Obesity In Individuals With Learning Disability Assignment Sample

Impact of Obesity on Individuals with Learning Disabilities and Public Health Interventions in the UK.

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Obesity In Individuals With Learning Disability Assignment

Introduction and rationale

Identify a UK public health priority within a specific population group of your choice.

The identified group for the following context refers to the obese with learning disabilities (LD).

Include a rationale for choosing this priority and population group

People with LD (PWLD) are prone to be obese as they are more likely to lead a sedentary life and increasing the risk of cardio-metabolic issues and impacting their flexibilities (Kloka et al. 2022). In addition, the presence of a condition named “Prader-Willi-syndrome” impacts patients with LD to manage their weight and the impact of the medicine they consume which is directly involved in increasing their weight (Hu et al. 2022). Approximately, 15000-25000 people in the UK are suffering from this type of obesity while facing difficulties in learning and behavioural challenges (Nhs.uk, 2023). Regardless of the presence of LD, obesity also impacts the population's health along with social and emotional well-being while decreasing the quality of life (Schepens et al. 2019). It can also be addressed that people with LD are prone to experience poor health as they are prescribed polypharmacy (Bristol.ac.uk, 2023) and it affects their ability to learn new skills and manage a healthy lifestyle daily. This factor causes PWLD to face issues with controlling weight and managing a healthy lifestyle (He et al. 2022).

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Your rationale should include statistics about its prevalence in the UK and globally if appropriate

While addressing the population with LD in the UK, it can be stated that approximately 1.5 million people have the condition which equates to 2.16% of the adult population (Gov.uk, 2023). Over the age of 11, approximately 31% of children with LDs are obese in the UK in comparison with 21% of the population without LDs (Rogers et al. 2022). Approximately, 37% of the PWLD are severely obese and 25.9% of the population is obese (Vousden et al. 2022). It is also notifiable that approximately 50% of those with LDs have a comorbid physical health deteriorating condition (Lee et al. 2022).


Discuss the impact of this concern on the mental and physical health of the chosen population group

The impact of obesity on PWLD includes overlooking the population's health needs and misattribution to the LD and resulting in suffering from complications which can be easily eliminated by alleviation of the proper care approach and support (Cooper et al. 2018).

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People with obesity have a higher chance of developing depression in comparison with people without obesity along with an increased chance of depression, bipolar disorders as well as agoraphobia (Launders et al. 2022). Besides, in children, it can lead to sleeping disorders along with depression and low self-esteem which impact the mental health of PWLD. Obesity also affects PWLD by impacting their self-esteem and self-confidence (Gregson et al. 2022) which leads to mental health issues such as depression and anxiety along with facing eating disorders including bulimia and anorexia (Ncoa.org, 2023).

Physical health issues are common among people with LD (Chaput et al. 2023). This includes visual impairment, hearing issues, impacted cerumen, increased chance of gastro-oesophageal reflux disorder, constipation, diabetes, osteoporosis, contracture alongside balance impairment and mobility issues, thyroid problems, asthma and pain (Moss et al. 2022). There is a wide range of reasons for physical issues and mostly focusing on the population's socioeconomic status, lifestyle management, environmental factors and sub-optimal support towards healthcare which impact their physical health (Pearl and Hopkins, 2022). Besides, certain psychotropic medications are available for PWLDs which have a significant impact on increasing physical health risks in the form of obesity and a sedentary lifestyle. High exposure to anticholinergic and sedative medicines which are used in treating LDs has an adverse impact on the quality of life for PWLD (O'Dwyer et al. 2018). These are very common among the identified populations with LD.

Discuss how health beliefs within the population group impact the prevalence of this health concern

Health beliefs in the form of stigma and discrimination towards the PWLD grow numerous consequences on psychological and physical health and in the public health context, it is widely ignored. The common perception refers to the justification of weight stigmatisation and blaming PWLD instead of motivating them to change their lifestyle towards a healthier option (Puhl and Heuer, 2020). This threatens PWLD's intervention effort towards achieving a healthy lifestyle and impacts their close interpersonal relationships. Besides, they are also tagged with specific characteristics and mostly encounter unusual facial appearance that is impactful enough to delay the overall diagnosis and intervention process that increases health concern (Bowman et al. 2022).

Define and discuss social determinants (SDH) of health and health inequalities. Consider how these impact upon your chosen population group which increases their risks of poorer health outcomes.

