Nike's Dream Crazy Campaign Analysis Individual Report Sample

Exploring Online Consumer Psychology in Nike's Dream Crazy Campaign

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Nike’s Dream Crazy Campaign Analysis Individual Report

Section 1: Introduction

This research report has the main goal to discuss very effectively the “Online psychology theories” as well as concepts that underpin “Nike’s Dream Crazy campaign”“online marketing campaign” in the UK. At the first part of this research report has been offering a description of this online campaign. This campaign is the “online marketing campaign”, this research report focused on the “digital marketing aspects” of this campaign. The central part of this research report has very effectively explored few of “the online customer psychology concepts” that have been utilized through the marketing campaign. The next part of this report has been examining the major limitation of this online campaign. At the end of this research paper, this research report has been concluded along with a few conclusions about the “online marketing campaign” as well as how “the online consumer psychology theories” and the concepts added to its success of it.

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Section 2: “Nike’s Dream Crazy campaign”

The Nike’s Dream Crazy campaign was started on 5th September 2018 as their 30th anniversary as a part of their brand promotion campaign. The campaign starred several popular athletes that have collaborated with Nike. Nike’s Dream Crazy campaign is one of the most popular campaigns by the company The online marketing campaign featured Colin Kaepernick, a former NFL quarterback and a civil rights activist (Brandberg et al. 2020). As a part of their digital marketing campaign, the company highlighted the Kaepernick's activism and social justice efforts. The campaign also other professional football athletes including LeBron James, Serena Williams and many other stars football players. The theme of the campaign was based on the ideology on defying the challenges and obstacles to become successful. The video started with an opening sentence “If you have only one hand, don’t just watch football, play it at the highest level” and the video ended with the statement by Colin Kaepernick “So don’t ask if your dreams are crazy, ask if they are crazy enough”. Through this campaign, Nike took a political stand in bringing change in the society. This campaign was a part of their corporate social responsibility in bringing change in the society.

The campaign became highly popular and was a new era in the history of the Nike Championship. As per the words of Hoffmann et al. (2020), the campaign was evaluated using the self-determination theory using customer psychology theory, which is based on the basic psychological needs. This involves the freedom and liberty, capability and competency, and connectedness. These are the based consumer behaviour that affects their psychology toward a brand or company. the freedom and liberty of the customers can make them feel responsible of their actions and decisions. Besides, capability and competency can make customers competent in making independent decisions and connectedness brings the sense of being connected to others.

The company also aimed at promoting the capabilities and competency of the people to overcome and fight their challenges and obstacles that motivates people to achieve their goals and objectives. As per the opinion of Liu (2023), a brand creates a huge impact in influencing the activities of the people. A brand with strong ethics and strong values can help the people to accomplish their dreams. The campaign featured the athletes who faced challenges and overcome the obstacles in their path to achieve success in their lives. The campaign help people to strengthen the sense of hard work and dedication which can help people to accomplish their dreams as well.

The campaign also aimed at achieving the sense of connectedness by highlighting the need for connection amongst the people to build a community. Based on the ideology of Brandberget al. (2020), the campaign involved several popular athletes from different nations and different backgrounds to promote the idea of connectedness and live as one together in the society. The company aims at promoting harmony and bring a positive change within the people. Besides, the featured athlete highlighted the necessity of social justice and activism in the modern society. Nike has done a great job in the campaign by motivating and influencing people to work together to bring out a positive change in the society. Nike’s dream team campaign was a huge success as it aimed at the basic physiological needs using consumer psychology theories. Based on the research work of Hoffmann et al. (2020), this campaign primarily aimed at bringing a sense of building community and achieve social justice. It motivates people to peruse their passion and overcome any challenges and obstacles to achieve success. The campaign also aimed at building a strong emotional connection with the customers and the company.

Section 3: Concepts of “Online Consumer Psychology”

“Online Consumer Psychology” has been addressing many different problems which are created by the internet. It has been examining perception, beliefs, thoughts as well as feelings of them while examining purchasing behavior. It accounts also to social persuasion as well as motivation form other parties for the decision of purchasing like advertising. As per the views of Coryton and Russell (2021), “Customers behaviour psychology” is an effective field that has been studied about hoe consumers make their decision as well as underlying the cognitive process. That has been driving those all purchasing decisions. The major two approaches for well understanding the behavior of customers are “behavioural psychology” as well as “cognitive psychology”. It has been focusing on what people are doing as well as how they are reacting too many different stimuli.

The” consumer behavior psychologists” have been focused on a well understanding of what motivates customers for purchasing certain products. As per the opinion of Florin (2021), they are also focusing hoe many various “marketing strategies” may influence the “decision-making process”. For enhancing the final sales of any business organization. Studying “customer behavior”: is very important because it has been allowing all marketers for making effective campaigns by comprehending what more motivates customers for buying certain products.

