Nursing Adult - Service Important Assignment

Strategies for Improving Oncology Nursing Services

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Nursing Adult - Service Important Assignment

The improvement of Service refers to “the term” the “way of” in which various kinds of steps have been analyzed by the “way in” which the healthcare services can be enhanced. It assists in the analysis of various kinds of services and in the improvement of the overall service, and quality of the healthcare department that has been manifest to the hospital patients. This will generate a very “good impact” on the patients in the hospital as they require the best services that can generate a “good interaction” among the patient. The areas for the involvement of the changes and involvement of different kinds of critical approaches can be maintained by the organization. In addition, improvements which have been required in improving by the healthcare department of the hospitals have been stated (Lee et al., 2019). It also gives an appropriate plan for the "way" in which the "UK" government can guide the project, which has been planned and be enabled in implementing the changes in the “service improvement” mainly wards of oncology in the hospital with respect to “Nursing Adults”.

Service improvement happening both inside society at a “large” extent and inside the care of health will change the environment in which the nurse's next generation will lead and practice. These changes encompass demographics changing, indulging physical decline and “mental health”, thereby increasing the attention on the issues of equity and racism. The adoption and development of the technologies have been new and changing the patterns of the delivery of care of health (Chapman et al., 2019). The extensive movement for “racial justice”, along with the disparities of stark racial in the effects of COVID-19, has strengthened the ethical mandate of the professions of nursing in the present system of healthcare and the commitment to justice socially in the provision of the Ethics Code of the Association of “American Nurses”. The paper also discusses the plan, results, and recommendations for the analysis of the topic.

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Explain and define the scope of the service improvement

Scope of the improvement of Service:

The scope of the improvement of Service has been inevitable and wide. The “staff” of the healthcare department of the hospital must provide the best care and different extent of services “to the” hospital “on a” daily basis. The staff of the “hospital” must know about their work and increase their service accordingly. The different types of staff who have been working as out-patient “consultations”, as “receptionists”, or working in the department of “ICU”, wards of oncology, units of Daycare, etc. have to supply training “on a” daily basis. Few of the scopes of the improvement of the services “have to be” directed at various kinds of healthcare departments in the hospitals (Miller, 2020). Hence, the improvement in the Service plays an important role in the wards of oncology of the hospital as it is based on supplying the best care to the patients of the hospital.

“Area for change”:

The service of National Health of the UK that is (NHS) overcomes challenges in the improvement of the services mainly in the ward of oncology-related to the readmission numbers and issues of bed management in the hospitals “as it is very” much crucial in supplying the best care to the patients of the hospitals. The area which needs changes is “primary care” which has been the main body dealing with supplying the patients gateway as it requires access to the services of national health (NHS). Proper changes in the care of primary health lead to the creation of a positive effect on examining the resources required for the hospital’s patient. The area, which needs changes, is “secondary care” which has been focusing on the identification of the “process” of examining services that have been general (Mallow et al., 2021) and the planning of “NHS” in the improvement of the whole service quality that hospitals provide to their patients indulging “clinical” and different other departments. The care socially is important for the “NHS”, as it generates the services of national health due to which it has been not responsible for supplying the care socially. “Social care” depends on large care that requires to be shifted in accordance with time.


The need for changes in the services of the hospital in the ward of oncology-related to the readmission numbers and issues of bed management is very much important, as the hospital's patients must not have in harassing for anything. The important changes in the care of primary, secondary, and care socially lead the “patient” with large support and enhances the goodwill of the hospital by the “way of” it. It also requires changing in the important areas which have been directly connected with hospital patients “as it plays” a very important role in examining the whole requirements and advancements for the plannings of the changes in the “service improvement” (Harerimana et al., 2019). The changes lead to the translation of the whole practice, which has been critical and provides an effect on the staff of “NHS”. Hence, the changes in the ward of oncology related to the readmission numbers and issues of bed management benefit both the staff in addition to the patients.

Issue of Critical Review

The issues concerning supplying a proper change mainly in the ward of oncology related to the readmission numbers and issues of bed management that have been enhanced with “direct contact” with the hospital's patients and the issues concerning providing the best services and improvement of the whole quality of the “services” in the “UK” country. The different kind of “services” has to be enhanced in accordance with the whole service quality. The patient must get health care of primary, secondary, which in turn will generate a very good impact on the hospital’s patients (Rafferty et al., 2019). The “patients have examined the changes in the improvement of services sometimes” and they must have provided important services in accordance with the requirements of the patient as their need. Improvement of the services assists in the analysis of the problems overcome by the “patients” and assists in addressing all the problems related to the benefit of bed management and readmission numbers of the patient. In this study, a proper gap analysis has been done to identify the current state of the oncological ward and the issues in the oncological patient service, the action plan and the importance of hygiene have been observed. In this study, it has been observed that a healthcare institute needs to improve hygiene maintenance and infrastructure.