SDH are considered non-medical factors that can influence the overall health outcome and also address the condition that helps the population to grow, work, live and age (Iott et al. 2022). SDH in the form of poverty, unequal access to healthcare and lack of education, stigmatisation and racism are underline contributing factors towards increasing health inequalities (Jeamjitvibool et al. 2022). This is followed by raising the risk of health issues such as obesity. While education is associated with the management of health via maintaining social economic status in the form of income and occupations, it also impacts health literacy and health outcome (Haghani et al. 2017). Here, Miciak and Fletcher (2020) have managed to address the two primary concerns regarding the health education of PWLD. These refer to the lack of effort in terms of finding information alongside being frustrated while going through the long process of finding which is considered the same for the PWLD and general population. However, a stable source of income also elevates the capability of affording healthier food options for PWLD. Therefore, it can be stated that SDH impacts the quality of life for PWLD by raising the risk of obesity and the lengthy process of finding relevant health literacy impacts both PWLD and the general population by affecting their capabilities of reducing health inequalities.

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Explore national and global influences on this health concern. Explore UK public health policies to address it

Here, the role of the World Health Organisation is important to recommend a fact sheet for identifying the number of PWLDs and using a "global health observatory and global target tracking tool" for relevant health policy initiatives (Who.int, 2023a). While addressing the UK's public health policies for the PWLD, there is an "Eatwell guide" policy tool which is used to address the UK government's potential recommendations on managing healthier and achievable balanced diets by using 5 significant food groups for the people suffering from severe obesity (Raffoul et al. 2022). These food groups are fruits and vegetables, grains, protein, dairy, oil and seeds. This is followed by the "NICE obesity pathway that helps in signposting guidance and resources and standards for obese with LD (Bird et al. 2022). The recommendation also includes the policy of "commissioning excellent nutrition and hydration" which is crucial here to provide necessary guidance and supporting populations for meeting their care needs (McKenzie et al. 2022).

Define health promotion

Health promotion is considered a process that enables the population to elevate its control over health alongside improving overall healthy behaviours (Who.int, 2023b). Health promotion primarily focuses on the individual's behaviour in terms of accessing a wide range of social and environmental aspects and improving health intervention (Stark et al. 2022). The primary principles of health promotion refer to the development of personal skills and creation of a supportive environment and the implementation of community action (McKenzie et al. 2022). Health promotion is important as it helps in developing and improving the overall public policies and managing orders for the maintaining health teams by health service providers and healthcare professionals (Wigham et al. 2022). The primary aim of health promotion is to decrease the difference between the presence and achievable health status. It also includes ensuring equal opportunities to maintain the use of health resources to achieve the overall health potential for PWLD (Koushede and Donovan, 2022). This is capable of addressing the unmet needs of the PWLD while understanding their health requirements and accessing necessary healthcare approaches.

Discuss the role of the nurse and the significance of NMC Platform 2 to nursing practice

The role of public health nurses includes advising strategic plan policy and education to support the proper development and implementation of educational practice standards in nursing professions (Oruche and Zapolski, 2020). This is followed by a managing code of conduct by The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) to regulate the practice of nurses and midwives throughout the UK while associating practices in England which emphasises putting the interest of patients in several ways (Nmc.org.uk, 2023a). These are Ask Listen Do, getting in touch for support and an action plan for monitoring the progress of PWLD (Nmc.org.uk, 2023b).

Consider how nurses can support this population to adopt healthy lifestyles to reduce poor health outcomes. You may choose to use a health promotion model to guide you. You can also use an example of nurses working in this area

Nurses are responsible to identify a safe and effective action plan for the PWLD while managing their interpersonal interaction and identifying healthier choices and involving the local community in personalised care (Mirza et al. 2022).

"Sports-based physical activity programs and aerobic and strength training exercise programs" are significant intervention models that are used by healthcare providers to educate patients by providing physical therapy to regiment their performance for dealing with obesity (Petrigna and Musumeci, 2022). It also helps the learning and physical needs of the identified populations by providing riding equipment by involving the local communities for effective results (Eriksson, 2022).


The following context has successfully addressed the impact of the identified conditions on mental and physical health and health beliefs, social determinants of health and social care and the factors that contribute towards increasing health inequalities for the identified disease conditions and the PWLD. Besides, it was also identified that obesity in LD is considered a significant factor that contributes towards health inequalities and higher risks of other diseases among patients with LD. This also impacts the patients by reducing their life expectancy and higher levels of unmet requirements concerning healthcare and that is the fundamental reason for including the population group while discussing the following context.


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