Figure 2: Concepts of “Online Consumer Psychology

(Source: Based on the study by Tollefson ,2019)

Behaviorism theory

It is the section of science in that observable behavior may well explain every human behavior within the responses to environmental stimuli. This effective approach has been mainly looking at how people react to the situation within their lives o0f them as well as also how this reaction affects their future purchasing decisions of them. Based on the study by Tollefson (2019), it is also contrasted along with cognitivism, which has been holding mental states not observable other outside introspection as well as human intelligence study. “Behaviorism”: has been mainly based upon the effective idea that customers are organisms effectively driven by their internal motivation of them. This theory is helpful in terms of understanding the behaviour of consumers in terms of making purchase of the products. With the help of this theory the campaign of Nike can get fruitful results by understanding consumer’s behaviour. For surviving as well as keeping themselves alive. Behaviorists have been believing that most of consumers are well motivated through punishments and rewards for achieving their goals of them.

Cognitive psychology

The above-mentioned “online consumer behavior psychology” has been focusing on how people are making their purchasing decision through the cognitive process like emery, problem-solving, reasoning, learning as well as thinking. As per the opinion of Kajari (2023), that looks at how consumers use the “mental process” for making the purchasing decision of them all about the products they consume. This theory helps in understanding the psychology of the customers in terms of making purchase related decision, this helps Nike’s campaign in generating the idea regarding the taste of the consumers. Cognitive psychology conceptualizes the behavior of customers in that consumers create decisions as well as act. Consumers Rae all influenced by their perceptions, thoughts, memories as well as feelings of them while they are making the purchasing decision of them.

“Motivation-need theory”

In the year 1943 “the broader psychological community” has been felt the effect of “Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy” of requirements. The theory has been insisting that every individual acts for stratifying as well as fulfill their needs of them the system of major five priorities of enhancing the importance. Based on the study by D'Rozario and Yang (2019), these are self-actualization, esteem, love, safety as well as physiological survival. The theory of Maslow has been used across marketing as well as a business class for well explain. The reason consumers have tailored the message of marketing very critically for sales success. This theory results in changing the attitude of the consumers by influencing their actions towards purchase of the product. In this the campaign of Nike will get the support through influencing the motivation of the consumer. Through effectively appealing to the consumers in a way which relates for their required level of them, “online marketing canoeing” instills urgency as well as significance. Marketers along with a very strong understanding of the “motivation-need” and “consumer behavior theory” may very effectively craft “online marketing campaigns” as well as advertisements all around the artificial requirement that they Rae control in the consumers. The common example has been coming within the form of the “luxury carmakers” which emphasize security as well as safety which spending the money of them.

“Theory of Reasoned Action”

The above-mentioned theory focusses on the relationship in between preexisting as well as marketing attitudes that consumers are given to their purchasing decision of them. As per the above-mentioned theory of “reasoned action” consumers act upon the consumer's behavior which they believe receives the specific outcomes, familiar. As per the opinion of Zhao (2019), the “consumer behavior” concepts have been leans upon very significant action. While governing the reason for believing all specific desired outcomes. This theory helps in making an impact on the desires of the customer and aligning with the needs and requirements of the customers. This helps the Nike’s campaign to provide and generate favourable outcomes for the customers. From the accurate time of consumers decides for moving forward along with the decision for this moment action finished. Consumers are may change the mind of them. That has led all marketers to many different insights, first being about how they are effectively associate the purchase with positive outcomes., This “online customer psychology” theory has been emphasizing the importance for moving the consumers by sales pipeline, in which they are may have many effective opportunities.

“Theory of buyer behaviour”

An important concept has been present within this above-mentioned theory of the behavior of buyers. It is because purchasing behavior is mainly reliable, speaking, as well as prone for creating the familiar purchasing for saving time as well as simplifying the process of decimos making. This theory has been seeking for identifying those concepts which note any changes as well as a decision-making process. This theory help in influencing the behaviour of the consumer in making purchase decisions. With the help of this theory the campaign of Nike get information in regards to the decision making of the customers. As per this mentioned theory the buyers are mainly preferred the selected brand has been informed through choices., In the addition, there are opportunities while new buyers are within the business market for purchase the new kind of items however, not enough experience of the requirements of products. As per the words of Hughes (2020),this information buyers are seeking from another party. That has been processed by lens all about what are the requirement as well as how effectively which product mayfulfill that requirement. That may also be compared for the previous kinds of items as well as using same process within marketing many new decisions. Regardless of these sources., making purchases decision improves mediator’s requirement for reliably select that the business organization within the future based.

“Engel Kollam Blackwell Model”

The above-mentioned “online consumer psychology” model is the natural evolution of many effective ideas found within “reasoned action theory”. Based on the study by Olsson (2021), this “buyer behavior theory” has been operating upon the “four-phase process” which has been effective influences how all consumers are deciding on purchasing, processing information, variables, and input within the process of deciding making.

Input within first phase, very simple stage while consumers are taken within marketing materials by online advertising and many more. As per the opinion of Rodrigues (2019),through data collected within these materials, they are effectively graduate3d for the information procession. In during that they effectively combine the input along with experience as well as expectations for making great decisions to current circumstances of them. The rational insight has been leading them for the next step that is in where they are making the customers purchasing decisions. That has been mainly based upon collected information of them.

