MN3101: Development For Success In Business Assignment Sample

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Introduction Of MN3101 Development For Success In Business Assignment

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Research Rationale

The selection of this particular topic is considered extremely accommodating as it is measured to be the primal aspect of organisational practice. This research aims to discuss the importance of leadership in shaping workplace culture as well as assisting organisations to develop and be innovative in the recent business atmospheres. It has been measured that leadership activities determine the organisational vision of a particular firm (Arif and Akram, 2018). In fact, it might have the ability to bring an optimistic change in the organisation quite meritoriously. Without efficient leadership practices, an organisation will not be capable to go further for its betterment in terms of its upcoming future.

It is indeed necessary for an organisation to focus on building a superior workplace culture and thus working progression will be maintained quite in an effective manner. Equitable leadership practices determine the way employees behave, operate, and stay motivated in the workplace. Nowadays, several companies are evolving and they have to maintain their competitive advantage due to the extreme rate of competition. Due to this fact, the selection of this research topic is considered accommodating for start-up companies to gather resourceful information from it (Jaleha and Machuki, 2018). The utilisation of this research might be facilitating for them to understand the interrelation between the leadership practice shaping organisational culture. Thus, it can be said that the purpose of selecting this research topic is quite beneficial.

Aim and Objectives


The ultimate purpose of the research is to ascertain the interrelation between leadership practices and workplace culture.


These are the following research objectives:

  • To determine the effectiveness of leadership in an organisation
  • To evaluate the impact of leadership practices on employee empowerment
  • To analyse the efficacy of leadership in shaping organisational culture

Literature Review

In terms of leadership, it is frequently measured to be a precise title or a certain position. However, a title can no longer have the ability to bring followers, but the practices can. The definition of accurate leadership is to optimistically influence individuals in order to get the potential outcome for the betterment of a particular organisation. For maximising competence as well as attaining convinced business objectives, it is indeed necessary for a company to implement an accurate leadership style. It is indeed true that leadership practice can influence an organisation in every possible way:

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The Impact of Leadership On Employee Performance

Within the appropriate leadership style, the motivation of loyal followers and associates in a suitable environment and condition has the purpose of accomplishing the organizational set of areas in a prearranged situation. According to Altheeb (2020), in case of that, each manager is a leader whereas each manager is not considered a suitable leader at the identical time. The term 'leadership' fundamentally indicates the ability to stimulate individuals as well as generate enthusiasm and an inventive atmosphere. It is indeed compulsory for the leaders to select an equitable rewarding system for the employees to empower them quite effectively. motivation plays an integral role and it helps employees to foster their productivity and eagerness toward their work in an effective manner. Considering Paais and Pattiruhu (2020), taking care of the motivation program is the primal aspect of the performance management system of an organisation. Multiple factors support employee motivation one of them is the leadership practices. Motivation in a company is the upsurge or the existence of a motive in terms of provoking the enthusiasm to work performance of the employees. Syakur, et al. (2020), Stated, the motivation procedure is considered useful, obligatory and permanent for both eth employee and employer and is certainly crucial for developing the performance of the employees.

According to the perception of various scholars and experts, employee motivation has the ability to impact personally as well as the organisational performance in an extensive manner. therefore, a range of practices can be applied in order to enhance the rate of employee output. According to the perception of Khan, et al. (2020), this can be commendably done by leaders and it will thus directly impact the organisational performance of particular organisations. It has been measured that employee motivation has the competence creativity, commitment and eagerness conveyed by individuals for a specified task. Irrespective of the organisational size, employee motivation might consist of an enormous influence on intensification and performance. In terms of the reward system as the motivational factor, it has to be met within the detailed requirements of the company. Pasricha, Singh and Verma, (2018) have stated, however, it also must make certain of the fact of alteration of the changes for the tempestuous atmosphere. It requires to be intended for the staff requirements as well as for measuring performance management of a particular organisation. On the other hand, the implementation of the leadership style also determines the effectiveness of working criteria and decision-making procedure of a business enterprise quite effectively. In terms of the transformation leaders, they are pre-emptive in several ways and endeavor to develop not just employee performance.

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The Impact of Leadership on Shaping Organisational Culture

In terms of the organisation culture, it is basically defined as the set of values and some guidelines which determine the positive working environment of a particular workplace. Through the guidance of an efficient organisational culture, a business enterprise has been able to generate a mission statement as well as focus on achieving business objectives quite meritoriously. As per the consideration of Groysberg et al. (2018), leaders have the aptitude to guide the employees on the way to represent values that directly contributes to shaping the organisational culture. It is therefore the concern of the leaders to focus on fostering and maintaining the business objectives and the core values of the company. The leadership practices are considered responsible for measuring and fostering the organisation culture of a particular business enterprise. It has also been measured that in the course of giving optimistic feedback to the team members, leaders make their employees empowered and confident to work operatively. Arifin, (2021) have mentioned that, in fact, the purpose of quality leaders is to inspire their employees to recognise their co-workers in terms of the positive input they made. It is the ultimate responsibility of a leader to keep vigorously creating a healthy organisational culture for the betterment of the organisation quite effectively.

