SPSS for data analysis. In addition, it has been determined that regression analysis, descriptive summary, and Anova tests will be conducted to evaluate the hypothesis.

Justification for choice of methodology and methods

In this research paper, the quantitative research philosophy will be employed and for this numerical data will be promoted. For this, it is also to be stated that the primary data collection method among 70 participants will be used to collect data. Furthermore, it is also to be stated that through the processes through the Google Form and Likert scale questions and yes no questions will be preferred and for this, adequate research approaches can be employed. Furthermore, it is also to be stated that through the processes related to quantitative data collection, SPSS will be used in order to analyse the data. Furthermore, it has also been identified that regression analysis, descriptive summary and Anova tests will be performed to test the hypothesis.

Scope of the research

The research has been focusing on the specific geographical region or market and it can also be promoted for a specific country or a group of countries. It is essential to define the geographic boundaries to make the study manageable and contextually relevant. In addition, it has been noted that the this research has been centred put the understanding and the optimizing the dynamics and the landscape in the context of the online advertising and the consumer experiences in the retail business. Furthermore, the study will delve regarding the evolving nature of the consumer behaviour eand xperiences influenced by digital technologies. The geographical area would be covering and the it would be encompassing the specific region to conducted the research paper effectively.

Limitations of the research design and constraints relating to costs and other resources

Primary data collection may not be so accurate as this research paper has been focusing on fewer participants. Furthermore, it has been noted that the large number of the sample size would be creating the opportunities to comprehend the data effectively and it comes with the relevant in the context of the research paper topics. Moreover, the time constraints and the qualitative data would be providing the research paper more attractive and it would be highlighted the impacts of the consumer experiences and perception in the online retail business context.

Consideration of ethical issues

Through considering the aspects related to privacy, confidentiality and protection of the participants will be promoted. Furthermore, it is also to be stated that through the processes related to obtaining consent, adequate data from the participants can be promoted.


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