In during the initial data stage of “EKB model” of the theory of the behavior of customers' input most valuable. As per the opinion of Osorio Achury and Ocampo Salazar (2019),the consumers are receiving very sufficient data all about products for very easily recall for the products of the business organization. One business organization that has very good grasp to the sequence in where brands are well known accurately about how to the business market products of them for trigger the desire within customers.

Hawkins Stern Impulse Buying

Within the contrast d for the main focus on rational action has been found within many other theories of “customers behavior”. The above-mentioned theory has been putting its focuses on impulse behavior. As per the opinion of Ramsey (2022),it is an argument of Stern that which impulse for purchasing only average “consumers behavior”. Impulse decision has been also influenced mainly by stimuli such as walking previous convincing the advertisement as well as possess more little relationship for habits of “traditional decision making”. Impulse buying has been existing upon the main four levels of the “Stern philosophy”. This first level very quickly, upon the path of the grocery store. That has been making associations in between many products.

The next level has been suggested impulse purchases like tacking upon the warranty that offer the consumer's purchases. Most of the marketers are mainly spent many years trying for master the impulse power of purchases. From packaging art for the arrangement of final products upon the store shelves, all things have a very great impact on the target impulse control of audiences. In the addition, there are opportunities while new buyers Rae within the market for purchasing the new kind of many products.

“Dissonance reducing model”

In the contrast d for the focus on rational action has been found within many other theories of “customers behavior”. The above-mentioned theory has been putting its focuses on impulse behavior. Based on the study by Franji?(2021), it is an argument of Stern that which impulse for purchasing only average “consumers behavior”. Impulse decision has been also influenced mainly by stimuli such as walking previous convincing the advertisement as well as possess more little relationship for habits of “traditional decision making”. Impulse buying has been existing upon the main four levels of the “Stern philosophy”. This first level very quickly, upon the path of the grocery store. That has been making associations in between many products.

The next level has been suggested impulse purchases like tacking upon the warranty that offer the consumer's purchases. Most of the marketers are mainly spent many years trying for master the impulse power of purchases. From packaging art for the arrangement of final products on the store shelves, all things have a very great impact on the target impulse control of audiences. In the addition, there are opportunities while new buyers Rae within the market for purchasing the new kind of many products.

“Variety seeking behaviour model”

The “Variety seeking behavior model” within consumption has been referring to every individual that switches between items, and brands for avoiding decreasing utility. For repeat consumption id similar products. People Rae tend to switch in between many options in the select set. Within the marketing domain, the above-mentioned model has been effectively covering the requirement of customers. The “Variety seeking behavior model” has been observed foe helping cope along with alleviating the negative effects of the negative emotion. As per the opinion of Clarke (2020), marketers are very constantly trying to effectively find out ways for the bridge perceived gaps in between consumers and themselves. That has very similar tendencies that has been seeking the behavior of customers. “Variety seeking behavior model”.

Section 4: Limitation

While the “Nike’s Dream Crazy campaign” “online marketing campaign” very successful, that has also few numbers of limitations. Few of these limitations have been including social online campaigns through negative EWOM, customers as well as incorrect usage of branded hashtags. That section of this research report has looked at the limitations as well as how it attempted for minimizing their impact of them.

One of the major limitations of the “online business campaign” is more potential to social comparison through customers. Social comparison is the psychological phenomenon within which every self-evaluation of every individual has been impacted by many others. The Nike’s Dream Crazy campaign involved all the basic psychological needs of the customers in multiple ways. Based on the research work of Adrian et al. (2022), the campaign significantly aimed at freedom and liberty by encouraging people to achieve their dream. Nike has always been known for having a brand image that aims at promoting the dreams and passion of the people which attracts the basic psychological need of the customers. The campaign also highlighted the protest against racial injustice which depicts the strong ethics and values of the company.“Nike’s Dream Crazy campaign”has been may also engage within upward the “social comparison” for themselves. Instead, being very inspired, they left feeling that they were not good enough. In the addition. Every individual also engages in downward social comparison within they believe the portrayed propel by the “online marketing campaign” inferior for themselves.

The negative EWOM was another limitation of the “online marketing campaign” as well as that may potentially impact on the trust of customers. Within a past section of this research report, mm while determining the trustworthiness of the positive EWOM. Customers are evaluating the ability, integrity as well as benevolence of the speaker. Customers are likely more for believe the “negative EWOM” that people write negative comments to the monetary reward as well as personal enjoyment. Since the trust of the consumer br4and is a very important element within the process of decision-making. “Nike’s Dream Crazy campaign” has been attempting to limit the negative impact by addressing the concerns of customers as well as trying for recently of any complaints.

Section 5: Conclusion

The “Nike’s Dream Crazy campaign”has become a very highly successful campaign. They are more able for utilizing the several of “online customer psychology” concepts as well as theories. It has been utilizing the social identity for allowing the customers of them for effectively identify themselves by “Nike’s Dream Crazy campaign”.They are also creating an important sense of belonging that has been filled the psychological requirements in requirements of their customers. It has been also encouraging the “online social interactions” as well as engagement along with the business organization. These mentioned limitations also include the social comparison through customers as well as incorrect usage.


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