There are massive requirements for generating a trustworthy relationship between the employees and leaders otherwise it will be problematic for them both to balance the working procedure extensively. According to Altheeb, (2020), the enhancement of the organisational culture directly impacts on developing the performance management as well as creating long-term competitiveness for the company. Paais and Pattiruhu (2020) have mentioned that in a positive working environment, the employee does not require much interference and instructions from their leaders due to the enhancement of their competence. In fact, leadership practices might facilitate employees to determine a new way of working as well as taking decisions on their own. it directly impacts on generating potential outcomes for the organisation along with inspiring the employees to learn from their own experiences. According to (Jaleha and Machuki, 2018), the leaders can guide employees toward the value-based vision of the company and they might be enabled to stay in the organisation for a longer period of time. It has been measured that leadership practices not only impact motivating the employees but also direct a path for effectively taking a decision on their own. the implementation of the strategic approaches initiated by the leaders might assist the employees in order to attain the organisational objectives as well as fulfilling their goals.

Teamwork, Learning and Leading

The purpose of an actual leader is to foster the strength of an individual by mitigating his key weakness. In terms of that, the quality leader validates genuine attention in promoting the improvement of the employees quite in an effective manner. According to the perception of Hussain et al., (2018), by measuring their abilities, leaders help the employees to augment their specific skills. Leaders endorse the knowledge that employees might be able to acquire from any possible opportunity. In the course of inspiring employees to take jeopardies to cultivate their acquaintance base, operative leaders are competent to adopt a culture of learning and development. Pasricha, Singh and Verma, (2018) have stated, Employees who feel innocuous to searching and learning might discover their work more satisfying and expressive. For this reason, the employees feel more persuaded to cooperate and learn from individuals. In fact, the leader should be able to enhance their own skills and expertise to make the training and development program more efficient.

According to the perception of Hussain et al., (2018), it is therefore the responsibility of the leader to work effectively in order to reinforce their leadership abilities to encourage the employees to be innovative and cooperative. It has been measured that teamwork and leadership have been considered the ultimate aspect through which a company might produce pioneering ideas to generate the best outcome possible. Regarding this fact, the communication process needs to be authentic and reliable as team working progression will not properly take place without this factor. Leadership practices of a particular organisation have the ability to reinforce the communication process by fostering the workplace culture as well as forming a positive working atmosphere. In terms of the current business atmosphere, the rapid fluctuations make it quite difficult for employees to create a balance within the work. It is the accountability of the leaders to prepare them to encounter problematic situations in an effective manner. It is indeed true that leadership might convey a range of changes in organisation practices and can upsurge organisational performance. Moreover, there are a lot of aspects and factors associated with organisational performance. However, an unproductive leadership style might affect an organisation by decreasing its productivity as well as increasing the rate of employee turnover. 

Result of Leadership Practices on Organizational Success and Performance

By evaluating the literature review section, it can be measured that leadership practices are considered the core aspect of determining the success of a particular organisation. Leadership practices comfort organisations to reinforce their strategic approaches to business operations and provide ideas to renovate their business quite meritoriously (Arif and Akram, 2018). Leaders have the competence to guide individuals by directing the correct path for their improvement. That directly impacts their personal growth and makes them proficient in generating inventive ideas to fulfill the organisational objectives. However, there are some gaps and that need to be mitigat4ed in terms of leadership practices. 

The leadership style is extremely necessary for organisations to commendably sustain workplace relationships as well as measure employee performance. Each and every business enterprise implements suitable leadership styles according to its organisational structure and culture. Without being able to implement an adequate leadership style, the efficiency might be diminished and the firm might lose its competitive advantage. For example, in terms of attaining short-term performance, the autocratic leadership style might be extremely convenient but driving for long-term goals, will not be appropriate. Therefore, for achieving both long-term and short-term goals, the democratic approach will be exceedingly expedient.


Altheeb, S.A., 2020. Leadership Style and Employee Motivation: A Study of Saudi Arabian Work Environment. Journal of Educational Psychology-Propositos y Representaciones8.

Arif, S. and Akram, A., 2018. Transformational leadership and organizational performance: the mediating role of organizational innovation. SEISENSE Journal of Management1(3), pp.59-75.

Arifin, A., 2021. The Effect of Leadership Style and Work Environment on Work Stress and Employee Performance.

Groysberg, B., Lee, J., Price, J. and Cheng, J., 2018. The leader’s guide to corporate culture. Harvard business review96(1), pp.44-52.

Hussain, S.T., Lei, S., Akram, T., Haider, M.J., Hussain, S.H. and Ali, M., 2018. Kurt Lewin's change model: A critical review of the role of leadership and employee involvement in organizational change. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge3(3), pp.123-127.

Jaleha, A.A. and Machuki, V.N., 2018. Strategic leadership and organizational performance: A critical review of literature. European Scientific Journal14(35), pp.124-149.

Khan, M.A., Ismail, F.B., Hussain, A. and Alghazali, B., 2020. The interplay of leadership styles, innovative work behavior, organizational culture, and organizational citizenship behavior. Sage Open10(1), p.2158244019898264.

Paais, M. and Pattiruhu, J.R., 2020. Effect of motivation, leadership, and organizational culture on satisfaction and employee performance. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics, and Business7(8), pp.577-588.

Pasricha, P., Singh, B. and Verma, P., 2018. Ethical leadership, organic organizational cultures and corporate social responsibility: An empirical study in social enterprises. Journal of Business Ethics151(4), pp.941-958.

Syakur, A., Susilo, T.A.B., Wike, W. and Ahmadi, R., 2020. Sustainability of Communication, Organizational Culture, Cooperation, Trust and Leadership Style for Lecturer Commitments in Higher Education. Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal)3(2), pp.1325-1335.

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