The effective reason behind the changes

The effective reason behind the changes of the organization may have to evaluate the sustainable effects in the quality control aspects properly. The overall performance can affect the effective behavior of the staff of the healthcare sector. The creative approaches can concern the critical approaches with the counterpart of the developmental aspects properly (Hartley et al. 2020). It can reduce sickness in hospital management in the provided change behavior effectively. It can improve the effective change in the basic abundance of the theory. The overall moral of the basic emerging aspects can control by the effective measure of the community aspects properly. The effective reasons for the high-quality aspects can control the medical profession and its well-established technological aspects properly (Lee et al. 2019). Medical professionals can give high-quality medical care to suffering patients in the oncological ward. It can perceive the effective valuation of the suffering patients in the healthcare sector.

Available potential improvements

The potential improvement can be managed by the communicational approaches of the healthcare sectors very effectively. The consideration approaches can control by the evaluation of the organization. It must need helpful approaches to evaluate the developmental efficacy control aspects in the healthcare sectors (Miles et al. 2020). Neat improvement can also be managed by the efficacy control aspects of the healthcare sectors very effectively. The consideration approaches may evaluate the developmental efficacy control aspects properly. The availability and the sharing capacity can be effective for the sustainable effects of the organization very effectively. It must create a good impact in front of the patients so that the suffering patients easily trust the organization’s working employees (Edelman et al, 2020). The actual care of the patients can be effective for the quality control aspects properly. Net improvement and also the availability of quality control aspects must be emerged by the working employees of the healthcare sectors very effectively.

Specific Improvement for the Proposal

The basic improvement of the healthcare sectors may be evaluated by the working employees of the organization. The basic performance of the ward members and the nurses can evaluate the developmental efficacy control aspects in the organization. The effective consideration approaches may be effective for the cultural consideration effects of the organization. The suffering patients in the healthcare sector have the improvement with the quality of care aspects properly (Fulmer et al. 2021). The vital roles can be effective for the cultural communication approaches of the organization. The consideration approaches can control by the management theories of the healthcare sectors properly. The basic consideration approaches can be overcome by the working employees of the healthcare sector.


This study will provide a proper work plan for a healthcare institute to decrease the readmission of the oncological patient. Here the entire possible action plan has been provided which a healthcare institute can adopt to decrease the readmission of the oncological patient.

Suggestions for the implementation

Gap analysis

In this study, a proper gap analysis has been done to identify the current state of the oncological ward and the issues in the oncological patient service, the action plan and the importance of hygiene have been observed. In this study, it has been observed that a healthcare institute needs to improve hygiene maintenance and infrastructure. A proper infrastructure can provide all the medical support which is extremely important for an oncological patient. Through the “Gap” analysis a healthcare institute can identify all the current issues which are extremely important to provide proper service to the oncological patient (Zaccagnini and Pechacek, 2019). In this study, it has been seen that an institute can promote health to decrease the number of the oncological patient. All healthcare care institutions need to arrange proper ventilation to help a patient provide proper respiration support.

PDSA cycle

In this study, a proper work strategy will be recommended to increase the quality of the nursing practice. This study will help a healthcare institute to identify its needs and to improve its nursing service quality to provide proper satisfaction to the patient (Zimansky et al. 2020). It has been seen that to increase the nursing service of an institute, the organization need to follow the below PDSA cycle. In the PDSA cycle, there are a total of four different parts and they are plan, do, study, and act.

Plan Do
  • Need to identify all the issues and requirements of the patient.
  • Provide proper education to the health care employees.
  • Increase the skills of the nurses.
  • Need to take feedback from the patient.
  • Observe the performance of the employees.
  • Encourage the employees to increase the productivity
  • Develop proper nursing services to fulfil the requirements of the patients.
  • Analysis of the performance of the employees after the training.
  • Gather the huge number of information about the nursing practice as much as possible.
  • Check the ability of the employees.
  • Identify all the issues which are attached to the
  • Find out the requirements of the patients.

Through the PDSA cycle, a healthcare institute can identify all the current issues which are the causes of oncological patient readmission and can develop a proper action plan to resolve all the issues (Williams et al. 2022). This cycle will also help an institute to take proper action according to the situation to provide proper service to the patient.

Quality, service improvement and redesign

Here a proper “quality, service improvement and redesign” has been discussed to identify the quality of the nursing practice and to improve the working strategy to provide proper service to the patient also. (O’Mahony et al. 2021). In this study, it has been seen that there are different types of tools which help an institute increase the quality of its service. In the below section, a proper discussion has been done about all the tools which are included in the “quality, service improvement and resign”.

  • Tools by stage of the project"- These tools are extremely important to increase the quality of the nursing service. Here are some examples of those tools mentioned and they are, "start", "sustaining", "and handing over" etc.
  • Tools by type of task”- All these tools are used to develop any particular assignment. Some examples are, developing proper mapping of the project, and improving the creativity level.
  • Tools by approach”- In this study it has been seen that all these tools are effective to provide a proper approach. These tools, techniques and theories are extremely important to provide a special approach. Here some example has been provided and they are “Sic sigma”, “analytical tools” etc.
  • Tools by patient pathway”- It has been observed that different tools and techniques are extremely important to provide proper quality type service to the patient. These tools, theories and techniques are extremely important to fulfill the requirements of the patient and to provide them with proper satisfaction also.

In this study, all of the above guidelines will provide a proper reference to health care institutes. All these tools will provide proper resources to the healthcare institute and will support the healthcare institutions to identify the requirements of the patients. After the identification of the requirements of the patient, a healthcare institute can provide proper service to the patient.

NICE Guidance Plan

In this study, it has been seen that proper NICE guidance can improve the service of a healthcare institute and can decrease the readmission of the oncological patient. Here the six steps of the NICE guidance plan have been provided which are extremely important for the improvement of the nursing practice (Shah et al. 2019). Those six steps of guidance plans are,

• Step-1: Develop a proper strategy to increase the quality of the nursing practice to provide proper nursing service to oncological patients.

• Step-2: Arrange more developmental training programs to provide proper training to the health care employees.

• Step-3: Make proper communication with the oncological patient to identify their issues and to provide proper medical service also.

• Step-4: Make an effective service chain and provide proper satisfaction to the patient.

• Step-5: Take proper care of a patient till death.

• Step-6: Take proper care of the patient after the last breath also.

Recommendation for the improvement

  • A healthcare institute needs to identify the seriousness of the oncological patient and needs to provide proper healthcare service.

  • It has been also observed that proper guidance after the discharge of a patient from a healthcare institute can help a lot. After discharge from the hospital, a patient can make proper strategies to improve their health and can avoid further admission.

All healthcare institutes need to promote health to decrease the readmission of the oncological patient.


The outcome for the staff of the organization

The administration process of healthcare management can be effective for the confidential approaches in the organization. When the nursing assistant went to the oncological ward then she faced several problems in the organizational sectors. It must be effective for the developmental efficacy control aspects properly. The organization may have to evaluate the sustainable approaches of the healthcare providers effectively. The effective outcomes of the working staff can control by the efficacy control aspects properly. The sustainable approaches can be maintained by the related rules and regulations of the critical approaches of the organization. Every working member of the healthcare sector may have to evaluate the efficacy control aspects properly. In that case, the working nursing staffs have to cooperate with the suffering patients of the hospital sector effectively (Ferrari et al. 2021). Sustainable approaches can maintain effective rules and regulations in the healthcare sector effectively. The valuable outcomes can perceive by the valuable aspects of the organization and also the oncological sectors. The organization must evaluate the effective creation in the efficacy control aspects properly. The valuable outcome must be followed by the critical consideration approaches in the basic aspects of the organization.

The staff of the organization must have to follow the basic rules and regulations of the organization. It can be effective for sustainable approaches in the organizational control aspects properly. The consideration approaches must be effective for the sustainable cost of the organizational sectors effectively. The company aspects can be managed by the organizational control products in the evaluation aspects properly.

Strengths and limitations of the service improvement

The service improvement can be managed by the organizational control aspects properly with the consideration effects of the healthcare sectors. The service limitations can be managed by the organizational control aspects properly. The creative approaches must be maintained by the organizational control aspects. The unity among the staff members of the organization has the basic strength in the healthcare sectors and the oncological ward. The limitations can be overcome by effective consideration approaches effectively (Challinor et al. 2020). In the basic working aspects, the community sectors can evaluate by the working staffs of the organizational sectors. The critical approaches can maintain the ethical consideration aspects properly. The evaluation aspects can be managed by the organizational control aspects properly in the healthcare sectors. The organization has to follow the basic rules and regulations of the organization which can be evaluated by the healthcare sectors. The critical consideration aspects can manage by the working staff of the oncological ward effectively. Critical approaches can be maintained by the assistant nurse of the oncological sectors which can be helpful for the developmental efficacy of the organization. The communication process also is helpful for the consideration aspects of the organization. Every working staff has to behave politely with the admitted patients of the hospital sector. It can be helpful for the developmental efficacy of the organization.


The essential nature and polite behavior can be managed by the working staff of the organization. Positive behavior can be managed by the staff members effectively. The consideration approaches can be evaluated by the developmental strategies of the healthcare sectors effectively. The confidential approaches can maintain the rules and regulations of the organization. It may evaluate the critical approaches of the organization. Every staff members have to follow the developmental efficacy control aspects properly. The evaluation strategies can be maintained by the efficacy control aspects properly. Basic thinking can be effective for the critical approaches in basic developmental efficacy.


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